"Wait... wait a minute, Tong Yu. I think this guy is of great research value. I want to see what it will look like. You and Xiao Meisaku should leave first. I'll be here alone." Teruki Kuga said. .

Hearing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but slap her forehead: "Is this a common problem among regenerators? Senior Kuaga, you have learned the essence of Kuuga Teruki and Yusaku."

"Hehe, I can't help it. Ever since I became a regenerator, I have always been curious about creatures I have never seen before, and insects themselves are of great research value... However, this thing is disgusting to say the least. Well, are you going to evolve again?"

Just as the two of them were talking, the parasitic king Zhongyi completed another transformation, and the weapons on his body shone with silver light, releasing an astonishing momentum.

"It seems to have become more powerful..."

"Huh? What is this guy going to do!"

The parasitic king insect looked up to the sky and howled, letting out a roar. The insect body, which looked like a silkworm, actually opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Domilot, who had exhausted almost all his energy on the ground, in one gulp.


Mimasaku Subaru and Kuga Teruki were both stunned.

A hungry tiger cannot eat its food, and a human being has no flesh and blood to show mercy!

This parasitic king actually ate Domilot, who was its half-mother!

There are two reasons why Domirot has never wanted to release this thing. One is that this guy is too violent, and the other is that he does not distinguish between friend and foe... he will devour everything!

So far, no parasitic king insect has been released in Domirot. This is the first time, and I didn't expect it to be the last time.

Although Domilot is a broken candle in the wind, he still has a body inhabited by gourmet cell demons. Being parasitized by the king insect is equivalent to eating a top-quality food. Needless to say, the benefits to the body are.

The parasitic king worm ate Domilot and completely completed its evolution.

Just like the process of an insect cocoon evolving into a moth, the head that looks like a baby actually spits out green spider silk and wraps its body heavily.

In nature, the evolutionary process of moths is divided into four stages.

The first stage is the egg stage. At this stage, the parasitic king insect has already progressed in Domilot's body.

The larval stage, which has grown since Domi's body hatched... .

And now the parasitic king insect is in the pupa stage.

Witnessed by Tong Yu and others, the parasitic king insect finally completed its transformation and completed the pupa stage at an extremely exaggerated speed. It spread out its white wings from the cicada pupa and completely transformed into a moth form.

Seeing this scene, Tong Yu suddenly thought of a certain card game, the battle where a moth caterpillar evolved into a giant moth...

It is no longer accurate to call it a parasitic king moth. It should be called a parasitic king moth!

"It's really surprising. This kind of evolutionary speed can be ranked high in the entire nature... Now the capture level is infinitely close to 100!"

Kuga Teruki was once again surprised on the spot, and after the surprise, he was even more excited.

Tong Yu disagreed. Even though the strength of this thing has greatly increased, its essence as an insect has never changed, and its weaknesses are still obvious.

The parasitic king moth that had completed its evolution was no longer afraid of anyone and began to turn its attention to the surrounding creatures. Soon its eyes fell on Tong Yu and his party.

"Oops, he's already noticed us..." Mimasaku Subaru yelled that something was wrong.

But what a coincidence, just as the parasitic king moth completed its evolution, another uninvited guest came here.

In the Ice Continent, there is a king who stands above all beasts. He is Boros of Hell...

Hellboros, capture level 71, is a creature that evolved only for food. It does not rely on vision, but relies on the unique cheek pits of reptiles to detect prey.

Its greedy and ferocious ability destroys everything and eats everything. It is a creature that is fully qualified to be called the ruler of the hell of the Ice Continent.

100 years ago, he was frozen in the underground ice room where the Century Soup was located by Jiro, the master of acupuncture. However, he has woken up this time due to the arrival of Tong Yu, Gourmet Club and others.

Hellboros is originally a greedy beast that devours everything. It can be imagined that he has been sealed for 100 years in pursuit of food.

After eating a large amount of ice cubes in the ice room 0.8, he was not satisfied at all. He devoured all the living creatures he could see in the iceberg. The Bukiwuzi who was escaping just now had also been entered into the belly of Hell Boros.


Hellboros violently smashed an iceberg and appeared in front of Tong Yu and others.

"Hell Boros! Why did it wake up!" Teruki Kuga was shocked again.

The hungry Hellboros quickly set his sights on the parasitic king moth that had just completed its final evolution...

In the eyes of Hellboros, this white parasitic king moth is like a piece of white mousse cake, delicious and tempting.

Without even stopping for a moment, Hellboros rushed towards the Parasitic King Moth.

Seeing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but laugh: "On one hand, Hell Boros should not be the opponent of this parasitic king moth, but the king of Icicle Continent is not a vegetarian..."

Tong Yu was already ready for a good show and wanted to see the outcome of the battle between these two ferocious beasts.

"Tong Yu, now that Hell Boros has come out of the ice room, Souma and the others have probably obtained the century soup in the ice room... Let's go and respond quickly." Mimasaku Subaru said to Tong Yu.

Tong Yu nodded and did not stay here.

Chapter 453: Really powerful enemy

Tong Yu did not care about the fully evolved parasitic king moth, and together with Subaru Misaku, Teruki Kuga and others, went to the underground ice room where the Century Soup was located to join Ryoko Sakaki and others.

Arriving at the underground ice room, I quickly found Ryoko Sakaki and others.

"We have got the soup of the century. How about Tong Yujun, you are not disappointed!" Chuangzhen said, raising the box of ingredients for the soup in his hand.

Tong Yu took the Century Bisque from Chuangzhen, and after sizing it up, he nodded and said, "Yes, this is genuine Century Bisque. The aroma of the natural Century Bisque is so amazing!"

"Tong Yu-kun, now that we have obtained the soup of the century, let's leave here quickly." Ryoko Sakaki said.

Not only Sakaki Ryoko thought so, everyone felt that there was no need to be here.

But when everyone came out of the ice room, they found two beasts fighting fiercely.

Whether it was Hell Boros or the Parasitic King Moth, they both attacked each other without giving up.


More than ten heads of Hellboros opened their mouths full of sharp teeth and bit at the Parasitic King Moth.

It was obvious that he was hungry and didn't take the poison of the parasitic king moth seriously at all.

However, the evolved parasitic king moth is terrifying. Even if the "poison man" Coco comes, he must carefully consider whether he can withstand this poison.

It was formed by the mating of more than ten kinds of ferocious parasitic insects. The toxins in the body have changed in a thousand ways, and the toxicity is unimaginable.

The first reason why Kuga Teruki is interested in the parasitic king moth is the growth speed of this guy, and the other is the poisonous nature that can easily cause death.

Hellboros has been domineering in the ice continent for hundreds of years and has almost never encountered an opponent. It does not know what fear is. Just when it was about to bite down with its big mouth full of sharp teeth, it was cut off by the front claws of the parasitic king moth. Two heads.

The front claws of the Parasitic King Moth are made from the Capture Level 52 Dire Crocodile Mantis, which can easily cut through the bodies of beasts such as Gallagher, Boulder Turtle, etc.

Losing two heads actually doesn't have much impact. Hellboros has a strong regeneration ability and will grow back in a short time. But the scary thing is that the poison of the parasitic king moth has spread all over its other heads.

In just a few seconds, the heads of Hellboros had turned black and purple, and quickly spread to other parts of the body.

Hellboros was not stupid either. He knew that the poison would spread all over his body if he continued like this, so he decisively bit off the remaining head on his own, leaving only one head in the end and fled in despair.


The king of the Ice Continent was defeated once again.

"Hell Boros is really frustrated. He was sealed by Jiro for 100 years, and then he was beaten to pieces and almost lost his life..."

Kyuga Teruki looked at Hellboros who was hurriedly escaping, and couldn't help but feel a pity in his heart. Then he turned around and focused his gaze on the majestic parasitic king moth that was covered in flames.

"But having said that, this evolved parasitic king moth is really scary. The poison on its body alone is enough to make countless people shy away... What's more, its own strength is not weak. It is a mixture of multiple insects, no matter which part of the body it is. Some of them are deadly weapons!”

"Be careful, it seems to have noticed us!"

"Hey, are you going to attack us? Hehe, this guy looks very strong, which is interesting."

"Xinghei, don't mess around, this is no ordinary beast!"

Just as he said this, the parasitic king moth flapped its huge wings, and tiny scales spread out from its white wings.

Poison Scale!

The seemingly harmless white scales scattered in the air, but a strong poisonous gas spread out invisible and spread quickly around.

"Ah, what is this!"

Regenerator Tie Ping, who arrived belatedly, was startled when he saw the parasitic king moth in the air.


Kuga Teruki immediately came to the iron plane.

"Kuga, what kind of creature is this?" Tieping asked.

Then Kuaga Teruki told Teppei about the situation of the parasitic king moth in front of him.

After listening to this, Tie Ping looked even more surprised: "Wha... what, swallowed up Domilot? He ate the host with gourmet cells, so he evolved into this form! This kind of creature, in There is no fierce beast in the human world that can be its opponent!"

"Hey, senior brother, you are not its opponent?"

"This...it's hard to say, what about what I want you to do later!" Tie Ping suddenly asked.

After hearing this, Kuga Teruki shook his head sadly: "It's gone. The food display window has been exhausted. Even if the master comes, there is no way for it to regenerate."

Tie Ping also became depressed after hearing this. As regenerators, they hope more than anyone else that this precious ingredient can stay forever.

However, the century soup itself is a consumable product. After hundreds of years of consumption, the ingredients frozen in the ice window have long been close to depletion. One day, they will be exhausted and cannot be regenerated at all.

The only way to reproduce it is to use artificial cooking techniques to reproduce the soup of the century, but that requires considerable difficulty and requires a suitable chef to do it.

"Be careful, it's coming!" Tian Suohui suddenly reminded loudly.

The danger suddenly came, and the parasitic king moth was seen pressing towards Tong Yu and others with poisonous gas.

Tieping didn't know the strength of Tong Yu and others, so when he saw the Parasitic King Moth rushing over, he blocked them in front of everyone without thinking.

"Everyone, stay back, this guy is very dangerous, let me deal with him!"

Seeing Tie Ping's behavior, Tong Yu couldn't help but feel good about him.

Tie Ping is definitely not a bad person. His only shortcoming is that he talks too much nonsense. He always seems relatively calm and doesn't like nonsense, but he keeps chattering on the side, which makes people feel funny.

Generally speaking, this person is a friend worth making friends with, otherwise he would not become Yosaku's disciple, but this nagging personality seems to be somewhat similar to Kuga Teruki?

Tieping faced the parasitic king moth head-on, only to feel a huge sense of oppression.

Two pairs of huge white wings, with black patterns on the inside that outline a pattern that looks like a pair of eyes.

The body is not like an ordinary moth. A variety of mixed insects combined together have an extremely powerful deterrent effect!

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