The body of the beetle is like a copper wall, unbreakable, and in front are the forearms of the mantis, which are extremely sharp and can cut iron like mud!

Looking at the feet, it turned out to be four spider legs with white down.

The last two are locusts with amazing jumping ability, and can easily jump hundreds of meters.

There is a scorpion tail hanging on the tail, which is extremely poisonous. Most creatures can be avoided on the spot as long as they are stung.

This is the Emperor Poison Moth, who became the top beast in one fell swoop after acquiring Domilot's gourmet cells.

It was a ferocious beast when it was first hatched. After evolution, the number of males increased greatly. Seeing Tie Ping standing up, he rushed over without hesitation.


Soon Emperor Poison Moth and Tie Ping started fighting fiercely.

Although Tie Ping's overall strength was pretty good, he was still a bit underwhelmed in front of the evolved Emperor Poison Moth, and he quickly gained the upper hand and was suppressed.

Seeing that Tie Ping was at a disadvantage, Tong Yu knew it was time to help him.


Tong Yu shouted loudly, and a five-meter-long silver chopstick appeared behind Tie Ping.

The chopsticks were so fast that they caught the Emperor Poison Moth off guard!


Two chopsticks penetrated the body of the Emperor Poison Moth.

If it were just an ordinary ferocious beast, it would either die or be maimed after being hit by Tong Yu's two silver chopsticks.

However, after being hit by the Emperor Poison Moth, his movements were not affected at all. If you look closely, the punctured body is actually slowly healing.

"Even the regeneration ability is so strong? It really combines the advantages of many beasts, with no weaknesses at all! It is difficult to defeat me with my own strength. If I add system props, it is not impossible to win... However, after paying The cost is not proportional to the gain!”

After a brief confrontation, Tong Yu saw the stakes, so she said to Tie Ping, who still wanted to continue fighting: "Tie Ping, there is no need to continue fighting, I will cover your retreat!"

"Can not be done."


"This guy is too ferocious. If you leave it here, the Ice Continent will be destroyed sooner or later. If the food of the Ice Continent is not satisfied, it will definitely go to other places. By then, the entire nature will be completely chaotic, and it will reach the point of collapse. It’s time to clean up!”

The regenerator's duty is to maintain the ecological balance of nature and protect all kinds of food in nature. As long as they encounter anything that goes against the rules of nature, they will choose to take action.

983 The current imperial poisonous moth is obviously threatening the balance of nature, and it will definitely lead to catastrophe if no action is taken to stop it.

Seeing Tong Yu's silence, Kuaga Teruki also said, "Tong Yu, you go ahead. I want to stay here with my senior brother to deal with this poisonous moth."

After hearing this, Tong Yu couldn't help but sigh: "Do you regenerators all have such stubborn personalities? This thing is no longer right for you..."

Just as Tong Yu was thinking about whether to help deal with the Emperor Poison Moth, a big-nosed man wearing a black cloak came here.

"Because it was too slow, I came to greet him, and this is what happened."

"I didn't expect that Tie Ping would also come to this island. This was a miscalculation, and I didn't expect that the power of this mini control robot is too weak. Even two or a few little guys can't deal with it!"

I saw a very small GT robot sitting on the shoulder of this big nose, only the size of an ordinary person's hand.

It turns out that this is the latest micro-robot developed by the Food Society, and the person who controls this robot is Yu, the second branch director of the Food Society.

And this man with a big nose and black hair in a cloak, Alfaro, a waiter at the Gourmet Club Headquarters, is the personal bodyguard of the Gourmet Club President Sanhu, and his strength is comparable to that of the deputy chefs such as Stajiu and Gu Linbachi. .

"Speaking of which, so many people came to fight for the soup of the century. Whose subordinates are those brats? They are not weak, and they failed my mission." Yu Shen said angrily.

Soon, the sound of fighting came from ahead, and upon closer inspection, it was the Imperial Poison Moth that was vibrating its wings and making a piercing roar in the air.

Underneath the Emperor Poison Moth was Tong Yu and his party.

"It's so noisy... Are they the insects inside Domi?"

Suddenly, Alfaro stretched out eight hands from his black robe, each holding a dinner plate.

"Dinner Plate Shuriken!"

With a low drink, the plate in Alfaro's hand flew towards the Emperor Moth in the air.

This dinner plate is like a peerless artifact, cutting the Poison King Poison Moth into countless small pieces from eight different directions.

A beast with a capture level close to 100 was instantly killed!

This is the terrifying power of waiter Alfaro.

Chapter 454: Festival is coming

"It's really difficult to deal with, and this guy doesn't give us any chance. He only uses poison to interfere with us!"

"Damn it, this weird bug is really difficult to deal with!"

Tong Yu and the others fought against the parasitic king moth for several rounds, and soon discovered that this thing was more difficult to deal with than imagined. It was also very cunning, using its own flying ability and the toxins it carried to launch attacks on everyone in the air.

Teppei, Teruki Kuga, Soma Yukihira, Subaru Mimasaku, Takemi, Dou Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadori, a total of eight people were unable to do anything against the Parasite King.

Just when Tong Yu was about to redeem props from the system mall, he suddenly felt a sense of danger.

Only 2 seconds later, the parasitic king moth in the air was divided into several pieces of meat, which fell from the sky one after another.


This time, everyone including Tong Yu was stunned. The Parasitic King Moth was killed in an instant.

Tong Yu's vision was amazing, and she clearly saw several dinner plates being taken back from the air.

"Plate? Sure enough, it's still here!"

At this moment, Tie Ping also realized the danger, and a few drops of sweat could not help but hang on his forehead: "This... this breath! What's going on! This is not the breath of a beast, but a more powerful existence. There is... a person with great strength. Scary people are coming this way."

"Is the master here?" Teruki Kuaga guessed, touching his chin.

"No, it can't be the master. He doesn't have time to come here at all."

"Who is that..."

"It's already here."

Tong Yu looked at the big nose wearing a cloak in front of him with a downcast expression, and was ready for battle.

This time the enemy is... more powerful than ever before!

"Do you have the soup of the century?"

Alfaro walked towards Tong Yu and others step by step with a terrifying momentum.

" are!" Tie Ping's expression suddenly changed when he saw Alfaro in front of him.

Tieping knew a lot about food, knew the identity of Alfaro in front of him, and knew his strength.

Tong Yu and others knew better, after all, they had read the plot of the comic.

Just think about it and you will understand. How much difference can there be in the strength of people who can stay next to the three tigers, the boss of the food club?

Alfaro, like Stajiu, Gulinbachi and others, has already had the ability to enter the food industry. His strength is second only to Stajiu and above Gulinbachi.

As for Domilot, who had been swallowed, he was at the bottom among the deputy chefs of the gourmet club.

"Regenerator Tie Ping, I didn't expect you to be here... besides you, these people?"

Alfaro's eyes swept over Tong Yu and others.

"Sir Alfaro, they are the ones who stole the soup of the century. The soup must be in their hands now!"

The GT robot on Alfaro pointed at Soma and Takemi and said.

"Ah, it's the little robot that appeared in the ice room just now. Damn it, I almost let you succeed!" Soma pointed at Alfaro in front of him with a retarded look.

However, as soon as he said these words, Alfaro took action against Soma.

Alfaro is not a long-winded person. He always does things cleanly and neatly. He will not talk a lot of nonsense like Domilot before starting to take action.

Eight hands hidden in the black robe pulled out eight dinner plates and immediately threw them at Soma.

Just using this move, he easily killed the Parasitic King Moth instantly, and the speed was so fast that Chuangzhen couldn't even react.

Just when Souma was about to be killed by a single blow, a green light shield suddenly blocked his face.


The eight plates broke instantly when they hit the light shield.

"What'"? "

Alfaro's calm face suddenly flashed with surprise.

Except for Tie Ping, everyone else was calm, because the die-hard fans and the group knew that this was the protective preparation that Tong Yu had made before taking them into the world.

This green shield is called "Life Shield". It is a prop that Tong Yu spent a lot of points to redeem. It is used by die-hard fans to resist a fatal injury.

Although this world is just a comic book world for Tong Yu and others, if the body is seriously injured in this world, it will disappear forever, and there is no way to recover.

Therefore, protective measures are still necessary, and it doesn’t matter if you spend a few points.

In addition, points are rewards given by the system after Tong Yu unlocks several comics, and they are still linked to comics. The higher the popularity, the more points you can get.

Like most systems in online novels, points can be redeemed for any props, including system-specific props, such as this "life shield".

Alfaro didn't know this and thought there was a strong person nearby.


Looking around and finding no one else, he became cautious.

You must know that the dinner plate used by Alfaro is made of beasts in the food world. It is extremely sharp and has a certain degree of toughness, and its defensive power is far better than the broken copper and iron on Balikamon's body.

"No wonder you were able to snatch the soup from Duomi and others. You are indeed quite capable. But that's the end of it!"

After saying that, Alfaro's body erupted with an even more powerful aura, which came overwhelmingly towards Tong Yu and others.

Just this murderous aura made Tazoe and Ryoko Sakaki, who were the weakest among the people, almost unable to stand. If Tong Yu hadn't supported them, they would have collapsed on the ground.

"Damn it, this guy is too strong, I'm afraid he won't be able to retreat with the whole province... Besides, Xiaohui and Liangzi are also here."

Sweat gradually formed on Tong Yu's forehead, and he quickly thought of ways to deal with it.

"I can only use 'stones' if I really can't. I might miss some ingredients when I return, but it's better than dying. But if Tie Ping..."

Just when Tong Yu was about to take out the [Dimensional Stone] from the space ring, a voice came from behind Alfaro.

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