The reason why Tong Yu asked this was because she was worried about the butterfly effect.

Chapter 449: The battle between three people

"How many people came to your food party this time?" Tong Yu asked, looking at Domilot in front of her.

The reason why Tong Yu asked this was because he felt that the arrival of himself and others had brought a butterfly effect to the world.

In the original book, the gourmet club has three Domilots in front of them, plus a tiny GT robot controlling it. They put a lot of effort into the century soup gourmet club.

"Hehe, as far as I know, there are only three of us. As for whether the chef has arranged for other people, I don't know." Domilot said.

"Is that so..."

Tong Yu received a mixed answer. She frowned slightly and then relaxed her brows: "Forget it, the three of you have to be eliminated anyway. The others will be settled later."

"Hahaha, is Igo's deputy director so confident? If you want to eliminate us, you must at least let your vice president Shigematsu come..."

Domirot laughed darkly and launched an attack off guard.

I saw Duomilot locking Tong Yu's waist with both hands, so fast that people couldn't react, and the weird speed surpassed Olia Dragonfly.

"Hehe, this is the first time I've met Mr. Director. I've known your reputation for a long time~ It's because you've ruined our good deeds several times, right?"

When he said the last sentence, Domilot showed a ferocious face, and the moment he raised his right hand, his nails also stretched out, extremely sharp!

But it's just an empty shell, its reaction speed is so slow!

Domilot was disdainful in his heart, and even ignored Tong Yu.


Several die-hard fans who were fighting Bukiwuzi and Ballykamon also saw this situation, but there was no worry on their faces. Instead, they looked at him with pitiful looks.

"To be so stupid and close to Tong Yu... you think you've had enough life, right?"

Kuga Teruki was gloating in his heart, and at this moment Buki Wuzi launched an attack on him.

"Boy, do you still have the mind to care about other people when you're fighting against me?"

Bukiwuzi was also extremely fast, clenching his fists and attacking Kuga Teruki's abdomen.

After all, Kuga Teruki has been studying in the country of healing for so long, and he can still defend against attacks of this level.

Domilot thought his plan had succeeded, and stabbed Tong Yu's abdomen with his sharp right hand...but it only penetrated the surface and could not move forward any further.


Domilot was surprised to find that the flesh on Tong Yu's body was swallowing his right hand, and at the same time a huge suction force kept pulling him closer to his body.

"How can a little bug like you be able to defile the majestic demon god of ancient China?"

After Tong Yu finished speaking, she raised her hand seemingly casually and knocked Domilot away dozens of meters away.

This blow did not cause substantial damage to Domilot, and he quickly stood up from the ice pile.

"Why, it obviously penetrated your body..."

"Stupid question, my gourmet cell demon is different from yours, don't compare the ugly bugs in your body to me'"! "

Tong Yu was in a fighting state that was completely different from usual. Because he used the power of the gourmet cell demon, his murderous aura was completely released.

"Come on, Domilot, let me stretch my muscles, just like a warm-up exercise for tasting the soup of the century..."

With that said, Tong Yu took off her upper body clothes, revealing her toned upper body.


Domilot's expression suddenly darkened. He knew that Tong Yu was not yelling, but that he really had the strength to compete with him.

"You bastard, your expression seems to be telling me that you are sure to eat me?" Domilot also showed a rare attitude.


Tōyu was not the only one on the battlefield, Kuaga Teruki and Mimasaku Subaru faced off against Bukiwuzi and Balikamon respectively.

Both of them are leaders of the Gourmet Club. They have eaten a lot of ingredients and their own strength is not weak. This is a huge challenge for Subaru Misaku and Kuga.

The battlefield between Mimasaku Subaru and Balikamon...the two moved to a spacious and barrier-free place. Both Mimasaku Subaru and Balikamon were both huge guys, and their abilities were not good in a narrow place. The place gets played.

If you look carefully, you will find that the current height of Meisaku Subaru and Balikamon are about the same.

This is a fight between two big guys.


Barikamon only launched a tentative attack on Misaku Subaru, and a quick punch made Misaku Subaru's expression change slightly.

"It's very fast! His size doesn't affect his speed at all. Now he's in trouble..." Subaru Mimasaku muttered to himself after dodging the attack.

Although Subaru Misaku dodged the attack, he did so reluctantly. This was his first time fighting in such an environment.

Low temperatures of dozens of degrees below zero will make the body stiff and slow in movement.

"Looking at your appearance, delicious food should be more suitable for you. Why should you join igo and become a subordinate of that kind of thing?"

Balikamon saw that Mimasaku Subaru had some similarities with him (body shape, face shape), and he couldn't help but feel a "heart-to-heart" feeling in his heart, and wanted to invite Mimasaku Subaru to join the gourmet party.

There was no expression change on Mimasaku Subaru's face, and his thick lips slowly opened: "I know your weaknesses. After all, I have the advantage in a duel with you... The smooth liquid on the surface of the body is antifreeze, right?"

The "advantage" that Mimasaku Subaru refers to here means that he knows the plot and knows some information about Balikamon.

When I saw the liquid on his body, I immediately thought of such a place in the original work.

Balikamon's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

"Oh, did you notice it?"

Anti-freeze liquid. The sea water in Antarctica becomes below 0 degrees Celsius. The fish that live in the sea produce anti-freeze protein. This is an excellent thing to prevent the body from freezing. It is suitable for weather with sub-zero temperatures. props.

"Well, that's it. The body has antifreeze. It can maintain body temperature even in sub-freezing places. It can also withstand bullets and other close-range attacks, greatly reducing the friction between the body and other objects..."

It's easy to understand, as professional boxers smear Vaseline on their faces before a fight.

Vaseline, which is also a liquid, can smooth the surface of the skin, prevent the gloves from scratching the skin, and can also slide away the opponent's attacks to reduce damage.

However, the antifreeze on Balikamon's body was certainly not comparable to ordinary Vaseline.

In addition to the freezing liquid on Balikamon's body, he also had an indestructible armor, so he wouldn't take Subaru's eyes seriously.

"After saying so much, you won't understand... If you don't join the gourmet party, then go to hell!"

After Balikamon said that, he rushed towards Mimasaku Subaru at extremely fast speed again, and the speed was still too fast for people to react.

It was huge and fast, so much so that it caused huge vibrations during its rapid running.

Balikamon's weight is completely out of proportion to his body. In fact, those who have fought against Balikamon in the past were all deceived by his appearance.

"Crushing Crush!"

Barikamon roared, rushed in front of Mimasaku Subaru at great speed, and slammed his huge fist on his head.

Mimasaku Subaru was very strong, and at the same time, he took precautions in the first round of fighting. He already had a Japanese-style Western sword in his hand, and no one knew when he took it out.

The Western sword began to appear in the real world of Tong Yu and others in the 10th century. It is a tool that Westerners are accustomed to using, so it is called "々. Western sword".

There are many types of Western swords, including long swords, knight swords, cutting swords, large swords, etc. They have a wide range of uses and were first used for war.

The one in Subaru's hand was a type of Western sword.

There is actually no unified standard for a smooth sword. Generally speaking, the best ratio is that the blade length is half the user's height and the handle length is 1/3 of the blade length.

In order to fit his height and usage habits, the length of the sword in Mimasaku Subaru's hand has exceeded 2 meters, and the width of the sword blade has exceeded 20 centimeters. It looks a bit nondescript, but it can play a huge role in his hands. .

No, Mimasaku Subaru moved his body two steps back, holding the big sword in front of his head, and deftly blocked Balikamon's attack.


Balikamon was still a little surprised to see how easily Subaru blocked his attack.

If anyone else had managed to block the blow, they would have been knocked away by his powerful force and seriously injured, but Subaru Misaku was fine.

At this moment, Barikamon also understood that Meisaku Subaru's power was almost as strong as his.

There is someone stronger than me?

how can that be!

Balikamon suddenly became angry and roared again.

"Crush, crush them all!"

Since one attack is not enough, then attack several times in succession until the opponent is knocked down!

Boom boom boom!

The huge fist kept hitting Mimasaku Subaru's head, and Mimasaku Subaru seemed to be able to only use the big sword as his defensive weapon.

It seems to be just defense, but in fact it is looking for opportunities with insight.

Finally, Subaru Meisaku found an opening, picked up his sword with one hand and struck towards Balikamon.


Meisaku Subaru shouted, the big sword seemed to carry a thousand pounds of power in his hand!

No one could withstand the impact of this sword, and the huge power roared with the violent wind!

Just when Mimasaku Subaru's big sword was about to cut off Balikamon's head, the guy suddenly flipped backwards and nimbly dodged the fatal blow.

Not only is it fast, but the response is also top-notch!

Ballycarmon is worthy of being one of the branch heads of the Gourmet Club.

After rolling 720 degrees in the air, Balikamon landed firmly on the ground, and with his feet like springs, he rushed towards Misaku Subaru again.

It was like gravity was on a spring and suddenly shot out.

"Smashing Impact!"

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. Balikamon's reaction speed was extremely fast, and the unexpected counterattack prevented Subaru from being able to react and fainted.


A powerful punch hit Mimasaku Subaru in the abdomen.


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