Zhongli shook his head: "It is definitely not something ordinary people can do to shake other people's memories, so naturally the same goes for recovery."

"Oh~" Hutao pouted: "Can't even the well-informed Zhongli Keqing do anything?"

"Haha." Zhongli smiled: "Memory is a strange thing rooted in the soul. In other words, the first element that constitutes a person's existence is memory. It cannot be erased. Even if it is forgotten, Even if it is covered, it is there, and one day you will recall it, the Hall Master does not need to be so upset, just let nature take its course."

Hutao glanced at him and puffed out her cheeks: "...Oh."



The shrill cry of crows crossed the sky, and the breeze blown by black wings stirred up scattered snowflakes. The crow landed on Knox's shoulder invisibly.

On the streets of Liyue, Knox, who was walking in the snow, glanced at it. The next moment, the crow's body suddenly stiffened, and soon turned into a pure black crystal sculpture. When the cold wind blew, it turned into black. The powder dissipates.

No one on the bustling streets noticed such a strange scene. With the Hai Lantern Festival approaching, the heavy snow could not cover the beaming expressions of the people of Liyue.

The vendors were doing business under umbrellas, but most of the people coming and going didn't care about getting some snow on them.

Everyone had a smile on their face and excitedly discussed the festival with their companions.

Knox was mingling among the crowd, with his hands in the pockets on both sides of his black coat. His indifferent and pale face was slightly lowered. The coquettish atmosphere around him was so incompatible with them, but even so, everyone in the place he passed was... , no one seemed to notice him, even the oncoming crowd would naturally branch out when they came near him, leaving a path for him to walk through.

The scene is strange yet harmonious.

However, a figure stood in front of Knox, and Knox, with his eyes lowered, almost bumped into the person.

He paused, raised his eyeliner, and looked silently at the other person's eyes that looked very much like Liuli's.

"Please...please don't distort other people's subconscious minds on such a large scale..." The blue-haired girl avoided Knox's gaze and said with difficulty, "It will have a bad impact on ordinary people..."

On the snowy street, in the center of the surging crowds, there is an empty oval, like a rock standing in the river. The young and girls look at each other among the crowds and the snow, and they seem to be in two different worlds with the people around them.

"It's just a nightmare at night. There won't be any serious sequelae." Knox didn't care. He turned slightly wrong and passed the girl. Wherever he went, the crowd was still diverging.

"Please wait!" Gan Yu chased after him in a panic: "Even so, I think this is still inappropriate behavior..."

Knox glanced at him coldly: "So? Do you want me to huddle with these ants? Sorry, I was going to eat, and I didn't intend to let a group of scum spoil my appetite."

"!?" The unabashed cruelty and arrogance in those words made Gan Yu freeze on the spot, as if... No, or should I say she really didn't expect Knox to say such words. .

As his pupils wavered, he seemed to have received a huge blow: "You...how could you say that..."

Knox ignored it and walked forward.

After a while, he suddenly turned around and looked at the girl who was following him silently: "Why are you following me?"

"..." Gan Yu pursed her lips, paused and said, "Qixing learned of your arrival and sent me to guide you to visit Liyue during the Hai Lantern Festival."

"Ha." Knox smiled disdainfully: "Surveillance is just surveillance. Why do you say it so nicely?"

Gan Yu opened his mouth, as if he wanted to explain something, but was speechless. Under Knox's indifferent gaze, he lowered his head slightly...


Knox found a seat in a corner and sat down. At that moment, the coquettish atmosphere that had enveloped him disappeared completely in an instant.

Gan Yu sat opposite him, looking very silent.

Not long after, the girl with eight-character braids stood beside Knox and greeted warmly: "Long time no see, guest sir, I didn't expect that you and Miss Gan Yu also know each other. What do you two want to say?" What?"

Gan Yu raised his head, smiled reluctantly at Xiang Ling, and waved his hands at the same time: "I'm not hungry, it's Ni...it's Mr. Knox who is here to eat."

"Is that so?" Xiangling didn't pay too much attention. She looked at Knox who was looking at the menu and waited quietly.

After a while, Knox closed the menu and threw it aside. He held his cheek and said listlessly: "Just order whatever you want. Just bring more wine."

"Whatever... ok! Just wait a moment, we'll come right away!"

Chapter 215 Don’t you like Liyue?

Because Gan Yu said he wasn't hungry, Knox didn't mean to be polite at all.

Eat when the food is served and drink when the wine is served.

He always eats very fast, and in a short while, he has swept away everything Xiangling brought up, and he is full for the time being.

As Knox stood up, he smiled at Gan Yu who had remained silent across from him and asked, "Have you brought any money?"



"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, it's the eve of the Lantern Festival again."

"The people of Liyue should have already begun to welcome this super-important festival! I hope there will be a lot of delicious food this year!"

Outside Liyue Port, Yinghe Paimeng, who was invited back to Liyue Port to celebrate the Lantern Festival, walked happily past the foot of Tianheng Mountain. The outline of Liyue Port could already be seen in the distance.

The atmosphere of the Hai Lantern Festival has not spread here, but for such an important festival, just a name can naturally bring joy to people's hearts.

The remaining snow was melted away by the warm sun, and a sea of ​​white clouds rolled in the blue sky.

Ying clasped her hands behind her back, and Paimeng followed her closely, chatting and laughing along the way, and in a blink of an eye, they entered the bustling Liyue Port.

"Wow, there are so many people! It's so lively!"

Looking at the pedestrians on the street, Paimeng exclaimed in shock: "It must be because the Hai Lantern Festival is approaching and most of the working people are on holiday..."

Ying looked around a few times, wondering if she was influenced by someone. She actually quite liked such a lively environment.

But now is not the time to enjoy the festive atmosphere. It is rare to make a serious trip back to Liyue. Visiting friends here is the first thing to do.

"Who should I go to first..." She whispered subconsciously.

"If you ask me, we should go find Xiang Ling first!" Paimon responded without even thinking as his stomach growled in the rush.

Before he finished speaking, Paimon, who was moving his gaze along with Ying, also stopped his gaze along with Ying, because they all saw a figure at the open-air teahouse on the stone platform not far away.


Paimon couldn't help but exclaim, and followed Ying up the steps to Zhongli: "You are here at this time!"

Zhong Li looked at the two of them and couldn't help but smile: "You two are indeed here."

"Sure enough?" Ying was a little confused: "Did Zhongli guess that we would come at this time?"

"Haha, don't worry about it." Zhongli shook his head slightly, then continued to smile: "You two have been doing well lately."

Although she was still a little concerned about the meaning of Zhongli's words just now, Ying still nodded and responded: "It went smoothly."

Zhongli nodded, not surprised. With that person accompanying him, it was natural that the trip to Xumi would go smoothly.

However, Paimon asked Zhongli casually at this time: "Speaking of which, is Zhongli drinking tea and listening to a book again?"

After hearing this, Zhongli fell into thinking for a moment. Soon, he said: "I should have left after drinking this cup, but..."

"But?" Pamon tilted his head.

Zhongli pinched his chin, as if he was thinking about something: "There is a guest in the hall, and he is also a person who loves food. Now is the perfect season. I originally thought of strolling to the area of ​​Qingce Village to pick some sprouting bamboo shoots to entertain, where The residents gave me some as a gift and they tasted very good.”

"Guest? Who is it?" Paimon didn't even care too much about the food. At this moment, Paimon was more curious about what kind of guests Zhongli would pick bamboo shoots to serve.

Ying glanced at her, then crossed her arms and muttered softly: "I knew..."

"Oh? It seems that you have guessed who the 'guest' is, Ying." Zhongli looked at Ying with a smile.

"Who else could it be besides Ling..." For some reason, when Ling was mentioned, Ying's attitude changed instantly.

"It turns out to be a spirit! No wonder..." Paimon understood, and immediately became excited again: "Then, we can spend this year's Lantern Festival with spirits!"

Zhongli nodded with a smile and continued, "I wonder what your plans are next?"

Paimon smiled "hehe", crossed his arms in mid-air and said: "We originally planned to meet friends recently, but we haven't decided who we want to meet yet, so I bumped into you first, but since the spirit is here, How about we just go find the spirit first?"

Paimon looked to Ying for advice.

Naturally, Ying had no objection, but Zhongli interrupted loudly: "I wonder if you two can imagine such a scene. In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the night outside is cold and windy, and warm yellow lights fill the room. The dining table was filled with relatives and friends. At this time, someone brought a pot of bamboo shoot broth that had been simmered for half a day. Large pieces of lean meat and crispy bamboo shoots were tumbling in the milky white broth, and the steam was thick..."


An inappropriate sound interrupted Zhongli's description. Paimeng clutched his deflated belly and drooled unsatisfactorily.

Her entranced eyes and stunned expression showed that she had been completely immersed in the warm picture described by Zhongli, until Ying on the side couldn't help but stare at her with dead eyes, and poked her soft cheek with his hand, Only then did she come back to her senses.

"Uh!" Paimeng gritted his teeth and looked at Zhongli, wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth and protesting: "You... you must have said that on purpose. You want us to help you run errands and pick bamboo shoots!"

Zhong Li smiled and said nothing.

"Damn it..." Paimon was obviously completely moved and said to him unwillingly: "How about we go on a trip. It won't take long to collect some bamboo shoots. I really want to drink the soup Zhongli mentioned. ah!"

Ying looked at her helplessly, and after a while he sighed and said, "Okay."

"Haha, such a beautiful thing is indeed worth a trip. Okay, I'll just trouble you two. If you pick good bamboo shoots, please be sure to bring some to me." Zhongli said calmly.


"Actually, you don't need to follow me all the time. I won't do anything bad during the Chinese New Year."

On a mountaintop somewhere among the clouds, Knox was lying on the soft grass beneath him, with his hands behind his head, leisurely basking in the sun.

Gan Yu sat sideways not far behind him and opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say. Of course she had to complete the task Qixing gave her. Although she was willing to believe that Knox's words were true, as Yue Hai As Ting's secretary, personal emotions should not affect work too much...

"Besides." Of course Knox didn't know what Gan Yu was thinking, so he thought to himself, "Even if I really want to do something, you can't stop me, can you?"

"..." Gan Yu closed her mouth and became even more silent.

After a long time, she whispered: "Don't you like Liyue?"

Inexplicably, Knox heard a hint of grievance in these words, and he couldn't help but laugh: "Sorry, I don't have the feeling of 'like' right now."

"But you clearly said before... that you like Liyue."



Chapter 216 Looking for the Past

"Bamboo shoots~bamboo shoots~bamboo shoots sprouting!"

Under the blue sky, Ying and Paimon were walking in the bamboo forest at the foot of Qingce Village, with expectations for delicious food. Paimon called out what they were looking for in a cheerful, singing-like tone.

The so-called tillers generally refer to the newly grown buds of plants, so the sprouting bamboo shoots are naturally the young bamboo shoots that have just emerged from the soil after the rain.

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