Both women are very confident and convinced that there is nothing wrong with them.

Tong Yu looked at the newly subdued Xiao Jin and said, "Xiao Jin, let me see your strength after the evolution of your gourmet cells. Don't let me down."


Xiao Jin made a whistling sound to indicate that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Then, let's give this guy a full body massage!"

After Tong Yu finished speaking, he took the lead in launching the offensive. .


With a loud shout, another silver chopstick appeared in Tong Yu's right hand. This time, the length was more than ten meters. The huge silver chopstick was extremely shocking.

“Click the chopsticks!”

He raised his hand casually, and the huge chopsticks suddenly struck towards Salamander Sphinx.

Salamander Sphinx is no ordinary creature. Not only does she have 360-degree vision, she is also extremely fast!

He jumped up and easily dodged Tong Yu's silver chopsticks. However, when it landed, he found that his limbs had been entangled with purple vines. At the same time, the vines were still growing at an extremely fast speed, binding all parts of his body.

Salamander Sphinx found that it was unable to move. When he looked up, he saw Tagumi staring at it with determination. The veins on his face were bulging, closing the whole face like tree roots, and his eyes turned blue. green.

This is not a pupil abnormality, but Tadokoro's gourmet cell ability.

To be precise, it was because he kept eating high-end ingredients and awakened the ability of the demonic gourmet cells in his body.

The gourmet cell demon in Tanokoro's body is a plant fairy with the ability to control any plant in the world. At the same time, it can "make something out of nothing" and promote the growth of plants where there is soil. Of course, this ability will consume energy.

"Haha, well done, Xiao Hui. It seems that you can control the power of the gourmet cell demon quite skillfully... Then, let's go!"

After Tong Yu finished speaking, the huge silver chopsticks slapped Salamander Sphinx heavily on the back.


Salamander Sphinx let out a cry of pain, and then used all her strength to break free from the restraints of Tazoe's vines.


Tasokoe let out an exclamation, feeling a little at a loss: "No... no, I couldn't trap it. I... my strength is still too small."

"No, Xiaohui, you have done a good job, at least you can start to control your own abilities! I believe that with your ability, mastering will be a matter of time... Now you have to start cooking the fragrant cola. The back has been 'mature', and next is the abdomen. , head, tail, tongue, and 'palm', there are five remaining positions that need to be dealt with one by one."

As Tong Yu spoke, he took back the huge silver chopsticks that were ten meters long and replaced them with chopsticks that were three meters long but with a thick diameter.

"Liangzi, Xiaojin, please help me, each find a spot to attack!" Tong Yu ordered.




Tong Yu controlled the chopsticks to burrow into the ground. After disappearing for a few seconds, he suddenly emerged from the ground and hit Salamander Sphinx in the abdomen. This powerful force pushed up his huge body.


Salamander Sphinx let out a scream. The blow just now was not small... It was like the pain of a heavy punch to the abdomen of an ordinary person.

The continuous attacks completely angered Salamander Sphinx.

At any rate, he managed to capture a level 92 beast, which not many gourmet hunters could handle in the human world.

As the owner of the Food Pyramid, when he was first provoked, he naturally became furious, his bestiality aroused, and he began to attack Tong Yu and others.


The mouth opened, and a purple tongue shot out, heading towards Tazoe.

Before Tadokoro could react, Xiao Jin, who had been waiting for a move, jumped up and quickly grabbed the purple tongue, then opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and bit it down.


In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, and Salamander Spink's tongue became dripping with blood!

It is indeed the legendary beast Nilot, its ferocity is terrifying!

"Well done, Xiao Jin. I will reward you after you return home for protecting the Lord!" Tong Yu praised him generously.

Xiao Jin was very excited to receive praise from his master. He wanted to continue his performance and rushed towards Salamander Sphinx again.

Chapter 467: Capturing Fragrant Coke (2)

Xiao Jin became more and more excited as he fought. After biting Salamander Sphinx's tongue till blood dripped, he rushed forward again.


It made a roaring sound and came to the back of Salamander Sphinx very quickly, trying to attack from the rear.

Salamander Sphinx did not let Xiao Jin succeed this time. She quickly turned around and opened her mouth full of sharp teeth, and an air bullet quickly formed in her mouth.


It spurted out instantly, knocking Xiao Jin back dozens of meters, and rolled several times in the air before stopping.

This blow did little harm to Xiao Jin, but it was able to force the evolved Nitro back, which also proved his strength.

Nilot's character was already very irritable, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry after being forced to retreat. Just when Xiao Jin was about to charge forward again, he was stopped by Tong Yu.

"Xiao Jin, be patient and don't be impatient. The more anxious you are, the more counterproductive it will be. And what we need cannot be obtained in a needs to be done step by step, step by step." Tong Yu said to Xiao Jin.

After listening to Tong Yu's teachings, Xiao Jin's originally impetuous heart calmed down.

"Ryoko, come and help me this time!" Tong Yu said to Sakaki Ryoko.

"it is good!"

Like Tadokoro, Ryoko Sakaki awakened the power of the gourmet cell demon after eating many high-end ingredients.

Ryoko Sakaki's gourmet cell demon is the overlord of a certain water planet. He has the ability to "control water" and can also turn water into ice and use it as a weapon to attack opponents.

Simply put, Ryoko Sakaki's abilities are "water" and "ice".

No, Ryoko Sakaki had already activated her ability. The moment she raised her right hand, a blue-green water column formed at the feet of Salamander Sphinx.

The water column split into four and swept towards its four feet.

This water column looked extremely weak and seemed unable to kill people. However, the next second the water column instantly froze and turned into extremely sharp icicles!

The top of the icicle is sharp, making it a sharp murder weapon.

Salamander Sphinx did not expect such a change at all. Its four "feet" were pierced by the ice picks, and blood immediately flowed out, making it howl and scream in pain.

At this time, it can be clearly seen that Salamanda Sphinx's pupils have begun to moisten. This is

After this attack, Tong Yu could clearly see that the beast's tear glands had begun to become moist. As long as it was stimulated again, these tears would spurt out!

"Haha, well done Ryoko! The limbs are now finished, and next is the head and tail. Xiaojin, we will split up this time. You continue to attack its tail, and I will be in charge of the front! In this way, even if he has 360 Even the field of vision cannot withstand our attacks at the same time." Tong Yu said.

Xiao Jin called out to express his understanding.

Tong Yu launched an attack on Salamander Sphinx from the front, and this time he no longer held back and used his secret power.

“Mysterious meaning?????????

Behind an 8-meter-long chopstick, a ball of flame wraps the chopstick, forming this extremely lethal flaming chopstick!

Flame, this is one of the abilities of Chi You, the gourmet cell demon in Tong Yu's body... In addition to his natural divine power, Chi You can also create flames that can engulf some. In ancient times, "creatures were burned to the ground" due to his fire ability, which destroyed everything.

The flaming chopsticks flashed past, and Salamander Sphinx was traumatized. The scales on her body had become charred black, and a large section of her mane was singed.

At this time, the overlord of the food pyramid still had the glory of the past, but he was in a miserable state, like a kitten that had been ravaged all the time.

However, the "cooking" was not over yet. Xiaojin attacked from behind, grabbed the tongue-like tail of Salamander Sphinx, and bit it down again.

This move made Salamanda Sphinx feel sour again. Being bitten by Nilot twice in a row was not something that ordinary people could bear.

"Tong Yu-kun, the tear ducts seem to have been opened!" Tasoko said looking at the tearful Salamander Sphinx.

"Very good, there's only one last step left to succeed! However, this guy's resistance is very strong!"

After a brief sigh, Tong Yu disappeared and rushed towards Salamander Sphinx. This time, his speed reached the extreme, and he reached his back in the blink of an eye.

Salamander Sphinx also felt Tong Yu on its back and tried to break away, but no matter how hard it was, it could not be thrown off its back.

"Okay, let me help you!"

As he spoke, another pair of chopsticks appeared in Tong Yu's hands. The chopsticks closed and plucked the feathers on Salamander Sphinx's back one by one.

Not only that, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadano also launched attacks from different places, all hitting the weakest places where the pain is strongest... .

After several combined attacks, the tear ducts that were originally opened completely popped out.

Tong Yu and the others also stopped their attacks in a tacit understanding, and looked quietly at Salamander Sphinx in front of them, seeing amber tears seeping out of his eyes.

"It's finally coming..."

Tong Yu looked expectantly at the fragrant Coke that was about to be sprayed out. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

However, Tong Yu and the others all knew that the fragrant Coke they poured out at the beginning was not real, it was just alkaline water.

That's right, the first thing discharged from the body of Salamander Sphinx is only the oxidized alkaline water accumulated on the surface of the glands. Although this is also a high-quality cola, what comes out later is the truly mature and fragrant cola.


The first burst of alkaline water formed a cloud in the sky and spread down, which was very beautiful and spectacular.

"Xiao Jin, go drink these!"

Adhering to the principle of not wasting, Tong Yu planned to let Xiao Jin drink this.

In fact, the moment Xiao Jin saw the alkaline water spurting out, he couldn't help but want to go up and drink it. After hearing Tong Yu's order, he immediately rushed up and swallowed all the alkaline water without any hesitation. Entered the stomach.

Xiao Jin let out bursts of excited roars. After swallowing it in one gulp, his muscles expanded again and his gourmet cells evolved again!

Nitro's gourmet cells are so active that they have completed two evolutions in a short time of 0.8.

"Very good, Xiao Jin, please remember not to waste ingredients at any time. Only the cook knows the value of ingredients best. If you want to be favored by the ingredients, you must first respect them!"

As Tong Yu spoke, he looked at Salamander Sphinx who was already lying on the ground.

Next, there is the real fragrant cola. The original possible amount is dozens to a hundred times that of alkaline water. That is an amount that one person can never drink.

Once it erupts, the surrounding area will become a swimming pool of Coke.

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