Cerpalos is a ferocious beast that has survived in ancient times. It is impossible that he could not understand what Tong Yu said. He obviously hesitated for a few seconds after hearing this.


The three heads of Cerpalos roared at Tong Yu.

"Oh, that's your answer, I understand."

Tong Yu no longer held back, bursting out with powerful strength and dealt a fatal blow to Cerpalos.


Three secret chopsticks pierced his throat at the same time, killing him instantly.

"What a pity, it seems unwilling to be tamed by us." Ryoko Sakaki said while looking at the fallen body of Cerpalos.

"Don't be sorry, there are people in this pyramid who are more suitable to be thugs than him." Tong Yu said.

As soon as he said this, Tian Suohui immediately guessed Tong Yu's thoughts.

"Tong Yujun is talking about Nitro who is sleeping here, right?"

Tong Yu nodded: "Yes, it's Nitro!"

Nitro, according to the only remaining information on igo, is a creature discovered and named by Acacia, the god of food, about 600 years ago.

The classification is unknown, there are no genitals, and the method of reproduction is unknown.

Although individuals are extremely rare, their lifespans are unusually long. Exactly when they began to live on the earth is also an unsolved mystery.

According to a geologist from igo, fossils similar to this guy have been found in the strata hundreds of millions of years ago.Although they originally have a very strong appetite, if there is no food or the habitat deteriorates, they will enter a state of non-metabolic dormancy called "thousand sleep" and can sleep for thousands of years. Nitro's survival to this day relies on this ability to hide. After countless disasters.

In the Food Pyramid, dozens of Nitros were put into dry sleep. It is unknown whether they entered a dry sleep state by themselves in 990 or were forced to do so by others.

"I remember...Tong Yu-kun, you mentioned in the comics that Nitro is a very dangerous creature, known as 'living explosive'! Can we really tame this...such a beast?" Ryoko Sakaki asked worriedly.

"No, it's actually the opposite. Nitro's IQ is the highest among all beasts, even surpassing the intelligence of most humans. Moreover, they are naturally warlike and have extremely strong talents. This talent is not just for fighting. Lan We will definitely not be able to tame Senirot. Those guys who claim to be nobles will never succumb. If it is Red Nilot, then it is possible..." Tong Yu said.

In fact, Tong Yu had already had the idea of ​​subduing one or more creatures like Nilot to serve him.

In the captive world of gourmet food, no one has successfully tamed Nitro, and the Gourmet Club is one of them.

If you can do it with food, you can do it too!

With this thought, Tong Yu also secretly decided to wake up and conquer Nitro in the food pyramid.

Continuing towards the bottom of the food pyramid, you will encounter more and more types and numbers of beasts.



Chapter 464: Food Pyramid (3)

Tong Yu and the two girls continued to move toward the bottom of the food pyramid, encountering many ferocious beasts along the way.

"Oh, what's it this time?"

Another group of menacing beasts blocked the way of the three people.

I saw twenty or thirty ferocious beasts like wheels, dressed in copper-clad iron armor, with their mouths wide open, revealing sharp teeth.

Projectile beast, crustacean, capture level 40.

It has super high defense power and can use its round body to carry out fast and powerful attacks. It can be said to be a beast with both offense and defense.At the same time, it is also a social animal, which will give the food hunters you encounter a huge headache!

However, the meat under the carapace is extremely tender, and its properties are somewhat similar to those of field snails.

"It's a projectile beast. The meat under the thick carapace is very delicious. Do you want to capture it, Dou Yu-kun?" Ryoko Sakaki asked.

Tong Yu couldn't help but smile: "Do I need to say this? Of course I have to capture it! It will definitely be super delicious when made into Teppanyaki!"

Just thinking about this made Tong Yu drool overflow from the corner of his mouth.


Tong Yu shouted loudly, and immediately dozens of silver chopsticks flew towards the group of projectile beasts in front of him.

Each chopstick accurately hits the projectile beast's weakest point.

It was Tong Yu's first time encountering a projectile beast. Logically speaking, he couldn't find its weak point.

However, Tong Yu's ability to find weaknesses so quickly is naturally related to Super Five Senses, and Shiyi also plays a big role.

After capturing the projectile beast, Tongyu cooked it into delicacies on the spot and ate it before moving on.

There is no rush at all, I came here early, not to mention that there are many unsolved mysteries in the Food Pyramid that need to be explored slowly.

After continuing to explore, and after catching or eating a lot of food, we finally arrived at the first destination of this adventure...

Compared with the rooms I've been to just now, this room is extremely huge, and the decoration and structure inside the room are very different from the others.

Looking further ahead, there are more than ten coffins placed in two symmetrical rows.

There is no doubt that the one surviving inside this coffin is Nitro.

"This is probably where Nitro sleeps, but there are so many of them..."

In the original work, Komatsu accidentally destroyed the room above the secret room, causing water to pour into it from top to bottom. Some of the water dropped on the coffin, resurrecting one of the Nitros.

That's right, one of the ways to revive Nilot from dry sleep is to encounter water.

Once exposed to water, Nilot will recover from dry sleep.

He was confident that he could deal with one or two Nitro Tongyu, but with nearly 20 of them resurrected together, even he had no choice but to run away.

However, one of the targets this time is one of these Nilots.

Tong Yu was not in a hurry and inspected this huge room first.

Soon, he found what he was looking for, a precious cooking book left by one of the three chefs in Nitro Middle School.

This book records the methods of harvesting almost all special ingredients in the human world and the food world, including Acacia's life menu.

"This is the cookbook written by Jiji, the 'Golden Chef' of Chef Nilot San! Now we can also know how to capture ingredients outside of the plot.'"! "

"Congratulations to Tong Yujun!"

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tian were happy for Tōyu from the bottom of their hearts.

Putting away the cooking book, Tong Yu looked at the dozen or so coffins in front of her.

"Super vision!"

Tong Yu unfolded her super vision and directly saw the situation inside the coffin.

There is a Nitro sleeping in all the coffins. Most of these Nitro are cubs with gray-white skin.

There are two types of Nitros. Most Nitros are red, making up the vast majority of this race, and a small part of them are blue.

These Blue Nitros claim to be the nobles among Nitros, superior to Red Nitrotes, and even enslave other Red Nitrotes.

In order to control Red Nilot, Blue Nilot even cut off the vocal cords of all Red Nilot and was forced to become a prisoner.

Therefore, there was an uprising of Red Nilot against Blue Nilot, and the main figure in the uprising was the "Three Chefs" who were named by Yilong.

However, whether it is red Nitro or blue Nitro, they are both gray when they are young. Only when they become adults will they know which type they are.

Tong Yu withdrew her super vision: "Are they all Nilot's cubs? Just what I want. After they are tamed, they can swear allegiance to me!"

"Ryouko Megumi, please find a safe place. I'm going to tame Nilot now."

Tong Yu waited until the two women pushed to a safe position, then took out the kettle from the space ring, walked to a coffin, and poured all the water on it.

Water soaked into the coffin along the cracks, and soon there was movement inside the coffin.


The lid of the coffin was violently blown away, and a Nilot with gray fur and a shriveled body appeared in front of Tong Yu.

Nilot woke up after dry sleep. Due to not eating for a long time, he was as skinny as a stick and looked extremely unappetizing.

However, although he looks extremely thin, he exudes the aura of a beast, and his mouth is full of fangs with saliva constantly flowing out.


Nitro needs to eat this time!

hungry!Devour everything!

Without stopping for a moment or hesitating, the Nitro cub pounced towards Tong Yu.

The mouth full of sharp teeth was almost opened to 180 degrees, and this posture was about to swallow Tong Yu alive.

In response, Tong Yu snorted coldly.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry!"

Tong Yu waved her right hand, and a pair of 2-meter-long silver chopsticks came to her right.

Then Tong Yu's right hand made a "picking food" gesture, and Nilot's body was caught by the chopsticks, unable to move.

"Submit to me. I will kill you with just a raise of my hands. Useless resistance will only increase your pain." Tong Yu said to Nilot who was already caught in the air.

Obviously, Nitro, who has a high IQ, can understand what Tong Yu said, but how can this ferocious Nitro be willing to succumb to others, and let out a series of harsh roars.

After trying his best, Nitro finally broke free from Tong Yu's chopsticks...

However, this was under the condition that Tong Yu did not control his power.

Nitro is difficult to deal with, not only because of its high intelligence, but also because of its ferocity!No matter who the opponent is, he will attack with all his strength.

Making roars again, Nilot rushed toward Tong Yu again.

"々. You're really stubborn, so I'll let you have a taste of the pain."

Tong Yu raised her hand again, but this time it was not a gentle attack.

Several silver chopsticks flew towards Nitro!

The thin and thin Nilot was very agile and managed to avoid attacks from several chopsticks.

"Oh, very clever! But, do you think I can only attack from a distance?"

Tong Yu snorted, her feet suddenly exerted force, and disappeared from the spot.

"To be a qualified cook, technique alone is not enough. Strength is also very important!"

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