He quickly found the exit by using his awareness to take in a panoramic view of the maze area.

But what surprised him even more was that there was someone in the office area at this moment.

Elhaysen was standing in front of his desk, holding several "resignation applications" that were obviously untouched and was thinking with his head down. Hearing the movement behind him, he quickly turned around and saw Nasida, and immediately bowed and saluted: " Lord Grass God.”

Knox ignored it and walked to the chair behind the desk to sit down.

He raised his eyes and looked at Elhaysen: "What's the matter?"

"..." Elhaysen was stunned for a moment. After staring at the face of "Lord Grass God" for two seconds, he quickly realized something was wrong.

At this moment, the "Grass God" looked calm and his eyes were indifferent, which was very different from the Grass God who always faced others with soft eyes and a smile!

Elhaysen hesitated for a moment, but continued: "I submitted my resignation report several times some time ago, but you didn't give me a response..."


From Elhaysen's perspective, the Grass God seemed to be in a bad mood at the moment. She tilted her head slightly. This action, which should have made the cute Grass God even cuter, was matched with the indifference on her pretty face. His expression looked very oppressive.

Feeling that Lord Grass God might be in a bad mood, Elhaysen said helplessly: "Of course, if you think I must do this job, I will stick to it until the new sage takes office."

"Why did you resign? What is your current position?" Knox crossed his legs, folded his arms and stared at Alhaysen calmly and asked.

At this moment, Elhaysen, who looked into the pair of green eyes, finally realized. This feeling, this look, this posture. Although the person in front of him has the appearance of a little lucky grass king, he is definitely not the same. Maybe he really is that gentle and loving god!

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he said with some uncertainty: "... Mr. Dean?"

"Answer the question." Knox crossed his arms and leaned his delicate back on the back of the chair behind him.

The corners of his lips twitched slightly, and it seemed that he had guessed correctly. Elhaysen didn't know what the dean and the grass god were playing, but as far as the object of appeal was concerned, whether he saw the grass god or the dean, All adults seem to be the same. After all, everyone in Sumeru knows that there are two supreme rulers of Sumeru, one is the Grass God and the other is the Dean.

"During the period when you left the Order House, I was appointed by Lord Cao Shen to serve as the acting sage until the new sage takes office." Elhaysen's tone returned to calmness, and he stated that he was submitting his resignation report. Some words written in: "As for the reason for resignation - I think I am not suitable for this job. Today, with the rapid changes in Xumi, I fully feel the lack of my own wisdom. My inability to do my job makes me extremely tired every day. state……"

"Okay." Knox stopped Elhaysen's words. He reached for the resignation report in Elhaysen's hand, opened it and took a few glances. Then the reports turned into a ball of green fluorescence and disappeared. .

He yawned and said calmly: "If you are not smart enough, then supplement it. If you are not capable, then study. If you want to be lazy, find more reliable assistants. There is no problem with her arrangement. You are indeed the most suitable person for Xumi right now. The acting sage.”

After saying that, he raised his eyes and chuckled: "Any more questions?"

"..." Elhaysen was silent. Well, whether the target of appeal is the grass god or the dean may be the same. As for the result, that's another matter.

Originally, he thought that if it were Master Cao Shen, and he asked in person and gave such a good reason, the considerate and gentle Master Cao Shen would definitely agree to his resignation application... But who made him unlucky? What about this unkind dean?

With a sigh in his heart, Alhaysen turned and left. Thinking about the pile of documents to be processed on his desk, he felt that his steps were extremely heavy.


Guarding Forest.

"Do you like me?"

What woke Ying up from her daze was the slight sound that sounded in her ears.

That way, she controlled the volume at a volume that only she could hear, so she could only say it close to her ear. Ying lowered her head and glanced at her hand that was intertwined with someone's, then raised her head and shifted her gaze to her side, leaning into her ear with a smile on her face. Finally, she sighed, used her other hand to pry "Knox's" fingers away, and then took two steps back to distance herself from "Knox".

"Eh? What's wrong, Ying?" Paimeng, who was following Ying, asked Ying, who was acting strange again.

Wanyo couldn't help but stop again and turned around to look over.

Ying paid no attention to them, but looked directly at Knox, his eyes calm and alert: "You are not Ling, nor Nacida, who are you?"

"Knox" looked stunned, then lowered his head and sighed boringly: "Boring, I've been discovered now..."

After saying that, he raised his face again and resumed his charming smile: "Can you tell me where you copied it wrong?"

Staring at that face with glaring eyes: "Nothing is right."

"What's more specific?" There was an expectant look on that face.

"It's impossible for Ling to do all the things you just did with such a cold personality." Ying said helplessly. For some reason, she didn't want to say anything and couldn't refuse the guy who looked like Knox in front of her. .

"Cold personality..."

"Knox" looked thoughtful. After a moment, he suddenly hit his palm and nodded with a sudden look on his face: "That's it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a black flame filled his body, and the next moment, he disappeared.

Looking at the place where "Knox" disappeared, Ying sighed. She had experienced disappointment and regret a lot, and she was used to it.

Chapter 209 The fate of the Gilded Brigade

Knox didn't stay in the dean's office for long. The reason why he came here was just to look for traces of Nasida. After all, she pulled her consciousness over, but she disappeared, which was a bit strange.

Of course, he was not in a hurry. It would be great to take a look at Xumi's recent changes while looking for someone.

This time he did not choose to go down the same way, but jumped out through the hole in the floor-to-ceiling window that had never been repaired.

Knox planned to go and see the conditions in the barracks. Speaking of which, he had never been there since he issued the conscription order.

Maybe it was because he was too lazy to go, or maybe he subconsciously didn't pay much attention to these soldiers with low combat effectiveness.

The location of the barracks was placed in the woods to the north of the old Xumi City, but it has now been included in the new Xumi City. Since the construction of the new Xumi City has not yet started, the construction of the barracks has already begun, so now the new Xumi City Within the scope of the division, the building complex of the barracks is the most complete, and places such as dormitories, dining halls, and training grounds have already been put into use.

When Knox wandered here, he heard the trumpet sound coming from the field in the distance.

After getting closer, I looked in through the iron mesh fence and saw that it was indeed a training ground. Countless soldiers in uniforms were undergoing training. They were divided into hundreds of small square formations and spread all over the ridiculously large training ground. The chanting that I heard all the way just now was made by some of the soldiers running in circles.

Knox walked straight to the location of the gate. Even though this was an important military location, the guards would not have the guts to intercept Knox at this moment when he was acting like a god of grass. As long as anyone dares to stop him.

"Lord Grass God!" The guard saluted Knox as he was walking through the switchback. It was a military salute of making a fist and putting his hand on his chest.

Knox did not respond. After all, he was not the "Grass God" these people called him.

In the morning of winter, the sky is gray and the sun seems to be covered behind a layer of gauze. The light it sheds does not bring much temperature. Fortunately, Xumi City and the surrounding areas are within the scope of the rain forest, even in the cold winter. , the temperature here itself is not low, of course, it can't be said how warm it is.

Knox walked up to the high platform in front of the training ground, where he could have a panoramic view of the entire giant training ground.

"Hey! Lord Grass God!" A heroic greeting came from the high platform. Knox looked up and was greeted by Disia, whom he had not seen for a long time. He said enthusiastically: "Why are you here today? Is this an inspection? "

Knox didn't reply, but climbed onto the high platform first, then turned around and looked at the training ground below.

But Knox didn't reply, and Desiya didn't care at all. Instead, she said as boldly and enthusiastically as ever: "Don't worry, since I took over this job, I will naturally do my best to do what I should do!"

Knox was not interested in listening to the beautiful words. He preferred to observe and witness with his own eyes. However, the facts presented on the training field below told Knox that what Desiya said was not simply beautiful words.

At least, he saw the shadow of an elite division in those neat and uniform phalanxes, the phalanxes that conducted high-intensity training, and the phalanxes that simulated fighting with each other, even though all of these people had been baptized by the battle array. soldiers, but it is undeniable that just a few months ago, the vast majority of these people were just ordinary Xumi people.

"Well done." Knox expressed his affirmation of Desiya's work, then glanced away and asked: "You are still getting used to the work."

"Ha..." Disia laughed dryly. Although she felt a little strange about the tone and expression of "Lord Grass God", she said that she was not very familiar with Nasida after all, and she didn't realize that she could do anything with just one look and expression. It's obvious how wrong it is.

She scratched her head and said in a helpless voice: "If you want to say whether you are getting used to it or not, it's actually a bit unaccustomed to it."

"Lord Grass God, I am telling you the truth only in front of you. If you want to talk about the person from the Teaching Council, I will never say more to you." Disiya sighed: "I really don't adapt to this situation now. If I were given a choice to pursue a military life, I think I would still be a free mercenary."

Knox immediately laughed and wouldn't he say more to the person from the Order?Who else could I refer to in the Ecclesiastical Order?Of course, the notorious "tyrant" is the Dean of the Imperial Academy.

"Uh... Lord Grass God, your smile is so scary..."

Knox looked at Desiya's hesitant face and smiled: "You said you want to continue to be a mercenary?"

"Well... it's just an idea. Of course, I won't go anywhere until the work here is completed." The sharp intuition brought to her by years of licking blood with the tip of a knife made her subconsciously choose to add such a word of loyalty. .

"Don't you know the situation of the Xumi mercenaries now?" Knox looked at her and asked with a smile.

"I know." Having said this, Disiya couldn't help but feel disappointed: "Now everyone in Sumeru knows that the mercenary profession is not favored by the leader of the Order, especially after the rebellion some time ago. I know how many large and small gilded brigades have been disbanded, and their status has plummeted."

"Since you know everything, why do you still want to be a mercenary?" Knox sat down on a chair on the high platform and looked at Disiya with a smile.

"Harmful!" Desiya waved her hands, looking helpless: "I don't like to be controlled by nature, and I am born to be a mercenary."

"For the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Grass God Guards, one month's salary should be much higher than the remuneration you received for accepting ten commissions when you were a mercenary, right?"

"That's true, but it's not a matter of money..." Desiya scratched her head in embarrassment.

Knox crossed his arms, suppressed the smile on his face, looked at Dishya quietly and said, "So you are telling me this because you want to resign?"

"...Um." Noticing the change in expression, Desiya's expression froze, then she twitched her lips and said tentatively: "I mean after training this group of soldiers..."

"The mercenary profession will soon disappear completely in Xumi."

Knox interrupted Dishiya's words. He looked into Dishiya's eyes and said calmly: "Next month, the Order will promulgate the grading system for the gilded brigade. The first-level gilded brigade needs to turn over 1000 million every year. The registration fee only allows the recruitment of ten members. The second-level gold-plated tour group has to pay a registration fee of 5000 million per year and can recruit fifty members. The highest level is level three, with an annual registration fee of 100 million. The group can recruit up to [-] members. ——With a one-week limit, all Gilded Brigades that have not registered with the Order will be banned one by one. If they do not disband on their own, they will be regarded as illegal armed elements."

After Knox's words fell, Desiya's mouth was already wide open. It took her a while to come back to her senses and said nonchalantly: "Then when all the Gilded Brigades can no longer hold on, the Holy Order will declare that it is illegal to engage in the mercenary industry... …”

"Smart." Knox smiled at her: "So if you want to resign, you'd better find another career."

Chapter 210 Can't tell you


Where the snowflakes fell, a white figure suddenly fell.

Amidst the scream, Columbia raised her head slightly.

Boom! !

The figure fell to the ground, right in front of Columbia.

She blinked in confusion and looked at the figure lying on the snow. Her silver hair was messy and scattered behind her back. She didn't see his face, only the back. Columbia knew who the owner of the body was in front of her, but in her eyes My doubts have not diminished at all.

"Hey...it hurts."

The figure stood up with his hands on the ground, muttering softly because of the pain.

However, the movement of getting up was only halfway before he stopped again because the man saw the girl sitting under the eaves in front of him.

The girl's slender hands held her cheeks, her slender legs were pressed together, and there was a slight doubt on her dreamy and pretty face.

"Little sister, you are so beautiful..." The figure stared at Columbia's cheek and murmured blankly.

Columbia tilted her head, then stretched out a hand and waved towards the figure.

Without any hesitation, the figure immediately broke into the white snow curtain and sat side by side with Columbia on the wooden floor under the eaves. Then he said enthusiastically: "Miss, what are you doing here? The weather is so cold, you Why don't you come into the house?"

Columbia did not reply, but gently touched the figure's fair forehead with the index finger of the hand that had just waved to the figure.


The figure was stunned for a moment, and then "he" realized in shock that he could not move, and "he" himself seemed to be completely seen through from the soul level.

The sight that penetrates the body and reaches the soul...


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