Needless to say, the danger of crossing the Western Desert is 2.8, and many people still see it.

Basically, if you don't have the strength of a cave, then it's impossible to survive.

And even if you have the strength of the Cave Heaven Realm, it may not be safe.

If you have bad luck, you will basically be out of luck!

The most important thing is that even if you cross the Western Desert and come to the Northern Plains, you may not be able to get the inheritance of the emperor.

There are quite a few talented people in the Jiang family who practice swordsmanship.

Want to give it a try!

The Jiang family is very active in this matter. It would be a good thing if the genius of the Jiang family is inherited.

Although the Jiang family is not a kendo family, they would not object if a member of the family wanted to develop kendo.

The top of the sacred mountain

"I didn't expect that this great emperor would be so considerate of the human race."

"But after we have the Sword Tomb, I'm afraid how many people will have to share their feelings."

Jiang Bai couldn't help but said with emotion.

He didn't know whether this great emperor was selfless or had other plans.

But none of this is important. What is important is that the human race will definitely benefit the most this time.

Including the Jiang family's genius if they get some inheritance.

I definitely owe you a favor! ,

Chapter 132 Try your luck and the lucky ones, lost!

The birth of Sword Tomb has undoubtedly become the most lively topic in Tianyuan World for a while.

Even the prodigies of the Jiang family are ready to join in the fun, not to mention other forces and casual cultivators.

Even if you are not a genius-level being, you still want to try your luck.

Anyway, that quasi-emperor did not ask for cultivation.

The only requirement is that the age is under a thousand years.

In fact, many living beings didn't know that Lin Jian was just following the emperor's instructions.

As a follower of the Emperor, Lin Jian still understood the Emperor's thoughts.

There are many creatures in the world, and many of them are late bloomers.

Maybe some people with low cultivation levels may also have the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the Great Emperor.

Of course, compared to those talented people, the probability is definitely smaller.

But for many creatures, it's pretty good.

At least there is a glimmer of hope, right? ?

In front of the mausoleum of Emperor Wanjian in Beiyuan, this place became more lively after the birth of Jianzhong.

"So many creatures have entered the Sword Tomb in the past few days."

"In the end, he was teleported directly into a coma."

"But no one has received any inheritance. It seems that it is not that easy to get the inheritance."

Many creatures couldn't help but talk about it, and in their words they looked forward to when the first successor would appear.

They did not doubt the authenticity of the quasi-emperor's words.

Because it is not necessary!

Moreover, after many creatures woke up from coma, they also talked about some situations in the Sword Tomb.

I don’t know how many spiritual swords are buried on the ground...

If you want to obtain the inheritance, you need to pass the test and pull out the spiritual sword.

The spirit sword will bring the person who draws the sword into an illusion, and if he can pass through, he can pull it out smoothly.

However, if you fail to pass, you will pass out directly.

Although ordinary creatures cannot do it, fortunately, neither can the geniuses of many immortal families.

It brings a lot of comfort to many people.

And there are even some powerful men and kings within a thousand years who have failed.

"Perhaps if you want to obtain the inheritance of the Great Emperor, only those with talent in swordsmanship can do so."

"Has a unique understanding of the way of the sword, and has found a spiritual sword that suits him."

"The Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Swords involves more than one kind of swordsmanship."

"Basically, don't worry, you can't find similar spiritual swords and inheritances in your kendo."

Some strong men analyzed and spoke out based on the situation of these geniuses.

Many living beings think it makes sense."

This time, the genius of the Jiang family fell into disgrace like ordinary creatures.

The Jiang family was not too disappointed with this.

the reason is simple!

That is, the Jiang family itself is not very good at swordsmanship.

In the past, there were no sword geniuses in the Jiang family.

So it's normal not to get some inheritance.

However, this matter still caused a lot of discussion.

"The Jiang family has also fallen into disgrace."

"Don't forget that the Jiang family has only been passed down for 6000 years."

"Because the ancestor of the Jiang family is a quasi-emperor, people ignore the Jiang family's inheritance time."

In the eyes of many living beings, the Jiang family is now a very powerful force.

It can only be said that with the help of previous events, the Jiang family's influence began to deepen in the Tianyuan world.

That's why I find it strange that no one from the Jiang family has received the inheritance.

But when I came back to my senses, I realized that the Jiang family's inheritance time was too short.

The Jiang family was not the first to fall into disgrace.

Many top aristocratic families are similar.

Half a month has passed since the start of the Sword Tomb, and I don’t know how many creatures have tried.

In the end, none of them succeeded!

Many forces and creatures are a little numb, mainly because they don't know how to speak.

It’s unlikely that in the end no one will meet the requirements of the Great Emperor’s inheritance.

Fortunately, with many people thinking this way, the first lucky person was soon welcomed.

This person's name is Xue Jie, who was previously unknown.

Many living beings do not know who this person is.

It turns out that Xue Jie is a casual cultivator, and his cultivation level has not even set foot in the cave heaven realm.

If you put it among the crowd, I'm afraid many people won't take a second look.

However, Xue Jie, an inconspicuous person, turned out to be the first lucky person to be recognized by the emperor's inheritance.

Even Xue Jie himself was a little in disbelief.

As a casual cultivator, he is now an escort for a trading company.

Although the risks are high, the rewards are huge.

This time when I came to Beiyuan, I happened to be escorting supplies near the tomb of the great emperor.

Xue Jie came to try it out with the support of a group of escorts.

He is still very interested in kendo.

It's just that Xue Jie knew that his cultivation was really poor.

The inheritance of the Great Emperor is unthinkable!

But I came here anyway, and I don’t know if I will have another chance later.

So it’s good to go in and try it out, and take a look at the Emperor’s Sword Tomb.

After entering the sword tomb, Xue Jie saw an ordinary iron sword that looked good.

Just went and tried it!

But he didn't expect that this iron sword turned out to be a spiritual sword.

The most important thing was that he pulled it out, and he had a lot of insights and inheritance about the sword in his mind.

Even Xue Jie is a little confused.

"It seems that I have obtained the inheritance of the Great Emperor."

Then he couldn't believe it even more. He still didn't wake up after Daobei Sword Tomb was teleported.

“I don’t know if this Taoist friend intends to join the Changsheng Liu family.

"Don't listen to one person's words. We, the Qingwei Sword Sect, are the best choice."

"If fellow Taoists can join, they can directly become apprentices to the King of Void Dao."

I don't know how many people gathered near Xue Jie and spoke out.

This Xue Jie suddenly became popular!

But no one dared to attack Xue Jie.

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