"That makes sense, but I think you should go back to your room and rest." Knox closed the book in his hand and then yawned slightly tiredly.

"Huh? You're sleepy now. You used to read all night long~" Shenzi covered her mouth in surprise and sighed, then smiled slightly: "But since you are tired, just go to sleep. What I say..." She He glanced at the plate of fried skewers in his hand, then looked at the light novel in front of him, and said in a coquettish tone: "Read this volume, and then go back after finishing this plate of fried skewers, okay?"


Elhaysen has been very busy and tired recently, both physically and mentally.

Because he has recently taken over a very...heavy job. Before a new sage is elected or the dean returns to the Order, he will serve as the acting sage and take charge of most of Xumi's work.

Most of them, in fact, it should be said that almost all of them, because the grass god who has the title and job of "Acting Sage" on him rarely handles government affairs anymore.

And now that the dean has left and the new sage has not yet been elected, Xumi, in addition to Lord Cao Shen, has the highest position as the acting sage. In other words... he used to be able to write down information and things that needed to be processed. The report was submitted and the decision was made by the superiors, but now he not only needs to write the report himself, but also makes the decision and handles these matters himself.

In the past three days, he had written a total of four application reports for resigning from the position of acting sage and submitted them to the dean's office. Elhaysen knew that Lord Grass God would stay there most of the time.

Regrettably, however, all those applications came to nothing.

However, this was not because Nasida deliberately pretended not to see those reports, it was just because she had not been to that office recently, and she had not received Alhaysen's application.

As for the reason, it is that Nasida has become somewhat "addicted" to the World Tree recently.

In the Jingshan Palace, Nasida looked at Kelai in front of her, with a friendly smile on her face and said: "Miss Kelai, welcome to the Jingshan Palace."

Looking around uncomfortably, Kelai said with some restraint: "Master Cao Shen...do you have any business with me?"

In the past, when Knox was here, she and Nasida had been in the same room a lot. At that time, she didn't feel anything at all, and sometimes she would subconsciously regard Nasida as an ordinary little girl, but now she was alone with Nasida. Mi's god, pressure and restraint came up instantly.

"Don't be nervous." Nasita, who saw what Kelai was thinking, couldn't help but smile: "Miss Kelai, you don't have to regard me as a god of Sumeru, you just need to regard me as a friend."

She seemed to feel something was wrong when she said this, and added: "But we are friends, right? Although he is the link, we spend a lot of time together. You have provided me with a lot of support at work. Help, at least I think we are friends already, what do you think?”

"...Well, I'm very happy to be friends with Mr. Grass God." Kelai's cheeks were a little red, obviously he was embarrassed.

Nasida smiled and did not force it, but started to get down to the topic: "In inviting you here this time, I actually want to ask you a favor."

"Please ask me?" Kelai tilted his head in confusion: "Master Cao Shen, is there anything you need my help with?"

"I will send us to another place later. You must follow me closely and never get separated. When we arrive in front of a strange big tree, you can use the black god he gave you. Can I touch that big tree with the power of the night from my eyes?" Nasida used the simplest and most straightforward words to tell where she needed Kelai's help.

Ke Lai hesitated: "Can I ask...why did the Grass God do this?"

If it were something else, Kelai would naturally not hesitate, but when it came to Knox...she was afraid that what she was going to do would have a bad impact on him.

Nacida seemed to see Cole's worry. She explained: "It's just an experiment. Don't worry, his power is just an introduction and will not have any substantial impact on him."

"Then...okay." Kelai nodded and agreed to Nasida's request.

Now that Master Cao Shen said this, she was willing to believe it, because she knew that Master Cao Shen, who seemed to have some similar emotions to her, would not deceive her in this regard.

However, what happened next was a scene that shocked even Kelai, who had seen many big scenes with Knox, beyond measure.

The other place Nasida was talking about was a strange space with the main color being blue.

It is mysterious, deep, beautiful, and at the same time makes people involuntarily fearful.

According to Nasida's instructions, Kelai followed her closely until the big tree that the Grass God mentioned before appeared in front of him...

Under Nasida's encouraging gaze, Kelai took a deep breath and walked to the blue, weird-shaped tree. She silently connected her consciousness with the Eye of God around her waist, and there seemed to be an all-embracing vision in her eyes. The night is bright and dreamy.

The feeling of suffocation that would arise every time he used this power surged up. Kelai stretched out his hand, and a black light instantly enveloped his delicate white palm.

The black light touches the big tree.

So the next moment, endless darkness spread out from the big tree, submerging this space and this world bit by bit.

At the other end of the darkness, a subtle light is particularly eye-catching.

Chapter 205

The light at the end of the darkness became more dazzling and closer. Soon, Nacida and Kelai saw that in the only light place, a white and soft big bed was placed there abruptly but harmoniously.

A girl who is purer than the first handful of snow in Longji Snow Mountain lies on her side on the big bed. The thin quilt covers part of her fragile body, but even if she is partially exposed to the field of vision, it is enough for people to be unable to move their eyes. So clear, so beautiful, perhaps even the word "artwork" cannot fully describe her appearance.

At this moment, looking at the girl sleeping on the bed, Kelai was completely stunned.

But unlike Kelai, Nasida's face showed joy as it was not the first time she saw a girl. She originally called Kelai to do the same thing as the skirmishers did last time with the mentality of giving it a try, but instead Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a success.

Nacida came to the big white bed and stared at the girl's sleeping face for a long time. Finally, she showed a gentle smile and reached out to touch the girl's soft cheek, hoping to wake her up in the most gentle way. …


Knox opened his eyes, staring unkindly at the beautiful smiling face in front of him. His eyes moved slightly downward, and then he saw a delicate white palm grasping a strand of pink hair on his head. Touching his face back and forth.

Noticing the dangerous color in Knox's eyes, Shenzi immediately let down her hair, and then fell from the bed to the ground with a gentle stroke. She sat sideways on the carpet on the ground, lying on the edge of the bed, using He stared at Knox with a pitiful look and said, "Don't be angry. I just wanted to ask you if I woke you up. Do you want to participate in Dao's wife's interesting event today~"

After that, she blinked her eyes and said in a very charming voice: "Besides, don't you like this kind of wake-up service?"

Knox stared at the charming eyes of the Son of God for a long time. Finally, he yawned loudly, then silently turned over and covered his head with the quilt.

"..." The corners of Shenzi's mouth twitched slightly as he was speechless and choked.


Perhaps because of some slight insomnia last night, Ying, who had woken up a little late, arrived at the courage trial meeting at Paimon's urging. There was almost no time left before the start of the meeting.

To make matters worse, according to the staff, Ying and Paimon were counted as [Traveler and Paimon] as individuals on the list. If they want to participate in the courage trial competition, they must find a partner to join them.

But fortunately, even though it was already very late, Ying and Paimon were lucky enough to find a guy nearby who was also not in a team——

"There is a familiar smell in the wind. Sure enough, you are here."

The young man dressed in rice wife clothes turned around and greeted Ying and Paimon who came over with a smile: "It's been a long time, you two."

"Man'yo!" Paimon said in surprise: "I didn't expect that Man'ye would also come to participate in the courage test competition!"

Manyo was a little strange and confused about Paimon's statement: "Why is this? Do I look out of place in the Daring Trial Conference?"

After hearing this, Paimon waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, it's just that I haven't seen Manyo look scared before!"

As she spoke, Ying's mind recalled the scenes she had spent with Wanyo in the past. She said, "I always feel that Wanyo has always been very calm, as if he was never afraid!"

Wan Ye smiled slightly: "I'm honored. Actually, it's because I sleep in the mountains all year round and hear a lot of strange legends. Sometimes I also experience some myself... As time goes by, I don't get used to strange things."

Paimon looked in admiration: "Sure enough!" After saying this, she thought of something again and couldn't help but become more confused: "But then why does Wanyu still participate in the courage test competition?"

"Haha, I heard that the club promotes rewards for the courage test conference. I guess you will come back. I haven't seen you for a long time, so it would be nice to meet here. A small gathering after a long separation always makes people feel happy."

"So you were waiting for us!" Paimon looked touched.

Yingya on the side couldn't help but smile at Manyo. Speaking of it, she and Manyo hadn't seen each other for a long time. The last time they met was when Inazuma was the captain of the resistance team, and there was a scene at that time. During the war with the shogunate army, Xinhai hired the crew of the Death Star, and Manyo also appeared on the battlefield at that time...

As for what happened next, her mind was completely focused on the spirit she had just found, and she really had no time to care about anything else. She pursued her from Inazuma to Sumeru, and it was only recently that she realized that she also needed her own journey. , so she made up her mind not to look for the spirit for the time being, lest her mind would be filled with that guy's affairs unknowingly as soon as she came into contact with him, and then she would have no time to care about him and be led by his nose.

But fate is like this. For the first time, she decided not to follow the spirit. Then a war broke out in Sumeru, which was governed by the spirit. Worried, she chose to return to Sumeru immediately.

The second time she decided to pursue her own trip, but as soon as she came to Inazuma and planned to relax, she met the spirit who came here one step ahead...

Ying sighed inwardly, feeling a little helpless.

Of course, Manyo, who had no idea what Ying was thinking, responded with an affirmative answer to what Paimon had just said: "Yes."

Then he asked, "How about you guys? Have you had a smooth trip recently?"

As soon as these words came out, Paimon suddenly became speechless.

"Um..." She scratched her head, glanced at the person next to her, and then said with difficulty: "Did the trip go smoothly...Well, it can probably be considered...smooth, right?"

"Oh?" Seeing that Paimon's reaction was not normal, Manyo asked curiously: "It seems that a lot of twists and turns have happened. Is there anything you need my help with?"

"No need, all the twists and turns are over, and there's nothing else to do now. Otherwise, we wouldn't have time to attend the courage test, right?" Paimon waved his hand.

Wan Ye nodded: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, he looked around and couldn't help but sigh: "The Guarded Forest has really changed a lot. There are dark and rotten trees everywhere, but I have to admit that as far as the courage test event is concerned, the current Guarded Forest Maybe more appropriate than before.”

After glancing around, Paimon looked at a crow squatting on a tree. Soon the crow flapped its wings and flew away after a harsh "quacking" call.

Paimon was startled, winced and said, "That's true."

"But let's talk about the courage test competition. Just now, the miko sister said that she needs to find a partner to participate in the courage test competition. Have you found a partner yet?" Paimon brought the topic back on track.

"Not yet, what about you? Do you need me to be your partner?" Wanye asked with a hint of invitation.

Paimon looked at Ying, waiting for her decision.

Ying thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay."

A soft smile appeared on Manyo's face: "Then let's go shopping together. I haven't participated in many courage test conferences. I don't know if I will have any novel experiences this time. After all, I have transformed into a guard in the black world. This is my first time in the forest."

Chapter 206 Maybe the right guess

After the Son of God left, although the room returned to silence, Knox's sleep did not last long.

The reason is that an invisible force of will connects his consciousness and guides him to another body in the distance.

Of course Knox was aware of this pull on the conscious level, but he just frowned slightly and then chose to follow this pull and let his consciousness leave his body, because the only person who could do such a thing was him. Nasida was the only one who left a mark in the sea of ​​will.

Sure enough, when his consciousness returned and Knox opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him had been replaced by the inner wall of Jingshan Palace with the main color of green.

His thoughts crossed thousands of rivers and mountains, and he came to this wisdom country again.

Knox looked down at his hands. They were white and tender, small and delicate. These were Nacida's hands, and what Knox's mind was occupying at this moment was naturally Nacida's body.

This feeling is a very novel experience even for Knox.

He made a fist with his small white hands. It suddenly became so small, and the ground became so close to his field of vision. Knox was really uncomfortable with it.

But soon, he asked: "Why did you call me here?"

However - there was silence, except for the slight echo from Jingshan Palace, there was no other sound feedback.

Knox spread his awareness of consciousness calmly, and after a while, he frowned because he didn't feel Nasida's presence...

At the same time, Inazuma Narukami Taisha Shrine.

"Knox" opened his eyes, and the empty eyes at first seemed to be suddenly tinged with a cunning color.

He sat up and glanced at the surrounding scene with great interest. Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he jumped out of bed with a gleam of impatience on his face.

He started rummaging around the room, but didn't seem to find what he wanted, but he was not discouraged at all. Instead, he gave up the room immediately, opened the door and ran out without even wearing shoes.

The miko along the way watched with surprise and surprise as the figure passing by her like the wind disappeared at the end of her field of vision.

"Knox" eventually ran to a bathroom and finally found his target - a mirror.

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