The blood was gradually absorbed, and the sin of laziness that overwhelmed him slowly subsided. Finally, Knox, who had some strength, let go of Columbia and casually pulled away her hand on his waist. .

Columbia smiled and didn't care. She seemed to have completely ignored the three people standing outside the door. She held her cheeks with her hands and looked at Knox who was sitting listlessly on the tatami. Her tone seemed helpless: "Body If it’s not good, don’t run around.”

Knox glanced at her, but didn't respond, let alone explain.

"If you want to go to Zhidong, I can take you there without any effort on your part." Columbia reached out and took off the hair that fell from Knox's shoulders, speaking softly.

"No need." Knox spoke for the first time after waking up, his voice was a little hoarse, maybe he didn't sleep well this time.

"But it wouldn't be a good idea to stay here and trouble others, right?" Columbia asked worriedly.

"That makes sense." Knox nodded.

At this time, Linghua outside finally recovered from the scene she saw at the beginning. She lightly frowned and walked into the room: "Excuse me, who is this..."

Columbia didn't look at her, but Ying helped introduce her: "The third executive officer of the Fools."

Ying didn't know much information about Columbia, and the young master had told Inazuma some about it when she was exploring the Yin Yang Lao.

Ayaka was startled for a moment, then looked at Columbia's side face and continued: "I wonder why Miss Executive Officer came to the agency quietly?"

Columbia finally turned her attention away from Knox for the first time. She turned to face Linghua, slightly raising her pretty face, but she just smiled at her and did not speak. She was ethereal and numb. This was A completely different Columbia than when they faced Knox.

Facing the girl's face for the first time, even Ayaka had to admit that this was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen since she was born.

But she opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to speak, because when she looked at the smile of the girl in front of her, she suddenly felt that she was not facing a terrifyingly powerful executive, but an ignorant and ethereal girl.

The atmosphere in the room gradually became dull, but neither Knox nor Columbia seemed to be affected by the atmosphere at all.

Knox grabbed the window sill next to the tatami, pulled with a little force, and let himself stand up.

The silk velvet quilt slipped off, and the thin white clothes quickly turned into a set of black clothes amid the lingering black flames.

He stepped off the berth, and his long black boots appeared automatically, making a crisp sound when they hit the wooden floor. His long silver hair swayed slightly as he walked.

Columbia stood up and grabbed his hand, passing Ying and Paimon at the door one after another, and walked straight outside.

Linghua watched their figures disappear behind the door, paused, and couldn't help but ask Ying: "Are they..."

Ying shook her head and said nothing, but her expression was very calm. Although she was frightened at first by the scene of young girls embracing each other in the sun, she quickly recalled what Knox was doing when she noticed what he was doing. The information Nasida gave her when she was a child.

At that time, she asked Nacida if there was any way to help the soul alleviate the erosion of original sin. Nacida's answer at the time was that the best thing he could do now to resist the erosion of laziness was to resist the instinct of laziness and not use his own authority. Under the circumstances, move your body as much as possible.

Of course, Nacida herself can also share her spirit with Knox to help him share the pressure; in addition, there is the third executive of the Fools, and her blood seems to be able to remove the original sin from Knox. Erosion acts as a suppressor.


Ying and Paimon followed Ayaka out of the back room and came to the courtyard. The first thing they noticed was Knox, who was sitting on the carpet in the pavilion and looking at the chessboard on the table in front of him in a daze. .

Ying glanced around a few times, but didn't see the beautiful girl.

She walked up to Knox who was sitting cross-legged in the pavilion and asked, "Where are your colleagues?"

Knox looked up at her, a little strange: "Are you interested in her?"

"..." Ying choked for a moment, then sighed and said, "Just asking."

"Oh." Knox responded with one word perfunctorily, and then continued to watch his chess game.

Just when Ying was slightly annoyed by Knox's perfunctory attitude, Knox suddenly replied: "She came to help me alleviate the erosion of original sin, and picked me up to go to Winter by the way. The former has been completed, and the latter I refused, so she has left, and I don’t know where she went.”

However, for some reason, when she heard the news that the girl had left, Ying felt a faint sense of relief in her heart, so when she spoke, she seemed a little guilty. She puffed her cheeks slightly and muttered something in a low voice. : "Don't wait so long before answering..."

But no one noticed this, Paimon and Ayaka also came over.

It was approaching evening, and the pavilion was no longer as warm as in the afternoon, but rather a little cooler.

Ayaka glanced at the chessboard that Knox was staring at, which was the endgame where she and Knox played half of the game at noon. She temporarily suppressed what she really wanted to ask in her heart. She hesitated and asked: "Nock Mr. Si... do you want to continue?"

Knox stretched out his hand to indicate the position opposite the desk.

Ayaka understood immediately. She walked to the opposite side of Knox, touched the hem of her skirt behind her, and knelt down dignifiedly. She picked up the white piece in the chess basket and made a crisp sound on the chessboard.She remembered clearly that it was her turn to get off.

I don’t know if it was because of something on her mind, but Ayaka was no longer in her noon state. The situation where she and Knox were on equal footing and even had a slight advantage soon took a turn for the worse. When the sun in the sky gradually turned orange, the setting sun shone on On the chessboard, Ayaka put down the chess pieces in her hands and sighed: "I lost."

Knox raised his face, looked at Linghua, and said calmly: "Be more serious next time."

"...I'm sorry." Ayaka apologized sincerely.

Paimon watched the game in mid-air for a long time. When he saw the chess game ended, he finally took a long breath and said, "I don't understand it at all. The game you play is so complicated."

After finishing her words, she looked at Ying, who was watching the chess game with her, curiously: "Ying, can you play this kind of chess?"

Ying looked at Knox's side face and said softly: "Before... the spirit taught me."

Chapter 203 Do Not Disturb

Today's dinner at Kamisato Yashiki was much more lively than usual, because Ying and Paimon also stayed together at Ayaka's invitation.

"Wow! This soup is so delicious, so delicious. What is it cooked with?!" Paimon held a small bowl and looked at the quite appetizing brown chicken soup in it with bright eyes, and then said expectantly She looked at Linghua, hoping she could tell her the recipe so that Ying could make it for her every day!

Ayaka glanced at Knox who was picking up the shredded pork in the chicken soup with chopsticks, and then smiled and said to Paimon: "It's just a normal way of stewing soup, but with some deer antlers added to it."

"Antlers?" Paimon was startled, then sighed like a grown-up, and at the same time exclaimed in a low voice: "It's great to have money——"

It seems like she can't drink soup made from such an expensive item every day!

"Haha, if Paimon likes it, Shefengxing still has some stock. You can take some with you when you leave." The head of the family, Ayato, said with a smile.

"Really?!" Paimon looked surprised, then realized something and said embarrassedly: "Isn't this bad..."

"There's nothing wrong with that. The lady originally sent someone to purchase those antlers because Mr. Knox liked them. Mr. Knox is a friend of the lady, as are Paimon and Ying, so it doesn't matter~" Thomas He held his cheek with one hand and held the chopsticks against the table with the other hand. When he looked at Paimon, he smiled and showed his white teeth.

"Huh? Is that so?" Paimon looked at Knox, but this guy seemed to have not heard what they were saying at all, and was just enjoying his meal there.

Ying rolled his eyes at Paimon and said he didn't want to talk. How could it be just because of this?

Sighing inwardly, she also picked up the soup in front of her and took a sip... Well, it tasted really good.


After dinner, Knox left Kamisato Yashiki. Paimon, who thought he was just going for a walk, shouted loudly to Knox who had already walked out of the threshold: "Spirit? Where are you going? Can you take me with you?" "

Knox looked back and saw that Paimon was floating in the air, standing next to Ying and Linghua and looking at him expectantly. In Paimon's impression, there would always be more interesting things around Ling. On the road to eating, drinking and having fun, even she has to avoid his sharp edges...

However, Knox's answer disappointed her: "I'm going to stay at Narukami Taisha Shrine for a while, and you guys are going too?"

"Going to live at Narukami Taisha Shrine?" Not only did Paimon open his mouth in surprise, Ying and Ayaka also stopped their previous conversation about Inazuma's current situation and looked at Knox invariably.

"Are you not used to living in Kamisato Yashiki?" Ayaka looked directly into Knox's eyes, with some vague disappointment on her face.

"It's fine. I just feel like it's unreasonable to bother you here all the time." The moonlight poured on Knox from the starry night, making the young man's thin figure look like an elf from the stars. But his lazy and careless appearance was enough. It makes the girl who puts all her thoughts on him frustrated.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

His back gradually walked into the darkness that could not be illuminated by the hanging lamp in front of Kamisato Yashiki's door.

Linghua lowered her eyes, looking a little bitter.

However, at this moment, a silver hair suddenly flew over from the outside, wrapped in a black energy, and fell into the palm of Linghua who subconsciously stretched out her hand.

Then there was a lazy teenage voice: "This is the accommodation fee for these days. If you encounter trouble that cannot be solved, just light it..."

Ying and Paimon's eyes were instantly attracted by the crystal hair. They had different expressions, but neither of them spoke.


The cherry blossoms in Narukami Taisha Shrine seem to never wither all year round. No matter when you come, you can see a beautiful cherry blossom rain.

Knox once again visited Narukami Taisha Shrine, but his mentality was different from the previous times. With the removal of three rivets, more and more memories were restored. Now he always has an inexplicable feeling about Narukami Taisha Shrine. Familiar and approachable.

And this is why he chose to come here after leaving Kamisato Yashiki. When Columbia came to see him in the afternoon, she said to him, "It's not good to disturb people like this." He thought it made sense, so he ate it in the evening. After the meal, he immediately paid the room fee and left Kamisato's house.

As for whether coming to Narukami Taisha Shrine will disturb a certain Miss Fox... this is not within the scope of Knox's consideration. After all, when he lived in Narukami Taisha Shrine, Miss Fox still only lay on other people's shoulders. The little fox on the bed.

Rarely, being alone, Knox chuckled.

Go up the last step and pass through the last torii gate.

After arriving at the top of Yingxiang Mountain, Knox caught a piece of cherry blossoms falling in front of him, then leaned against the big stone with interest and quietly watched the scene in the cherry rain.

Under the starry night, a beautiful woman holding an imperial coin dances among countless petals. Her long pink hair exudes a sweet luster like candy. Countless streams of light gather in the air, and the royal coins in the woman's hands dance and are carved in the air. A series of scratches.

There is no trace of evil spirit, only the holy and pure breath

... All the light streams gathered together, and as the woman raised the royal coins with both hands, the light clusters formed by the light streams flew into the sky and dissipated with the stream of light flying high into the sky.

Putting away the royal coins, the woman walked up to Knox with her white jade-like slender legs, put her head in front of his eyes, and asked with a charming smile: "Am I beautiful?"

"It's not bad, it's worse than Huzhai Palace." Knox crossed his arms and said with a smile.

Shenzi looked slightly stunned, not because Knox said she was not as beautiful as Hu Zhai Palace, but because she did not expect that he would respond to her unworthy words.

Blinking his eyes, Shenzi quickly put on a brighter smile: "Oh, of course I can't compare to Lord Saimiya's unparalleled elegance, but it's quite impressive to get a 'not bad' from Lord Nenox." It’s a surprise.”

Knox stood up straight and let his back free from the support of the big stone behind him. He did not continue on this topic. He got straight to the point: "My room should still be there, right?"

After saying that, he walked towards the shrine without waiting for Shenzi's response. Regardless of whether his room was still there or not, or if it was turned into a room for other purposes, he would restore it to its original appearance.

But as soon as Knox said those words, Shenzi immediately realized something... After being stunned for the second time today, she smiled calmly. She looked at Knox's back as he entered the shrine: "Still there. Oh, and it’s cleaned every day. Except for the fact that the furniture and daily necessities have been replaced countless times, it’s guaranteed to be exactly the same as it was 500 years ago~”

Of course she wouldn't say that Lord Saimiya had moved into that house since Nenox's accident 500 years ago. Soon after, Lord Saimiya also died one after another. She, who took over as the palace secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine, has always retained She lived in that room for a few days occasionally.

It was probably self-deception. In the past 500 years, she had always hidden in her heart the unrealistic fantasy that "someday someone might come back."

Chapter 204 An Experiment

"Well, this light novel is also very interesting!"

In the bedroom filled with warm yellow light, Shenzi was lying on the white velvet carpet next to the tatami. Her loose and thin clothes were spread out on the carpet. Her smooth white feet were dangling behind her back. She turned to look at Knox, excitedly. Recommend the novel you are reading.

Knox was sitting on the tatami, with his back against the wall by the window. On his bent knees, there was also an open light novel. It must be said that the interests and hobbies of the two of them overlapped greatly. of.

Knox glanced at the book in front of him, noticed the name on the cover, and then looked back.

After noticing this, Shenzi smiled. She also sat up and took a bunch of fried meatballs from the plate next to her. She handed it to Knox's mouth: "Would you like one?"

Knox didn't speak, but he opened his mouth and bit into a meatball in front of him.

"How does it taste?" Shenzi asked expectantly.

"Not bad," Knox said.

Shenzi also bit off one and chewed it in her mouth. Soon, her eyes brightened: "The skin is crispy and the inside is tender and smooth. It can still taste like this after being left for so long. The oil temperature during frying must also be very particular. , it seems that that newly opened store is going to be a big hit, I have to go there more often in the future~"

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