When the words fell, Tong Yu's fist had hit Nitro.


Nitro was knocked away and hit the ruins hard, raising a cloud of dust.


The force of this blow is not something that ordinary beasts can withstand, but this Nitro was able to stand up quickly after being punched.

Attack, endurance, resistance...

Nitro's performance is excellent in all aspects, and the most amazing thing is his IQ!


After a roar, Nitro imitated Tong Yu's behavior and rushed towards him.

He raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and burst out with terrifying power!

The posture of the body is exactly the same as that of Tong Yu just now...

Tong Yu's seemingly random punch just now actually contained the subtle meaning of food, but Nilot just took one look and fully understood it.

This surprised Tadokoro and Ryoko Sakaki who were watching the battle.

"Nilot is indeed very powerful, he just... learned Tong Yujun's moves just by looking at them!"

"Yes, this kind of talent is so terrifying. No wonder Tong Yujun wants to tame him. He grows up too fast!"

It is precisely because of this that Tong Yu wants to tame Nitro.

However, the taming process was more difficult than he imagined.



Chapter 465: Food Pyramid (4)

Tong Yu was also determined to tame this Nitro, and when he saw that he would not give in, he used a stronger killing move.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with wine and chopsticks!"

With a cold snort, a huge silver chopstick appeared above Tong Yu's head, and a beam of light like a laser cannon suddenly burst out from the top of the chopstick.


It was extremely fast, shooting towards Nitro from top to bottom.

However, the first shot did not hit, and Nitro dodged the attack with his extraordinary speed, but then the chopstick cannon fired powerful lasers one after another.

Finally, a laser penetrated Nitro's arm. Black smoke came out of his arm and blood flowed out.

Obviously, such an attack does not pose a threat to Nitro's life, but only makes him suffer.


However, this Nitro still refused to give in. After making a series of strange screams, it rushed towards Tong Yu again regardless of its injuries.

"I understand, you still want to taste some pain, right? I will satisfy you! Continuous chopsticks!"

This time the chopsticks in the air were split into two, and the two slender chopsticks struck Nilott all over his body without falling anywhere.

Originally, this trick of continuous chopsticks was prepared by Tong Yu for Salamander Sphinx. By continuously tapping all over the body, it will speed up the ripening of the fragrant cola.

clap clap clap!

Continuous sounds came, hitting Nilot's body again and again. This kind of blow was not painful as it cut through the flesh, but hit the most painful place appropriately.

Tong Yu has done a lot of research on acupoints today and knows where the most painful acupoints are.

No, the continuous knocks made Nitro wail.

"Clap your chopsticks horizontally!"

The chopsticks in the air closed again, and a huge chopstick hit Nitro horizontally in the stomach.

Nitro's whole back was bent, and he was knocked out again, falling heavily and letting out a low whine.

After this series of "training", Nitro had begun to give in, looking at Tong Yu with fear in his eyes.

"How about it, do you want to continue? But the next step is not just as simple as hitting you with chopsticks..." Tong Yu's eyes revealed a strong murderous aura as he spoke, and at the same time, the ghost of the Food Cell Demon also appeared above his head.

The moment the Chiyou demon appeared, even the extremely ferocious Nilot felt fear... It was the evil fear coming from the food cells in his body, which forced him to lower his proud head.

"He who knows the current affairs is a wise man. Now you plan to surrender to me, right?"

Nitro nodded and expressed his willingness to follow Tong Yu.

"Very good, you will be my pet from today on. Since we met at the Food Pyramid, you will be called Xiaojin from now on!" Tong Yu gave Nitro a new name.

Xiao Jin obviously liked the new name and let out a cheer.

The "training" just now caused Xiao Jin to suffer some minor injuries. At the same time, he had just recovered from dry sleep. He needed to eat to get his body back to normal. The shriveled and thin figure now was completely different from Nitro.

Tong Yu took out a large amount of ingredients from the space ring for Xiao Jin to eat. After eating and drinking, the originally dry and thin body began to swell.

The muscles expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their gourmet cells are quite active.

To be precise, the entire body of a creature like Nitro is a kind of gourmet cell.

The originally gray hair became shiny in the blink of an eye, and the nutrients from the food just eaten had entered the body and been completely absorbed.


Tong Yu thought for a moment, then took out the gem meat from the space ring and threw it to Xiao Jin.

"Eat it!"

Xiao Jin, who smelled the aroma of the gem meat, opened his mouth and swallowed the gem meat in one bite.

Gem meat is a rare special ingredient in the human world. After eating it, Xiao Jin's gourmet cells evolved, the muscles of his body expanded again, and the blood vessels could be seen expanding and flowing around the body.


There were bursts of sharp whistling sounds. From this sound alone, it was known that Xiao Jin had broken through the barrier of the food cells, his strength had been greatly improved, and he was even more surrendered to Tong Yu!

This is Tong Yu's method, using both soft and hard tactics.

At the beginning, use powerful means to suppress it, completely polishing off its arrogant and unyielding heart. When it reaches a certain level, you will provide benefits and feed it with top-quality ingredients.

Nilot has a high IQ, strong strength, and strong imitation ability, but compared to humans, he always belongs to the category of ferocious beasts. He has surrender in his bones. Under Tong Yu's methods, he finally chose to surrender and surrender completely!

"Very good, the evolution of gourmet cells has brought you great benefits. Xiaojin, come and meet your two mistresses!" Tong Yu said to Xiaojin.

After hearing this, Xiaojin came to Sakaki Ryoko and Tian Moshie, knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"It's... it's amazing. Xiaojin completely understands what we are talking about." Tadokoro was surprised.

Ryoko Sakaki was also amazed by Nitro's high IQ: "As expected of Nitro, the activity of gourmet cells far exceeds that of most people!"

"Haha, that's why I tamed them."

It doesn't matter how many pets you have, just one powerful one is enough.

Tong Yu didn't plan to tame the second Nitro, just cultivate Xiao Jin to be strong.

Nitro has endless potential, and if you cultivate it well, it will definitely make a difference in entering the food industry in the future.

"Let's go, let's do the second thing now... I can already smell the delicious taste of cola, and my gourmet cells are already excited!"

Tong Yu's super vision penetrated hundreds of meters away and saw Salamander Sphinx in another huge secret room.

Salamander Sphinx also felt the temptation of Tong Yu's super vision and let out a roar!


Tong Yu snorted coldly and regained her momentum to explore.

Salamander Sphinx has been entrenched in the food pyramid all year round, never leaving a step, and its strength is slowly improving.

However, the upper limit of growth in the human world has always been limited, which has led to his failure to break through the capture level of 100 in these tens of thousands of years.

It is easy for everyone to kill a beast, but it is quite difficult to tame or "cook" it.

Fragrant Coke is the condensed product of Salamander Sphinx's tears, and requires special techniques to obtain.

But before coming here, Tong Yu discussed the capture strategy with the three girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro, and had already made plans on how to cook them.

Soon, Tong Yu and others arrived at the huge palace where the Salamander Sphinx lived.

Chapter 466: Capturing Fragrant Coke (1)

In the real world of Tong Yu and others, there is a Sphinx inside the pyramid, and the Salamander Sphinx is similar to this monster.

Capture level 92. The head is like a lion with a pair of white wings on its back. Like most king beasts, its whole body is full of weapons that can kill people.

The whole body is covered with blue scales, like invulnerable armor.

The huge open mouth is filled with sharp teeth. No beast in the world can withstand its bite force. At the same time, the tongue is quite long and can be used as a weapon to chase enemies from a hundred meters away.

The mane, which is similar to that of a lion, is extremely sharp and can easily penetrate the enemy's body.

Not only that, but the Salamander Sphinx has two heads and a snake-like eye on its tail, which not only brings perspective, but is also very flexible and capable of launching attacks.

In the original work, this Salamander Sphinx caused Aru and Zebra a lot of trouble. If the two had not had a tacit cooperation and Xiaosong was guiding them, the two of them would have probably died. This place is overturned.

When Tong Yu walked into this hall, Salamander Sphinx already felt threatened.


Salamander Sphinx opened its big mouth and roared at Tong Yu and several others. This was to demonstrate and defend its territory.For hundreds of thousands of years, it has regarded this place as a palace, and it will attack once someone breaks in.

But this time it was different, because the powerful aura exuding from Tong Yu made him conscious.

For almost a year, Salamander Sphinx converted all nutrients into glucose and stored them in the tear glands. It can only be released through special methods, which is the so-called "special cooking" .

After that, the carbon dioxide in the body is converted into carbonic acid, which is released from the tears together. A series of chemical reactions occur at the moment of contact with the air, thus forming the most delicious delicacy in the human world - fragrant Coke.

"Are Liangzi and Xiaohui ready? This is also equivalent to your actual combat training. The opponent is a beast with a capture level of 92. Don't be careless." Tong Yu said to the two women beside him.


"Don't worry, it will be fine!"

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