The "desert" in the Desert Garden is not just yellow sand, but also a purely natural "rice desert"; a "sugar desert" made entirely of sugar; and a "mineral desert" made entirely of minerals, and even The gem desert formed by gold sand and diamonds is also because the rich and diverse resources of this place have made many warring countries profitable, so the war continues in this place.

But these are not things that Tong Yu needs to worry about for the time being. Now he is taking the two girls forward in this desert, preparing to experience the scenery here.

Ryoko Sakaki was riding a camel behind, holding a desert map in her hand and looking at it.

"Tong Yujun, which desert should we go to first?"

Tong Yu was drinking Camel's premium wine while looking at the map in his hand: "The closest ones to our location are the Gemstone Desert and the Rose Salt Desert. Let's go to the Rose Salt Desert first. Maybe we can make a special dish there. Here’s the cooking!”

Rose Salt Desert, a type of natural desert salt, is a type of crystalline rock salt. Its biggest feature is that its color is very pink and attractive. It can be said to be the most beautiful type of table salt, and this kind of rose salt tastes great. It is lightly salty and tastes very mild. Many sushi restaurants put this salt into vinegared rice, which has an unexpected taste.

"Rose salt, I heard that eating a little every day has excellent effects on the skin. Xiaomei, let's take some back this time." Ryoko Sakaki said to Tadokoro.

"Okay!" Tian Suo Hui said.

In this way, the three of them headed towards the Rose Salt Desert, talking and admiring the scenery along the way.

After walking for a few minutes, the three of them encountered a beast unique to this desert.

The beast in front of him was a huge scorpion with eight tails, and the two huge claws on its forelimbs revealed a terrifying cold light.

"Oh, it appeared so quickly, the poisonous Yamata scorpion in the desert! It kills all living creatures with the poison of its eight tails, thus posing a very high danger to the ecosystem. If I remember correctly, it is the No. [-] designated by igo. A second-level dangerous creature..." Tong Yu said calmly while looking at the Yamata Scorpion in front of her.

Although the scorpion beast is poisonous, the main part that carries the poison is the "hook" at the tail. In fact, its meat is edible. To be precise, the meat of the "five poisons" can be eaten, as long as it is handled properly.

The scorpion meat is very delicious, the meat is neither old nor old, and the texture of the meat is somewhat similar to that of shrimp meat. Moreover, it can be eaten by ordinary people and can effectively treat various skin diseases.

When the three of them were renting camels just now, they heard about the dangers of this thing, and it was also the culprit of the attack on the town. There are quite a lot of Yamata scorpions in this desert, and they reproduce very quickly in this desert terrain. This is why igo lists it as a "Level [-] dangerous creature".

Of course, Tong Yu would not let go of this kind of creature.

This kind of beast, whose capture level is only 30, is not Tongyu's turn to take action. It is just for the two girls, Tasori Megumi and Sakaki Ryoko, to practice their skills and gain practical experience.

This was not the first time that the two women faced ferocious beasts. Tong Yu also trained frequently in terms of actual combat experience and had been to many dangerous places in the human world. Together, the two women quickly defeated the Yamata Scorpion in front of them.

Tong Yu waved his right hand and put the captured Yamata scorpion into the space ring, and then continued to move towards the destination.

After half an hour, the three of them finally arrived at the Rose Salt Desert. Looking at the light pink desert land in front of them, a refreshing fragrance hit their faces.

"It's really spectacular, the endless ocean of salt! And the fragrance is really fascinating..."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that so much salt scattered in this place would have such a fragrance."

Tong Yu said with a smile: "Many people think that salt only stimulates the sense of taste. In fact, really good salt can have a great impact on the sense of smell. Then let's make a 'salt-baked scorpion' here!"

After saying that, Tong Yu took out the Yamata scorpion and used an ordinary kitchen knife to pry open the scorpion's shell, exposing the white and tender flesh.

"Oh, this meat looks super delicious!"

Tong Yu's mouth was already drooling. He quickly took out a huge piece of tinfoil from the space ring, put a large amount of rose salt into the tinfoil, and then put the scorpion meat on it.

Finally, roll up the tin foil, compact it while rolling it, and finally tie it tightly with a rope.

Dig a 2-meter pit in the desert nearby, and then place the scorpion meat wrapped in tinfoil in the sand pit.

After doing all this, Tong Yu clapped his hands.

"Okay, the high temperature under the sand will continue to simmer the meat in the tin foil...the meat simmered at a constant temperature will be even more tender!"



Chapter 461: Food Desert (2)

"Okay, that's it."

After only waiting for more than ten minutes, Tong Yu dug out the Yamata scorpion buried in the yellow sand. Even before opening the tin foil, she could already smell the tempting aroma of meat.

"The scent of rose salt keeps coming to your nose, mixed with the scent of the meat of the Yamata scorpion, it's hard to stop!" Tong Yu opened the tin foil with a smile, and the irresistible scent hit her face.

Even the two girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Kei Tadokoro, were attracted by the scent.

"The aroma is fragrant. No matter what ingredients are in Tong Yujun's hands, they can be turned into top-notch delicacies!"

"Tong Yujun, let's taste it together."


Then Tong Yu and the two girls tasted this unique dish, which can only be made in this desert.

After enjoying the unique food in the desert, the three of them continued on their way, but continued to travel in the mood of visiting mountains and rivers, and spent a few days visiting various nearby deserts.

I got some diamonds, rubies, and sapphires in the Gem Desert. After all, girls like this stuff. I also went to rice desert, brown sugar desert, mining desert and other places. I also encountered many beasts living in the desert, such as The "Salt Rat" whose staple food is salt, and the "Desert Snake" hiding in a secret chamber deep in the desert...

There are also many biological chains in the food desert, and most of them are precious and edible beasts. It is no wonder that igo has set this place as a protection target.

After a few more days, Tong Yu and the two girls finally arrived in front of the huge pyramid known as the "Gourmet Cemetery".

Tong Yu took off the hat on her head and looked at the pyramid in front of her with only the tip of the iceberg exposed.

"It took a while to stop and go, but we finally arrived." Tong Yu said.

Ryoko Sakaki raised her head and looked at the top of the pyramid, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's so huge. This is much higher than the pyramids in Egypt in our world."

"The preliminary estimate is that it is at least more than 1000 meters, which is really shocking!" Tasokoroe also sighed.

"But this is just the surface height. What we want to find is under the pyramid." Tong Yu said.

The pyramid now exposed outside the yellow sand is just the tip of the iceberg. It is not so much a pyramid as it is a huge kingdom hidden under the desert.

In fact, this food pyramid is a product of civilization left by Nitro, an unknown creature with extremely high intelligence several years ago.

This is also the amazing place of the food pyramid, and it is also the crystallization of wisdom. Tong Yu will hold high respect for this kind of building.

"This building has a history of at least tens of thousands of years. It has been exposed to the desert for many years. Its true appearance has been hidden for a long time. What we can see now is probably only one thousandth of the real area..." Tong Yu said.

All three of them know comics and have a certain understanding of everything here.

"In the comics, Aru and Zebra were able to accurately find the location of Coke because of Zebra's special ability... Tongyu-kun, how do we find it now?" Ryoko Sakaki asked.

Tong Yu smiled slightly: "Haha, don't you worry about what I'm doing? There must be a way, and it's all ready. Now let's go in first."

With that said, Tong Yu jumped off the back of the water storage camel, patted the back (hump), and said: "Thank you so much for taking care of me these days. This place is not for you to enter. Go back. .”

In addition to its excellent ability to withstand heat, heat, hunger and thirst, the camel also has a very developed memory. On the way to its new home, the camel uses sight and smell to remember the news along the way, so even in the desert After walking for several days, they knew the way back very well.

Therefore, Tong Yu does not need to worry about finding the way back. At the same time, they are good at hiding and will hide when they encounter danger.

The water storage camel has a high IQ. After understanding Tong Yu's words, he left without looking back.

Just when Tong Yu was about to take steps towards the sand in front of him, his feet suddenly sank. It was like a whirlpool appeared in the calm water, and a huge suction force sucked in all the surrounding areas.

Tong Yu reacted quickly and quickly protected the two girls behind him and retreated to a safe area.

"This is quicksand, be careful." Tong Yu reminded.

"If quicksand appears, it further proves that there are objects other than yellow sand below." Tian Suohui has done a lot of research on geography and has a good understanding of the formation of various major materials.

Quicksand in the desert is formed from soft sand filled with moisture and stimulated by external forces.

When water is surrounded by sand piles and cannot be released, water and sand form liquid soil that cannot bear weight. Quicksand can be formed by factors such as static water, upwelling water, or earthquakes.

In the presence of upwelling water, the force of the water counteracts gravity, causing the sediment particles to suspend.Quicksand refers to the phenomenon of water-saturated loose sandy soil, especially silt sand and fine sandy soil, liquefying and flowing under the action of vibration force or hydrodynamic force.

This is enough to explain the huge food pyramid under the feet that is covered under the yellow sand!

The quicksand did not stop. The quicksand around the three people began to sink rapidly. Only the place where the three people were standing did not sink. The surrounding areas were sunk dozens of meters underground.

The situation is changing!

It was calm one second, but full of crisis the next. It seemed like the food pyramid was warning the intruders.

After the yellow sand, many stationary beasts and winding bird pathways appeared in front of Tong Yu and the others.

"Oh, I finally saw it after all these days. Is this the 'local specialty' mirage of the food desert?"

Mirage, also known as mirage, is a natural phenomenon formed by the refraction and total reflection of light.Its formation is closely related to weather conditions, meteorological conditions, geographical location, geophysics, etc.

Mirages can be seen at sea or on land and are characterized by their repeated appearance in the same place and at the same time.

Due to different densities, light will be refracted at the temperature gradient boundary.People's brains believe that light always travels in straight lines, but when light passes through the cooler, denser atmosphere below, it refracts downward, so the tall buildings in the distance appear to be taller in the brain than they actually are.

However, mirages in food deserts are not ordinary. The overwhelming temperature and large amounts of impurities in the air appear in the maze of the desert, forming a maze-like mirage.

This is also one of the dangerous factors of food deserts. Many food hunters who come here are blinded by mirages, and fall into the yellow sand from which they cannot extricate themselves, or are attacked by other beasts.

"The maze of Mirage Tower has appeared!" Ryoko Sakaki exclaimed in surprise as she looked at the scenery in front of her.

"This is one of the reasons why the food desert is called a maze. We had clearly seen the food pyramid just now, but we were taken to other places because of the appearance of the mirage..." Tadokoro Hui said.

"No, to be precise, the pyramid that appeared at the beginning was an illusion. If we take another step forward, we will fall into the whirlpool of quicksand."

After Tong Yu finished speaking, he raised a chopstick with his right hand and inserted it into the yellow sand. The moment the chopstick touched the yellow sand, a vortex formed by the yellow sand suddenly swallowed up the surrounding area.

In the original plot, Xiaosong fell into the yellow sand because of this, but he had food luck protection and was taken directly to the bottom of the pyramid, and then what happened next.

The seemingly calm yellow sand actually hides murderous intent, and even one wrong step will lead to disaster.

"Tong Yujun, what should we do now?"

The two women set their eyes on Tong Yu, waiting for his decision.

"Haha, didn't I just say that? I have a way... Ordinary eyes cannot see the trajectory of the 'Phantom Tower' clearly, and I also smelled the scent of beasts in front of me. It seems that it is not all an illusion. This is Under such circumstances, the true route can only be known by smell and touch, but there are exceptions..."

After Tong Yu finished speaking, she slowly closed her eyes.

When he opened it, his eyes changed color.

The pupils are already the color of rubies.

"The combination of super vision and super touch... nothing can escape my eyes. Even if I deceive my eyes, my touch can also be sensed!"

The super five senses are not just a single use, but the combination of abilities can adapt to all things. This can only be achieved by Tong Yu who has integrated the super five senses. The real master is not to maximize a single skill, but to integrate it!

......... 0

You can do it with ease!

"Very good, the route has been determined, then let's move forward!"

Tong Yu walked at the front, followed by the two girls.

In addition to the visual illusion, don't forget that the high temperature of the food desert is two extremes from the extremely cold continent.

"Ryoko, Xiaohui, be careful."

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