
"Although it looks smooth due to the mirage tower, it is actually immortal... You have to follow my steps closely. If you make the wrong move, you will fall down and be doomed!"

The temperature is still rising.

The temperature... The high temperature of 81 degrees Celsius is no longer something ordinary people can bear.

According to research, in a dry air environment, the highest temperature that the human body can withstand is 80 degrees Celsius, but it will not last more than an hour, and it will also cause endless pain.

Tong Yu and the other three people have been traveling in such temperatures for several days, which requires a lot of energy. They need to continue to eat, replenish water and energy to sustain themselves.

However, it is impossible for ordinary adventurers to carry a large amount of food when they come to this food desert. They will die due to excessive energy consumption before they can find the food pyramid.

But Tong Yu doesn't need to think about this issue at all. He has a space ring and has stored a lot of food before coming here. Even if he doesn't have a space ring, he still has a system.

All obstacles are not a problem, Tong Yu has a solution.

After walking for half an hour, Tong Yu saw that the two women were a little tired, so she was about to stop to rest and replenish energy, but at this moment, a huge fish beast suddenly jumped out of the desert next to them.

"Whatever comes to mind, I can actually encounter the 'Desert Flower Fish'! This is a rare ingredient!" Tong Yu looked at the Desert Flower Fish swimming in the yellow sand not far away and drool overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Desert flower fish, caught with level 9 ingredients, are the same as fish living in water. They mainly live in desert areas. Their main activities are food deserts where high temperatures are intolerable. High temperatures are often their favorite place in the desert. Zhong is a highly nutritious and high-moisture ingredient, and is one of the favorite ingredients for adventurers.

Not only is it delicious, but it can also replenish moisture in one go. How can we let this ingredient go?



Chapter 462: Food Pyramid (1)

How could Tong Yu let go of such a delicious food as the desert flower fish and eat it after catching it.

The meat and blood of the desert flower fish are edible and are rare delicacies. After eating, they can replenish the body's missing water in one go. This is an extremely valuable resource in a food desert.

At this moment, the temperature in the food desert was actually 80 degrees Celsius. The body temperature reflected by the burning hot sand was over 90 degrees Celsius. The water Tong Yu took in soaked into the blood of his body.

It is said that camels, which can easily cope with heat and disturbance, not only store fat in the humps on their backs, but also circulate a large amount of water in the blood, with the maximum amount exceeding 100 liters. It can be said that this is how camels can go without drinking water for a long time. One of the reasons for action.

However, in animals other than camels, if there is too much water in the blood, the red blood cells will rupture and cause anemia.

However, the gourmet cells of Tou Yu, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro had already produced strong red blood cells and successfully stored a large amount of water. What's more, the large amount of water secreted in the nasal cavity instantly cooled the scorching air and prevented the heat in the air. Burning lungs.

In fact, it was because Tong Yu didn't go directly to the Food Pyramid with the two girls because she couldn't find it. Instead, she tossed and turned in the desert for several days to allow her body to adapt to the hot climate.

"Xiaohui, Liangzi, are you okay?" Tong Yu asked without looking back.

"Hey, Tong Yujun, what are you referring to?"

"You must have adapted to this desert."

"Well, it's almost there."

Tong Yu nodded: "It seems that the past few days were not wasted. The body has adapted well to the hot climate. But having said that, 'food desert' and 'extreme cold continent' are really two different extremes."

When Tong Yu's special ability was activated, he quickly got out of the illusion caused by the "mirage tower", and also fought off several inedible beasts along the way.

After walking a few more kilometers, we finally came to the Food Pyramid, but this time it was not an illusion, but reality before our eyes.

"It turns out that the real food pyramid is much higher..."

"Well, just now it was just a part of the phantom reflected by the mirage tower. The real food pyramid is much taller!"

"Haha, this is the place known as the miracle of the human world... the food pyramid! Then, let the three of us challenge it!"

After Tong Yu finished speaking, he walked towards the entrance of the pyramid.

Entering the food pyramid, the three of them saw countless criss-crossing stairs, which were no different from a maze.

"It's true, there are stairs everywhere, like a maze!"

"Although I already know it, how do I find the right intersection?"

The two women still left the decision-making power in Tong Yu's hands.

Tong Yu calmly looked at the surrounding ladder maze and said slowly: "Haha, if you don't know the true area of ​​this food pyramid, everyone who enters will make mistakes, because what we just entered is not the entrance of the pyramid. But the highest peak..."

"In other words, the correct way is to go all the way down, but you may not be able to find the room where the Salamander Sphinx is if you go all the way down." Ryoko Sakaki expressed doubts.

"You're right, you still can't find fragrant cola by ordinary methods... But Ryoko, don't forget, the three of us are cooks, and we are all people blessed by food luck. We will choose the ingredients and kitchen utensils from people we approve of. , I believe that the three of us are favored by the food. So, there is no need to think so much, just go down." Tong Yu said.

So, the three of them walked down the steps and began to explore the miraculous food pyramid left by Nilot.


However, they didn't go far when a beast blocked the way of the three of them.

I saw that this was a strange-looking beast.

With a mouth full of sharp teeth, only one eye, and countless snake heads on its head, this shape is no different from the Western Medusa.

Medusa, this is the Gorgon in ancient Greek mythology, one of the three Gorgon sisters, who lives on the other side of the Oceanus River that surrounds the earth, where it meets the Land of Night.His father was Phorcys, the son of the earth goddess Gaia and the ocean god Pontos, and his mother was Phorcys's sister Ceto.

We also know what connection this beast has with Medusa in ancient Greece, but the name of this beast is - Skeleton Medusa... .

Skeleton Medusa, a mammal, is currently only found in the Food Pyramid, with a capture level of 42.

The hair on the huge head is made up of countless white snakes. The white snakes can extend freely and are very aggressive. The capture level of a white snake is about 5.

Although it has many similarities with Medusa, the skeleton Medusa in front of her is extremely ugly, uglier than many beasts. When they saw Tong Yu and the others, they chose to attack without hesitation.


Tong Yu snorted coldly, and the silver chopsticks appeared in her hands, and she stabbed the skull Medusa in front of her on the forehead.

The chopsticks penetrated the skull Medusa's head, killing her immediately, and then the white snake on her head also died quickly.

Medusa looked ugly, but the parts below her head were edible. Tong Yu did not waste it. After cutting off her head, she threw the body parts into the food storage space of the space ring.

Continue down the stairs.

The further you go down, the greater the changes in each room. The structure of the room is basically made of piled stones, but it is full of mystery everywhere.

Tong Yu and the others also knew that the seemingly mysterious rooms actually lurked dangers. Some rooms also had mechanisms. Once the mechanism triggering device was stepped on, the consequences would be disastrous. 0.8.

Fortunately, Tong Yu has super vision, coupled with other super senses, he can predict dangerous places.

Of course, everything is unexpected.

Ryoko Sakaki accidentally stepped on a stone slab, triggering the mechanism of this huge secret room.


A huge stone slab in one part of the room was slowly opened.

"Yes...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it." Ryoko Sakaki knew that she was in trouble.

Tong Yu waved her hands, not paying attention to it at all. Her eyes fell on the scarlet eyes that slowly opened in the darkness in the secret room.

"Be careful, this is a beast!" Tong Yu felt the powerful aura of the beast.

It turns out that there is a ferocious beast hidden in the mechanism.No, it's a sealed beast! .

Chapter 463: Food Pyramid (2)

Ryoko Sakaki accidentally stepped on the mechanism in the secret room. The huge stone door in the closed room was slowly opened, and a monster with three heads, each with a horn on each head, walked out.

"This... this is!"

Both Sakaki Ryoko and Tadokoro were shocked. The two women felt an unprecedented beast aura from this beast, which was on par with the previous parasitic emperor!

"A rare beast. This is the 'Unicorn Cerpalos'. It is indeed a difficult opponent!" Tong Yu said slowly.

The unicorn Cerpalos has a capture level of 85. Even in a place like the Food Pyramid, it is a beast that stands at the top of the food chain.A legendary creature that has existed since ancient times. The hair on its body is harder than diamonds and cannot be acupointed. It is said that even Jiro, the acupoint master, cannot control it with acupoints.

Although the meat is hard and difficult to eat, the minimum value of its horns, teeth, and claws exceeds 10 billion yen.

The most important thing is that this guy has a very high IQ, and he is also a beast in the food world.

31 Generally speaking, beasts in the human world are also found in the food world, which means that the food cells of these beasts can evolve and even have ancient bloodlines.

A very simple example is that the capture level of the Demon Orochi in the human world is less than 30, but in the food world there is a Demon Orochi with a capture level of 5100, which is enough to compete with the Eight Kings.

The same is true for the unicorn Cerpalos in front of him. His ancestors are also on par with the eight current kings, and their IQs are also extremely high.

"Well, it's a good beast. It's just a pity that its mobility is a bit lacking, but its defense and attack are top-notch. It's also a good choice to protect the two women."

Tong Yu secretly decided in her heart that after taming this beast, it could be brought to the food world, and it would also be very good as a bodyguard for the two women.

"Xiaohui, Liangzi, stay back, I want to tame this beast!"

After Tong Yu finished speaking to the two women, she met Cerpalos.


This Cerpalos had been sealed in the stone chamber for hundreds of years. It had become ferocious due to hunger, and after roaring, it rushed towards Tong Yu.

At this moment, three heads bit at him at the same time, with extremely terrifying speed and explosive power.

"Spoon Shield!"

Tong Yu calmly raised her right hand.

A huge silver shield suddenly stood in front of Cerpalos, which caught him off guard. However, it only took a moment. His reaction speed was not slow at all. When he saw the shield appear, he immediately stabbed it hard with the horn on his head. go.

The four-meter long horn on the top of Cerpalos' head has terrifying hardness and power. There are few things that can match it in the human world.

The horns of the three heads attacked Shao Shao's shield at the same time, and actually broke the Shao's shield.

"With such attack power, I approve of you!"

Tong Yu suddenly burst into terrifying momentum, and a corner of his strength began to show.

"Let me have some fun with you!"

When Tong Yu explodes with all his strength, the next process is a unilateral crushing.

Although Cerpalos has a capture level of 85, he can only get beaten in front of Tong Yu who uses his true strength.

Soon the powerful beast was crushed by Tong Yu and forced into a corner.

"Okay, at this moment you barely have two choices. The first is to become our mount and be at our disposal from now on! As for the second way..."

Before Tong Yu finished speaking, the murderous aura in his body began to spread again.

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