As long as they see a living creature, these insects will attack without hesitation, no matter who the opponent is!

The wings of several insects are membranous aircraft tubes. Their speed is much faster than that of ordinary creatures. Moreover, it is the first time for everyone to face this kind of creature, so they accidentally give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it.


The first one to launch the attack was the Capture Level 38 Locke Bee. It rushed directly towards Takmi's back, trying to drive straight in.

When Takmi wanted to come to his senses, Locke Bee rushed in front of him at extremely fast speed.

Just when Takmi Juhua was in danger, Tong Yu summoned the food skill "Spoon" to block the attack of Locke Bee.


Tong Yu blocked Takmi's fatal blow, and at the same time, silver-black chopsticks appeared above her right hand, and she stabbed Locke Bee.

Although Locke Bee is fast, his purpose is very strong, that is, he wants to kill Takmi, but he ignores Tong Yu's speed and explosive power.

The silver-black chopsticks were like sharp swords, piercing Locke Bee's head directly.

One hit kill!

James glass grasshoppers (2), Gero weevils (2), Almacon bugs (1), a total of five insects swarmed towards several people at the same time.

Except for Tong Yu, the other die-hard fans were very powerful. They only trembled for a moment before killing these insects.

Looking at the corpses of six insects lying on the ground, everyone knew that the food club was very close to here and the battle was about to begin.

Tong Yu and others all knew the plot and made careful plans on the way here to deal with emergencies, gourmet parties, etc.

There is no doubt that among the many enemies, gourmet food will be the most concerned about, or in other words, only gourmet food will have the strength to compete for the soup of the century.

"According to the plan, you three, Takemi, Soma, Xiaomei, and Ryoko, will go to the ice room immediately to win the soup of the century. Pay attention to the small GT robot of the gourmet club. Mimasaku, Kuga-senpai, join me to fight against the three people of the gourmet club. !" Tong Yu said quickly making a decision.


Without any unnecessary nonsense, everyone immediately started taking action.

Tong Yu and others, three people from the Gourmet Club, the first team of food hunters led by Aru, and the second team of food hunters who had been killed and only Tie Ping was left.

However, in addition to the above four teams, there is also a special team, a separate team of Zonga and his two younger brothers.

Zonga is a food hunter, but he doesn’t have much strength as a food hunter.

He has a strong body, uses an axe as his weapon, and likes to shout. He is always accompanied by two younger brothers, one of whom admires him greatly, and the other who always makes fun of him.

It is these three people who make up this hilarious trio!

Zonga calls himself "Sir", but even his younger brother doubts this title... .

However, only Tong Yu and other time-travelers know that he is actually the most hidden character. Although he is not the protagonist, he appears in almost all important plots from the early stage to the end, and even relied on his strength in the final battle. Food luck saved the entire planet!

Zongjia's food luck is astronomical, and so are his two younger brothers. The food luck of the three of them together is far better than that of Xiaosong and others.

It is precisely because of their strong food luck that they have the capital to venture into various dangerous places.

This time, the three of them caught up with the excitement and came to the extremely cold continent as usual.

Zonga always liked surprises, so he chose a route that no one took, and he was very proud of it because he felt that this was the "hidden route" to the soup of the century.

"Haha, we are indeed the fastest, and this time the soup of the century must be us!"

Zongjia was still the same, with his hands on his hips and he laughed proudly: "I just say that in RPG games, the most correct route is often the place where no one takes it!"

The two younger brothers also echoed, and the 0.8 made Zongjia even more proud.

The three of them then continued to move forward, and soon encountered the ferocious beast of the extremely cold continent—the direwolf.

Zonga didn't know the direwolf at all, and he could tell how dangerous this guy was just from his size.

"Ahhhh, here comes the super BOSS!"

Zongjia and his two younger brothers were so frightened that their buttocks urinated and they did not dare to take a breath.

"What's going on, Master Zonga! There are beasts more powerful than Jiaoqi (the BOSS in an RPG game) everywhere. What's going on?"

"You're still asking what's going on. You should run for your life now!"

Zongjia stopped talking nonsense, turned around and fled as fast as possible.

Chapter 448: War begins!

Except for Tong Yu and others, no one knows that Zongjia is the "hidden god". Together with his two younger brothers, they are an invincible combination in food luck. Even the "magic chef" Froze may not have it. These three people have strong food luck.

Although their food luck is against the heavens, the strength of the three of them is that of "three-legged cats". In addition to bullying and capturing beasts below level 5, they can only run away when encountering higher beasts.

"What are you waiting for? Run!"

After Zongjia shouted, he turned around and ran away.

However, the three of them ran for a while, only to find that there was a cliff ahead of them, and they had nowhere to escape.

"It's over, Lord Zonga!"

Zonga's two younger brothers were so frightened that their legs trembled.

The direwolves were approaching step by step, but they had no intention of letting them go.


After letting out a loud roar, the direwolf rushed down the mountain towards the three of them.


This sudden swoop did not pounce on the three of them, but the sharp claws smashed the cliff into pieces.


In a burst of screams, Zongjia and his three younger brothers fell into the abyss.

However, the food luck of the three people showed up at this moment. Not many meters after falling, the three people fell on a cliff, and this cliff was connected to a cave.

The three of them stood up from the thick snow and looked at the cave in front of them, making a burst of excitement.

"Wow, that's great! Master Zonga, we are all fine!" one of the minions said loudly.

Another minion immediately said: "Yes, we have indeed saved the file, we are starting over!"

Come on, these three people really regarded this adventure as an RGP game and even saved it here.

Zongjia put his hands in his hands again and laughed: "Ah hahaha, the three of us are indeed the strongest. There is no doubt that this is the most correct route, a hidden route! This is the hidden level in the RPG game! This is Leading to the hidden cave where you can find the soup of the century!"

Anyone here would definitely sneer at Zonga's words.

However, Zongjia and the other three people accidentally found this so-called "hidden level". This cave indeed leads to the ice room where Century Soup is located.

"It's amazing, Master Zonga actually found such a place!"

"Yes, of course, this is the most correct route!"

The three of them complimented each other and walked into the cave.

The words are divided into two sides, Tong Yu and others.

According to the original plan, several people split up and Tong Yu, Kuga Teruki, and Mimasaku Subaru faced the three people from the Gourmet Club.

The four of them, Yukihira Soma, Takemiji, Tadokoe, and Sakaki Ryoko, went under the ice room to seize the soup of the century.

Soon, the three members of the Gourmet Club headed by Domilot appeared in front of Tong Yu and the others.

Tong Yu looked at Domilot in front of him and found that he was just as expected. He was small and frail.

Red Lips has no nose and has insect-like wings on its back.

After seeing Tong Yu, Domilot pretended to be surprised and rushed forward.

"Oh, isn't this the deputy director of the food management bureau~~ It's our first time meeting you, please give me some advice~~~"

After saying that, Domilot put his arms around Tong Yu's waist.

Immediately, the extremely sharp claws pierced in instantly!


He heard the sound of piercing flesh, but when he looked carefully, Domirot's right fist couldn't move forward even half an inch.


Domilot was immediately surprised, but saw that the right hand that had penetrated Lu Mu's abdomen could no longer be pulled out.

"What a special way to say hello, but it's a's of no use to me! The gourmet cell demon in my body is not something that a little bug like you can get involved in! Moreover, if you take the initiative to break into my domain, you are...seeking death. Bar?"

After saying that, Tong Yu's right hand turned into a silver spoon and knocked Domilot away in front of him.


Domirot's whole body hit the icicle hard.

The body of this icicle is the food display window. After breaking the ice cubes outside, its original appearance is revealed.

"'s a food display window, it's really in this place!"

"That is to say, down here, there is accumulation of soup of the century!"

Balikamon and Bukiwuzi looked excited and were about to head towards the passage that appeared below, but they were stopped by Mimasaku Subaru and Kuga Teruki.

"Hey, what are you going to do? It's a gourmet party~ Your opponent is me!" Jiu977 followed the rules and came to Buji Wuzi.


Meisaku Subaru didn't talk nonsense and stared at Barikamon with war in his eyes.

After Domilot was beaten away by Tong Yu, he showed his vicious side.

"You actually have that kind of power...hehe, but that's it for now!"

Domirot let out a burst of crazy laughter, and while speaking, several bugs flew out of his enlarged mouth.

Tong Yu's expression darkened slightly. He was really an insect man. He could hatch insects just by talking. How many eggs were there in this guy's body?

"Incubator, you are the one who brought the insects into this continent. It's really disgusting to be in such an extremely cold place!" Tong Yu said calmly, looking at Domilot in front of him.

Domilot let out a disgusting laugh: "Hahaha, these my children are cute, aren't they? What do you think, Mr. Director, do you want to play with them?"

"Are you an idiot?"

"I want to make sure now, apart from the three of you, is there anyone else coming to the food party?"

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