Lin Jian probably made some guesses based on the current situation in Tianyuan Realm.

Obviously this golden age is more glorious than any other golden age!

It is rumored that every million years, Tianyuan Realm will have an opportunity.

An opportunity that can allow the Emperor to take a further step.

It's just that despite the rumors, no living being can set foot on it.

But the birth of so many ancient royal families proves that the rumors still have a certain degree of credibility.

Now Emperor Wanjian has also chosen to be born here.

Then the authenticity of this rumor is more likely.

Fortunately, Lin Jian didn't think too much because he just wanted to complete the emperor's mission.

"The Changsheng Jiang Family?!"

In addition, Lin Jian also learned about the forces that did not participate in entering the emperor's tomb this time.

After learning about this Jiang family, I became even more interested.

The Jiang family actually chose to establish their clan in the far west.

To be honest, Lin Jian's impression of the Far West has always been desolate and deserted.

Even in the past 35 years ago, he had never set foot in the Western Desert.

But I didn't expect that a force could rise in such a place.

Moreover, this Jiang family ancestor actually set foot on the Quasi-Emperor in just 6000 years.

You must know that it took him a full 8000 years to set foot on the Quasi-Emperor.

In the end, the emperor came to help, and he managed to take this step.

Of course, the ancestors of the Jiang family are still far behind those great emperors.

But it was enough to make Lin Jian a little impressed!

As for those imperial forces, Lin Jian looked down upon some of them.

The strength involved in entering the emperor's tomb this time has angered the quasi-emperor.

“It’s time for Sword Tomb to be born.

Lin Jian whispered softly, thinking of another task that the emperor had given him.

It turns out that Emperor Wanjian also left a trump card to the human race.

That's the sword tomb!

It is filled with many spiritual swords collected by Emperor Wanjian.

These divine weapons are at different levels, and even the quasi-emperor level has several weapons.

It is the lifelong collection of Emperor Wanjian!

At the beginning, many living beings knew that this great swordsman liked to collect spiritual swords.

That's why the title Wan Jian came about, and it has been used ever since.

These spiritual swords are more than just weapons.

There are also some insights and inheritances from the past emperors in different periods.

Although it is not a complete inheritance, it is comparable to some saint-level inheritance.

Even if the quasi-emperor gets it, there will be many benefits.

Emperor Wanjian still hopes that his swordsmanship can be carried forward in the human race.

Lin Jian was determined to get this matter done.

Nowadays, there is not much reputation about Emperor Wanjian.

If it hadn't been for the emergence of the Great Emperor's Tomb this time, many people might not have known that the human race had ever had such an Emperor.

This made Lin Jian not very satisfied!

But he can understand it, after all, the era of the Great Emperor is a bit too long ago.

How can ordinary beings know about records from long ago?

What he has to do now is to let Emperor Wanjian regain his power.

Sword Tomb is a good opportunity.

After having the idea, this quasi-emperor quickly took action.

As a quasi-emperor, he also brings the ultimate emperor's weapons with him.

It was very easy for Lin Jian to recruit several strong casual cultivators.

After all, Lin Jian, the quasi-emperor, plus the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, are basically equivalent to the prototype of the Holy Land.

Many swordsman saints want to join in.

There are not many opportunities to become a member of Tianyuan's top force in one leap.

It just so happened that Lin Jian needed some manpower so that strong casual cultivators could get a chance.

After recruiting some people, the news about Sword Tomb soon spread throughout Tianyuan Realm.

In a short period of time, it caused a sensation in the entire Tianyuan world, and countless living beings were instantly shocked.

"What, Emperor Wanjian once left a sword tomb.

"Anyone who practices swordsmanship can enter it."

"There is a chance to get the spiritual sword and inheritance left by the emperor."

"Is this true!?"

Many creatures even spoke out in disbelief.

I don’t blame these creatures for being like this.

It is not easy to obtain inheritance in Tianyuan Realm!

Especially for many creatures from poor families, it is not easy to improve their cultivation.

But I didn't expect that after the tomb of Emperor Wanjian was born.

There is such a good thing!

Including many forces, they were all shocked.

Unexpectedly, this great emperor actually left some behind-the-scenes help for future generations.

"The Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Swords!!"

I don’t know how many creatures in the Tianyuan world chanted his name.

The Jiang Family in the Far West

Li Hanyi and others have returned, but they haven't heard any news about the sword tomb in just two days.

"The inheritance of the Great Emperor is still about swordsmanship."

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have returned so quickly."

"You can go to the Sword Tomb and try it first."

Li Hanyi and others couldn't help but speak out one after another, with a lot of regret in their words.

But then I thought about it, their cultivation level was so low.

In terms of understanding of swordsmanship, he is far inferior to the geniuses of Tianyuan Realm.

It’s not easy to enter the Sword Tomb!

Moreover, there are restrictions on the sword tomb, that is, each genius who is thousands of years old has one chance to enter.

Only once!

Regardless of whether there is any gain or not, there is no second chance.

You don't need to think about it to know that it is not that easy to obtain the inheritance of the Great Emperor.

Huanwan and others also knew this news.

She herself found that Li Hanyi's face was a bit unsightly when he entered the God-Building Realm after his return.

It would be even worse to know that another opportunity would arise.

But who told her not to practice swordsmanship? This opportunity had nothing to do with her.

Now Huanwan can only do more hard work on her cultivation.

After reaching the God-Building Realm, the speed of cultivation has slowed down.

The realm of body training is just about cultivating the physical body, but it is different when it comes to the realm of building gods.

It has been almost a year since Huanwen set foot in the God-Building Realm, and he has only reached the middle stage of the First Heaven.

Before the live broadcast, people in the mixed martial arts world were also talking about the sword tomb incident.

"If I were waiting in the Tianyuan Realm, could I also participate?"

"Theoretically everyone has a chance."

"But the question is how we get there is the key."

"Teleporting to the Far West, it's not that easy to get out of the Far West."

People in the mixed martial arts world were very excited at first.

Because they would have a chance to get this emperor's inheritance.

After all, not all the candidates are like Huanwan and others and can be selected by the Jiang family.

So if they get the inheritance from the Great Emperor, they might be able to soar into the sky.

But soon many people were realized again!

With their strength, even if they want to get out of the far west, they don’t even know the year of the monkey, the horse and the moon.

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