Soon, Salamanda Sphinx's eyes were completely wet, and two colas larger than a fountain swarmed out, with a huge impact that lifted up several meters high. The scene was extremely spectacular and shocking!

Like a long rain of rain, a toon and cola rain fell from the sky, raining on Tong Yu and several others! .

Chapter 468: Nitro

Fragrant Coke gushes out like a fountain, quickly turning the palace into a sea of ​​Coke.


The air is filled with the smell of carbonic acid, and you can taste it just by opening your mouth.

"Wow, what a... what a powerful carbonic acid! It's like a firecracker-like sound and a thrilling shock. The blood flow in the body accelerates in one breath!"

"Haha, isn't this delicious? What a refreshing feeling it is!"

Tong Yu laughed again and opened his hands: "This was acquired by the three of us together, and also thanks to you, Xiao Jin! And Salamander Sphinx, thanks to your gift!"


Xiao Jin also made a cheering sound as he woke up from his dry sleep. In addition to the supply of nutrients, he also needed a lot of water. The fragrant cola dispersed, clearing away all the dryness in his body.

Unable to resist the temptation of this delicious food, Xiao Jin opened his mouth and was about to drink Coke, but was stopped by Tong Yu.

Xiao Jin looked at Tong Yu with confusion in his eyes.

"Xiao Jin, have you forgotten what I just said? You have to be grateful for the ingredients. This is not just a talk. You should taste it after thanking it!"

Tong Yu said, clasping her hands together and making prayer movements before eating.

"Be grateful for all the ingredients in this world, then... let's get started!"

Nilot's imitation ability is very strong. In the original work, even Aru and Zebra's special skills can be learned at a glance. He also learns the basic "thank you" of "Shiyi" very quickly.

Xiao Jin followed Tong Yu's example, closing his eyes and clasping his hands together, doing so in a decent manner. There was no trace of the fact that this was his first time learning the meaning of food.

There is no need for cutlery at all, just open your mouth and suck the delicious Coke into your mouth.

Tong Yu took a hard sip, and the fragrant cola suddenly poured into her mouth.

Taste carefully and reflect carefully.

The taste of this fragrant cola is so charming!

The precipitated nutrients are turned into luscious sugar in the tear glands. This sweetness, which has fully matured throughout the year, has produced a sugar content hundreds of times that of maple syrup.Coupled with carbonic acid, that is an amount of carbonic acid that cannot be matched by champagne and soda water.

If poured into a glass, the bubbles will continue to rise gracefully throughout the year.

The taste is so charming and fascinating.

Tong Yu's face was full of happiness: "Is this the world's number one cola? It has such a strong sense of existence! Maybe it can really be used in the soup of the century..."

Tong Yu's super-taste fulfilled its duty, and he had a strong hunch that this might be used as one of the ingredients for century soup, making the unfinished century soup even more delicious.

But then again, the taste of this fragrant cola is really special, and it is a taste that may not be matched by others.

The strong stimulation of carbonic acid instantly hits the cells of the whole body, and the sweetness of the thick sugar penetrates every corner of the body bit by bit like a strangulation skill.

Ryoko Sakaki, Megumi Tadokoro, and Kogane also felt the strong taste of cola, and they all cheered!

No... to be precise, even the cells are excited about it.

"It's amazing. All the fatigue of the past few days disappeared in this moment, and the energy consumed in the battle just now was restored in one breath!"

"Not only that, the cells have also evolved!"

The two women looked at their changing bodies in disbelief, their eyes filled with excitement, their strength had reached a higher level!


The same is true for Xiao Jin. After drinking the real soup of the century, his strength increased a bit, and he was even more convinced of Tong Yu from the bottom of his heart!

"Very good. This thing only comes once a year. Don't let it go to waste. Collect them all!"

After Tong Yu finished speaking, he took out the "gourmet backpack" he had prepared in advance and collected all the fragrant Cokes without waste.

The gourmet backpack is another one of igo technology products. It is mainly used when carrying liquid food back. It is made of special natural rubber. The rubber will shrink with the liquid contained in it. A gourmet backpack The bladder can hold about as much liquid as a 100 square meter swimming pool.

After putting all the fragrant cola in the "bag", Tong Yu and the others were ready to return.

Before leaving, Tong Yu did not forget to thank Salamander Sphinx.

"Salamanda Sphinx, thank you for your hospitality! The tears you left behind will become the top ingredients in our hands. Don't worry, I can make it even more delicious!" Tong Yu said to Salaman Dasphynx said.

At this time, Salamander Sphinx was panting and lying on the ground because she "cryed a lot", but she was also physically and mentally happy. After all, it would definitely be very comfortable to remove the fluid that had been accumulated in the body for almost a year. .

"However, we will come again next year. I hope you will not resist then and avoid suffering so much!"

When Tong Yu said these words, Salamander Sphinx, who was lying on the ground, stood up again and rushed over angrily again.

"Haha, it's so cute, and I'm angry again. But I don't have time to play with you now! Just stay here."

Tong Yu raised her hand casually, and a huge chopstick knocked Salamander Sphinx away, and then they left the food pyramid together.


Tong Yu's original plan after leaving the Food Pyramid was to go to other places to catch some ingredients in preparation for making century soup.

However, thinking of Xiaojin, I decided to go back first.

On the day of his return, Johannes and another tall man came to the door.

Tong Yu was not surprised by this, he had already expected it.

Walking at the front was a tall man wearing red and white tights that outlined his strong muscles.

The man was wearing a red helmet and black sunglasses, and he had the aura of a strong man. At the same time, he was able to walk with the director Johannes, so his strength and status were not low.

"Director John, why do you have time to come to my place as a guest? I miss you so much after not seeing you for a long time." Tong Yu said politely.

Johannes stepped forward and came to Tong Yu. He pointed at the tall man wearing a red helmet and said, "Tong Yu, let me introduce to you. This is one of the members of the Zeroth Realm. He has advanced..." ;[-]The powerful gourmet hunter who has entered the gourmet world—Rapp!"

Igo has set up a total of 8 ecological zones in the human world, ranging from 1 to 8 courtyards. However, the zero habitat is set up in the food world, which indirectly shows that the members who join the zero habitat have the ability to enter the food world.

The people who work in the 0th habitat are all a few elites selected from the people. They usually have other professions in the human world. Although there are less than 20 people, all of them are strong men personally entrusted by the president Yilong.

One of them, single-handedly deployed on the straight path connecting the food world and the human world, the Wacker Continent's "Three Paths", blocked the beast-less man "Gourmet Chief" Yuemon who was lost in the food world.

There are also Regenerator Yusaku, the first-generation Melk, and so on.

"I know a little bit about the members of Zero Life Realm. I really didn't expect such a big shot to come to my place today. It's really exciting."

Tong Yu looked at Lapu, who was standing silently next to Johannes, and slowly said after a moment: "So, why are you here?"

Lapu then took a few steps forward and came to Tong Yu. He said, "Deputy Director of the Food Administration Bureau, please take care of Tong Yu when we meet him for the first time. I heard that you brought back a beast from the Food Pyramid. Could you please help me?" Give it to us?”

"You mean Xiao Jin?"

"Little Jin?"

Lapu was stunned for a moment and said, "Tong Yu, do you know what kind of creature that is?"

"Of course I know, isn't it just Nilot?" Tong Yu said calmly.

Seeing Tong Yu being so calm, Lapu couldn't calm down and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Since you know it, why did you bring it back? You should be very clear about its danger!"

Tong Yu's face gradually darkened, and he said: "Xiao Jin is my pet now. I will train him well. If you 997 want to take him away, can I think that you are provoking me? Or, you guys Members of Zero Habitat, want to come here by force? I don’t mind, let’s do it here!”

After saying that, a terrifying aura swarmed out of Tong Yu, and Lupton was stunned for a moment.

Upon seeing this, Johannes immediately stood up to smooth things over and said, "Wait...wait a minute, we are all members of igo. If you have anything to say, you can just say it. There is no need to take action."

Only then did Tong Yu calm down her momentum and give Johannes a face.

Since Lapu joined the Zero Life Realm, he has seen countless strong men, but this is the first time he has seen an opponent like Tong Yu... It's not that Tong Yu is so strong in Lapu's heart, but the kind of power that dominates the world. The momentum makes people surrender involuntarily.

At the moment when Tong Yu showed his momentum, Lapu suddenly realized that the scene before his eyes changed. He was actually standing on a dining table and turned into a dish that could be cooked.

Although it was only for a moment, it also made Rapp feel fear.

Seeing that the two of them had calmed down, John Giese came back to Tong Yu and said: "Tong Yu, this creature Nilot is not trivial. Although I know you are very strong, if you don't discipline this kind of ferocious beast well, in the future, Something big will happen. About 600 years ago, Acacia, the god of food, discovered and named Nitro. Its classification is unknown, it has no genitals, and its reproduction method is unknown... Although the number of individuals is quite small, its lifespan is very long. It’s not clear when it inhabited the earth, but after research by a certain scholar, fossils of this guy were discovered from the bottom layer hundreds of millions of years ago.”

"I know what you said, Director John. No one knows Nilot better than me. That's why I can tame Xiao Jin and bring him back. I emphasize again that Xiao Jin is my pet now. If anyone dares to hit him I will definitely 'cook' him..."

After saying that, Tong Yu also glanced at Lapu.


Both Johannes and Rapp fell silent, but they were more surprised.

Chapter 469: Century Soup Reborn Successfully

Tong Yu was not surprised by La Pu's arrival, and knew that they were here for Xiao Jin.

In the eyes of most people, Nitro is an extremely dangerous creature that is difficult to control and will bring endless trouble to the ecology and human society.

However, in Tong Yu's view, people who have such thoughts do not understand Nilot, or they are afraid of Nilot's high IQ and strong strength. They cannot control it, so they can only restrict it.

Seeing Lapu who was silent, Tong Yu asked: "Lord Lapu of igo zero habitat, may I ask...are you here on the president's behalf or on your own?"

Although he was addressed as "Lord Rapp", his tone of voice had a sinister tone, and it was impossible for Rapp and Johannes not to recognize it.

"It's the president's, and it's also my personal opinion."


Tong Yu looked at Lapu in confusion: "Can you make it clearer?"


Rapp still looked calm and unmoved, and said: "To be honest, our members of Zero Habitat have noticed the creature Nitro for a long time, and we also learned that the Gourmet Club is also paying attention to it. The creature was studied and even its young were tamed..."

When Tong Yu heard this, he immediately understood.

"I understand, so Igo also wants to tame Nitro's cubs for his own use, so you are targeting the little gold I brought back, right? It's so ridiculous!" Tong Yu snorted disdainfully.

At this time, Johannes on the side also said: "I would like to add one more thing about Nilot. Regarding the fact that food can tame Nilot, I think it has existed many years ago. The best proof is that The GT robot they made is based on Nilot's appearance. In recent days, food parties have become more and more frequent, and it seems that the day when the war breaks out is getting closer." "

In the original work, a full-scale battle broke out between Gourmet Club and Igo, probably a month or two after the end of the Four Beasts, and now there is less than a year left from this point in time.

As the war approaches, strength is the key.

Although Tong Yu and others are time travelers with systems, they are too weak to enter the food world. At the same time, once the human world enters the era of chaos, the strength of the people becomes particularly important.

Tong Yu's current camp is igo, and as the deputy director, he should also make some contributions.

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