Before the 380 projection live broadcast, many people in the mixed martial arts world looked no less surprised than Li Hanyi.

"Is this really a mausoleum!?"

"It is wider than the royal cities of many dynasties."

"There are also these various visions, which look like a mythical place."

Although they had seen some of the Jiang family's methods before.

However, he was still shocked by the strange scene in the emperor's tomb.

Many people in the mixed martial arts world have not forgotten it!

This emperor's tomb has not yet been opened. If it is opened, I don't know what will happen.

There are still two or three days before the opening, which is the calculation of many masters.

For many powerful people, it is just a blink of an eye.

As for the Jiang family, they were not in a hurry because they did not enter the emperor's tomb.

People like Li Hanyi closed their eyes and rested directly on the shuttle.

It's still not possible to see anything at the moment, so I can only wait and take a look when it's turned on.

As time went by, the two saints of the Jiang family learned some information from other strong men.

“This time, many forces are determined to obtain the treasures of the Great Emperor’s Tomb.

“Especially those imperial forces are rushing to the forefront.

“There are also many ancient races that seem to be planning something.

From the mouths of many powerful people, we can still know a lot about the situation here.

Fortunately, the Jiang family had no plans to get involved.

Naturally, many forces will not deliberately embarrass the Jiang family.

Two days passed quickly!

The vision and coercion of the Great Emperor's Tomb began to change, and it was significantly weakened.

This made many powerful people present feel energetic.

The Imperial Tomb is about to open!

Chapter 128 Heavy losses, thankfulness and fear

A soaring sword light rose from the emperor's tomb.

Directly through the sky!

Even many strong men cannot sense the end of the sword light.

Throughout the Tianyuan Realm, countless long swords were wailing/whining.

It seemed that he was lamenting the supreme existence of the swordsman emperor in the past.

The people who feel it the most are the people nearby.

"This is the imperial sword of the former Emperor Wanjian!!"

I don’t know how many strong men exclaimed.

Especially those who are strong in swordsmanship have fanatical looks in their eyes.

Because this is the level they desire.

While the imperial law of this sword has not dissipated, many powerful people can actually understand it.

However, at this moment, many powerful men focused their attention on the opened tomb of the great emperor.

He didn't care about the involvement of the emperor in this sword at all.

However, the two saints of the Jiang family, Li Hanyi and others are all comprehending this sword.

For Li Hanyi and others, it was undoubtedly a great surprise.

They came here just to see the laws of the emperor.

In the end, I didn't expect that they would actually squat down!

Including Jiang Bai's divine mind hidden in Li Hanyi's body, everyone was a little surprised.

It seems that he did not expect that there are really remnants of the rules of the emperor's way.

Naturally Jiang Bai would not miss this opportunity.

As a high-level quasi-emperor, Jiang Bai is now considered the group of people closest to the emperor.

The rules of the Imperial Way are not unfamiliar to Jiang Bai.

Although this is a great swordsman, there are still many ways to learn from it.

However, Jiang Bai gained something.

Compared to many people in the Jiang family, they understand the remnants of the imperial way.

Many powerful people poured into the emperor's tomb.

But it was only a quarter of an hour!

Then a strong man rushed out of the mausoleum, with a lot of injuries on his body and a pale and frightened face.

"so horrible!"

"Is this the Great Emperor's Tomb!?"

"Even a saint is very insignificant before this mausoleum."

This powerful man did not forget to exclaim.

It was obvious that an unusual disaster had occurred inside.

After the first strong man escaped, more strong men rushed out one after another.

This made many creatures waiting outside look at each other.

"What on earth is in the Emperor's Tomb that makes so many powerful men behave like this!?"

There are countless creatures with curious expressions on their faces.

The same seems to be true for the Jiang family.

Fortunately, as many powerful people escaped in embarrassment, some situations about the Emperor's Tomb began to emerge.

The first is the initial encounter with the tomb beasts, which number in excess of tens of thousands.

Each statue has a body comparable to that of a saint.

Moreover, these tomb-suppressing beasts know how to cooperate.

Just when they met face to face, countless powerful people were shocked.

Although many powerful people had thought about the risks they might face entering the Emperor's Tomb before.

But I didn't expect it to be so scary!

This is equivalent to tens of thousands of saint-level beings, attacking.

Most saints run away immediately!

Because if you don't escape, then I'm afraid you won't have a chance to escape.

Only those whose cultivation is slightly higher than that of a saint can barely stand firm.

He was in a hurry when he came, and he was embarrassed when he ran away.

The most important thing is that we have just entered the tomb of the great emperor.

They still don't know what's waiting for them further inside.

Many strong men, between life and death, finally chose life.

"I didn't expect the Emperor's Tomb to be so terrifying!"

“And this is just the beginning.

"Whether any force will be able to get close to the core position in the end is still unknown."

I don't know how many living beings were talking about it, but there were many sighs in their words.

"Could it be that our ancestors have long seen that there is something wrong with this emperor's tomb?

"So you're preventing me from entering!?"

Especially the two saints of the Jiang family are even more fortunate.

They were the ones who agreed to enter the Emperor's Cemetery to look for opportunities when they were at the Jiang family.

Fortunately, I didn't go in, otherwise whether I could take it out would be a question.

At least compared to many powerful people, because of the remaining rules of the Imperial Dao.

So they gained something.

It was another quarter of an hour, and they were basically able to escape.

Compared with the number of strong people who entered at the beginning, it was a full one-third less.

You have to know how many powerful people have gathered this time.

This one-third number is very terrifying.

At least there are more than a hundred saints gone.

Even in the previous chaos in Tianyuan Realm, so many saints had not been lost.

Of course, all races suffered losses this time.

Not a single human race, demon race, or ancient race was left behind.

"The Great Emperor Wanjian has fallen, why do you still have to embarrass me and other future generations?"

One of the saints complained loudly.

But there was no support from the strong men next to him.

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