"Then the next step is to add seafood ingredients... Although seafood ingredients are not suitable for long-term cooking, there is no need to consider these when adding them to century soup. On the contrary, the longer it is simmered, the more delicious it will be! And these are all It’s top quality food.”

After that, Tong Yu put the ingredients that can further enhance the deliciousness into the large stew pot.

Matsutake scallops are ingredients that have two flavors: matsutake mushrooms and sea shells. The capture level is 15. They are the best mushroom ingredients currently on the market. They have extremely high nutritional value and special medicinal effects. It was the ingredients that Lu Mu had obtained in the "White Forest", and now they were finally put to use.

"The taste of matsutake scallops alone is not enough. Adding 'smoked clams', 'milk scallops', and the extremely precious 'rainbow clams', the deliciousness of the seafood is fully brought out in one go, and the taste of tuna pig is added. Bones and…”

More than ten kinds of ingredients were added in one breath, and the flavors of the ingredients still need to be slowly cooked to be fully released.

Most ingredients take 3 days to release their flavor into the soup, and a few ingredients take 7 days.

In other words, there is no need to add new ingredients for the next 7 days, you just need to cook slowly until the flavors of the ingredients are fully released.

During these seven days, Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki, and Megumi Tadori took turns guarding the soup. During the cooking process, the soup needed to be stirred and the changes in the ingredients were observed. It does not mean that you just put the ingredients in and forget about it.

Cooking century soup is not that simple. When there are sufficient ingredients, it requires a lot of energy.

For the first two days, Tong Yu stayed in the kitchen alone, and for the next five days, Ryoko Sakaki and E. Tadokoro took turns watching.

Tong Yu has always felt at ease when Tadokoroe and Sakaki Ryoko were doing things, especially when it came to cooking, and he didn't need to worry too much.

After resting for a few days to recharge his batteries, when Tong Yu walked into the kitchen again, a scent that was more alluring than before lingered throughout the kitchen.

The fragrance hits her nose directly, making Tong Yu salivate as she wakes up.

"Ah, it smells so good! Xiao Hui, how is the soup going?" Tong Yu came to Tian Suo Hui and at the same time cast her eyes on the large pot that was simmering.

"Well, according to what you said, after stirring every few hours, the ingredients and the soup are well integrated." Tadokoro Megumi said.

Tong Yu picked up a 3-meter-long spoon, scooped up a little soup from the 10-meter-high cauldron and put it into his mouth.

"Oh, the soup tastes pretty good already!"

"I feel so too."

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaohui. Leave the rest to me. You go and have a good rest."

Tong Yu said and gently touched Tian Suohui's cheek, with tenderness in her eyes.


Tazoe nodded with a blushing face, and then left the kitchen to rest.

In a few days, the soup has changed to this level, which is already quite good, even better than expected.

He picked up the spoon again and took another bite, and his super-gustatory abilities began to unfold.

"Well, the taste is indeed good, but it is still far from the century soup... Now let's start seasoning, first of all, sushi salt!"

Tong Yu poured half a catty of sushi salt into the huge stew pot.

Sushi salt, a catch level 7 ingredient, is table salt refined from rock salt from a 3000m high mountain.This salt concentration does not overemphasize itself, and as a seasoning it can enhance the delicate concentration of the original deliciousness of the ingredients.Nowadays, when eating sushi, many people use sushi salt instead of soy sauce, and it is also one of the most popular ingredients.

"Just seasoning with sushi salt is definitely not enough. At this time, you need to add 'Shichimi wine' to increase the flavor. This is also a good ingredient!"

Shichimishu is a liquor made from rice and koji.Although it is mostly used as a cooking wine due to its rich flavor, it is also very popular as a beverage.

In fact, there are many alcoholic chefs who seem to drink shichimi wine bit by bit while working in a corner of the kitchen until they are drunk.

Picked up the spoon and took another bite.

"Hmm... the taste is still wrong. It always feels like something is missing. The freshness is not enough. Just relying on ordinary seasonings is not enough. By the way, try adding some ingredients from Vegetable Sky! Fresh vegetables from Vegetable Sky, extracted Tasteful and nutritious, it definitely adds flavor!”

Tong Yu does not add ingredients randomly, but after tasting it, he relies on years of experience as a chef and

"Food texture" has been improved.

If the ingredients added are different, the resulting century soup will definitely be different, but one thing is certain, the taste will only be better, and Tong Yu is convinced of this.

Every time new ingredients are added, it needs to be simmered for a few hours or days, then new ingredients are added, and the process is repeated.

Basically, the ingredients added are different every time until the flavor of the century soup is fully formed.

In this way, more than a month passed.

Tong Yu’s Soup of the Century has finally reached its final stage.

Chapter 459: Ideas for adding new ingredients

The cooking of the century soup finally came to an end, and Tong Yu also devoted himself to cooking.

In order to find inspiration for making century soup, Tong Yu tasted Setsuno's century soup before the actual cooking.

It was precisely because he tasted the soup of the century made by Setsuno's mother-in-law that he felt so deeply.

"Although it has reached the final stage, there is still a certain gap compared with Setsuno's Century Soup. Setsuno's Century Soup took 20 years to cook. Compared with the finished Century Soup, The soup is not much different..."

With his "super sense of taste", Tong Yu memorized all the taste of Setsuno Century Soup.


Tong Yu picked up a spoon and drank the soup that had been brewed so far.

After three times of filtration, only one-third of the soup in the giant pot is left. The residue of the ingredients has been completely filtered, and the soup is already clear and transparent. If you put aside the aurora and taste, it is no different from the real soup of the century. Far.

"It's getting better...but there is still a certain gap between the taste of Granny Setsuno, let alone the purely natural century soup that is close to nature. It is because I have tasted the real century soup that I know Granny Setsuno The greatness of it.”

Tong Yu's super sense of taste can taste the deep flavor of any dish.

The first time I tasted Setsuno's century soup, I remembered all the flavors inside, and through my own food experience, I knew what most of the ingredients were.

"The ingredients for Setsuno's soup are all ingredients discovered during the past 100 years. She uses all new ingredients to represent Taikoo soup. This is also her strength... The so-called reproduction of taste is like this, right? Achieving this will live up to the name of 'national treasure of food' and is also the dignity of a chef." "Tong Yu murmured to himself.

There is no doubt that what Setuno is making is the century soup of this century, and it is also the soup that represents this ingredient. What Tong Yu wants to make is his own soup, his own century soup.

In the era of gourmet food, especially cooking recipes will be recognized by patents. This is respect for the chef's intellectual property rights. Of course, Tong Yu will not copy Setsuno's soup, and it is not because Setsuno has not applied for a patent.

Moreover, Setsuno's soup is not a finished product. The real soup of the century is the appearance of the Aurora Curtain.

"The concentration of the ingredients is wrong, we need to continue adding ingredients..."

Tong Yu thought about it and decided to continue adding ingredients to the soup.

In fact, when the soup reaches this point, Tong Yu's soup already tastes different from the pure natural century soup. The taste has indeed changed.

In other words, if 100 different chefs cook Century Soup, there will be 100 different flavors, and each chef will have a taste in his or her own mind.

"So, what ingredients should be added?" Tong Yu fell into deep thought.

Ingredients that are too ordinary will definitely not work. Adding them will only affect the taste and quality of the soup and will not achieve any sublimation.

The high-end ingredients in the human world are now almost captured, and there are no high-end ingredients left.

That day, Tong Yu stopped cooking the century soup. He would wait until he found the right ingredients before continuing to cook it. As for the saliva of the giant-armed penguin, which was the most critical ingredient in the century soup, he already had a solution.

Tong Yu told Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro what she was thinking and asked them to think of a solution together.

"There are not many high-end ingredients in the human world. It seems that we have already obtained everything we can catch..." Ryoko Sakaki thought while stroking her chin.

Tong Yu also nodded and said: "Yes, so this is the troublesome part, but to make a unique century soup, we have to continue to change the quantity and quality of the ingredients."

"Speaking of which, there seems to be a high-end ingredient in the human world..." Tadokoro suddenly said.


Tong Yu and Sakaki Ryoko both laid their eyes on Tian Moshi.

Tadokoro Hui said in a gentle voice: "Tong Yujun, have you forgotten that there is a very mysterious and dangerous place in the human world, the 'Gourmet Pyramid'."

“Gourmet Pyramid!”

As soon as he heard about this place, Tong Yu immediately thought of the high-end ingredients in this place - fragrant Coke!

Yes, maybe Coke can be added to the soup of the century.

Even if you can't use it in the soup of the century, fragrant cola is still a top ingredient that can enhance your gourmet cells. You must get it!

"々. However, is Coca-Cola mature? If it is not mature, it will be a waste of time." Ryoko Sakaki said.

"No, even if it is not mature, there are still many ingredients that can be used in the food pyramid. Now that we have no inspiration for cooking century soup, let's go to this place...just treat it as a tourist vacation." Tong Yu decided.

Only Tong Yu could think of a place like the Food Pyramid as a tourist destination.

In addition, after drinking the soup of the century obtained in the extremely cold continent, the strength of Tong Yu, Tadokoroe, and Sakaki Ryoko have all been greatly improved.

The two girls, Tasori Megumi and Sakaki Ryoko, also have the initial ability to enter the food desert.


The next day, the three of them embarked on a journey to a food desert.

In the endless desert, three people each rode a camel, slowly moving forward into the vast yellow sand.

With the scorching sun above our heads, heatstroke prevention is naturally indispensable. The ultraviolet rays in deserts are generally very strong. In order to protect their fair skin, both women put on hats and long coats.

Tong Yu rode a water camel and walked in front of the two women.

"Is this a food desert? Ha, the long yellow sand is also a good scenery." Tong Yu smiled while releasing a large glass of "water" from the "faucet" on the side of the water storage camel, and drank it in one gulp.

Yes, this camel is a necessary mount pet in the desert. The giant camel stores about 2000 liters of water in the hump on its back. You can drink the stored water at any time using the faucet on its side.

Megumi Tadori and Ryoko Sakaki were riding water camels, while Tong Yu was riding a red wine camel, with high-end red wine stored on its hump.



Chapter 460: Food Desert (1)

Glycol Cola, as Tong Yu said before, this ingredient is one of the top ingredients in the human world. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the highest-level ingredient in the human world.

In the original work, this ingredient is added to the life menu of the Four Heavenly Kings. It is also one of the best drinks. It is produced from the beast that captures level 92 - Salamander Sphinx.

The Salamander Sphinx has the same concept as Hellboros in the arctic continent. In every dangerous area, there is a powerful existence that towers over all beasts.

There is no doubt that Salamander Sphinx is the overlord of the food pyramid and has lived in this place for thousands of years. Fragrant Coke is this guy's tears. Once a year, the glucose accumulated in the body is released, forming the world's number one drink. Coke is a favorite among countless gourmets.

Although the current time is several months different from the original work, you can still capture the fragrant Coke, and the taste will not be too different.

However, the location of the Food Pyramid is deep in the largest desert area in the human world, known as the "Desert Garden".

In this area where the desert gathers, there is also a small town. The name of this town is also called "Desert Town". As early as the era before war, it was a famous tourist attraction in the world. Now it is located in igo United In the world situation, many countries are still waging wars, and the war has extended to this place, causing depression here. People here live a hard life in ragged clothes.

No matter where it is, war brings only endless pain, and the most seriously injured are the people at the bottom.

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