"You little devils are really making people worry!"

Everyone looked for the voice and saw Jie Nai, who was hunched over his back, walking slowly towards the crowd.


Teppei seemed to grasp at a life-saving straw when he saw Setsuno appearing.

The same was true for Tong Yu, who was relieved to see Setsuno appear here.

With the big boss Setsuno here, even Alfaro has to be patient. =

"Huhu, you grew up like a dog, Alfaro!"

As Setsuno spoke, he puffed out white mist and looked tired as he walked step by step.

And it is not difficult to tell from Setsuno's words that she had met Alfaro before, and it was before Alfaro was underage.

"Shirogi, that's evidence of physical inability, right? Ms. Setsuno... What's the reason why the National Treasure of Food and Humanity is here?" Alfaro asked, looking at Setsuno in front of him.

Setsuno stood 3 meters away from Alfaro, put his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "Your boss... is that gluttonous bastard still energetic now?"

Setsuno did not answer Alfaro's question directly, but asked it as if he were asking a friend.


Alfaro was silent for a while, looked at Setsuno without changing his expression and said: "There are only a few people in the world who call themselves the BOSS of the Gourmet Club. Ms. Setsuno, if I could invite you into the kitchen of the Gourmet Club, I believe the BOSS would be in the same mood." Be happy."

"Uh-huh, unfortunately, that idiot doesn't need the ingredients I'm handling. The customers are determined by the ingredients. It's okay. I'm just here to pick up Tieping and the others and go back. It has nothing to do with you."

As Setuno spoke, he turned around and looked at where Tie Ping, Tong Yu and others were. He walked a few steps and then stopped and said, "If you understand, don't use any crooked ideas and leave here as soon as possible."

Saying that, Setsuno completely ignored Alfaro, who was already murderous, and slowly walked towards Tong Yu and others.

"々. I said Tie Ping, your grandfather has been talking about you. You have been in the country of healing and haven't come home. Why?"

"Grandma I..."

Before Tie Ping finished speaking, he immediately turned into an urgent cry: "Grandma, be careful!"

Alfaro took out two more dinner plates from somewhere and threw them at Setsuno.

However, before the two plates could fly in front of Setsuno, they were completely shattered in mid-air.

"Lord Alfaro!"

Yu, who controlled the micro GT robot, exclaimed.

Setsuno turned around and glanced at Alfaro with sharp eyes.

Alfaro then raised his top two hands and made a gesture of surrender: "Humph, what? It's not inconvenient at all. I understand... There is no way to get the soup of the century this time. Right. If the boss knew it was you, Setsuno-san, who was in the way, he wouldn’t blame us."

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you go back like this and tell that gluttonous bastard Sanhu!" Setsuno said nonchalantly.

Yu didn't know Setsuno's true strength, and the new generation had no idea about the strength of the older generation.

"Sir Alfaro, are we leaving like this? Tang is with those brats!" Yu said, staring at Chuangzhen.

"Let's go. Although it's a pity, we are no match for this old woman. If this old woman gets angry later, we won't be able to leave even if we want to..."

After saying that, Alfaro left without looking back. He was very aware of Setsuno's strength, which was second only to Sanhu and was beyond what they could handle.

It can be seen that Setunai is determined to protect the soup of the century, so there is not much point in staying here.

The food party and others finally left, Tong Yu finally let go of her hanging heart, and finally got the soup of the century. There won't be any surprises now.

Setsuno chatted with Tie Ping for a few words before coming to Soma.

"Yukihira, if I were late this time, you would be dead." Setsuno looked at Soma and said.

Chuangzhen just walked in front of the gate of hell, and he didn't come back to his senses until now.

"Damn it, I won't do this next time! Master Setsuno, am I still too weak?"

It's rare that Chuangzhen can say such a thing and look determined.

"Uh-huh, in my opinion you are the best. Those guys from the Food Club have lived decades longer than you. As long as time passes, you can surpass them!"

Setsuno did not blame Soma, but encouraged him in this way.

"Yes, I will definitely work hard!"

After finishing speaking, Setsuno turned his attention to Tong Yu beside him.

"You are Tong Yu, right? Xingping often mentions you, and you are called Aldini? They are all very strange names, and..."


Chapter 455: Doubts

Setuno heard about the existence of Tong Yu and others from Soma, and when they met, he also made a lot of enthusiastic inquiries. This was out of the concern of the seniors for the juniors.

"Hoo ho ho, you are much better than the bunch of brats at the gourmet club... Well, I see that you all are very talented cooks. Your cooking skills should be on par with Yukihira's!"

Setuno spoke highly of everyone, especially Tong Yu, who looked at her with special eyes.

"Yukihira, you have got the soup of the century, right?" Setsuno asked.

"Yes, master, I'm keeping it at Tong Yujun's place now," Chuangzhen replied.

"Huhu, it's really reliable. Aru and the others haven't been able to catch up with you...and haven't you encountered other enemies before coming here?" Setsuno asked again.

When Tong Yu heard this, she couldn't help but wonder: "Grandma Jie Nai, isn't the enemy you mentioned a food club?"

"It's not just the food party, Alu and the others seem to have been attacked by others."

"It's not a gourmet party? Could it be other gourmet hunters... That's not right. Other gourmet hunters can't be Alu's opponents. I really can't think of anyone else besides the gourmet party." Tong Yu said.

983 "Aru is resting on my mount now. He has been seriously injured. I am planning to take him to the country of healing for treatment."

"Seriously injured? It shouldn't be."

Tong Yu frowned slightly, still unable to figure it out.

In the comic book soup battle of the last century, Aru and Domilot had a fierce battle, both sides were injured, and both sides broke an arm. If Tieping hadn't arrived in time, Aru would have died.

But the problem now is that Tong Yu and his party faced the Gourmet Club. Alu did not have a life and death fight like the "original book". He had no chance to fight with the people of the Gourmet Club. It was impossible to be seriously injured... neither did the beasts of the Ice Continent. It may be too much of a threat to Aru, and it was also confirmed from Setsuno's mouth that the person who seriously injured Aru was not a beast, but a human being.

"Forget it, let's get out of here quickly."

After Setsuno finished speaking, he whistled to the sky, and then a pink jellyfish appeared above everyone's heads.

The jellyfish airship is Granny Setsuno's unique pet. It has super mobility and can move on land, sea and air. Its interior can be freely transformed into furniture and cooking utensils, and even simple houses can be transformed into it.

It is a mysterious creature whose ecology and habitat are unknown and does not exist in the human world.It has almost never appeared on the market. Due to its rarity, the price cannot be determined. Some people estimate that its price is even higher than that of hundreds of ultra-high-end cars.

Jellyfish airships, like octopus watermelons, crab buses, turtle balls and other creatures in the food world, are special transportation, hidden beasts, almost non-aggressive, and are used to transport food, transportation, etc.

In fact, there are many such traffic beasts in the food world. Tong Yu also wants to capture one, but he cannot enter the food world due to his current strength.

The jellyfish airship descended 200 meters from the ground. One of its tentacles extended and fell, turning into a ladder.

"Okay, everyone, come up, I've prepared sumptuous dishes." Setsuno said to everyone with a kind face.

"Okay, I've been hungry for a long time! By the way, do you want to taste the soup of the century together later?" Chuangzhen once again showed his retarded look.

"Idiot, this little soup is not enough for everyone to share!" Takmi scolded.

"Can you two be quiet?" Kuga Teruki said unable to bear it.

In this way, Tong Yu and the others got on Granny Setsuno's pet mount.

Although die-hard fans and the others knew that Setsuno had a jellyfish airship, what they had seen in the "manga" was completely different from the real-life touch, and they couldn't help but marvel.

"I can finally go back. It's really cold in this damn place~~ It's warm in here!"

"Awesome, is this jellyfish a living thing?"

"It must be so. Such creatures do not exist in the human world, but there should be many in the food world."

Kuaga Teruki and the other three people were discussing like this.

Tong Yu was not interested in the jellyfish airship. Now he just wanted to clear up his doubts.

Arriving at the resting place inside the jellyfish airship, Tong Yu saw Alu, who was seriously injured and had been bandaged with aloe vera by the doctor and was unconscious.

Next to Aru were Ma Qi, Ma Qi's men, and Takimaru.

Ma Qi and Takimaru also had wounds of varying degrees, but they were not as serious as Alu.

Doctor aloe vera, which is a plant with leaves, has a high healing effect. Not only trauma, but also burns, frostbite, or necrotic cells can be completely cured. One meter is an expensive bandage worth millions of yen.

"Aru, is the injury so serious?"

"Deputy Director of IGO, I didn't expect you to come... Century Soup, have you got it now?" Ma Qi sat on the ground and looked at Tong Yu.

Tong Yu nodded: "I'm sorry, I know you all want to get the soup of the century, but I can't give it to you now. I'll invite you to drink it when I'm successfully reborn."

"Are you planning to regenerate Century Gumbo?"

Madge couldn't help being surprised, and then laughed again: "Haha, he is indeed a big shot, and his ideas are completely different from ours."

"I need to ask you something. Who is it that attacked you and Alu?" Tong Yu asked.



Chapter 456: Someone from another world

Both Ma Qi and Takimaru had heard of Tong Yu's name and knew all of Tong Yu's deeds. They were in awe of him. When they heard that Tong Yu wanted to ask them about something, they nodded in agreement without much hesitation.

"I want to know what kind of group of people attacked Alu and you. Isn't it a gourmet party?" Tong Yu asked doubtfully.

"It's not a gourmet party, it's a group of weird guys."


Ma Qi couldn't help but recall the scene at that time and said: "Whether it's the way he was dressed or the moves he used, I have never seen them before."

Tong Yu even frowned: "What a weird method, can you be more specific?"

Takimaru then said: "All of them have colorful hair, and their services are very gorgeous. I have only seen those services on TV, like the princes and nobles of the castle. Moreover, the attack method they use should be magic." It's like that. With a wave of his right hand, he can condense fireballs, and there are people holding swords or shields, and they look like some adventuring team..."

"Strange, I have never heard of such a hunter team, and even if it is a hunter team, it is impossible not to know Aru of the Four Heavenly Kings. The most important thing is...the ability to defeat Aru, this is the most important thing. Place." Tong Yu couldn't help but ponder.

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