He stood in front of the sink and looked at "himself" in the mirror on the wall.

The hair is silver, and it is draped behind her like a silvery white moon pouring down its light. Probably because she ran a little fast just now, a few strands fell in front of her, but this does not affect anything, on the contrary. The beautiful face in the mirror, which looked unrealistically molded by the blessings of the stars, gave it a messy and soft look, which perfectly neutralized the irrepressible anger of the body itself.

The two pairs of purple eyes outside the mirror and the two pairs in the mirror looked at each other, as if they had spanned time and space. Finally, the person in the mirror nodded with satisfaction. A certain figure that had only existed in the fantasy seemed to suddenly have a complete picture, more vivid than the fantasy. Even more satisfying.

At this moment, "Knox"'s eye circles were slightly red, but soon, a smile on his lips turned the redness into coquettishness.

Appreciating "his" face in the mirror that was almost out of the realm of reality, "Knox" twirled the hair hanging down the side of his face with his fingers, twirling it in circles between his fingers. Although his smile was so coquettish, his eyes revealed Totally disproportionate arrogance.

Anyway, there is still a lot of time...

The willfulness formed by his personality and excessive doting, suddenly prompted "him" to think of a very interesting idea in an instant, as a small "revenge" on an irresponsible guy...


"Lord Grass God..."

In the only light in the dark world, Kelai sat on the white and soft big bed, calling out to Nasida sitting at the head of the bed in an extremely uneasy tone.

While gently stroking the soft silver hair of the girl lying on her lap, Nasida raised her face to look at Kelai and asked, "What's wrong?"

Kelai swallowed and kept glancing back and forth between the girl sleeping on Nacida's lap and Nacida herself.

At this moment, Kelai's heart was almost filled with curiosity and surprise.

In the past half hour, she had experienced the most ridiculous thing in her life.

After the girl, who was as beautiful and slender as an elf, was awakened, when she saw Lord Grass God, she felt as excited and relieved as if she had seen a relative.

But what really made Kelai feel incredible and made her feel uneasy at the moment was that after the girl chatted with Master Cao Shen for a few words that she didn't understand at all, the other party suddenly coquettishly begged Master Cao Shen to lend her his body. She said that she "hasn't seen the outside world for a long time, and I really want to go out and see the blue sky and green grass."

Although the pitiful little expression at that time made Kelai, who didn't know what was going on, couldn't help but sympathize.But Lord Grass God actually agreed to her request without any hesitation, which still made Kelai unbelievable.

After a while, the girl who touched the forehead of Master Cao Shen fell asleep again. Kelai guessed that in the real world outside at this moment, Master Cao Shen's body should have been occupied by this girl.

Although her intuition told her that this girl who had an inexplicable resemblance to Knox would not do anything bad, the body of the god who rules the country of Sumeru is currently occupied by a little girl with a mind that looks like a teenager. , Kelai could hardly imagine what would happen.

Facing Nasida's confused gaze at this moment, Kelai thought for a while, but still said with a worried look: "Is it okay? The body of Lord Grass God should be controlled by this child now... Will anything happen?"

Nasida suddenly understood, then smiled and said: "It doesn't matter."

Surprised by Nacida's trust in the girl, although the child's overly foul appearance makes it difficult for people to believe that she is a little bad guy, but such an important thing...

As if she understood what Kelai was thinking, Nasida gently pinched the soft cheek of the girl on her lap, her eyes half-closed and she said softly: "She is a good child."

Ke Lai's heart was moved and she was speechless for a long time. After a long time, she asked in a low voice: "Who is this child..."

Nascida shook her head, raised her eyes and looked at Kelai with a smile: "Didn't you already guess it?"

"..." Kelai was silent, lowering her head and saying nothing for a long time, but the hands that clenched the sheets showed that at this moment, there was already a storm in her heart.

If my guess...or that unrealistic association is really correct, then this world must be too bizarre and absurd.

If that child is really his future child, then who is the mother?

The question that Kelai most wanted to know the answer to in his life was born.

Chapter 207

"Ugh... Although I know that the dark guard forest will be much more gloomy than before, but I still have to walk in to understand how scary it is!" Pamon floated in the air, curled up, and followed closely. Said nervously beside Ying.

Wan Ye, who was walking a little ahead of the two of them, smiled, turned around and said, "I think it's okay. How about I tell you a story to lighten the atmosphere?"

"Story? Okay, okay!" Paimon immediately agreed after hearing that it could alleviate the scary atmosphere.

"When I was traveling, I once passed a bridge. Someone told me that I should not cross the bridge at night, otherwise I would bump into something ominous." Wan Ye said while walking.

Because at the moment there is a stone road extending on the black grass. The protrusions on both sides and the torii gate above the head, coupled with the dim night, make this stone road look like a bridge across the water.

Such immersive experience immediately aroused goosebumps all over Paimon's body: "Wait a minute! Didn't you say it eases the atmosphere? This is even more scary!"

Wan Ye smiled and said: "Listen to what I have to say, and you won't be afraid anymore."

"Um...Okay." Paimon let himself float closer to Ying, staring at Manyo with very distrustful eyes.

Wanyo continued: "It is said that a couple fell into the water and died under the bridge. The resentment lingered on the bridge for a long time. I chose to cross the bridge at night, and I heard voices."

"But I listened for a long time, and finally found out that it was a couple pretending to be evil spirits to extort property, and they were fighting because of the uneven distribution of the spoils."

"Suddenly it's really not scary anymore!" Paimon didn't know whether he was complaining or sighing in surprise.

However, at this moment, Paimon's relaxed expression suddenly froze, because she felt a cold touch coming from her wrist, and the object that conveyed the touch to her was still holding her tightly. .

"Ying... Ying Ying Ying..." Paimon's whole body was shaking like chaff, and he was almost crying when he called Ying: "Quick... help me look at my right hand, what's holding it..."

Ying looked sideways at her in confusion, her gaze resting on her right wrist. Sure enough, an extended branch bent into an incredible circle and tied Paimon's wrist tightly.

Ying said nothing, a miniature wind blade flew out of his hand and cut off the branch in an instant.

Then he comforted Paimon: "It's just a branch."

Paimon looked down at the branch ring on his wrist, and his face couldn't help but get worse: "How could the branch catch me by itself? Could it be that... there is really a ghost..."

"Wow!" Paimeng cried out and rushed towards Ying: "Ying, you have to protect me!"

Ying couldn't help but rolled her eyes, but still rubbed Paimon's head helplessly.

Wanyo in front heard the noise and turned around and walked over: "What happened?"

"Paimon's hand was entangled in a branch just now." Ying pointed to the ring-shaped branch on the ground that had fallen off from Paimon's wrist.

When Wan Ye saw it, he couldn't help frowning: "How could such a dead branch automatically bend like this?"

Paimon, who had stopped crying, pouted with a look of fear on his face: "There must be something like a monster causing trouble!"

Wanyo shook his head: "I have no clue, but this is indeed abnormal. It's best for us to get out of here as soon as possible."


The road was obviously made of stone, but suddenly there was the sound of clods of earth surging.

Ying, who had just taken a step, suddenly stopped. She lowered her head, and a hand made entirely of soil emerged from the stone pavement, gripping her ankle tightly through the long boots.

To be honest, Rao Shiying was also startled at this moment. She exerted force on her foot and shattered the palm of her hand.

The noise made Paimon nervous, and she was agitated at the time. She tremblingly asked Ying, "What's the matter?"

Ying shook his head and said nothing, but stood still and began to observe the surrounding environment.

"..." Wan Ye turned around, closed his eyes and sniffed gently. Soon, he looked behind a dark tree and frowned: "May I ask who you are and why you are deliberately trying to scare me?" friend."

"Hmm! Did Wanyu find the other party?!" Paimon nervously turned his attention to the big tree.

Ying frowned, and she suddenly realized something...

Sure enough, a voice came from behind the big tree: "Aren't you participating in the courage test competition just to scare others? Isn't it fun to say such things at an event?"

The voice was familiar, but it was a little more spiritual than before. Paimon and Ying looked at each other, both seeing surprise in the other's eyes.

The figure of the silver-haired boy walked out from behind the tree and greeted this side with a smile: "Hey, isn't it fun to have a dare test?"

"Sure enough, it's you! Ling!" Paimon's hair exploded like a stimulated blowfish for a moment. She glared at Knox: "It's too much, it's too much! Did you do all that just now? It made me cry!"

"Knox" raised the corner of his mouth and smiled at her: "But if you are so timid, why do you come here to participate in the courage test conference? Are you a masochist?"

"Hmm!" Paimeng, who was suddenly speechless, opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to refute.

Ying looked at Knox with a hint of doubt in her eyes. Ever since Knox appeared, she had always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

Manyo's eyes wandered over Knox, Ying and Paimon for a few moments, and then he couldn't help but ask: "Are you friends?"

"Knox" smiled and said nothing, just looked at Ying silently, as if he was curious about her answer.

However, it was Paimon who crossed his arms, raised his face and spoke arrogantly: "Humph, what he did just now went too far, so I decided that we will not be friends in the next 5 minutes!"

Then, as if she was afraid of speaking harshly, she quickly waved her hand and added: "But we will still be friends in 5 minutes!"

Manyo was speechless, and Yingya couldn't help but give that idiot a blank look.

The smile on "Knox's" face became more obvious. "He" who was a few meters away a second ago suddenly appeared in front of Ying. He leaned closer to his face and said: "Your activities are convenient. Take one with me?”

"Eh? Is Lingya interested in the Daring Test?" Paimon looked at "Knox" in great surprise. She was not surprised that he suddenly appeared here. After all, she had experienced this guy's elusiveness more than once. .

Those purple eyes were so close to her that Ying couldn't help but dodge her eyes: "If you want to participate... no one will stop you."

"Knox" frowned: "Does that mean you agree? Thank you~"


After "Knox" joined, the composition of the team changed to Manyo walking at the front, Ying walking behind, Paimon floating on Ying's left, and "Knox" walking on Ying's right.

Although there were more people, the atmosphere was much quieter.

After all, Wanyo didn't know Knox, and Paimon, a chatterbox, was also angry with him because of what happened before.

However, although the appearance is quiet, Ying's heart is not quiet at all.

Because just now, her right hand was held by someone.

She turned around with her neck stiffened, and saw the young man smiling at her and blinking his left eye, and then her hand that was being held was clasped by this guy with ten fingers intertwined.

With a "thump", Ying's cheeks were smudged by the red clouds. She stared at "Knox" blankly, and her steps became mechanical. After all, at this moment, her mind was almost blank.

PS: To explain the situation to those who don’t understand, Knox’s consciousness is now in Nacida’s body, Nacida’s consciousness is in the World Tree, and the consciousness in Knox’s body at the moment is the little girl in the World Tree. (Is there anyone who really doesn’t understand? It’s written very clearly (T_T))

Chapter 208 What’s different?

In recent days, the changes in Xumi City can be said to be rapid.

Knox's consciousness was walking on the streets of Xumi City through Nasida's body. Even he had to admit that in a country where the spark of wisdom has never been extinguished, the elites of the entire country gathered together for the birth of a new city. And when you work hard, your efficiency is really ridiculously high.

The outline of the teaching compound covering the entire original site of Xumi City has taken shape, and the large tracts of woods outside the original Xumi City have also been replaced by construction materials such as cement and steel bars.

If nothing unexpected happens, a new city of wisdom will arrive on this continent in half a year.

Strolling all the way from Jingshan Palace to the Jiaolingyuan, after entering the door, I heard almost endless greetings to "Lord Grass God" from scholars and students along the way.

It wasn't until we entered the elevator that it felt a little quieter.

After reaching the top floor, Knox stood in front of the maze of bookshelves with Nacida's body on his head and frowned.

It seemed that he was surprised that this thing hadn't been dismantled yet after being gone for so long.

After sighing a little, he walked into the entrance of the maze. After all, the body now belonged to Nasida, so naturally he could not use his own abilities.

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