Now that he was eliminated, Knox, who thought he had nothing to do, immediately cut off the mental connection with Nasida and went back to his office to take a deep sleep.

However, when the people who didn't bother him the day before came to look for him the next day, there was no one in the office.


"Finally willing to go back?"

The slender and beautiful figure walked out of the coquettish black flames, came to Knox who was wandering in the rain forest, and asked him with a harmless smile on his face.

Seeing Columbia's appearance, Knox was not surprised. He walked around her listlessly, and continued to walk forward slowly while casually saying: "Return is not a very good word."

Columbia turned back to follow, staying beside Knox, still smiling sweetly: "Then what word do you think should be used?"

"Huh." Knox twitched his lips, not interested and too lazy to answer the question.

The girl didn't care about his incomprehensible charm, or she was already used to it, or she knew his state.

Columbia grabbed Knox's hand and gently held it in her delicate white palm. When Knox turned his attention, she just smiled without any explanation.


Knox struggled a bit but didn't let go of the girl's hand, but he didn't bother to care anymore. His hand wouldn't lose a piece of flesh if it was caught, and if he let her go ahead, he could save some energy...

Lazy people can always think of unexpected ways for others to be lazy.

But Columbia seemed to understand Knox's thoughts. She raised her lips in a funny way, held his hand, and walked slightly ahead.


The dark meteor shower fell on the white snow, making violent roars and explosions. The snowy mountains in the distance suddenly avalanched as the earth trembled. The ground was like a huge velvet blanket, and it seemed to be burned out. There was a charred hole.

But in those holes, there was light.


There was another shudder, but this time it came from underground.

A device similar to a gate was pushed open, and a rectangular hole appeared on the large snow-white ground.

Under the hollow, there are regular rows of stairs.

The blue-haired figure wearing a mask walked up the stairs and walked out of the door slowly. He put his hands behind his back and cast his gaze into the air.

There, the skirmishers, whose bodies were filled with dark thunder and whose eyes were filled with black flames, were floating there like demons.

Dotore clasped his hands behind his back, clearly looking up, but inexplicably giving off an air of contempt for all things.

His voice was neither salty nor lukewarm, with no emotion at all: "A very interesting experiment was terminated by your actions just now. If there is nothing important, it seems unreasonable. Give me a reasonable explanation, Scaramucci."

"Experiment? Important thing? Need to explain? Hahahahahahaha..." The skirmisher laughed as if he heard some funny joke, but soon, the laughter stopped suddenly, and his expression suddenly became fierce, and he stretched out his hand , an object like a mini black hole came out of his hand and flew straight to the doctor's position.

There was no question, no coercion, not even a superfluous harsh word. The soldier just coldly stated what would happen next: "Die."

Without any surprise, the mini black hole caused the surrounding space to collapse in an instant. Dotore was drawn into it and was instantly torn into pieces.

But the expression on the skirmisher's face did not change at all, because at some point in the surrounding snowfield, several identical figures of doctors walked out.

Those figures either had their hands behind their backs, or had smiles on their lips, some were careless, and some had expressionless faces.

But without exception, these figures did not seem to pay attention to the god-like skirmishers at this moment.

"Scaramucci, you challenged me in my experimental field. You seem to be even more arrogant after receiving part of Knox's power. But how much can you really use this power? Can it really bring you Do you have the confidence to be so arrogant?" One of the doctors said this in a light tone and reached the ears of the skirmishers in the air.

The skirmisher sneered: "You are a rat bird, but you have the courage to challenge the gods. Should I say that you don't know the heights of the world, or should I say that you are extremely stupid?"

"Let's stop talking nonsense. My experiment is still waiting for me. As Puccinella said, time is precious..." Another doctor said equally calmly.

"So you don't have to spend time looking for them one by one. Let's go on the road together." The skirmisher interrupted the doctor's speech rudely.

Then with a burst of whale crows, a huge jet-black rock whale emerged from the ground, and its huge mouth swallowed up all the doctors on the ground at once.

However, the whale leap had not yet been completed, and the rock whale failed to return to the "sea" because it was blown from the inside into dust all over the sky while it was still in mid-air.

Several doctors returned to the ground unscathed, and even their postures had not changed much from before they were swallowed by the giant whale.

However, at the next moment, an extremely complicated and huge magic circle suddenly formed at the feet of the doctors. Before the skirmishers could react, several fluorescent golden chains had penetrated the void and struck in front of him.

The chains bound him tightly, and a large amount of energy was extracted through these chains and sent to unknown places, just like an experimental product.

The sudden change in the situation made the skirmisher a little distracted, but soon after he reacted, he was swallowed up by endless anger.

"Dotore!!" The skirmishers roared, and a terrifying torrent of energy spread out with itself as the center.

The chains broke instantly, and the skirmishers who escaped from the restraints suddenly appeared in front of one of the doctors after their bodies were ignited with black flames.

puff! !

The arm penetrated the chest, and a scarlet and ferocious heart was taken out of the doctor's chest by the skirmishers.

With a slight exertion on his palm, the doctor fell to the ground along with the blood scattered when his heart exploded.

But the other doctors showed no emotion at all about the scene before them, and the golden circle did not change in any way because of the death of a doctor.

Chapter 193 Like before


The space rippled again, and the black flames on the skirmishers' bodies burned brightly again before they were extinguished.

Then he appeared in front of another doctor out of thin air. He grabbed his neck with his claw-like palms. With a crisp sound, this doctor also stopped breathing and threw away the body in his hands like trash.

The skirmishers, stained with blood and covered in black flames, were like ancient demons from the Nine Netherworld, extremely terrifying.

But the strange thing is that after the two doctors died, this golden formation that seemed to be maintained by five doctors seemed to become even more brilliant.

It was at this time that the skirmishers suddenly realized where the power that was constantly being extracted from their bodies was going.

He lowered his head and looked at the dazzling array at his feet. One of the remaining three doctors said with a smile: "Have you finally discovered it? But it's too late. It would be a waste to give you such a powerful power. Why not?" Let me teach you how to use it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the three doctors took off into the air at the same time. Then, the golden formation turned into rich and sticky black. The two doctors who were killed by the skirmishers also turned into nutrients and were swallowed by the formation.

The skirmisher stood in the center of the formation, and the huge pressure made it almost impossible for him to move.

He straightened up with some difficulty and looked at the three doctors in the sky with fire in his eyes.

Swish swish!

Three blasts of wind sounded, and three light whip-like objects were thrown out from the hands of the three doctors. The skirmishers who were already struggling to move were instantly entangled by those light whips.

"Those who have no brains, even if they have powerful power, are just trapped in a cocoon. As a test subject, of course you are the best one. As for sitting on the throne of God, haha." A doctor said plainly and full of overlooking words. , completely angered the skirmishers.

"Get out of my way!!" A roar roared across the world, and the fierce black flames ignited the light whip that was entangled in him with a terrifying temperature that almost burned the surrounding area into a vacuum.

The torrent of energy spread, and the skirmishers broke the light whip into pieces.

Then, all the burning black flames around him gathered in front of him, and a dark ball of light that was so rich that it almost swallowed up the light quickly took shape.

The more the black flames gathered, the more intense the flames around the skirmisher became. It was not a simple flame, but the embodiment of the power of the Night Demon God stored in his body.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the black ball condensed in his hand is a bomb that can destroy the world.

The three doctors finally faced each other seriously. At this moment, their movements synchronized and their expressions became exactly the same. They squinted their eyes and raised their hands. The darkness at the feet of the skirmishers began to flicker and flicker, and became more and more rapid, as if The countdown to the end.

When the energy reaches a certain level, the space becomes fragmented and cracks fill the air, turning the area where the skirmishers and the doctor confront each other into a real Jedi.

However, just before the torrent of energy was about to explode, a biting ice enveloped the area. The extreme cold seemed to freeze both time and space.

The skirmishers and doctors, who were obviously about to escape the next attack, paused at this moment, and even their thinking was slowed down for a moment.

But soon, the three doctors in the air smiled slightly and put down their hands, and the terrifying formation disk on the ground dissipated instantly.

But the skirmisher still had a fierce light in his eyes, and with a flash of black light in his hand, the ball that was almost compressed into a real black hole was almost about to fly out. However, at this moment, a cold hand grabbed it His wrist.

The skirmishers looked sideways in shock, only to see the clown's cold face saying without any expression: "The Queen's will cannot be violated."

"..." The skirmisher stared at the clown with cold eyes, and the two of them looked at each other for several seconds.

Finally, the skirmisher snorted coldly, and the black hole in front of him dispersed. He also shook off the clown's hand and said in a cold voice: "Stay away from me."

The clown was not angry because of the following offenses committed by the skirmishers. His voice remained calm: "The Queen wants to see you."

"Really?" The soldier said contemptuously, "Should I feel honored?"

"But I'm sorry, I'm not free." The skirmisher said with an indifferent look.

"I said, the Queen's will cannot be violated." The clown repeated his previous words flatly.

The skirmisher couldn't help but sneer: "So? Are you going to defeat me and then tie me before the Queen for questioning, Piero?"

The clown didn't reply, but stretched out his hand again and grabbed the skirmisher's arm.

So the next moment, the skirmishers discovered that they were no longer in the ice and snow.

What appeared before his eyes at this moment was a dark and cold place, like a hall made of solid ice.

And deep in the hall, on top of the Ice and Snow Throne, a figure was lazily supporting his cheek with his hands and looking at him.

The Ice Queen, the skirmisher narrowed his eyes, crossed his arms, and looked at her indifferently, showing no etiquette that an executive should have when seeing the Queen.


The first person Knox saw after returning to Solstice was the Harlequin, and with him was the masked Doctor.

Dotore greeted Knox with a smile: "Congratulations, Xumi's operation has been successfully completed."

Knox responded with a smile: "Thanks for your help."

The pleasant conversation between the two was like a pair of best partners in the workplace congratulating each other after completing a certain achievement.

However, when Knox came to the Harlequin and was about to talk to him, he very naturally broke the doctor's neck and threw it to the snow on the side. Then he said to the Harlequin: "I heard Dadalia said you were looking for me. ?”

Even the corners of the clown's sculpted face couldn't help but twitch slightly, but soon he ignored the corpse on the ground and said calmly: "There are some changes in the abyss that require your action. When we get there, you will naturally understand . But before that, you’d better go see the Queen.”

"Go to see her?" Knox sneered: "Just in time, I want to ask her what Dotore's actions mean. If there is no justifiable reason, I don't mind gathering the fools first before going to clean up the abyss. Clean it up.”

The clown didn't reply, but turned around silently and walked ahead to lead the way.


Since then, Ling has completely disappeared, and there is no news about him.

For a long time before this, Ying felt that she seemed to have regained her spirit. As long as we stayed together for a longer time, she would always return to her former self.

But it was only now that she realized that she had not recovered the spirit. When the spirit disappeared from her sight, things seemed to return to the beginning immediately.

She couldn't find Ling, just like she couldn't find Kong.

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