Looking at Knox who dropped his head and fell asleep in the middle of the chess game in front of him, Ayaka couldn't help but sigh softly, but then he frowned as if he realized something.

She stared at Knox's cheek. Apart from being too handsome, it was also unhealthy and pale as always. But what was more eye-catching than that was the trace of black appearing near the closed eyes.

There is something wrong with such an overtired look.

After all, she had seen clearly in the past few days that, except for eating and occasionally playing a few games of chess with herself, Knox spent most of his time sleeping. Why was he so tired when he was able to relax and rest to the greatest extent?

If you think alone without any clues, you will naturally not get the answer.

Ayaka shook her head, reluctantly stood up and came to Knox, gently took the chess piece out of his hand, and then called in his ear: "Mr. Knox?"

"Wake up. If you feel sleepy, you can go back to your room and sleep again..."

"Mr. Knox?"

Knox opened his eyes, which had been closed for a short time. They were empty and lifeless, no longer as bright as before.

He smacked his lips and looked at the chessboard on the table. At present, Linghua's advantage was greater than his own. He looked at his right hand and saw that the chess piece in his hand was gone. He reached out and took a piece from the chess basket. Heizi went down to the center of the chessboard, then stood up holding the table, turned around and walked towards the direction of the room.

"Mr. Knox, are you okay?" Linghua hurriedly followed up and supported Knox, who was walking a little sloppily: "Why are you so tired? Are you sick?"

Knox said nothing but responded with a huge yawn.

Linghua had no choice but to help Knox and walked into the inner room: "By the way, Mr. Knox, the guest room where you stayed today found several traces of termites eating. It is still being repaired. The other guest rooms have not had time to clean up. So, can you please rest in my room for a while?"

Knox waved his hands carelessly. It didn't matter where he slept. What mattered was that he was tired and wanted to sleep...


The ship bound for Inazuma Islands from Ormos Port finally docked safely.

Among the large number of merchants and travelers traveling between Xumi and Inazuma, Ying and Paimon were also among them.

Inazuma's wind always carries a soft charm, blowing towards you, as if it brings the fragrance of cherry blossoms.

The ends of her fluorescent golden hair and the streamers of her skirt were blown back, and Pamon followed closely beside her, chattering excitedly.

Yingze listened with a faint smile on her lips.

Rice Wife is her third stop on her journey to Teyvat. There are so many memories here. Here she has faced the pressure of the gods, participated in real wars, and most importantly, she has found her soul here.

Even walking from the remote island to Inazuma Castle doesn't take much time.

Because Paimon said that he was not hungry after only eating an apple on the boat, they went to a restaurant to have a meal before officially returning to Inazuma.

Holding his bulging belly and slowly flying out of the restaurant, Paimon said with a look of enjoyment: "Inama's food is really nostalgic."

Ying rolled his eyes at her: "Don't you usually make rice dishes for you?"

"Hehe." Paimon smiled sheepishly: "But it's different from eating locally!"

After that, she added: "By the way, did you hear what the other diners said when you were eating? The club is holding a courage test. If you pass the test, you can also get the gifts they prepared!"

Ying glanced at Paimon and said, "I didn't pay attention, but after hearing what Paimon said, do you want to participate?"

"Hmm... I kind of want to participate. After all, I haven't participated before, and you can also get gifts. It's... the name of the [Courage Testing Conference] sounds like a scary event. If we go to participate, I will follow Behind you, you must protect me!"

After hearing this, Ying couldn't help but chuckle. They came to Daozhi just to relax and have a rest. It happened to be an event, so it didn't hurt to participate.

"Okay then, let's go to the club first and ask Ayaka Ayato about the situation, and then sign up." Ying said, traveling means constantly experiencing new things. As a qualified traveler, she has already adapted to it. Such daily life.

"Okay!" Paimon cheered and spun around happily in mid-air. Then he followed Ying's accelerated pace and accelerated his flying speed.

When Ying and Paimon came to Kamisato Yashiki, it was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was the gentlest and the time was the most leisurely.

Ying and Paimon never had to ask the guards of Kamisato Yashiki for permission to meet with their master. They just smiled and said hello to the travelers and Paimon who they hadn't seen for a long time, and the guards let them in.

In the center of the spacious courtyard of Kamisato Yashiki was a large pavilion. In that pavilion, Ying and Paimon saw Ayato sitting in front of a short table and thinking.


Before he even got close, Paimon could not wait to greet Ayato loudly.

When Ayato turned his gaze over, Yingya, who had already entered the pavilion, waved to him gently: "Long time no see."

"It turns out it's you. It's been a long time no see." Ayato stood up from the futon and responded with a smile on his face.

"Hey, we heard that the club is holding a courage test meeting, so we rushed over to sign up immediately!" Paimeng said straight to the point.

Ying's eyes lingered on the short table next to her. There was a chessboard placed on the short table. Looking at the layout of the chess pieces, it was the end of the half-played game.

Paimon didn't pay attention to anything else. At this moment, her interest was completely focused on the courage test conference. She said excitedly: "Ayato, if you are not busy now, can you tell us the rules of the courage test conference?"

After Paimon finished speaking, Ayato showed a troubled expression. He smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry. If you guys came a little earlier than ten minutes in the morning, I could chat with you, but now I need to go to the guard. Sen went to check the layout of the scene. You know, although the current appearance of the forest is indeed more in line with the atmosphere of the Daring Test Conference, there are some things that cannot be ignored, such as dangerous inspections and the like."

"...I'm sorry." Ying couldn't help but say with a slight twitch in his mouth. After all, the guarding forest was transformed into its current terrifying appearance by the spirit.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?" Ayato asked in confusion.

"...Nothing." Ying waved her hands without explaining anything.

"Okay then, I will remember to fill in your names on the entry list. As for the rules, you can go and find out from Ayaka." Ayato turned around, pointed in the direction of Kamisato Yashiki and chuckled: "Aya You should know where Hua's room is, she is in the room now."

Chapter 201

Although Ying and Paimon didn't go to Kamisato Yashiki too many times, they still knew the location of Ayaka's room.

However, standing in front of the door, looking at the scene inside the room that was not closed, Ying and Paimon were both surprised and speechless for a moment.

The golden warm sun flows in half of the room, making the air inside not only the unique fragrance of Linghua, but also mixed with the warm smell of the sun. But these are not important, what really makes Ying and Paimon extremely stunned. Yes, the missing spirit in Sumeru is in this room at the moment.

The young man was lying on his side on the berth by the window, with his silver hair hanging casually behind him. He was covered with a silk velvet quilt with a cherry blossom pattern. His pale and delicate face seemed to have a dreamy filter under the golden sunlight, and his sleeping face was so real. Attractive.

Also surprised was Ayaka, who was kneeling on the carpet next to the tatami and was reading quietly.

She looked back at the two people who appeared at the door, and noticed the eyes and expressions of Ying and Paimon. She subconsciously panicked for no reason, but she immediately regained her composure. Ayaka quickly showed a decent smile, stood up and met the two people at the door. He said hello: "We have Paimon, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do you have time to come to the club today to worship?"

"...We are here to participate in the courage test competition." Paimon answered the question blankly, then shook his head and shouted: "No! Why is Linghui here? He is still asleep in Linghua's room!"

The tips of Ayaka's ears couldn't help but feel a little hot. She scratched her cheek and said sheepishly, "This is a last resort, and little Paimon needs to keep his voice down. He's asleep."

Looking in the direction indicated by Ayaka, Knox on the tatami seemed to have long and dense eyelashes that shone brightly in the sun and seemed to tremble a few times.

Paimon hurriedly covered his mouth and whispered in a low voice: "I didn't mean it..."

Ying rolled her eyes helplessly, then looked at Knox's sleepy eyes and asked in a low voice: "Can we come in?"

"Well, what's the matter? If there's something to discuss, I think it's better to go to the reception room to talk." Ayaka pointed at the sleeping Knox, obviously not wanting to disturb him with their conversation. rest.

Ying nodded, agreeing, but before turning and leaving the door of Linghua's room, she took one last look at Knox in the room, her expression a little complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

In the living room, Linghua poured the brewed tea for Ying and Paimeng respectively, and then sat down on her seat, smiling dignifiedly at the two of them: "You can talk as you like here, so who are you two?" What's going on?"

Paimon scratched his hair, looked left and right at Ying next to him and Ayaka opposite him, and finally couldn't help but said: "I originally wanted to ask Ayaka about the courage test competition, but now I am really too curious about Ling. Here, he suddenly disappeared from Sumeru, and then disappeared for a long time, and then appeared here in Linghua. Did Ling leave Sumeru and go to the community to find Linghua?!"

"Well, are you from Xumi? But Mr. Knox has just been in the community for a few days..." Linghua thought for a while and said: "As for why Mr. Knox appears here, it's actually just Because a few days ago, an employee of a restaurant in Inazuma City came to the company and said that there was a handsome silver-haired boy who fell asleep drunk in their restaurant. This description immediately reminded me of Mr. Knox, so I went Pick him up."

"So that's it." Paimon nodded understandingly.

But Ying got new information from these words and fell asleep drunk... She knew that Ling loved to drink, but his drinking capacity was also terrifying. Except for the last time in Mondstadt, she almost didn't see him Ling had been drunk, let alone passed out drunk and fell asleep in the restaurant.

Ying thought, the reason why the spirit fell asleep there probably had nothing to do with being "drunk", but probably had something to do with the erosion of original sin...

Thinking of this, Yingchao Linghua asked seriously: "How is Ling's condition these days? Are there any signs of special fatigue?"

Ayaka was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Mr. Knox is indeed very tired every day when he is working in the club. He obviously does nothing and spends most of the time sleeping."

"Sure enough..." Ying's eyes couldn't help but darken a bit, and the situation seemed to be more serious than in Xumi.

Linghua's eyes moved slightly: "As expected? Do you know anything, Mr. Knox? What's wrong with Mr. Knox? Is he sick?"

Ying hesitated for a moment and decided not to tell Linghua the truth. After all, normal people couldn't help with this kind of thing, and knowing it would only increase their worries.

She exhaled slightly and said, "It's okay. Maybe I was too busy in Xumi before."

"Really..." Ayaka nodded thoughtfully.

Soon, she smiled again: "By the way, the purpose of your coming to the club is to understand the courage test conference, right?"

"...Yeah." Ying nodded slightly, but her eyes were a little careless. Apparently her enthusiasm for the courage test competition had been extinguished by Knox's current state.

"Okay, then let me explain it to you."

"Okay, okay!" Paimon, who was innocent and simple-minded, was completely unaware of anything else. She always had the greatest enthusiasm for eating, drinking and having fun.

The venue of the Daring Test Competition is the Guarded Forest, which has turned into a withered dark forest. The rules are that contestants are divided into two teams. After being divided into teams, they must find the items announced by the organizer with their partners, and be the first to find the items before other teams. The person who wins will advance to the next round.

The rules are very simple, Ayaka just explained them briefly, and even Paimon nodded repeatedly, as if he completely understood.

"Haha, it seems that little Paimon has understood it." Linghua covered her mouth and smiled, then looked at Ying and said: "Ying? Do you understand?"

Ying nodded: "Thank you, Linghua."

"You're welcome." Linghua said: "If there is nothing else, just stay and have dinner together. It will be evening soon."

Ying didn't reply, but Paimon said first with bright eyes: "Is that okay?"

"Of course." Linghua said with some humor: "I will let the kitchen prepare a sumptuous dinner for you."

"Hey!" Pamon scratched his hair sheepishly.

Ying didn't care about this, but asked Linghua: "Can I go see the spirit?"

Although logically speaking, her relationship with Ling is probably closer, but after all, she is in someone else's home now, and Ling is in someone else's room. If she wants to see Ling, of course it is best to obtain Ayaka's permission. .

"...Okay, Ying is also a friend of Mr. Knox, isn't she?" Linghua said with a smile.

But in the end - the three of them just came to the door of the room and stopped.

Because Knox is not the only one in the room at this moment. Next to the tatami where Knox is sleeping soundly, there is a girl with a mysterious aura lingering all over her body. Even in the sun, her coquettish beauty cannot be concealed. She is He held his cheek with one hand and gently poked the boy's sleeping face with the other hand.

The cool touch of the girl's fingertips successfully awakened Knox. He slowly opened his eyes. Unpleasant emotions flashed through him, but more importantly, the fatigue made him stunned.

Knox sat up with one hand on the bed, his eyes blurred, and he saw the familiar face of the girl squatting next to him with a sweet smile.

So subconsciously, he reached out and hugged the girl, holding her slender waist with one hand and holding the delicate shoulder with the other. He buried his cheek into her soft neck, opened his mouth, and pressed a little harder When you bite it, the wonderful fragrance mixed with a touch of blood pours into your mouth, quickly extinguishing the flame of [Sloth].

Chapter 202 Weird

Being hugged suddenly, the girl was not surprised. Even though there was a piercing pain in her neck and shoulders, her beautiful face still maintained an unchanging smile. She put her arms around the boy's waist to feel his real presence. .

Until Knox let go of his mouth, he raised his head slightly and rested his chin on the girl's soft shoulder without much energy. Then he saw three stunned figures outside the door.

Knox didn't pay attention. He licked the remaining blood on his lower lip, as charming as a seductive and depraved devil.

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