"In short, let's look for it first. Searching separately is the fastest way."

Tong Yu thought for a moment and then made a decision: "Me, Tadokoroe, and Ryoko are in a group, and each of you, Takemi, Kuga-senpai, Souma, and Mizusaku, are in a group. Let's search separately. If there is any situation, report it immediately."

"no problem."

"so be it!"

"Hey, Takemi, let's see who finds it first!"

"Hmph, of course it's me!"

Everyone acts separately, and the efficiency increases several times.


When Tong Yu and others split up to look for the food display window, Alu and others were already on their way to the iceberg, and the Domilot trio were also on their way here.

The three Domilots had an unimpeded journey, moving at an extremely fast speed, and soon encountered other food hunters who were frozen in the snowstorm.

The strength of these food hunters is very average, and they go against the strong ones such as Alu and choose a different route.

Without the strength, acting alone in this dangerous and extremely cold continent is tantamount to suicide.

We haven't encountered any wild beasts yet, but we are frozen here by this powerful blizzard.

"Oh, so many people are frozen here, it's so beautiful!" Balikamon said gloatingly.

Bucky Wuzi couldn't help but sneered: "Idiots who don't know their own abilities dare to come to a place like this without any strength. I can only say that they are stupid!"

These food hunters seemed to have been frozen for a short time, and one of them was still trying to break free from the shackles of the ice.

"But...damn it, how could I fall in such a place? I don't want to..."

Humanity's desire to survive has stimulated the potential of this food hunter.

"Oh, I want to succeed!"

Just as the food hunter was about to break free and successfully save himself, he felt severe pain in his stomach.

Domirot's right hand, as sharp as a sword, pierced his chest.


Domilot withdrew his right hand cruelly and said with a smile: "In this way, this pair of food hunters will be completely wiped out, right?"

Buji Wuzi suddenly discovered something, pointed to the footprints on the ground and said, "No, Master Domi, look!"


Domirot immediately squatted down and looked at the footprints when he saw them. After looking at them, he suddenly became interested.

"Only one person is moving forward, and he is very relaxed. A person with this kind of strength is not an ordinary food hunter at all." Domilot knew from the depth and neatness of the footprints that this person's strength was extraordinary.

Chapter 446: Extremely cold place

Domilot squatted down and saw that there was another person from the footprints left behind, and easily headed towards the direction of the iceberg.

"Who could it be?" Domilot couldn't help but think.

"Isn't it Alu and the others?" Balikamon asked.

Bucky Wuzi has long been involved in the food hunter team and knows the whereabouts of the food hunters very well.

Alu and others are the first team, and then Buji Wuzi and others are the second team.

Therefore, Bujiwuzi couldn't help but said: "The first team's camp has long been laughing to death, it must not be Aru and the others."

Hearing this, Domilot became even more confused in his heart.

After all, it means that he can actually have such strength that he can go to the iceberg by himself.

After thinking for a long time, Domilot's thinking came to no avail~, and he didn't want to think too much.

So, he stood up and said: "Forget it, it's too troublesome, let's attack first - let's take a look."

As he spoke, Domirot's jaw swelled, and soon disgusting insects began to hatch in his mouth.

Seeing this, Balikamon and Bucky Wuzi were immediately frightened and burrowed into the snow beside them.

"Ah, it's going to be hatched here!"

"No, run away!"

The two immediately ducked into the snow to avoid it.

Soon, several horrific insects hatched from Domilot's mouth.

Capture a level 38 Locke Bee.

Capture the level 41 Jaime Glass Grasshopper.

Capture level 40 Gero Weevil.

Capture a level 44 Almakon bug.

The average level is above 40, which is higher than the capture level of most beasts in the Ice Continent.

Domilot wiped the green liquid from the corner of his mouth, looked at the insects in front of him and said: "Go, collect prey for me, parasites!"

These parasites are completely obedient to Domilot and carry out various tasks.

Then the bugs flew quickly in the direction of the iceberg.

"It has flown away, you can come out now."

Domirot turned around and looked at Balikamon and Buggywuzi who were hiding in the snow.

After hearing this, the two of them emerged from the snow, but they still looked scared.

"Assistant chef!"

"Master Domi, please tell me when you take it out. This is too scary!"

"Huh?" Domilot looked confused.

"I said those bugs just now are terrible beasts. If you are not careful, you will die!"

The fact that Balikamon and Buggy Wuzi were so flustered was obviously because they knew how powerful these bugs were in Domilot.

However, Domilot disagreed and said: "Hey, it doesn't matter at all. Those bugs just now will enter the prey through the anus without any distinction, and then lay eggs in the intestines. Compared with other insects, they are very gentle insects. .”

Hearing this, Balikamon and Bujiwuzi were horrified, their backs felt cold, and they locked their legs involuntarily.

"This...is this tenderness? This is super dangerous, okay, deputy chef!"

"Master Domi, do you know what the insect capture level you created is?"

Domilot smiled strangely again: "Is that dangerous? The more dangerous thing is here!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and pointed at an insect in his mouth. Although only a head was exposed, cold sweat flowed down the foreheads of Balikamon and Buji Wuzi.

In such a cold environment, the two of them could still sweat so much, which proved the fear in their hearts.

The largest insect BOSS that lives in Domilot is the Parasitic Emperor!

On the other side, the first team led by Aru was very close to the iceberg. They overcame dangers such as beasts and the environment.

It has to be said that Aru still has a certain strength, and the accompanying Ma Qi and Takimaru also have a certain strength, which also makes it possible for them to come to this place.

After a night like this, Alu and others finally arrived at the foot of the iceberg.

Standing at the foot of the huge iceberg, Aru and the others couldn't help but sigh.

"Finally... finally here, this... is this the iceberg area, where the soup of the century is?"

"It's finally here."

Xiaosong lay weakly on the ground. It was not easy for him to come to this place as an ordinary person.

"Xiaosong, are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine, I'm actually still alive! Wow, Mr. Alu, I did it!"

Alu couldn't help laughing at Xiaosong: "Ah haha, Xiaosong, you did a great job, you have a lot of backbone."


"Let's hurry up and find the century soup!" Xiaosong looked very excited, and the fatigue all over his body was instantly relieved when he thought of the century soup.

However, just when Xiaosong and others were eager to get the soup of the century, Tong Yu and others had already found the location of the "gourmet display window".

The food display window exposed outside the iceberg is only two-thirds of it, and the other third is in the ice room under the snow, where you can also get the soup of the century.

"Finally found the location of the display window, so let's go directly to capture the century soup. I can already hear the sound of century soup dripping!" Tong Yu heard the sound of ingredients, and now he just wants to find the century soup quickly. Puree, then return.

However, just when a few people were looking for the entrance to the ice room, Tong Yu's keen sense of smell sensed danger.

"Something is flying over!"

Tong Yu reminded everyone, looking at the sky and saw six insects rushing towards everyone.


Tucker Mi suddenly frowned and said, "Can insects survive in this kind of weather? It's impossible!"

"So does this still need an explanation? This is no ordinary insect, but an alien creature!"



Chapter 447: Great God Zonga

Takmi sensed a dangerous message from these unknown insects... to be precise, it was a signal from the Gourmet Society to start a war.

Takmi's face darkened, and he immediately let out a loud shout. The sound was so deafening that even the surrounding icebergs trembled.

Several insects flying in the air fell from the air immediately after being hit by the impact of the lion's roar.

Needless to say, these insects are all insects hatched from Domilot's body, and they are specially designed to attack all food hunters except the Food Club.

The capture level of these insects is not low, and Tuckermi's roar just now was not a real attack, but it was frightened and fell from the sky.

In the process of falling, I happened to see Tong Yu and others.

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