Instead, many strong men look at fools.

This is the place where they are buried after death, and Emperor Wanjian naturally does not want to be disturbed.

And this is an emperor who has made many contributions to the human race.

Many powerful human beings came, many of them in the name of protecting the emperor's tomb.

After all, there are still monsters and powerful people from the ancient races who are eyeing him.

This argument barely makes sense.

At least in name only!

The specific situation is a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

So those who complain about Emperor Wanjian now are just stupid!

Of course, all this has nothing to do with the Jiang family. After all, the Jiang family has been watching the show from beginning to end.

People in the mixed martial arts world were very emotional before the live projection.

"If the Jiang family gets involved, they will suffer heavy losses."

"That ancestor of the Jiang family has always had a good vision."

"The founding of the Jiang family in the far west 6000 years ago proves his vision."

"The Emperor's Tomb is really not that simple!"

Many people are still very emotional. In fact, some people did not understand the Jiang family's decision before.

If the Jiang family doesn't get involved in this matter, wouldn't it be a waste?

But looking at the results now, luckily I didn’t get involved.

Although most of the powerful ones escaped from the Tomb of the Great Emperor, not all.

Some great sages from imperial forces and top families are still inside.

Many people don’t think that accidents will happen to these strong men!

After all, even if you can't resist it, escaping is not a problem.

However, it was beyond everyone’s expectation!

An hour later, these great saints from the top families of the imperial line escaped in embarrassment.

Compared with the number of great saints at the beginning, it was directly less than half.

At this time, many creatures were in an uproar.

"Even the Great Sage can't get close enough!?"

"I don't know what will happen after passing the tomb beast."

々Even the Great Sage is like this. This Emperor's Tomb is too terrifying. "

Many powerful people also had astonished expressions on their faces and started talking.

The Great Sage is currently standing at the top of Tianyuan Realm.

In the end, they all escaped in embarrassment!

Fortunately, some people asked and what happened to the great sage inside was also exposed.

It turned out that after the attack by the tomb beast.

Many great saints continued to move forward and stepped into a sword formation.

The power level of the sword array here is almost comparable to that of the Great Sage's attack.

And the quantity is not that large!

Many great saints could not find a way to break the formation for a while, so they could only choose to defend.

But even in defense, unexpected situations occur.

Many weaker saints fell under the cover of sword energy.

In the end, the great sage from the imperial line urged the quasi-emperor soldiers to break the formation and come out:

Just escaped with one life!

Otherwise, if you continue to consume it, there will definitely be no good results.

Soon the news about the Emperor's tomb spread.

Many strong men failed to explore for the first time.

Some powerful men who originally planned to come to the Emperor's Tomb instantly gave up their thoughts.

"So many saints have fallen!"

"There are so many dangers inside this emperor's tomb."

"A saint-level tomb-suppressing beast, the sword formation that caused the great saint to fall."

There are many creatures in the Tianyuan world who have no (good money) and have no idea.

Originally, they were thinking about whose family the treasures from the Emperor's tomb would go.

Many imperial forces are the most common targets of their speculations.

The result is now reversed!

Fortunately, after many creatures were surprised, most of them just watched the excitement

No matter which powerful person obtains the treasure from the Emperor's Tomb, it has nothing to do with them.

After receiving the news, the Jiang family's first reaction was to be thankful.

Similar to the mood of the two Jiang family saints before.

"Fortunately, my ancestor ordered the Jiang family not to get involved."

“Otherwise, the Jiang family doesn’t know how many strong men they have lost.

"The Jiang family has the current strength, but it's not easy."

"I don't know how many immortal families will be seriously injured this time."

Naturally, the Jiang family is inevitably going to have some discussions, and the people in the Jiang family still feel scared at this moment!

After all, for this opportunity, many strong men from the Jiang family would definitely rush to go.

It is certain that if the Jiang family is dispatched, there will definitely not be a few saints who go there.

Then there will be heavy losses!

This time, hundreds of saints were lost, but it was unknown how many forces were involved behind it.

Even more serious, they may fall directly into the status group of the Immortal Family.

Whether or not the family business can be saved by then is a question.

This is the cruelty of Tianyuan Realm!



Chapter 129: Seeking compensation and the Yida reunited, acquiescence? !

After lamenting the loss of the emperor's tomb.

A question couldn't help but arise in the minds of many creatures.

“I don’t know how this great emperor’s tomb will be handled.

"Is it possible to just give up, or to find out more about it?"

"Some imperial forces may have quasi-emperor level existences."

There is no doubt that the tomb of the Great Emperor has great opportunities!

Even though there were many dangers before, the authenticity of this emperor's tomb was confirmed from another aspect.

Only the Great Emperor could arrange things like this.

As for other forces or existences under the Great Emperor, it is almost impossible to arrange it like this.

Just so many tomb-suppressing beasts are not something that many forces can afford.

As for the sword array and so on, there is no need to say more!

This sword formation is at least a high-level quasi-emperor formation.

It may even be the Imperial Formation but not necessarily!

The reason is very simple. No one can control this sword formation.

It's just a simple formation, it's amazing enough to be able to unleash such a powerful killing blow.

I still don’t know what is behind the sword formation.

According to the calculations of many great sages, they may not have reached the inner area of ​​the emperor's tomb.

Fortunately, news came soon, about the decisions of many imperial forces.

"This time we are going to invite the Emperor's soldiers to enter the mausoleum."

"With the help of the Jidao Imperial Soldiers, it shouldn't be difficult to enter the tomb!"

As soon as the news came out, countless people secretly cursed in their hearts that these imperial forces were too shameless.

It’s not something that was promised to protect the tomb of Emperor Wanjian!

As a result, I no longer pretend!

In fact, it was mainly the imperial power that suffered this time, and the losses were not small.

On average, if one force loses two great saints at 380:

The Great Sage is not a big cabbage, and it is not easy to cultivate one.

Almost every great sage takes 5000 years to grow.

In addition to time, there are also resource issues and so on.

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