"Aimaru, are you okay?"

"If I say that I saw Mr. Aru, Mr. Aimaru will be shocked!"

While the two were chatting like this, a huge explosion sounded from the sea ahead.

Boom boom boom!

The sound continued, and the food hunters in the cabin were also alarmed.

At the same time, the icebreaker's automatic defense device was also activated, and several missiles bombed toward the distant sea.

"Fa...what happened!" Xiaosong, who had no experience, froze on the spot and looked around.

"It's a beast!"

Alu stared ahead and saw wild beasts jumping up from the sea towards the deck.

I saw sharks jumping out of the sea. Different from ordinary sharks, these guys have four limbs and are sharks that can walk on land.

Land sharks, that's their name.

Capture level 6 beasts, sharks that can move on land.

Although it can move quickly on land, the time it can move on land is only about an hour.The meat has very good fats and oils, making it the best sashimi and a valuable source of nutrients in the extremely cold world.

"Oh, the meat of these guys is very delicious, perfect for making sashimi!" Alu looked at the land shark in front of him and drooled with greed.

Although these guys look delicious, they are also aggressive, and their bite force is not much worse than that of Galasuchus.

A land shark rushed towards Alu, its bloody mouth full of sharp teeth, as if it wanted to swallow Alu alive.

Capturing level 6 beasts was not enough to pose a threat to Alu, so Alu easily defeated one.

Land sharks are plentiful and other food hunters are also attacked.

Takimaru also showed amazing strength at this moment, using his fist to dislocate the land shark's spine.


Just when Aru and other food hunters were about to arrive in the extremely cold continent, Domilot, the deputy chef of the gourmet club, also set off slowly.

"々. Oops, it seems that someone is ahead of me? Forget it, kill them all if you encounter them." Domilot smiled gloomily.

Then he flapped the insect-like wings on his back and flew quickly towards the ice continent.

At the same time, Tong Yu and others are here

After finishing cooking and enjoying lunch, the group continued on their way.

The good news is that the snowstorm is not as strong as before, but the bad news is that more and more beasts are encountered.

At this time, what blocked Tong Yu and his group from moving forward was the "Ice and Snow Jaguars" acting collectively in the snow.

Capture level 17 beasts, carnivorous feline beasts, and smart Silver Swift Stars.

Its sharp claws are not only powerful weapons for catching prey, but also play an anti-slip role to prevent slipping when it runs on the ice at rapid speeds.

Once you encounter the ice and snow jaguar in the extremely cold continent.The only way to survive is to defeat it.

"We encountered wild beasts again, and they don't seem to let us go!"

Kuga Teruki looked at the ice jaguar in front of him and said: "Capture level 17, there are 4 of them in total. Let's capture them separately."

The battle begins, but these captured level 17 beasts are just a warm-up for Tong Yu and others.

Chapter 445: Signal to start war

When Tong Yu and his party were attacked by ice jaguars, Alu and other gourmets finally landed on the ice continent.

The moment they landed on the mainland, they saw the ice dragon known as the "Keeper of Hell".

What's strange is that the ice dragon that had just been taught a lesson by Mimasaku Subaru has lost the breath of life, and its body has been covered with a thick layer of frost and snow.

Alu and others were surprised at first, but after discovering the death of the ice dragon, they couldn't help but become confused.

The Ice Dragon, known as the "Keeper of Hell," died in a place like this, which makes people think about what happened.

However, this group of gourmets were not aware of the existence of the gourmet club.

It turned out that in the body of this ice dragon, there was Domilot, the deputy chef of the gourmet club, and it was he who killed the ice dragon.

Under the feet of the Ice Dragon, there are also food hunters who were frozen here many years ago.

After Aru and the other first group of food hunters left, the second group of food hunters gradually landed.

The first group was led by Alu, who were all stronger gourmets. To put it bluntly, walking in front was to open the way, so that the danger of the second group of gourmet hunters following closely would be much reduced.

Among the second batch of gourmet hunters were Zonga and Buki Wuzi, the head of the fifth branch of the gourmet club who was inhabiting the body of the gourmet bodyguard.

After the other food hunters left, Bucky Wuzi shouted to a frozen ice sculpture in the snowstorm: "How long are you going to sleep, get up Barre!"

After Buji Wuzi said this, the ice cubes on the ice sculpture suddenly cracked.

Then, a big man with explosive muscles all over his body stood up. He was 2.8 meters tall and had thick limbs. He looked extremely strong.

Yes, this person is Balikamon, the branch director of the 4th branch of the Gourmet Club.

As the head of the branch of the Gourmet Club, his strength is naturally not weak. In addition to his strong body, he also has extremely strong defensive power. At the same time, his body is coated with special grease that can make all kinds of bullets pass through his body.

With an iron-clad body, he has also made countless contributions after joining the gourmet club.

Balikamon, who looked honest and honest, touched the back of his head and said, "Ah, I took a short nap and was frozen without paying much attention."

Balikamon said very relaxedly, he was the only one who could take a nap in such a cold weather, and he was still wearing no clothes.

"Oh, what, is this boarding a gourmet bodyguard?"

Buki Wuzi, who has put on a new skin in Ballycarmon, said.

Buji Wuzi, the 5th branch of the Food Club, is the branch leader of the material preparation team.

On weekdays, I bring conch shells with me to gourmet gatherings, so I can’t see my true face.His ability is to use human skin as a room to invade the human body. He can control the abilities and vocal cords of the invaded person. He is a very perverted guy.

This time, in order to sneak into the army, he specially took over the body of a gourmet bodyguard (Sp).

Hearing Balikamon say this, Buki Wuzi's face was full of pride.

"Yes, the body of the Big Eater Champion we originally borrowed was too weak, and the Gourmet SP's body is more reliable. By the way, where is the deputy chef? Isn't he with you?" asked Bugsy Wuzi.

"Oh, you said he should be around here, right?"

As he spoke, Balikamon looked around, and suddenly heard a huge explosion.

The place where the explosion occurred was the ice dragon that was dead and frozen in the blizzard.

A man with a pink mushroom head and no nose walked out of the exploding ice dragon's body.

This mushroom head has a pair of insect wings, its lips are very thick, and its whole body exudes a terrifying aura.

This person is the deputy chef of the gourmet club, Domilot.

He is a genuine insect man, which is naturally related to his gourmet cell demon.

Its ability is to spit out bugs from its mouth to do some attacks such as explosions, cutting off, invading the human body, and to do some reconnaissance work.

The bugs spit out (hatched) by Domilot are all very high in capture level, far exceeding level 20, but according to his dialogue, he also hides more powerful bugs.

The seemingly weak body turned out to be extremely strong after the metal rings were removed.

At the same time, in order not to hinder the release of bugs from the body, the extremely sharp fangs are deliberately hidden.

In short, Domilot is very strong in all aspects and does not disgrace his position as deputy chef of the Gourmet Club.

"Oh, it's so warm inside the ice dragon's body, I fell asleep before I knew it."

Domirot fluttered a pair of insect wings and landed in front of Balikamon and Buggy Wuzi.

"Okay, it's time to eat. Do you know where the soup of the century is, Boogie?"

Bugsy Wuzi infiltrates the army of gourmet hunters just to find the location of Century Chowder.

"Yes, Lord Domi, we have confirmed the location of the century soup. The place where the iceberg is expected to shine with the aurora is the place where the century soup is. But as far as I know, there is a team of food hunters very early on. We have arrived at the extremely cold continent, and we have probably reached the location of the iceberg now," Bukiwuzi said.

"What, are you talking about Alu and others?"

"No, it's the deputy director of igo's Food Management Bureau!"

"Deputy Director? I've never heard of it at all. In that case, just kill them all!"

At this moment, Domilot revealed his terrifying side.


At the same time, Tong Yu and others have arrived at the location of the iceberg, and now they are looking for the location of Century Soup.

"If you want to find the soup of the century, you must find the iceberg where the food display window is located, but it is not that easy to find it among hundreds of icebergs." Tong Yu said to a few people behind him.

Kuga Teruki spread out his right hand and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, Tong Yu, don't show off. You have been preparing for so long, you must have found out clearly."


Tong Yu pondered for a moment and said: "It is said that it was formed when the soup of the century danced in the wind. This aurora is also called the curtain of gourmet food, just like the curtain of a hotel that has been closed for 100 years has been reopened to welcome The average arrival of guests is also a sign of finding the soup of the century.”

"So, as long as you find a place with aurora, you can find the soup of the century, right?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go now!"

"It's easier said than done!"

Tong Yu looked at the surrounding icebergs and couldn't help but said: "The surrounding icebergs are like a maze, with complex terrain. It is difficult to find where the food display window is. I estimate it will take at least 12 hours."

"so long?"

Tucker Mi couldn't help but frowned and said: "After such a long time, I'm afraid the other food groups have caught up, right?"

"so what?"

Kuga Teruki was not afraid at all, and said with a disdainful smile: "Except for Aru and the others, there is no need to consider other food hunters. There is also a food club..."

On the way here, everyone was fully prepared.

That is the determination to win the soup of the century and start a war with others!

No matter what method is used, the soup of the century must be obtained. If someone else really wants to snatch it, then the only choice is to go to war.

However, if you really find the soup of the century, you can either drink it or put it directly into the space ring. Even if others want to grab it, there is nothing they can do.

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