However, Domilot didn't know Lu Mu's plot yet, and was still immersed in the pleasure of the attack.

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey!"

Domirot let out a disgusting laugh, opened his mouth wide, and dozens of insects hatched out.

A large number of insects came overwhelmingly toward Tong Yu.

"Eating halberd? 鲥???"

Tong Yu didn't panic. When he raised his hand, two spoons appeared in his left and right hands, and they were put together to protect them.

Spoon, this is Tong Yu's second food weapon, its main function is defense.

The powerful defense is an obstacle that these insects cannot break through, but how can Domilot be someone who gives up easily? If one move fails, he immediately switches to another attack method.

Domirot opened his mouth, and a dozen more bugs opened like firecrackers were hatched.

These firecracker-like bugs are detonating bugs, with a capture level of 10. They are not difficult to deal with, but their bodies have accumulated a lot of flammable fat and will explode directly, making them more powerful than ordinary bombs.

Under Duomi's command, the blasting bug flew in front of Tong Yu's defensive spoon.



A huge explosion resounded through the sky.

The dust raised by the explosion submerged Tong Yu.

"Hehe, there are so many Banelings, your beryllium copper and rotten iron must not be able to stop them." Domilot couldn't help but smile proudly.

When the smoke dissipated, Tong Yu's spoon indeed disappeared, but he appeared in front of Domilot safe and sound.

Domilot's eyes widened... The reason for surprise was not that Tong Yu was not hurt at all, but that there was a sparrow-like beast next to Tong Yu.

The sparrow looked like it had just hatched, and there were still broken eggshells under its feet.

"what is that?"

"Duomi, you can hatch insects, and I can also hatch other beasts. This makes sense."

Tong Yu took out a red pill from the space ring and sent it to the beast, which was only one meter in size and similar in appearance to a sparrow, and said, "Good boy, take this and you will grow up quickly."


The sparrow could understand Tong Yu's words, opened its beak and swallowed the pill.

Then something incredible happened. The sparrow grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye. Its original height of only one meter actually grew to 3 meters.

The color of the feathers has also become brighter, with gray and red alternating with each other. His eyes have become extremely sharp, and his whole body exudes the aura of a powerful beast.

Domi Lotcher was once again stunned on the spot, not knowing what Tong Yu was doing with this series of operations.

"You can also hatch?" Domi asked in surprise.

"Ha, you can think so."

Tong Yu doesn't have the same hobby as Domilot. Hatching bugs or something like that is simply not something a normal person can do.

There is a system in which Tong Yu can do things that many people cannot. As long as she has enough points, she can redeem everything she wants in the system mall.

Yes, this sparrow is a pet that Tong Yu redeemed from the system mall for a pet egg and was automatically hatched.

The red medicine you just took is a rapid growth pill, which can make hatching pets quickly grow into adults.

The full name of this sparrow should be...Female Sparrow.

Although the phoenix is ​​a species of the sparrow family, it is quite large in size. Males can reach one meter at birth and 3 to 5 meters in adulthood.

Capture level 58, has excellent flying ability, because there is a trace of phoenix blood flowing in his body, he can shoot flames from his mouth, and the scorching heat can melt everything.

This is one of the weapons Tong Yu uses to deal with Domilot.

The Grenadier is both a bird and a beast with fire attributes. Both are natural enemies of insects, so it can't be better to deal with Domirot and the insects he hatches.

"Go on, good boy, get rid of all these pests!"

Tong Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense and let the adult Phoenix launch an attack.

The Phoenix Sparrow immediately opened its wings and flew into the sky, opening its mouth and a ball of fire condensed in its mouth.

After briefly condensing in his mouth, it swept towards Domilot and the bugs beside him.

Wherever the flames hit, the insects instantly turned into ashes.

Domilot didn't feel distressed when these bugs died, but what made him unacceptable was that Tong Yu actually used this method.

"What on earth is your strange hatching method? It makes people feel very uncomfortable no matter how you look at it... However, do you think that this stupid bird can eliminate the insects in my body? You are too naive!"

Domirot let out a strange laugh, and the moment he opened his mouth, new insects hatched out of his mouth.

There are countless parasitic insect eggs lodged in Duomi's body. The number is probably between 1 and 2. There is no doubt that he cannot produce them all in one go.

The moment the eggs hatch through the esophagus and are released from the mouth, the insects will take away a large amount of energy from Domi's body. This amount is about 1500 kcal per insect. If brushed with a sugar machine, it will cost 400g. A person weighing 60KG will finish the run. The calories burned in a 25KM marathon are equivalent to two.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have to rest for a period of time to recover from fatigue, but for Duomi there is no need. His own gourmet cell demon is an insect demon. These insects will grow faster in his body, although they will also consume him. It takes a certain amount of physical strength, but it can hatch insects without stopping, at least more than 1000 of them can be hatched!

Just imagine, more than 1000 insect beasts with an average capture level of 40 are attacking you non-stop. Just thinking about it is terrifying. Most people have absolutely no way to resist the attack of these beasts.

This time, Domilot hatched a Grass Bee, which captured a level 35 insect. The size was no more than 4 centimeters in size. But as soon as it was bitten by it, the body would quickly swell, and if not treated in time, it would eventually die suddenly. It is a very scary insect.

......................... 0

"I know, I also understand... I know better than anyone else that I can't kill you. I just said that the phoenix sparrow only removes the bugs you hatched, and I will deal with your body. So, Duomi will do it Are you ready? Your performance is over, it's my turn next."

As Tong Yu finished speaking, his aura increased, and a silver chopstick appeared above his right hand.

“Food skills?????????

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Mu rushed in front of Domilot and swung the one-meter-long chopsticks in succession, hitting every chopstick.

Continuous chopsticks are divided into two types. One is to break down the large chopsticks into countless small chopsticks to cope with attacks from many aspects.

The other is to use small chopsticks in the hand as a weapon to attack the enemy indiscriminately.

But now Tong Yu is using the latter, and Duomi doesn't even react.

"When did you come here...didn't this guy use all his strength just now?"

Domirot suddenly thought of this possibility, and then broke into a cold sweat.


The chopsticks suddenly burst out with powerful force, sending Domilot flying and hitting the icicles, making a loud noise.

"What are you surprised about? Your bugs are useless to me!"

Domirot hurriedly counterattacked, repeating his old trick and hatching a lot of bugs and attacking Tong Yu.

But the Sparrow in the sky had already seen through all this, opened its mouth and fired another ball of flame towards the insects. In just a moment, all the insects were turned into ashes.

At this time, Domilot was completely angry... rather than angry, he was more anxious, because his main attack method was suppressed by Tong Yu, and he had no chance to fight back. [-].

Chapter 452: Parasitic King Moth

The gourmet cell demon in Domilot's body is an insect demon. In order not to prevent the insects from being released from the body, he deliberately hides extremely sharp fangs. At the same time, his eyes are composed of compound eyes of insects. The number of compound eyes is one million that exceeds common sense.

The originally seemingly slender body, after removing the restraining metal rings, revealed the true nature of a muscular man, with a strong physical fighting ability!

No, after being continuously suppressed by Tong Yu, he finally removed the metal ring that bound him, and planned to fight Tong Yu to the death.

Domilot, who was originally extremely slender, turned into a tall and muscular man after removing the metal ring. His height and muscle strength have surpassed Balikamon.

"You bastard, you have forced me to this point, I must lay eggs in your body!"

The angry Domilot rushed towards Tong Yu quickly and punched Tong Yu in the abdomen, but it was like hitting cotton, and all the strength in his body was removed.

Looking down, Tong Yu's hands locked his right hand tightly, making him unable to move forward or pull out.

"The anger has gone to your head. At this moment, you are no different from a beast to me. You only attack with brute force and have no skills at all. You are no match for me!"

After saying that, Tong Yu knocked Domilot away again.

While the battle was going on, Buki Wuzi, who had lost his combat effectiveness, gradually recovered and came here quietly.

When he saw Domilot being beaten by Tong Yu, his face was full of disbelief.

"Wha... what, Lord Domi was actually suppressed, what happened to this guy!" Buji Wuzi could only watch from a distance, not daring to get close easily.

Duomi, who had been suppressed for a time, had no choice but to resort to his last resort.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

After falling to the ground, Domilot stood up quickly, opening his upper and lower jaws as wide as possible.

Then, a black shadow spit out from Domirot's mouth.

This is also the most powerful insect that lives in Domilot's body... Domilot doesn't want to give birth to it unless it is absolutely necessary, because it is too ferocious, and the demon that devours everything indiscriminately, most of his physical strength is In order to suppress the will, this violent thing was born!

At the moment of hatching, Domilot's body quickly withered like a mummy, and his original pink hair turned pale, like an old man with a candle in the wind.

When he saw this thing hatching and regained half his life, Bujiwuzi turned around and ran away without even thinking. He knew the horror of this thing better than anyone else.

The Parasitic King Insect captures a hybrid beast with level 81. This is a hybrid beast obtained by mating dozens of ferocious parasitic insects many times. Place the eggs in Duomi's body and continue to warm them up. The resulting hybrid beast will be indistinguishable. Attack anyone.

Anyone, including our enemies and ourselves, including the host Domilot.

But in the human world, it is a terrifying existence.

However, the most terrifying thing about this hybrid beast is not its ferocity, but its growth rate.

From the moment it hatched, this parasitic king insect had completed its initial growth, already possessing powerful attack capabilities, and carrying deadly poison and weapons all over its body.

Subaru Misaku and Teruki Kuga came over and were startled when they saw the parasitic king insect in front of them. They could feel the dangerous aura emanating from this guy.

"What is this? It looks difficult to deal with..." Kuga Teruki said.

"Mixed hybrid insects, such a powerful male!" Misaku Subaru was also surprised.

Tong Yu knew the danger of this parasitic king insect and immediately let the flying bird return to his side.

"Be careful. The real power of this guy has not yet begun... However, there is no need for us to stay here. Although this guy is troublesome, he is just a brainless beast. Let's get out of here." Tong Yu said.

Tong Yu originally planned to leave here and join up with Ryoko Sakaki, Emi Tadori, Soma, and Takemi. According to the food luck and strength of the four people, they should have gotten the soup of the century.

The purpose this time is the soup of the century. Now that I have obtained it, there is no need to stay any longer.

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