Chapter 194 Information in the World Tree

The world will not stop because of the absence of anyone, and the long river of time will still flow forward driven by the law.

The disappearance of the Dean of the Teaching Academy has had an actual impact on Xumi that is extremely close to zero. People are still carrying out their work according to the original plan, and Xumi City is still changing at a rapid pace.

The major issues that really needed to be decided and the government orders that needed to be issued had already been completed by the missing dean. What he left behind was just a lot of work that only needed to be carried out step by step.

Nacida had actually expected Knox's disappearance. After all, their minds had been connected before, so it was not surprising that Knox's will was noticed by her.

As for Ying, she had made up her mind to have her own journey as early as the Mondstadt period. Before, she was forced to follow Ling's footsteps due to the situation. Now that Ling is missing, I believe that with his strength, he can basically walk sideways in Teyvat. Category, there is nothing to worry about.

Ke Lai, on the other hand, was quite disappointed about this matter, but after being depressed for a few days, she was relieved. She had spent the past few years feeling that she had been abandoned by that person, let alone now?Just looking forward to meeting you next time...

When the skirmisher walked out to the Winter Palace, his face was quite calm, as indifferent as a pool of cold water in winter. When he met Knox and Harlequin who were walking towards him, he passed them by as if he hadn't seen them.

Although he confirmed that his "kind" who had been dead for hundreds of years was the remnant soul of Knox, but so what?Apart from this relationship, the two people are completely two individuals, and his feelings towards Knox will not be any different because of this!

After leaving Zhi Dong, Skirmisher suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have anywhere to go. Thinking about it, no country in the whole world would welcome him... but he didn't care.

After thinking for a while, he decided to go back to Sumeru first. When Sumeru was undergoing the god-making experiment, he was briefly connected to the World Tree, but he vaguely saw a few interesting scenes in it.


"Are you asking me about my future plans?"

Since Knox's disappearance, his office had naturally become Nacida's.

Sitting behind the desk, looking at Ying and Paimon who found her in front of her, Nasida couldn't help but smile: "I think Sumeru doesn't need me to have any plans in recent years. He has already planned for me." At this stage, Xumi has done all the good things, and the only thing I have to do in the future is probably to close the Void Terminal."

"Close the Void Terminal? Why?" Paimon was a little surprised. Although the Void Terminal was indeed used by the Great Sage and others to do bad things before, now it is managed by Nasida personally. It would be a pity to close such a convenient thing as soon as it is said to be closed. .

Nasida shook her head: "Although the unified management of knowledge in the void terminal is indeed very convenient, it also limits people's curiosity and kills their possibilities. This is not good for the future development of Xumi."

In response, Ying nodded in recognition, hesitated for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask: "Nacita, how much do you know about the intelligence of the Fools?"

"Fools..." Nasida was stunned when she heard this term, and then smiled helplessly: "You want to ask about spirits, right?"

Ying shook his head: "No, I already know a lot about Ling. I want to know about the other executive officers of the Fools... and the Ice God who commands all the executive officers..."

Nasida frowned, and then said: "I haven't gone out to understand the relevant information, so I don't know much. The more important information I know so far is that even if the spirit is removed, the third seat among fools is as good as The executive officers on the throne also have power comparable to that of gods.”

Nasida's words did not contain a lot of information, but Ying and Paimon were not very surprised.

Paimon scratched his head: "How should I put it... Although it is still a bit shocking, but thinking about the spirit of Ling Xi, I am not so surprised."

Nasida smiled and continued: "As for the Queen of the Winter Solstice... To be honest, I don't remember it at all. I don't have any memory of 500 years ago. I only know that she was a very loving woman." God, she has become different since that incident 500 years ago."

"500 years ago... was there another Kanria disaster..." There was some thought in Ying's beautiful eyes.

But at this time, Nasida's next words brought her back to her senses instantly——

"Speaking of this, I specifically searched the World Tree for information about your brother."

"!!!" Ying opened her eyes wide: "Brother?"

"Doesn't the World Tree not record information about outsiders? Whether it's Ling Huan or my brother, they all come from outside the sea of ​​​​stars like me..."

"Yes, you are right. As you asked me a few days ago, the World Tree does not record information about people outside Teyvat, so when I searched for you and the spirit in it, it came up blank, but your My brother is different."

Ying unconsciously clenched her hands nervously.

"That is to say, according to the judgment of World Tree, your brother belongs to this world."

Ying frowned beautifully, and countless thoughts passed through her mind in an instant, and she quickly came to the most likely conclusion.

Her brother and she are blood relatives. Since she is not from this world, it is impossible for her brother to be, unless this world did something to him that caused the World Tree to consider him as a person from this world...

"...Since there is information about him in the World Tree, what has he experienced?" Ying pressed her hand on the corner of the table and asked.

"From the information I have come across, your brother suddenly appeared in Kanria."

This sentence instantly reminded Ying of Ling. She had obtained information about Ling from Ayaka when she was at Inazuma, and Ling seemed to have suddenly appeared in Sumeru.

Nasida seemed to see what Ying was thinking, and said: "Yes, just as you guessed, he appeared in the same way as Ling."

"Does Nasita also know information about spirits? Didn't you say there are no records about spirits in World Tree?" Paimon asked subconsciously.

Nacida smiled and explained: "The World Tree is not the only channel for obtaining information."

"Hmm... That's right. After all, Nasida is the God of Wisdom." Paimon reacted and said with a hammer of his hand.

Nasida smiled at her, then looked at Ying and continued: "But it is completely opposite to Ling. I have not seen anything about your brother in books other than World Tree, so about your brother, there is only World Tree. information recorded in it.”

"After the disaster in Kanria, he embarked on a journey throughout Teyvat. However, when his journey was about to end, the records about him in the World Tree suddenly became blurred."

Chapter 195 Visitors

After getting the information they wanted, Ying and Nasida briefly chatted for a few words before saying goodbye and leaving.

But Nasida, after exhaling gently, picked up a list on the table again.

She looked at the many names written on it in elegant and casual handwriting, and couldn't help but press her eyebrows in distress.

This list was left by Knox, and the names recorded on it were all the members of the Fools who had sneaked into the Order.

The reason Nasida was distressed was not because the Fools had quietly infiltrated the Order House, but because she didn't know how to deal with these people.

Sitting alone in the empty office, Nasida sighed. Ever since Ke Lai resigned as acting dean and returned to Dao Chenglin yesterday, she didn't even have anyone to communicate with during working hours.

And... although I don’t know how Ling does it, when I watch him work, I always feel that he handles a lot of things casually and casually. Not only that, there is still a lot of free time every day, but it’s my turn to be alone. While dealing with these things, Nasida suddenly felt that maybe she should find a helper...

Xumi was originally responsible for handling these government affairs, but the six sages were now executed by Knox because of the god-making plan some time ago. The remaining two also expressed their unwillingness to interfere in political affairs and only wanted to Specialize in academics.

The new sage is still being selected, but there are currently no suitable candidates. It is not easy to find someone who can handle these chores.

Nasida quickly thought about the current high-level officials of the Order in her mind, and soon her cute big eyes lit up slightly, and a name appeared in her mind.

If you want to be a sage, the age and qualifications of this person may be difficult to convince everyone... As for the dean, it is even more impossible. No one can sit in this position except Ling, but before a new sage takes office, To serve as an acting sage, that person's talent is more than enough.


After leaving the Order House, Ying and Paimon walked aimlessly on the street.

Looking at Ying's side face, which seemed to be thinking about something since she left the office door, Paimon couldn't help but ask: "Do you have any idea about what Nasida said?"

"..." After a moment of silence, Ying shook her head helplessly: "Not at all. I know very little about what my brother and Ling went through 500 years ago."

"Well...that's it, what should we do now?"

Ying still shook her head: "I don't know."

"Okay." Paimeng lowered his head, but quickly raised it again, and she said to her: "I always feel that your current state is not suitable for a new journey, why don't we find a place to relax? How is your wife? We haven’t been back to Inazuma for a long time. I don’t know how Ayaka Xiaogong and everyone is doing. Let’s go back and take a look!”

Ying glanced at Paimon, thought for a while and nodded: "Well, that's not bad."


"You want to visit Yggdrasil?"

When the skirmisher appeared in front of her and made this request, Nacida was a little surprised. She looked at the skirmisher standing there with his arms folded and an indifferent expression, and she couldn't help but frown: "Why do you do that?" Do you think there is a chance that I will agree to your request?"

"Ha." The skirmisher looked indifferent: "Little Lucky Grass King, for the sake of Knox, I came here to inform you, and I did not ask for your consent."

Nasida frowned, put her hands on the desk, looked directly at the stragglers and said, "Is his one-seventh of his strength what you rely on?"

"What? Isn't that enough?" The skirmisher's expression did not change at all, and his voice remained calm.

Nasida was silent, and sighed softly after a moment. Well, if the current skirmishers want to forcibly access the World Tree, although she can deny his access based on her permissions, what if the skirmishers cause damage to the World Tree? The gain outweighs the loss.

Nasida thought for a while and said: "I can allow you to visit World Tree, but there is a condition you must agree to."

The straggler raised his eyebrows: "Tell me and listen."

Although he just said that he did not intend to obtain Nacida's consent, that was just talk. Without Nacida's consent, he really had no way to obtain information from the World Tree.

Nasida said: "I want you to bring the screen with you when you explore the World Tree."

"...Okay." Without asking for the reason or interest in asking, the skirmisher just paused for a moment before agreeing to Nasida's condition, which was not excessive.

At this time, Ying, who was on his way to the Port of Ormos, planning to take a boat to Inazuma from there, suddenly accepted Nasida's will.

After learning that the skirmisher was going to visit World Tree, and in exchange, he had to take him with him and help her find more information about her brother, Yingying was silent for a long time, and finally said to Naxi in a complicated voice in her mind Da said "thank you".

The plan to go to Inazuma was postponed, but Inazuma still welcomed an old friend.

In the blooming black flames, Knox's figure appeared in a dense forest of Inazuma.

He looked around and spread his awareness.

Knox was not too surprised that he appeared in Inazuma. The space node at the bottom of the abyss where he was just now was chaotic, and he had just experienced the baptism of a great war. He made a space jump there and appeared on the Teyvat continent. Any corner is possible.

So Knox immediately accepted the current situation calmly.

Now that you've come, make peace with it. Now that you've come, why not go to a tavern and have a meal, then get a room and sleep before talking about anything else...

"Sir, the sukiyaki and sakura brew you requested are ready."

The waiter's voice rang in his ears. Knox, who was lying on the table with his cheek buried in his arm, said lazily: "Just leave it there..."

The waiter hesitated and said, "But you take up a lot of space on the table. The sukiyaki is very hot. It would be bad if it burns you..."


Knox raised his head, with a strand of soft silver hair sticking to his lazy cheek. His delicate and beautiful eyebrows were beating a little impatiently, but he still sat up slightly and cleared the table.

But the moment he saw his profile, the waiter couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ah! You are the one who came here with Princess Egret at that time..."

Knox raised an eyebrow, Princess Egret?Kamisato Ayaka?Oh, speaking of which, during Operation Inazuma, he did come to this shop with her in order to get closer to the eldest lady. It was precisely because he remembered that the sukiyaki pot in this shop tasted very good, that he I walked into this store lazily and ordered the sukiyaki bar in a daze.

But these are not important. Knox waved his hand and signaled the waiter to put down the sukiyaki and wine quickly.

The waiter then realized his rudeness and hurriedly put the things on the table and apologized profusely.

When the waiter left, Knox held his cheek with one hand, picked up the bottle of liquor and took a sip to cheer him up...

Chapter 196

The glow of the setting sun shines through the wooden windows on Knox, who is drinking.

Half of the body was reflected in the marks of the setting sun, showing a red color like burning flames, and half of the body was hidden in the darkness, as if bathing in the night that had not yet come.

Knox always ate very quickly. After a pot of sukiyaki and two pots of high-purity spirits, the sunset outside didn't even fade away.

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