Ayaka called Knox's name.

The next moment, a slight weight leaned on her shoulders.

Linghua's body froze slightly. She looked at the young boy beside her who was leaning forward and leaning on her shoulder, who was already in a deep sleep. Her mind went blank for a moment.

Chapter 198 Do You Know Me?

The dark space shrouded by stars was filled with cracks and collapsed after the silver-haired girl disappeared.

Light shone through the cracks into everyone's field of vision, but when the surroundings were completely dark, Ying suddenly realized that she had returned to the Jingshan Palace in the real world.

This is the place where they were before being sent into the World Tree by Nasida.

"What happened?"

Before Ying's eyes could recover from this hugely different visual change, Nasida's somewhat urgent voice came to her ears.

Ying held her head and shook her head, her vision gradually became clearer, and the person standing in front of her was Nasida.

She looked around and found Paimon floating beside her with a confused look on his face, while the skirmisher stood at the other end with his arms folded and an unknown smile on his face.

Ying recalled what had just happened, her voice seemed a little hoarse: "Didn't Nasida see it?"

"From the moment the skirmisher came into contact with the World Tree, my perception was blocked. I saw nothing except pitch black." As Nasita spoke, she couldn't help but look at the skirmisher.

"Hey, little Lucky Grass King, you don't think that's my fault, do you?" The skirmisher spread his hands with an indifferent look on his face: "The share that goes beyond the authority of the World Tree administrator will destroy the entire World Tree. I don’t have the ability that is shrouded in the world of data.”

Nasida turned her eyes to Ying again, and she recognized what the skirmishers said.

"...We saw a girl inside the World Tree." Ying recalled the face of the girl on the throne and frowned slightly.

"A girl inside the World Tree?" Nacida opened her eyes slightly in surprise: "Such a thing could happen..."

At this time, Paimon finally recovered from the dizziness and confusion. She shook her little head hard, and then couldn't help but said: "Don't you know what's going on, Nasida? I was thinking about it before. I'll come out and ask Nasida for the answer."

Nacida put one hand against her round and lovely chin, her lovely expression was filled with contemplation without any hint of childishness. After a long time, she shook her head: "I have never encountered such a situation, and even when I searched for the World Tree itself, I couldn't find it." There is no record of this happening..."

After that, she looked into Ying's eyes and said seriously: "Ying, can you let me see what you just experienced? I want to see the girl you mentioned in person, and then try to retrieve her in the World Tree."

Ying agreed without any hesitation.

The two hands were held together in mid-air, and Ying and Nasida's consciousnesses were connected again.

Nasida closed her eyes slightly, her whole mind immersed in Ying's memory.

Nacida's consciousness was swimming in the ocean of memories. She tried her best not to pay attention to everything flowing around her, and flew straight into the darkness.

But some things still inevitably flowed into her consciousness that was closely connected to her...

Nasida looked slightly stunned, but she quickly put aside all other thoughts and descended to the end of the sea of ​​memory.

The dark dome was shrouded in the starry sky, and a tall throne stood in the dark space.

Time here seemed to have stood still, but Nacida's gaze was tightly grasped by the girl on the throne.

The silver thread is like a waterfall, like a dream.

Even with the wisdom of the God of Wisdom, Nasida at this moment could not think of any suitable words to put on the girl who had her eyes closed and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

She just subconsciously took steps and walked closer to the throne. She looked at the girl's delicate and white face, and an inexplicable emotion came to her heart.

This was an emotion that had never been born in Nacida. This emotion stimulated her body, causing her to subconsciously raise her hand and touch the girl's soft cheek. The movement was so gentle, as if she was afraid of accidentally It will destroy the fragile girl.

After an unknown amount of time, the girl finally opened her hazy sleepy eyes. The thrilling purple halo flashed away. After a daze, her clear and pure eyes looked at Nasida.

The girl seemed a little surprised, but soon she smiled. The smile was reminiscent of the white elves dancing in the snow. It was so beautiful that it made people's hearts flutter: "I know you will definitely come."

Nasida looked back in shock, but there was no one else behind her. She looked at the girl again in disbelief: "Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah, there's no one else here, right?"

"But..." Nasida's eyes wavered slightly.

"You want to say that I just exist in other people's memories?" The girl's smile became a little proud, like a child who couldn't help but show off in front of his parents after getting good grades: "But I am very powerful, even if it is just a memory, There will also be a trace of my independent consciousness for a moment."

After looking at her silently for a moment, Nasida suddenly couldn't help but chuckle softly. She praised: "It's really amazing that you can even do such a thing..."

Although I don’t know why, I want to touch this child’s head. After all, I don’t know the other person’s age. Why do I subconsciously think that she is a child?There is also this inexplicable sense of familiarity and closeness...

After being praised, the girl smiled with crooked eyebrows.

However, Nacida did not forget her purpose. She put away her gentle smile and brought the topic back on track: "So, who are you? Why do you appear in the World Tree?"

"Me?" The girl put her slender fingers on her delicate and beautiful chin in distress, and said tangledly: "I can't say my identity, because if I say it, my existence may disappear..."

Hearing this, a flash of light flashed in Nacida's eyes. At the same time, she couldn't help but want to blame the girl for being too careless. How could she threaten her own existence by letting others understand her origins at a glance? Say it in front of the possibility...

But as if the girl really didn't realize this, she continued: "Then the reason why I am in the world tree of Teyvat..."

When she said this, the girl's mood suddenly dropped. She lowered her head slightly, as if she was a little aggrieved: "I was locked up here. I have been locked up for a long time. No one cares about me... They don't want me anymore."

Nacida opened her mouth, her heart trembling violently. After all, she could not resist her instinct, and reached out to stroke the girl's head. The silver hair was soft and smooth, and even the finest silk could not feel like this.

"Are they... talking about your parents?" Nasida asked.

The girl shook her head: "It's everyone who took care of me when I grew up."

Nasida's eyes moved slightly: "Then your parents..."

"I have never met my father, and my mother disappeared when I was very young."

"I see, I'm sorry to mention your sadness." Nasida looked at the increasingly brighter space around her, and then looked at the girl whose body had already lost fluorescence. She pursed her lips, stepped forward to hug the girl, and asked softly : "Last question, do you know me?"

"..." The girl said nothing, and there was no one in Nasida's arms.

Chapter 199 Afternoon

The faint sound of the piano flows in the courtyard of Kamisato Yashiki, and everything it passes by is like gentle running water.

Knox was sitting on the wooden floor under the eaves, leaning against the beams, with half-lidded eyes showing lazy ripples. He was wearing a loose white robe, his hair was naturally disheveled, and he looked extremely casual.

He glanced aimlessly at the direction where the sound of the piano came from. Over there, Ayaka, who was also dressed in white Japanese-style clothes, was kneeling on a mat and playing the piano. The bright sunshine spread like a layer of gauze, bathing under that layer of golden gauze. Ayaka is incredibly beautiful.

But Knox just glanced at it briefly and stopped paying attention. After all, the melodious pure music was a very good lullaby for him. He yawned and quickly closed his eyes...

Knox was woken up by Ayaka because it was lunch time.

His eyes were slightly open, and he squinted slightly as the midday sun penetrated his eyes, but he soon adapted to the light. He stood up holding on to the pillar behind him, bypassed Ayaka, and walked towards the restaurant of Kamisato Yashiki in a familiar way. .

At the dinner table, Ayato enthusiastically and continuously toasted Knox and greeted the guests with food. He seemed to be very happy with both host and guest, but the way he frequently looked at Toma, with a certain helpless tone, made it known that, His inner thoughts may be completely opposite to what he does on the surface.

As far as he knew, Knox was kind-hearted and politely invited by his sister to come to Kamisato Yashiki after seeing his exhausted look. Still shamelessly staying here.

You really won't leave until no one chases you, right?Although Ayato has thoughts similar to this, due to the influence of his identity and some other factors, even he knows that this guy can't rush or neglect him. As long as this guy is still in Kamriyashiki for one day, society will If you practice fear, you will have to wait for a day.

"The antler last night was good, I'm looking forward to today's dinner."

Knox put his chopsticks on the empty bowl in front of him, raised his face and smiled at Ayato.

Ayato twitched the corner of his mouth, this guy is really pushing his limits, he just wants to eat, drink and live for free, and now he's making demands.

"Do you like that, Mr. Knox?" Linghua raised her little face and looked at Knox who stood up and left his seat: "I will tell the kitchen to prepare more tonight."

Seeing his sister staring at someone's back, Ayato suddenly felt that the head of the family and the position he held were so boring...

Fortunately, the guy's appearance and identity were not bound. Even if others saw it, no one would know that the company was hiding a fool-like executive. He sighed silently, and Ayato comforted himself in his heart. .


The leisurely afternoon time is one of Ayaka's favorite times, especially in winter, when the sun is the warmest.

In the pavilion in the yard, brewing a pot of tea, bathing in the slanting sunshine and talking with each other, it is really relaxing.

Ayaka, who has been proficient in chess since childhood, besides shogi, is best at Go.

Knox sat cross-legged on the soft and furry futon, holding his cheek with one hand and holding the chess piece with the other. With a bored expression, he placed the chess piece lightly on the chessboard.

However, looking at the current chess game, Ayaka couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Knox is really aggressive. Every time I play chess with you, you like to start arranging killing moves right from the start."

Knox picked up the tea cup and drank the slightly cooled hot tea in one gulp. Then he yawned listlessly and said, "How can we win without attacking?"

Ayaka placed a chess piece in front of Knox's attack route, and at the same time showed a cute smile to Knox: "Then Mr. Knox must be careful next."


The sea was a bit rough today, but fortunately the sun was shining and there was no sign of rain.

Lying on the railing on the deck, Ying looked at the horizon at the end of the sea, wondering what he was thinking.

Paimon sat on the wooden box next to her, holding an apple in his hand and chewing on it. As time went by, an apple that was quite big for Paimon entered her little belly.

Taking a long breath, Paimon sighed to Ying: "By the way, who is the girl we saw in the World Tree? Nasida didn't even find any trace of her in the World Tree. Could it be that Is she also a descendant like you and your spirit?"

Ying was silent and didn't speak.

Paimon thought to himself: "But she is really beautiful, and she looks very similar to Ling. If I hadn't known that it was impossible, I would have thought she was Ling's sister or daughter."

At this time, Ying, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke. She sighed softly: "Ling has no family. He has been alone since a long time ago."

"I know, that's why I said it's impossible." Pamon waved his hand nonchalantly.

However, Ying shook her head: "You don't understand, that girl has a sense of time settling in her body, and she doesn't look like a person from this era."

"Are you saying that although she looks very young, she has actually lived a long time?" Pamon tilted his head, a little confused.

Ying sighed helplessly, she almost wanted to give Paimon this stupid little brain a slap in the face.

Restraining his impulse, he said, "I mean, maybe she comes from the future."

"Future?!" Paimon was startled, then opened his eyes and said in disbelief: "How can people from the future appear in the present? This is too ridiculous!"

Ying shook her head: "Nascida met the girl in my memory by connecting with my consciousness. Although she didn't say anything, I felt her will at the last moment before disconnecting... She didn't Tell us all the information about that girl."

"What do you mean? Did Nacida actually find the girl's information in the World Tree, but didn't tell us?" Paimon asked, blinking his big eyes.

"I don't know, but it's unlikely... It should be from other aspects." Ying seemed to scratch his hair a little irritably, and then said: "Anyway, that girl must have something to do with Ling."

"I think so too! After all, she looks so much like a spirit." Paimon nodded in agreement, and then a teasing smile suddenly appeared on his face: "But if it's like what you said, she comes from the future. Then it is very likely that she is Ling's daughter? If she is Ling's daughter...hehe, did you have any special feeling when you met that girl in that black space?"

Ying was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but think about the special feeling... She had never seen it before, but it felt very familiar, right?

Chapter 200 Room

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