But it was late at night and there were no people around. When the waiter passed by Knox, he saw that this young man with a mysterious identity and an astonishing appearance had fallen asleep on the table.

The silver thread was hanging down, showing a slight drunkenness, but the waiter thought this was normal. After all, who wouldn't be drunk after two jugs of strong liquor?

But what's distressing now is that the night rush hour is approaching, and there aren't enough seats in the store, so now this guy is allowed to occupy a table for nothing...

After a moment of hesitation, the waiter decided to go to the kitchen and ask the boss what to do.

Of course, it’s not like there are no people who get drunk and fall asleep on the table in the store on weekdays. Those people just need to forcefully wake them up and pay.

But the current person came here with Princess Egret, and the words and actions between the two at that time were somewhat intimate. I guess he must be a big shot, so the way of handling it should not be too rash...

Faced with the waiter who came to him, he asked: What should I do if a distinguished customer who is closely related to the society is drunk and falls asleep alone in the store?

The answer given by the store manager who was cooking was very simple - go to Shefengxing and ask their people to come and pick him up. You will be honored by the distinguished guest, and you can also sell favors to Shefengxing. Why not do such a profitable thing.

The waiter left with a learned look on his face...

The evening club meeting was already brightly lit, and Ayato, who had finished his day's work, was accompanying his sister and Toma to dine in the restaurant.

Although being silent while eating is not only a good habit that is good for your health, but also a good moral character that respects others, it is not necessary when the family eats together.

After all, it is normal for Kamisato, who is in charge of the company's mission, and as a missionary, to be so busy with work that he has no time to take care of his family. Therefore, dining may be one of the few times in the day where the family can gather together. Time to chat together.

"Have you finished the 'very busy work' that the head of the house mentioned before? You are actually free to come back and have dinner together tonight."

Toma picked up a piece of tempura and put it in his mouth, casually starting the next topic.

"Almost, we've reached the finishing stage, so we're not that busy anymore." Ayato put the tofu in the bowl in front of him, then took some sauce from the plate next to him and poured it into the bowl.

Kneeling on the mat, Ayaka, who had just taken a shower before the meal, had her hair disheveled and still stained with moisture. The clean dishes in front of her indicated that her meal was over. She was still here, just to accompany her brother and trustee. The horse is just talking.

"Speaking of which, does my brother's recent busy schedule have anything to do with rebuilding the Guarded Forest?"

"Haha, you guessed it." Ayato smiled softly at his sister, and then said in a slightly weird tone: "After all, it's a pity that a beautiful forest with a long history was destroyed like that, and - Ayahua, you every day Don’t you feel scared when you have to pass through a dark and decayed forest when you go home, with almost all the trees left half intact?”

"Eh? Are you scared..." Linghua was stunned for a moment, then shook her head gently: "No."

Thomas suddenly laughed and said, "Of course the young lady won't be afraid. Master, you don't even think about who made that forest look like that."

Ayato glanced at Toma helplessly, but he still used the corner of his vision to pay attention to Ayaka's reaction. Seeing that his sister just smiled slightly and didn't care, Ayato gave Toma a thumbs up under the table.

Although it seems that testing his sister is not something that an elder brother should do, it is also his responsibility to let his sister have a normal emotional life. That fool-like executive does not look like a good person, so he should let Ayaka do it as soon as possible. Forgetting is the best policy.

However, at this moment, the guard at the door hurried to the door of the restaurant and reported inside: "Sir, eldest lady, people from Luheting, there is a guest who is related to our society. Drunk and asleep there..."

"Oh?" Ayato put down his chopsticks calmly, looked at the guard and asked: "A guest related to the club? Did the other party say who it is specifically?"

The guard shook his head: "No, I just said that I had gone to their place for dinner with the eldest lady before, and he was a very good-looking young man."

As soon as this statement came out, the three people in the restaurant immediately realized who it was.

Ayato looked at his sister across the table calmly, and saw Ayaka standing up very quickly and asking the guard urgently: "Is he okay?"

Before the guard could answer, the corners of Ayato's mouth couldn't help but twitch.


"Mr. Knox..."

"Mr. Knox?"

"Are you ok?"

"Wake up..."

A vague and hazy voice sounded in his ears. Knox half-opened his eyes and saw a delicate and pretty face filled with worry.


Seeing Knox open his eyes, Ayaka breathed a long sigh of relief: "Great, you finally woke up."

Knox's eyes moved and he recalled what happened for a moment... It seemed that the erosion of laziness became more serious because he used too much authority in the abyss, so he was so tired that he fell asleep while eating?It seems so.

As for getting drunk?That's a complete joke...

He stood up unsteadily while holding on to the table and glanced around. A restaurant with good food would naturally have many customers, so when it was time for dinner, the restaurant was already overcrowded.

It's just that with so many people, there isn't much hustle and bustle, because most of the guests focus their attention here.

The eldest lady of the Tangtang Society, the White Egret Princess Kamisato Ayaka, personally went to the hotel to wake up a drunk silver-haired boy. The key point was that she looked worried... In Inazuma, where the light novel culture is popular, such a scene is really shocking Could it be that it reminds people of something?

Knox never cared or cared about what others were thinking.

He pressed his temples, which were a little swollen, and as he walked out, he said to Linghua without any politeness at all: "Miss Kamisato, please help me settle the bill, thank you."

"The account has been settled. What matters now is your body..." Linghua quickly followed. She looked at Knox's pale face and the dark skin under his eyes. It was obvious that he was overtired. Hua said anxiously: "Your current appearance is very worrying."

197 - The Other Side of Time

"There's nothing to worry about." Even though Knox looked extremely tired, his expression was still filled with more indifference.

Stepping out of the threshold of Luhe Pavilion, Knox's half-lidded eyes showed colorless waves.

"Hey, Mr. Knox, long time no see." Thomas, who was guarding the door outside, smiled and waved hello to Knox who walked out.

Knox didn't even glance at it, just walked straight to the road ahead.

Thomas smiled slightly and didn't feel embarrassed, but when he saw the eldest lady following the executive with a worried expression, he couldn't help but sigh and shake his head.


At the same time, Xumi and the skirmishers' journey to visit the World Tree also officially began.

In order to obtain Nasida's permission to visit, Skirmisher not only needs to take Ying to explore the World Tree, but also needs to open all the secret information he knows among the fools through the opening of the thinking barrier, so that Nasida can read and learn.

The interior of World Tree is, as Nasida said before, an alternative space built entirely by the torrent of information.

This space presents a deep blue color, with aurora-like patterns and colors emitting from the ground and the only large tree standing in the space.

The world built by the torrent of information is destined to be unstable. The chaotic sense of space and direction makes Ying and Paimon who are following the skirmishers completely unaware of their location.

Since they met again, there has been almost no communication between the two sides.

The skirmishers didn't seem to have any interest in them. As soon as they arrived, the skirmishers asked Nasida to send him into the World Tree.

After he arrived here, he walked in front of them casually and indifferently, without even looking at them.

In the empty and deep world, Paimon crouched slightly and followed Ying closely. Looking at the back of the skirmisher not far away with an air of indifference, she couldn't help but murmur to Ying: "That skirmisher guy" , why have you become so aloof after not seeing each other for a while...and have a mysterious, elusive temperament...just like...just like--"

Ying sighed, then continued Paimon's words: "It's becoming more and more like a spirit."

"Yes!" Paimon nodded in agreement: "Although because of you, I think Ling is quite easy to get along with, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that no matter how close others are, the distance between you and him never seems to change. …”

After saying that, she glanced at the skirmishers far ahead. No matter whether they were walking fast or slowly, the distance between them and the skirmishers seemed to be always so far.

"Maybe it's because the power of the spirit left in his body is subtly affecting him." Ying thought for a moment.

While they were talking, they suddenly noticed that the skirmishers in front had stopped, and the big data tree whose position had been changing before was already in front of them at some point.

The skirmishers stood under the big tree.

Ying and Paimon looked at each other and ran over quickly.

The skirmisher didn't look back, but he was aware of their approach. He seemed to be waiting for Ying and Paimon to come over. As soon as they stopped, the skirmisher stretched out his hand and touched the big tree.

The deep blue space is streaked with pieces of light, and the big tree formed by the materialization and solidification of massive data has restored its flowing nature.

An invisible ripple spread, and the data tree seemed to dissolve, turning into darkness and surrounding the space.

There was light in the dark space, and it was the twinkling starry sky on the dome.

In the depths where the stars' light converged, a huge throne stood.

On the throne, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure was sitting there quietly with one hand on his cheek.

The skirmisher raised his lips, folded his arms and looked at the petite figure who seemed to be sleeping with his eyes closed.

Paimon was confused and scratched his head, wondering whether he should express his doubts in this situation.

Only the depths of Ying's eyes were filled with some kind of disbelief.

The person on the throne is a girl, silver-haired, who is at least five points similar to Ling.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, which were a pair of purple eyes like the starry sky, like the ocean, and like the aggregation of all the most beautiful things in the world.

It shines with a soul-stirring light like glass.

Ying was sure that she did not know that girl who was as beautiful and fragile as teardrops, who was incompatible with the cold throne. But the moment she looked at Ying, Ying's pupils couldn't help but shrink violently...

This precipitation from the other side of the river of time is too rich and too familiar, as if she had slept for 500 years and unconsciously flowed down the river of time for such a long time, but it was different. The strange thing is that the girl on the throne seems to come from the other side of the other side.

After an unknown amount of time, the girl lowered her eyes, opened her thin lips slightly, and her sweet voice like wind chimes contained heart-shaking sadness. She seemed to be saying to herself: "This time, I also failed... "

The aftertaste of the words still echoed in the black space, but the girl on the throne had turned into a burst of light particles and disappeared like withered petals in autumn.


Rice wife.

Knox, who was walking through a forest of dark broken trees, suddenly looked in the direction of Xumi as if he felt something. He caressed his chest, which had a heartbeat again. Just now, he felt a sudden tingling pain. one time.

Is the integration of body and heart not smooth?Or is it because the heart once gave birth to autonomous consciousness, so it is rejected by the body?

Knox thought with dark eyes.

Linghua, who was walking beside him, noticed this and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Knox shook his head. He glanced at the cliff at the edge of the forest not far away and said, "I'm a little tired. Let's take a rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure flashed and appeared at the end of the road. He sat down as lightly as a fallen leaf, his legs hanging down in front of the cliff wall, making people worry that he would fall down accidentally.

Ayaka walked over quickly, stroked the hem of her skirt behind her, and knelt down next to Knox.

She looked at Knox's increasingly pale profile, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Is it really okay? This place is not far from Kamisato Yashiki. Can we take a rest there?"


Under the cliff is an ocean with lapping waves. The water is a bit turbid and does not reflect the stars and moon shadows in the deep night.

The climate in winter makes the sea breeze seem particularly cold.

If Ayaka hadn't been the owner of the Ice God's Eye, she would have been shivering from the cold by now.

The wind picked up Knox's hanging hair and scratched the skin on Ayaka's delicate cheeks.

"Mr. Knox?"

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