
Chapter 450: Meisaku Subaru’s Strength

Barikamon attacked again, and this time Mimasaku Subaru was unable to resist and hit him with a heavy punch in the abdomen.


Even though Mimasaku Subaru's body was made of iron, he still vomited blood under this blow.


Balikamon was not a person who was procrastinating, and continued to attack in pursuit of victory.

"Give me death!"

Meisaku Subaru's face had darkened. He was holding a big sword in his right hand and exuding a terrifying aura.

"The one who will die is you!"


Mimasaku Subaru suddenly burst out with powerful strength, raised his sword above his head and let out a loud roar.


Balikamon snorted coldly, lifted his feet off the ground, covered his head with his hands, and curled up like a turtle.

"Carapace Defense!"


A sound like metal came out, and Barikamon blocked Mimasaku Subaru's powerful blow with his body's superb defense!


Meisaku Subaru looked at his numb arms with a look of disbelief.

Looking back, there was only a shallow scar on Balikamon's shoulders and arms, which did not cause any substantial damage to him.


Balikamon, who had soared into the air, landed heavily, releasing the defensive posture he had held just now.

"Are you surprised? But you surprised me a little."

Balikamon looked at the obvious scar on his shoulder and said: "Isn't the weapon in your hand a good sword? It can actually cut my carapace without any damage to the blade. It is a good sword. arms!"

"This should be what I said. I have obviously cut you, but I can't hurt you... Is the carapace you are wearing made of special materials?" Subaru Meisaku couldn't remember Barley. What exactly is the defensive equipment on Carmon's body.

Meisaku Subaru wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

Hearing this, Balikamon had a look of pride on his face: "Of course, the armor on my body is made from the carapace of the 'Vicious Sea Turtle'. The tyrant of the sea, the Vicious Sea Turtle, has absolute At the same time as defense, the sharp teeth also have extremely strong attack power. The strength and durability of this guy’s carapace are one of the few in the entire nature!”

The natural world that Balikamon refers to here is limited to the human world. This thing is nothing in the world of food.

Mimasaku Subaru also sneered at this. The capture level of this thing would not exceed 60 at most.

Balikamon was still complacent about his sophisticated equipment, and couldn't help but smile and said: "The toughness is also very outstanding, several times that of steel. Most of the pots and other cooking utensils used by today's highly skilled chefs are It is made from its carapace. The original capture level of the vicious sea turtle is 60, so it is rarely seen in this world. It is a rare beast! It is normal that your knife cannot cut it."

It can be heard that Balikamon is extremely confident in his armor.

"Is that so?"

Meisaku Subaru once again laid his eyes on Balikamon's huge body, and said calmly: "Compared with this, I am more surprised by your actions and reaction speed in the face of my attack, in this place with dozens of degrees below zero. It won’t be affected at all, it can’t be done with antifreeze alone.”

"Hmph, you're right. It's definitely impossible to do it just by relying on antifreeze... Forget it, it's useless to tell you, because you definitely can't do it like me."


"You have too many problems, go to hell first!"

Balikamon took advantage of the low temperature weather and continuously launched attacks on Misaku Subaru.

In such an environment, Mimasaku Subaru did suffer a lot. His speed was slower than that of Balikamon. Coupled with the influence of low temperature, the range of his body's reflexes was much slower than usual.


Meisaku Subaru was hit by another heavy punch. It was too late to feel pain and he could only defend passively.

After several times, Meisaku Subaru was already scarred.

"What's wrong with you? Faced with my attack, can you only defend? Come to think of it, your speed can't catch up with me at all!"

Balikamon laughed wildly and became even more arrogant when he looked at Meisaku Subaru in the ruins of the ice pile.

"I told you, you are different from me! Do you think you can move freely in this environment like me? Your movements will be greatly hindered!"

Under Balikamon's mocking words, Mimasaku Subaru stood up from the ice pile again. The blood in his body had been solidified the moment it flowed out. Except for some dizziness, his body was fine now.

Balikamon was like a life mentor, preaching to Mimasaku Subaru: "In this environment, the toughness of muscles will decrease, and the movable area of ​​​​joints will also become smaller. When a person's body temperature drops, It is absolutely impossible to achieve the highest performance, just like top athletes who need to spend enough time warming up.

In addition, my body will not freeze because of the antifreeze liquid, and the special protein can maintain the body's temperature. In other words, my body already has top-notch equipment and can display its super high technical status at any time.For you who move slowly in the extreme cold, there is no reason to keep up with my movements!Do you understand now? "

Mimasaku Subaru struggled out of the ice pile easily and stood up again. He seemed to be fine.

"I thought I heard you talking about warm-up exercises just now?"


"It just so happens that I also want to tell you that I have been warming up just now."

Now if you look closely, you will find that Mimasaku Subaru's body is radiating heat, and at the same time, there is a halo of light visible to the naked eye on the sword.

There is such a secret attack method in Neon Kingdom, which is to continuously accumulate anger and launch a fatal blow to the enemy when it reaches its peak!

In Bushido, this method is called - taking off force.

Just like the two-player duel in the game, the anger value can be accumulated faster by passively being beaten. After the anger is accumulated, use the "ultimate move" to kill the opponent in one blow.

After being attacked by Balikamon for the first time, Mimasaku Subaru's body and mind were extremely calm and he controlled his emotions calmly. Once he was completely out of power, his anger would increase exponentially.

Now Mimasaku Subaru's anger level is 95... just one point away from 100.

"What's the expression on your face? Go to hell! The minced meat is defeated!"

Balikamon's huge body was so agile in this ice and snow. He rushed in front of Mimasaku Subaru again and gave him another powerful blow.


This blow hit without any hitch, and after this blow, Subaru's release from power was finally completed.

Meisaku Subaru said nothing, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and in the next second, Balikamon's eyes flashed, and he saw...a volcano erupted!


Mimasaku Subaru exploded completely. This time, his speed, strength, and anger reached the maximum. In addition, Balikamon came close to his face, making it impossible to avoid it.

Holding the big sword in both hands, he moved it from top to bottom along the top of Balikamon's head, not only breaking the armor on Balikamon's body... but also splitting his body into two halves.


Blood splattered.

Balikamon didn't even have time to leave any last words. His body split into two and fell to the ground from both sides.


Meisaku Subaru let out a long breath, and the anger he had accumulated for a long time was released. This feeling was extremely comfortable, not to mention killing the enemy with one blow.

Putting the weapon back into the space stomach bag, Mimasaku Subaru walked to Balikamon's body.

"Your armor is indeed very strong, and most people may not be able to do anything about it... But you may not know what the weapon in my hand is made of, right? The sword from the hands of the first generation Mel, the world's best swordsmith, Tong Yujun's word for its name ——Juque!”

As for the spatial stomach bag, it was also an important thing given to Mimasaku Subaru by the first Melk.

That's right, Subaru Mimasaku disappeared for so long because he was studying with the first-generation Melk.

Meisaku Subaru looks tall and rough, but his mind is as delicate as a girl's, and he quickly learned the skills of the first generation Melk.

"The strength is still not good enough. It's so difficult to deal with the head of the branch of the gourmet club..."

Meisaku Subaru was not satisfied with the joy of winning, but instead began to examine the shortcomings of his own strength.

The words were divided into two parts, and the time was traced back to the battle between Kuga Teruki and Bukiwuzi more than ten minutes ago.

Bucky Wuzi, like Balikamon, is also very powerful as the head of the Gourmet Club. His main method is to invade the human body by using human skin as a room. The invaded person's abilities and vocal cords can be Control it yourself.

The most important ability is that the body is composed of more than 4000 bones, so there are quite a lot of joints, and it can make any movement at will.

Even after his bones have been broken several times, his bones can be reorganized and corrected, but his weakness lies in the lumbar vertebrae that support more than 4000 bones in the body. As long as this part is broken, he will completely lose his ability to fight.

Kuga Teruki has learned the skills of a regenerator and is proficient in the acupuncture points of the human body, which can exactly restrain the characteristics of Buji Wuzi.

After a few minutes, the battle became one-sided. Kuga Teruki defeated Bukiwuzi relatively easily, but it only caused him to temporarily lose his fighting ability, and did not kill him directly like Mimasaku Subaru.


Looking back to Tong Yu's side.

After Domilot was countered by Tong Yu, he also lost the intention to play and launched an attack with his true skills from the beginning.

In the original plot, the battle between Domirot and Aru started with a playful mentality and did not show any real skills at all.

In other words, in that battle, if Domilot had used all his strength from the beginning, Aru would probably have been killed if Teppei hadn't come.

Domilot with full firepower was terrifying. He opened his mouth and the insects flew towards Tong Yu as if they were free of charge.

The bugs that Domilot hatches are all carefully selected by him. They are so disgusting that even Tong Yu's scalp goes numb when he sees them.

Chapter 451: Suppression

Tong Yu knew that his main opponent during this trip to the Ice Continent was Domilot, so he was well prepared.

Domilot's main ability is to lay eggs, and what they hatch are a large number of insects.

Generally speaking, there are two types of natural enemies of insects, one is plants and the other is insectivores.

There are relatively special plants growing in nature. They have special organs that can catch certain insects and slowly "eat" them, such as pitcher plants, flytraps, etc. The plants in the jungle of Xu are ~ A great example.

However, it is impossible for Tong Yu to carry these plants with him to deal with the bugs of Domilot.

In addition, some birds are also good at catching insects, and they are often the biggest natural enemies of insects.

Tong Yu, get ready, this is a great gift for Domilot.

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