"Yeah...Yeah, I'll do my best!"

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro encourage each other 0.8.

As Tong Yu said, if you can't overcome this difficulty, how can you go to the food world in the future?

But the crisis is not just a snowstorm.

Suddenly, from the blizzard in front, a huge ice pick with a length of 2 meters hit everyone.

Ice picks, also known as ice picks, are ice in the shape of a head that has been sharpened by strong winds on the surface of clouds and rain. It can also be seen in the Antarctic area.

They will move downward along the huge strong wind and attack the food hunters heading upwind at almost bullet speed.

If you can't react immediately, you will definitely be blown into a hole.

Chapter 443: Soup of the Century (4)

Without warning, the intense snowstorm contained ice picks that could kill ordinary people.

On ordinary days, these ice picks can penetrate the human body when falling from the sky, let alone in such a hurricane-like snowstorm.

The speed was almost close to the speed of a bullet, and it suddenly attacked everyone.

Fortunately, Tong Yu was walking in front of everyone and reacted quickly. He raised a huge spoon with his right hand and appeared immediately, blocking everyone's way.

Ding ding ding.

You can hear the sound of the ice pick hitting the spoon hard.

"Forget it, just rest where you are. Today's snowstorm is particularly strong."

Tong Yu immediately made a decision and dug a huge hole in the ground, and everyone jumped in.

The ground was dug for more than ten meters. Although there was still ice below, it was much more comfortable than the blizzard that kept blowing above.

Then he took out the tent, stove, etc. from the space ring and raised them.

The cooking station was set up, and Soma and Teruki Kuga began making today's lunch.

After warming the tea, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadano's faces became rosy.

"Haha, it's so warm, thank you Tong Yu-kun." Ryoko Sakaki held the cup with both hands and exhaled.

"Do we still need to thank each other?"

Tong Yu smiled softly and put another cup of warm tea into Tadokoro's hands. Then she got to the middle position between the two women and stretched out her left and right hands to hug their waists.

"I'm here to embarrass you this time. My food cells haven't fully awakened yet." Tong Yu said with distress in her tone.

"Not really. I'm...I'm very happy to be with Tong Yu." Tadokoro said with a blushing face.

With Tadokoro's shy and innocent character, being able to say such words when there are other people at the moment shows her feelings for Tong Yu.

"Tong Yu-kun, actually you don't have to think too much about me and Xiaohui. Our food cells are not strong enough now, but we can still protect ourselves." Ryoko Sakaki also said gently. She didn't want to put too much pressure on Tong Yu, let alone become burden.

After hearing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but smile and shake her head: "Silly girl, you are my women. If I don't think about you, who should I think about?"

The faces of the two women were rosy, but they were more happy.

At this time, Dimple looked in the mirror and couldn't help but said, "I asked you, can you please stop showing off your affection here? After all, we are here too!"

After saying these words, Tian Suohui, who was blushing at first, even blushed even more.

Tong Yu knew that Tian Suohui was shy, so she immediately changed the subject and said, "Where did Meisaku go? Wasn't he here just now?"

"He went up there to look out, saying he was afraid of a ferocious beast attacking," Takmi said.

Hearing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect that Mei Zuo would become so reliable after not seeing him for so long."

Everyone was chatting, and after a while, Kuga Teruki and Soma finished the cooking.

After calling Mimasaku Subaru, everyone gathered around a table and started eating a hot lunch.

It is not easy to eat such warm food in the ice continent.But this is also for other people. For Tong Yu, as long as he has a space ring, he can make such delicious food anywhere.

After eating and drinking, Tong Yu let everyone rest for about half an hour and continued on their way while it was still dark.

At the same time, the food hunter team headed by Aru has begun to move here. They boarded the super icebreaker provided by the food tycoon and headed towards the ice continent at a neither fast nor slow speed.

This ice ship, with a total length of 400 meters and a total weight of 20 tons, is currently the largest icebreaker in the world. This made a group of gourmet hunters sigh. They are indeed rich in gourmet food, and their spending is generous.

In the food hunter team, in addition to Aru, there are also food knights, food gangsters and other food hunters. Also included in the team is Buji Wuzi, the branch director of the food club.

Logically speaking, if someone from the gourmet club is lurking among the crowd, they should be discovered immediately.

However, Bucky Wuzi's ability to sneak in without anyone noticing is naturally related to his special abilities.

Buji Wuzi, the 5th branch of the Food Club, is the branch leader of the material preparation team.

The main body is a man with a conch shell who cannot see his true face. He mainly uses human skin as a room to invade the human body. The invaded person can control his abilities and vocal cords. The body is composed of more than 4000 bones. So there are quite a lot of joints, so you can make any movements at will.

With this special ability, he can invade the bodies of other food hunters.

Except for Aru, no one else knew that the place they were heading to this time was the Ice Continent.

When the rich man told everyone about his destination, other food hunters also looked surprised.

The rich man's name was Kanelushi, and he gathered all the food hunters in the cabin.

"First of all, I want to thank you all for your courage and your heart as I now tell you where the Soup of the Century is."

Mr. Kaneru held a cigarette rod in his mouth with a strange smile on his face: "The place we are going to right away is the extremely cold continent where everything is frozen, and we are heading towards the hell of ice!"

There were all experienced food hunters on the boat, and even their expressions changed drastically when they heard about this place.

"What! You said it's the Ice Continent?"

"The average annual temperature is minus 50 degrees Celsius. Is it extremely cold hell?"

"Not only is it a beast-catching level, it's also a continent of ice that has been designated as a dangerous zone due to its climate."

The "prestige" of the Ice Continent made some food hunters present retreat.

By the way, among these gourmet hunters, there is also the great god Zonga who has incredible food luck.

Zonga is also the only one who doesn’t know where I am.

"Huh? What kind of place is that!?"

Only then did Kanelushi explain, saying: "It is said that a long time ago, when there was no cryopreservation technology (refrigerator), gourmets transported the ingredients on their menus to the Ice Continent for preservation. Therefore, the Ice Continent It is also called the 'Fridge of Gourmet Food'. A few days ago, there was intelligence that the continent was melting, and this news came to our ears."

"What! The continent of ice will also melt? Is it true?"

Many food hunters began to question it.

Knowing that they didn't believe it, Mr. Kaneru smiled with a cigarette stick in his mouth: "The reason is that a large amount of methane hydrate is produced!"

Methane hydrate, also known as "combustible ice", is a cage-like crystal formed by methane gas and water molecules. By separating the two, ordinary natural gas can be obtained.

The ice-like material on the outside is formed under high pressure and low temperatures.

That is, it is commonly found in seafloor formations on continental shelves and in the permafrost zones at the Earth's poles.

"The location is the center of the continent, a huge iceberg towering into the clouds. However, the flammable ice constantly spewing out from that place melts the nearby ice. That iceberg is where many gourmets have kept the ingredients for their menus since ancient times. The luxurious ingredients sleep In the ice, this place exudes a dazzling light, also known as the 'Gourmet Exhibition Hall'. The substance that flows out when the ice is cracked and frozen is the 'soup of the century.'" explained Caneiro.


Chapter 444: Soup of the Century (5)

The gourmet tycoon Kanerushi was extremely generous, and he hired gourmet hunters including Aru here, and headed for the extremely cold continent in a huge icebreaker.

When they learned that the place they were going to this time was an extremely cold continent, many of the food hunters present were shocked, and the weak ones even felt like shrinking back.

Mr. Kanelu held the cigarette rod in his mouth and continued: "In the Food Exhibition Hall, flammable ice erupts about once every 100 years, so it is called the 'Century Soup'!"

In other words, the so-called soup of the century is the delicious taste that was created after gourmets in the past froze their life menus in this place and melted them when encountering flammable ice.

Just imagine how delicious it would be if the delicacies of the life menus of countless gourmets were blended together.

Kanerushi's goal is also very clear, which is to get the soup of the century with an asking price of 100 billion yen!


After Kaneru finished speaking, the food hunters began to think, because if they want to quit now, they should remember that when they get to the extreme cold continent, there will be no way out.

On the deck of icebreaker

"This gourmet tycoon's intelligence is really amazing. He actually knows it so clearly."

Alu stood on the deck, looking at the ice continent that had appeared on the sea level in the distance.

"Yes, yes, this is the first time I've heard about Century Soup. The information that Kanelus knows is something that other food hunters don't know."

While Alu and Xiaosong were talking, the sea breeze blowing in front of them was mixed with the smell of dangerous beasts.

Xiaosong thought it was because he was approaching the ice continent and the temperature dropped, so he couldn't help but shiver.

"We are very considerate. We have prepared cold-proof clothes to fight the cold!" Xiaosong said while looking at the fire tights on his body.

Alu tugged on his clothes. The fire-resistant tights were extremely elastic: "It is indeed a cold-proof clothing costing several million yen each. It is made of several layers of highly cold-resistant rubber-like material. The thermal insulation is comparable to that of It is comparable to the fur of ice bears that survive in permafrost, and the composite material will retain the heat generated by body friction as a whole." "

"That's what I say, but it's a pity that I can't put it on a horse."

Hearing the sound, Aru and Komatsu immediately looked back and saw Takimaru from the Food Knight riding a horse.

"Hello, Mr. Alu, I'm Takimaru."

"Ah, he's actually riding a horse!" Xiaosong said in surprise, as if he had discovered a UFO.

Alu knows Aimaru, the leader of the Gourmet Knights, and they are old friends.

"Is the Food Knight here this time? Aimaru asked you to come?"

"No, it's not Aimaru-sama's order."


Alu was confused, but Xiaosong beside him looked like he had discovered a new world: "Food Knight, what is that?"

Before Aru could explain, Takimaru himself explained: "We Food Knights are a food group that believes in food religion and is about eating happily! Although the number of people is small, we all possess strong and noble spiritual power."

"But I'm surprised that the Gourmet Knight has a young man like you."

"Yeah, I'm just a newcomer."

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