A long time has passed since the battle with the Ruo Tuo Dragon King, and Jueyunjian was finally restored to its original beautiful appearance by those immortals with great magical powers.

Knox's figure appeared on the top of a mountain. He did not take in the small mountains. Instead, he looked at the palm of his hand. A dark golden chess piece floated. He frowned and looked at the heart of God.

There is no doubt that he was affected by [Arrogance]. From the beginning, because he had the Heart of the Rock God, he did not pay too much attention to the original sin. Today, he finally burst out a little of its power.

Suppression... is just suppression after all. No matter how strong the barrier is, water drops will eventually penetrate it. No matter how perfectly closed the box is, the all-pervasive water drops will seep out in the non-stop flow day and night.

The current influence is still very weak. If you pay a little attention, it will be almost the same as nothing. But as time goes by, one day it will truly explode, break away from the shackles of God's heart, and pour arrogance into your own brain.

The original [Rage] almost killed him, and now the [Sloth] tortured him to the point of death. If by then the double original sins had completely erupted in his body...

...Knox half-cast his eyes, simple suppression will not work.

The transformation of original sin and source matter is undoubtedly the clarion call to start the decisive battle, and it is naturally impossible to start it before being ready.

Before the first rivet was pulled out, time was probably the last thing he lacked, but the moment [Rage] broke free from the seal, his countdown had already begun. Once the nail was pulled out, there was no option to stop. I can pull them out one by one, getting closer to the end bit by bit.

Holding the Heart of God in his hand, Knox looked back. The clouds and mist shrouded him, and the beautiful scenery among the clouds appeared in front of him, but all he saw was the suffocating force that was swallowing him up bit by bit. Endless darkness.

Knox chuckled disdainfully. Darkness... seemed to be his home field. Fear?Dead people don't seem to have that emotion.

"Old friend, I seem to be in a good mood, but what's the happy event?"

A voice interrupted Knox's thoughts. He turned his head and looked to his side. Zhongli was looking down at the scenery under the clouds with his hands behind his back.

"Oh, you are so well-informed." Knox said calmly: "I met an immortal on the front foot, and you came on the back foot. I am not a scourge, so you don't need to be so guarded against me."

"Haha, just kidding." A slight smile appeared on Zhongli's old-fashioned face. He skipped the topic and said: "Liyue Sea Lantern Festival is approaching. I don't know why you came to Liyue this time, my old friend. If it's just boring, Now that I have the time to travel here, how about staying in Liyue for a few days to celebrate the festival? I still remember what you said back then, that there is a festival similar to the Hailantern Festival in your hometown, called... Spring Festival."

Knox looked Zhongli up and down. After a moment, his eyes moved slightly and he smiled happily: "Okay, it's the New Year. I'm very interested."

After that, he changed his words and said with a smile: "However, since Brother Zhongli invites me to be a guest, I must not be stingy about food, clothing, housing and transportation."

"Haha, of course." Zhongli placed his hands on his chest and hugged him.


When Knox was asleep, Nacida would often appear in his dreams. Of course, this was not because he was thinking about something, but simply because a certain god of wisdom wanted to enter his dreams.

On the snowfield at starry night, there was a small slope. The cold wind was mixed with cold snowflakes. Nasida looked up at the night sky, where stars were woven and the moon was like a disk.There's even a dreamy Aurora suspension.

She was in a good mood as she admired the surrounding scenery. Every time she came to Knox's dreamland, she could always see some beautiful scenery that she could not imagine.

Walking in the snow and walking up the hillside, I saw Knox sitting here.

He was alone, holding his cheek with one hand, looking into the distance boredly. Nacida followed his gaze and saw that at the end of her field of vision, there was a quiet town with lights on, and there, in this snow At night, the warm lights coming from the windows are so peaceful and warm.

Nacida came to Knox, gathered the back of her skirt, and sat down. She looked at Knox's side face with a smile: "Obviously we were separated for a short time, but I feel as if we haven't seen each other for a long time. , it’s really strange.”

Knox glanced at her: "I remember you appeared in my dream just last week."

Nasida stuck out her tongue at him sheepishly: "That's why I said 'I think'..."

Dreams are a place for the soul to rest, a world of subconsciousness. Only here, Knox will not be eroded by [Sloth] and can enjoy a moment of peace. This is why after he got rid of [Sloth], he became more and more mature. The reason for growing sleepiness.

For a topic that he was not very interested in, Knox would not say much. He grabbed a handful of snow on the ground and felt the process of these crystals turning into water in his palm. He asked Nasida: "Is there anyone this time?" What's up?"

"It's okay, I just came over to take a look..."

"That's just right, I have something to do." Knox opened his hand, and the snow fell from between his fingers to the snow: "My thoughts were pulled into your body before, were you the one who occupied my body at that time? "

Nasida paused and said, "No."

"Who is that?" Knox continued to ask, but he did not look at Nacida, he was still staring at the snow water still flowing in his hand.

"..." After hesitating for a moment, Nasida asked in a tentative tone: "Can you not say it? The matter is over."

Knox frowned slightly. He became more and more curious about what was going on. Columbia, who usually knew almost everything about his problems, was unwilling to tell him the whole story and was almost obedient to him. So was Nasida.

He couldn't help but smile: "If you don't want to say it, no one can force you, but I want to know more and more."

Nasida smiled reluctantly, and then decisively changed the subject: "Speaking of which, before coming here, I went to see Ying first..."

Chapter 213 Other Names


Knox made a perfunctory sound without interest.

Nasida seemed to say inadvertently: "I saw what happened in your past journey in Ying's dream..."

"Oh." Knox was indifferent.

"If you hadn't come to Teyvat, it would have been a different scene by now..." When she said this, Nasida carefully stared at Knox's profile.

However, the dull...or indifferent expression on Knox's face did not change at all. He yawned boredly: "If you came to my dream just to say these boring words, then I suggest you go back and read the new book." How is the construction work in Xumi City going?"

Her tentative thoughts were easily seen through. Nasida scratched her cheek in embarrassment, and then continued to change the subject: "What have you been doing recently? Are you busy?"

"I haven't done anything, and I'm too lazy to do anything. I've been sleeping most of the time recently." Knox rarely answered the question honestly.

Nasida nodded clearly, and then asked in a low voice: "Since there is nothing to do... why not return to Xumi? After all, New Xumi City can be said to be your hard work, don't you want to see it completed with your own eyes?"

"It will take a while. Now I am eating and drinking in Liyue. I promised to stay for a few more days." Knox breathed out and relaxed directly, lying on his back on the snow. His silver hair was scattered, but under the moonlight It is even more crystal clear and pure than the snow underneath.

Nacida followed and lay down. She turned sideways and curled up her small body slightly facing Knox. Thoughts appeared on her face. After a moment, she asked: "Is it because of the Lantern Festival?"

After saying that, she said thoughtfully: "Speaking of the Hai Lantern Festival, this festival is very similar to the Chinese New Year... Do you miss home?"

"Tsk..." Knox sneered as if he heard some ridiculous joke. He squinted at Nasida and asked, "What do you think?"

Nacida stopped talking. She actually didn't quite understand what kind of emotions Knox held for his hometown, but she thought there shouldn't be many good thoughts...


A bit of coldness fell on Hu Tao's smooth and white forehead.

The coolness on her skin made Hu Tao couldn't help but raise her head.

Then, she couldn't help but open her mouth slightly, because the entire sky was covered with dense snowflakes.

It's snowing in Liyue.

"Snow!" Hutao's plum blossom eyes lit up. She turned to look at Zhongli who was sitting at the stone table leisurely drinking tea and shouted excitedly: "Zhongli, look, it's snow!"

Putting down the tea cup, Zhongli couldn't help raising his hand to catch a snowflake. He said with emotion: "The auspicious snow heralds a good year. This snow comes at a very good time."

After that, he turned and looked into the window behind the old locust tree in the courtyard. The window was open, and many snowflakes were blown into the window by the wind. If Zhongli remembered correctly, that room Here, the bed is by the window.

Between continuing to drink tea and helping someone close the window, Zhongli hesitated for half a second before choosing to pick up the teacup.

So behind the window, a figure sat up. He held his forehead with one hand, his silver hair was messy and scattered casually, and there was a displeasure on his face.

Knox turned to look out the window at the snowy world. He stretched out a hand, and black light bloomed in his palm.

However, the next moment, a teacup flew over and landed directly in Knox's palm. He subconsciously shook hands and caught it. Knox couldn't help but look at Zhongli, who was sitting in the snow drinking tea, expressionlessly.

Zhongli smiled at him: "Liyue in the snow is not common. It would be a pity not to appreciate such a scenery."

"Ha." Knox curled his lips. It was just snowing. He was tired of seeing it in the solstice. However, he still raised his head and drank the fragrant tea in the cup. A little tea flowed down the corner of his lips. He just said Just wipe it off.

Knox looked away, but he met a pair of bright eyes by the window. Hutao was lying by the window at some point, leaning his head, staring with interest with a pair of beautiful big eyes. Knox's face looked.

For the master of the Hall of the Past, Knox's senses are quite good. He is a very interesting person. If it weren't for Morax standing behind her, he might have brought her back to Winter. .

A smile appeared on his face: "Hey, Hall Master Hu, long time no see. I was invited by Brother Zhongli to come over and bother me for a few days. Please forgive me."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. The Sea Lantern Festival is coming soon. It's lively when there are many people. But speaking of which, your name is Ni..." Hutao looked embarrassed: "I had written it down before, but it was a bit difficult to pronounce. So I forgot again, sorry."

"It's just a name, a code name, don't worry about it." Knox waved his hand and said indifferently.

"How is that possible!" Hu Tao disagreed: "A name is the first thing you have when you are born into this world with nothing! It's very important!"

After that, she said with a smile: "But you look like a Liyue person. That Ni or something, it seems like a foreign name. Do you have any other names?"

When Hu Tao said these words, Zhong Li, who was not far behind her, couldn't help but glance at the back of his hall master in surprise, and then shook his head with a helpless smile.

Knox couldn't help but laugh: "I'm not from Liyue, but there are other names. If you like something simple, just call me Ling."

"..." This time, Hutao was silent. She pinched her chin, furrowed her cute and smart brows, and kept mumbling the word "spirit" in her mouth while thinking.

After a long while, she grinned at Knox, who had a slightly doubtful look in his eyes: "It sounds great."

Looking at the girl's beautiful face with a bright smile, and the white snow piled on top of her head because she was not wearing a hat that she usually kept on her head, Knox didn't know why, but she had the idea of ​​snatching someone back to Solstice, and shook off this inexplicable thought. Knox chuckled and responded, "Thanks for the compliment."

At this time, Zhong Li finally finished his tea. He came over and said to Hu Tao with his hands behind his back: "Master, let's go into the house to chat. Although the snow is good, you still have to be careful of catching a cold."

Hutao shook his head, shook off the snow on his head, and then smiled and said to Zhongli: "That's just right, guest guest Zhongli, come with me, I have something to ask... No, I want to ask you!"

"Oh?" Zhongli had doubts on his face, but he didn't say anything.

Walnut waved to Knox and took the lead towards the back door of the living room on the other side.

Seeing the two of them disappearing into the snow, Knox's smiling face gradually returned to indifference. He casually pushed aside the quilt on his body, turned over and got out of bed.

Chapter 214 Surveillance

"Ke Qing Zhongli, do you have a way to identify whether there is something wrong with a person's memory?"

After entering the reception room, Hutao lost the liveliness and cheerfulness he had in the courtyard before. The seriousness in his expression and the thoughts he inadvertently revealed surprised Zhongli.

He held his chin and frowned slightly: "Maybe the hall master suspects that there is something wrong with his memory?"

Hu Tao sighed, turned her back to Zhongli, faced the open window of the reception room and said helplessly: "I just don't know and am not sure, so I asked Zhongli if you have any way to identify it."

"But since the hall master said this, it means that the hall master has already doubted it."


Hutao pinched her waist and fixed her eyes on the winter plums bathed in the snow outside, but there was no focus in her beautiful plum blossom eyes: "I always feel like I have forgotten something important, especially the first time with you. After meeting a friend, this feeling became stronger and stronger... When I just looked into his eyes, several pictures and scenes that I couldn't remember but were extremely real suddenly appeared in my mind..."

Zhong Li's frown deepened, and he hesitated: "Is it... a scene related to Nenox?"

"Yeah." Hutao lowered his hands and drooped his head, looking very lethargic: "Really, it's so annoying!"

Seeing that even Hutao looked very irritable, Zhongli couldn't help but shake his head. This kind of situation where he knew something important but couldn't remember it was really torturous.

He walked to Hu Tao, paused and said, "Actually, it might not be a bad thing to completely forget some things."

"It would be great if I could completely forget it!" Hutao glanced at Zhongli and muttered, "Then I wouldn't be so annoyed..."

Zhong Li smiled: "So, hasn't the Hall Master himself already determined it?"

"Are you sure?" Hu Tao was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she was doing. She blinked, and then she realized: "Well... Then I must have forgotten something important, and my memory has been tampered with? Guest Guest Zhongli, Do you have any solution?"

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