Let’s call this food club team the fourth team for now.



Chapter 441: Soup of the Century (2)

"We're almost ready."

City A, Tong Yu's private villa, back courtyard.

Tong Yu summoned six die-hard fans and, after being fully prepared, started heading towards the Ice Continent.

"Let's go, the destination is the Ice Continent, the goal is to win the 'Century Soup'!"

Everyone sat on the flying mantis, speeding towards the Ice Continent at twice the speed of an airplane.

The speed of Raindance has increased from the initial 1300 km/h to the current 3200 km/h. Except for a few beasts in the food world, this speed is almost unmatched by anyone at the same level (capture level).

At this speed, if ordinary people were to sit on it, the air flow alone would make people suffocate. Fortunately, these people were not ordinary people, and with the protective measures in place, they were almost unaffected at high speeds.

Like most beasts, Raindance will grow larger as its strength increases.

Now the width of Feiyu's spread wings is more than ten meters, and its body length is more than 30 meters. It is still very easy to build a wind-blocking building on its back.

While everyone was eating food in the house, they were discussing this trip to the Ice Continent.

"According to the plot of Tong Yujun's comics, in addition to the food club group, are there other food hunters going to the Ice Continent this time?" Tuckermi said.

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said: "Two branch heads and a sous chef will be sent, and they are not weak. If other food hunters are added, a fierce fight will inevitably happen."

"It seems that it is not easy to get the soup of the century..." Tadokoro Megumi said in a low voice.

Kuga Teruki thought it didn't matter, he spread his hands and said with a relaxed expression: "If this mission was simple, Tong Yu wouldn't have worked so hard to gather us. Haha, it's fun when there are more people, right Mizuko?" "

Mimasaku Subaru sat alone in the corner without saying a word, with an expression on his face full of disdain: "Wouldn't the problem be solved by getting rid of all the people who are in the way?"

As expected of Mimasaku Subaru, what he said was so straightforward and in line with his character.

"This is how you can deal with food hunters. If it is other food hunters, try to avoid fighting. After all, our position is igo now." Tong Yu reminded.

The battle was unavoidable, so Feiyu moved forward at full speed. It took him 2 hours to reach his destination - the Ice Continent.

Looking from a distance, the entire continent of ice is completely white.

The biting cold wind kept hitting the body, and everyone felt an unprecedented coldness.

Fortunately, several people had put on fire tights in advance, which could protect them from the cold to a certain extent.

"It's... so cold. Wuhu is indeed a place called the 'Hell of Ice'. Most people would have been frozen into popsicles when they came to this place." Kuga Teruki said while rubbing his hands.

Fire tights use the heat generated by the friction of overlapping garments to keep the body at a high temperature.

However, the cold and low temperature of the Ice Hell will make your whole body covered in frost even if you are wearing a fire-fighting suit. The low temperature of dozens of degrees below zero is really not something that ordinary people can bear.

However, no matter how cold it is, we must continue to move forward and win the soup of the century.

From the moment you step into the Ice Continent, you can only walk. Feiyu's speed is fast enough, but it is not realistic to move forward in the Ice Continent's low temperature and snowstorm.

Everyone jumped off Feiyu's back one after another, and then Tong Yu asked Feiyu to leave here temporarily, and then summon it back when he returned.

Tong Yu looked around and found that there were no other people's footprints, which meant that he was also the first team to arrive here.

"We seem to be the first ones to arrive here. Let's get the Century Soup first before others arrive." Tong Yu said to everyone.

Tong Yu took the lead and walked in front of everyone. Before they walked a kilometer, a giant dragon nearly 100 meters long blocked everyone's way.

"De... appeared! It's a ferocious beast!" Tasokoroe exclaimed in shock.

Kuga Teruki was also surprised: "It's such a big ice dragon, it looks very strong."

"This is the ice dragon!" Tong Yu said seriously.

...................... 0

Ice Dragon, a pterosaur beast known as the "Gatekeeper of Hell" in the Ice Continent, can turn the water in its mouth into freezing air to attack. The strong freezing breath can blow away the blizzard and freeze everything, even with high-quality cold protection equipment. It can only at least resist the attack of freezing air.

In the end, everyone who encounters it will be frozen, and only a few people can pass through it, so it is called the gatekeeper of hell.

Catch level 55!

"It's a strong enemy!"

As soon as we stepped into the ice continent, we had to fight.

"Let's see if we can go around and fight this guy here. It's obviously irrational behavior." Tong Yu frowned.

Indeed, leaving aside the problem that the ice dragon is difficult to deal with, even if it is killed, its meat is extremely hard and inedible.

Another most critical point is to spend time with it here. What if the Food Club and other hunter teams come?

At that time, we will be attacked from both sides and fall into a more dangerous situation.

Everyone planned to avoid the Ice Dragon, but this guy didn't seem to want to let Tong Yu and the others go. When he opened his mouth, a bit of cold air hit everyone.



Chapter 442: Soup of the Century (3)

Tong Yu and six die-hard fans just arrived at the Ice Continent, and they met the "goalkeeper" of this continent and captured the level 55 Ice Dragon.

Tong Yu didn't want to waste time with this ice dragon and captured the century soup before the gourmet party and others arrived.

But the ice dragon had no intention of letting Tong Yu and the others go. He opened his mouth and blew out cold air at everyone.

This zero-point cold air can instantly freeze the body functions of living creatures, which is very terrifying.

Many food hunters have fallen to this trick.

The cold air spread over a wide area, covering almost everyone.

Everyone did not dare to be careless and could only choose to avoid it.

However, the ice dragon's attack was not just about cold air. This time it actually swung its huge body and swept towards everyone with its thorn-like body.

"Push your nose on your face!"

Meisaku Subaru's face was downcast as he actually met the huge tail.



Mimasaku Subaru burst out with astonishing strength, and firmly grasped the ice dragon's tail with both hands. The huge force made him fall back dozens of meters, and his feet left a long trace in the snow.

However, after retreating more than ten meters, Mimasaku Subaru stood firmly, then grabbed the ice dragon's tail and dragged the entire ice dragon up.


Seeing this scene, even Tong Yu was shocked. This beautiful Subaru actually has such terrifying power?

The ice dragon did not expect that the little human in front of him would have such power to block his attack.

However, what was even more surprising was what came next. Mimasaku Subaru picked up the tail, lifted the ice dragon completely, and finally threw it away like a shot put.

What a power this is!

This ice dragon is nearly 30 meters long and weighs at least [-] tons. However, Mimasaku Subaru can lift it and throw it tens of meters away. What kind of strength does this require!


The ice dragon was thrown to the ground, making a roaring sound.

"Little insect, if you don't want to die, get out! Otherwise I... will eat you!"

After saying this, a strong black man appeared above Subaru.

The phantom of the Food Cell Demon looms overhead.

The Ice Dragon, which originally still had the will to fight, lost it when it saw the gourmet cell demon on top of Subaru Mimasaku's head, and turned around and fled into the white wind and snow.

It wasn't until the huge figure of the ice dragon completely disappeared that everyone came back to their senses.

Soma came to the front of Meisaku Subaru, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, saying: "Oh, you are indeed a Meisaku, this strength is really incredible!"

"Well done, Meisaku-chan! I'll leave the fighting formation to you from now on." Teruki Kuga said with a smile.

Meisaku Subaru didn't take it seriously for everyone's praise.

"Hmph, it's just some small tricks, far worse than Tong Yu." Meisaku Subaru said calmly.

"Okay, stop flattering each other, it's important to hurry up."

After Tong Yu finished speaking, he continued to walk forward.

Everyone followed closely behind, and with every step they took, the blizzard became stronger.

Dou Yu was okay and was not affected. Mimasaku Subaru, Kuga Teruki, Souma, and Takemi were also okay. This made it a bit difficult for the weakest ones, Ryoko Sakaki and Tasukei. The two girls could only walk at the back. , moving forward hard.

After walking for half an hour, a strong snowstorm suddenly hit everyone.


Tong Yu gave a low shout and placed the spoon in front of him, stopping most of the blizzard, but even so, everyone still felt the biting cold.

"It's so cold, even if I'm wearing a flaming tights, I feel like I'm going to be frozen!" Tuckermi said... .

"It seems to be able to freeze everything. This is why the Ice Continent is known as the Ice Hell." Ryoko Sakaki couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, everyone finally understood the reason why Tong Yu did not travel on the Rain Rain... The reason why Tong Yu could not approach from the air with flying props was because the blizzard was comparable to a hurricane, biting and biting, and he did not consider the possibility of a ferocious beast attacking. in the case of.

Along the way, you can see food hunters who were frozen into ice sculptures. They came to the Ice Continent last year, the year before, or the year before that, and they were left here forever =.

Tong Yu, who was walking at the front of the crowd, had a lot of snow and frost on his body, making him look like a thick layer of white armor.

These frosts are several times more bone-piercing than the winter snowflakes in other places.

Tong Yu thought about the two girls and walked very slowly. When encountering a bigger wind and snow, she used her eating skill "Spoon" to resist it.

The current temperature is minus 30 degrees Celsius. The moment you exhale, the exhaled water vapor will freeze.

"Come on, Tadokoro, we can't lose!"

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