After a burst of harsh noise, Columbia put down her hand, but a smile appeared on her face facing the people around her.

The moment Columbia put down her hand, the figure realized that she could move, but he...or should be said to be her surprise only became more powerful.

She looked down at her hands, almost overwhelmed by the noise, but as the noise disappeared like waves, the hands had shrunk a lot, the skin became more delicate, and the palms became more delicate...

Then before she could turn her head to look at the girl again, she suddenly felt a cool touch on her head.

Shrinking her neck, she carefully looked at the people around her.

Columbia smiled and rubbed her head gently: "It's very beautiful, Xi."

Her eyes as clear as blooming violets trembled, and the girl asked tentatively: "Do you... know my name?" Her voice was no longer as clear as before, but as sweet as a silver bell, making people want to hear more. Sweet and waxy.

Columbia shook her head, put down the hand that was stroking the girl's head, and slid it down to the girl's soft cheek. She said softly, "But now is not the time for us to meet."

"What...?" Before the girl could finish her words, a feeling of dizziness invaded her brain, and for just a moment, her consciousness fell into darkness.

A large number of noise spots once again appeared on the delicate body. Columbia was overwhelmed by the noise and fell towards her body. When the head of the body rested on her shoulder, the noise spots dissipated again.

The body has also returned to its original appearance, with silver hair still disheveled and complexion still pale.

Breathing out softly, Columbia hugged the unconscious body beside her and quickly smiled again. She looked at the endless snowfield in front of her and hummed an ancient and beautiful nursery rhyme.


Knox opened his eyes, sat down, shook his dizzy head first, and then asked aloud without looking: "Why did I appear here? The person who controlled my body before this was who?"

Columbia, who was sitting next to him and didn't even take her hands away from Knox's waist, thought for a moment, turned to him and asked with a smile: "Can you not tell me?"

Holding his forehead with his palm, Knox glanced at her.

Columbia stretched out her hand, hugged his neck with two delicate arms, and brought her lips to Knox's ear: "I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

Knox narrowed his eyes. Although the fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose and the girl's body was very wonderful, his mood fell a lot instantly.

As if she noticed the thoughts of the boy in her arms, Columbia couldn't help but hugged her arms tighter: "Even if you are unhappy, I can't say anything."

"..." Knox didn't speak for a while.

Columbia said: "You are very tired, you can rest."

The boy's body gradually relaxed, and finally fell into a deep sleep in the girl's arms.

The girl kissed the boy's slightly cold lips, and her voice seemed to be an ethereal voice through the soul: "Thank you."


The Courage Test Conference is still going on. Although Ying is a little absent-minded in the next few rounds of competition, for an event like the Courage Test Conference, such a mentality is actually a good thing for the competition.

After all, when a person is calm in his own world, the stimulation from the outside world will be minimized. With good enough luck, Ying and Paimon easily reached the final stage of the competition.

In the dark guarded forest, after several hesitations, Paimon couldn't help but said: "Ying! You have been absent-minded since the spirit left. You ignored me when I talked to you. When I asked you whether the spirit you said before was not the spirit. It’s not that Nasida didn’t say what she meant, it really makes me anxious!”

Pamon bumped Ying's shoulder.

As if waking up from a dream, Ying looked at Paimon blankly: "Huh?"

"..." Paimon slapped his forehead and said helplessly, "You really didn't listen to anything."

Ying blinked, then realized something and scratched her hair in embarrassment: "Sorry, I was thinking about something."

"Humph, I know, but even if you have something on your mind, you can't ignore me. It makes me worry to death."

"Sorry." Yingchen apologized sincerely, and then said: "Paimon, I am not in the mood to continue participating in the courage test meeting now..."

"Why?" Paimon asked in surprise, "Is it because of the spirit?"

"No, it's because I figured something out."

After saying that, Ying suddenly turned around and walked straight outside the venue of the Courage Testing Conference.

"Eh? Is it okay to just leave? Don't you want to inform the organizer? Hey! Ying!" Paimon quickly followed behind Ying and asked loudly.

But Ying never seemed to hear anything, with a serious look on his face, and quickly walked out of the guarding forest.

She looked around the road and quickly located a nearby large rock. Ying came to the rock and sat down. She closed her eyes and called Nasida's name over and over again in her mind.

Until sleepiness strikes, and the consciousness falls into the dream world...

PS: Brothers, the author has gone to Tibet and will probably stop for a few days.

Chapter 211 To know or not to know

The world was covered with ambiguous red and purple colors, and the three orange-red suns in the sky were mostly submerged below the horizon.

The evening wind blew by, creating dreamy waves on the grass.

At the end of the grassland is a hillside, on which two figures are sitting side by side, looking at the sunset in the distance. ,

The evening wind not only blew the waves of the grass, but also blew the hair of the two figures. Gold and silver were intertwined, just like the overlapping shadows behind them.

In a small open space between the two of them, the hands of the boy and girl seemed to have accidentally touched each other, but after a moment of reflexive retraction, they both returned to their original places, but this time the two hands were There is some overlap.

The girl's cheeks were red, her head was hanging slightly, and her other hand was holding her knee. The boy turned his face sideways and looked away. There was also some redness on his fair cheeks, maybe it was reflected by the sunset.

"Ling! Ying! There is a village across the river, come here quickly!"

Another young boy's voice came from the distance, and the boys and girls under the sunset instantly retracted their hands...

A stronger gust of wind blew by, and the two figures on the hillside turned into light fragments and flew away. They looked in the direction where they were originally, in a daze.

"...Is that what happened during your trip?"

An indescribable voice came from her ears, and she subconsciously turned her head and saw Nasida who was also looking at the sunset.

"...Well, it was not long before arriving in Teyvat." Ying said with half-closed eyes.

"That's great." Nasida seemed to say calmly.

Ying shook her head and planned to skip this topic. The world of dreams was beyond her control, and it was common to dream of some impressive past events.

She calmed down her depressed mood that was inexplicably suited to the sunset scene, and then said seriously: "I met Ling in Daozuma, but he looked very strange, and his body was occupied by a stranger. There is no one who has this ability among the people I know. There is only Nasida, does Nasida know what is going on?"

"...Don't worry, that person won't do any harm to him, and the spirit has gone back now." Nasida sighed softly, turned around and looked around at the surrounding environment, especially the one that was no longer sinking. His gaze stayed on the three suns for a long time.

"Is this another world?"

Although she didn't want to say anything more about this dream, Nasida seemed to be very interested.

"Yeah." Ying nodded, then continued: "Then do you know where Ling is now?"

"It should be in the solstice, but I think he will leave soon. As for where he will go after that, I don't know." Nasida replied, then turned her head, with a slight hint of worry in her beautiful big eyes. Curious: "Ling liked you before, right?"

"...I don't know." Ying paused this time before answering.

Nacida smiled and faced her with her hands behind her back. The setting sun shone on her body, the breeze rolled up her hair, and the smile on her lovely face was bright. Finally, her voice flew into Ying's ears through the wind, and in her There were echoes in his mind: "Then do you like him? I like him very much."

Ying was stunned for a long time. She looked at Nasida's smiling but extremely serious eyes. She suddenly realized something and her eyes were slightly shaken. After a moment, she still avoided Nasida's sight and whispered: "I have no idea……"

Nasida was a little puzzled, but she didn't say much. She turned and said, "Do you want to know who the person who occupies the spiritual body you are curious about is?"

Ying didn't speak.

Nasida thought to herself: "It's the child you saw in the World Tree."

"Then do you know who that child is?" Nasida continued to ask.

Ying pursed her lips: "It probably has something to do with spirits..."

Nasida smiled: "Yes, it is related to the spirit, and not only related. If I am not wrong in my prediction, the child is probably from the future, the daughter of the spirit."

"..." Ying's pupils shrank slightly. Although she had some vague premonitions deep down in her heart, when someone really said it in front of her, she still couldn't stop the turmoil in her heart.

"Yes." The smile on Nasida's face became brighter: "Even if he becomes what he is now, he will still love people and have a partner."

Ying opened her mouth.

"Everyone has the power and intention to pursue what they want, even gods are no exception." Nasida closed her eyes slightly and said softly: "I like spirits, and I also like that child."

"..." Ying didn't know what to say. After a while, she responded softly: "I know..."


Robbery is a very immoral thing, especially in a place like Liyue that values ​​etiquette and contracts, so Knox, who was robbed by a group of treasure thieves while walking on the road, decided to fight for this and his hometown. Similar countries make some contributions.

When the guy who seemed to be the leader of this gang was lifted up by his neck, and turned into ashes with black flames in his hands amidst the screams, the rest of the treasure thieving group started in various panic. They ran away screaming.

But unfortunately, as we all know, it is impossible for people to be faster than lightning, so after bursts of rumbling in the ears, everyone was turned into coke by the dark thunder falling from the void.

This mountain area finally regained the peace it should have.

Knox turned to look at a big rock, folded his arms and said calmly: "Did the guy peeping over there come out on his own, or did he turn into ashes and fly out like those people just now?"


Behind the boulder, a petite figure walked out. His cute head was decorated with two big bells, which was very eye-catching. The other person sighed softly and saluted Knox very politely: "Hello, I just accidentally picked up the medicine. I'm passing by, so please forgive me if I offended you."

"Since you are passing by, why are you hiding behind the stone?" Knox looked at the person who clearly looked like a little girl with a smile and asked, "Am I scary?"

The little girl paused and nodded slightly: "This is the first time I saw a murder scene, and I was a little scared."

Knox crossed his arms and raised the corner of his mouth. He took a moment to look at the girl in front of him. She was still a little lolita. Faced with such a scene, she could still deal with a cruel murderer like him... Knox was very concerned about this. It seems that the little girl who is surrounded by the aura of the spirit of the dust has become a little interested. This may be the sequelae caused by retrieving the heart and removing the three nails.

He couldn't help but smile and asked: "What's your name?"

"The Demon God of Night is coming. I'm so far away from you. I'm really ashamed." came an old voice that was at the opposite end of the spectrum from the little girl, followed by a smiling and kind old woman who didn't know when to appear. He looked behind Yaoyao and was walking towards this side.

The old woman touched the little girl's head and said kindly: "Yao Yao, please meet the Demon God soon."

Without saying a word, the little girl whom the old woman called Yaoyao obediently gave Knox a more formal and ancient courtesy: "I have met the Demon God, Yaoyao is polite."

Chapter 212 Countdown


The interest in Knox's eyes was quickly extinguishing. Liyue was so boring. There were old things everywhere, and behind the slightly interesting people, there were always one or two eyesores from the old guys.

Unconsciously, the arrogant thoughts disappeared, and the blue rainbow in Knox's eyes flashed away. Soon, as if he realized something, he frowned slightly, and then a wisp of black flames wrapped around him, and he disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the original position of Knox, Yaoyao couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then pulled the hem of Grandma Ping's clothes beside her, her voice was a little lost: "Master, is that really the Demon God of Night just now...the same as in the legend It’s not the same.”

After hearing the disciple's words, Grandma Ping couldn't help but sigh with a complicated expression. She stroked Yaoyao's head: "Everything in the world will change. This is true for people, and gods are no exception."


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