After all, this was in front of the great emperor's mausoleum, and the quasi-emperor was eyeing him with eager eyes.

If someone is inherited by the Great Emperor, something will happen as soon as the inheritance is completed.

Then it would be a slap in the face of Emperor Wanjian.

There is not a single fool present.

And through previous inheritance, many people also know it.

That is to say, it is not easy to take away the inheritance of the great emperor. The spiritual sword has its owner."

So the only way left is to recruit.

Although the cultivation level of this person who has been inherited by the Great Emperor is not high.

But the swordsmanship talent should be enough, otherwise it would not be recognized by the emperor.

If this kind of situation is cultivated, it might have the potential to become a saint.

Although the imperial forces and top aristocratic families look down upon him.

However, I am still very interested in many dynasties, big families, and so on.

Xue Jie did not expect that he would become a hot favorite in a short period of time.

For this young monk, this is undoubtedly his first experience.

After all, it is not easy to suddenly become the center of attention.

Xue Jie has many choices and can choose slowly.

Of course Xue Jie is not a fool, in order to prevent unexpected situations.

He directly chose a sect that mainly focused on swordsmanship, and there were even saints in the sect.

After some of the inheritors of the first great emperor appeared.

Then new inheritors began to appear.

Almost one in ten thousand!

However, every inheritor has become the focus of attention in the Tianyuan world.

Many people are looking forward to what achievements these people recognized by Emperor Wanjian will have.

At least these people do have unique talents in swordsmanship.

After Li Hanyi and others knew that it didn't depend on their cultivation level, they all gave it a try when the Jiang family went to the second group.

All the concubines, including Huanwan, came together!

Although they have never been exposed to kendo, it is not necessarily possible if they have talent.

After all, they still knew about the situation of some creatures entering the Sword Tomb before.

He may appear to be a genius with talent for swordsmanship, but he has not been passed down.

On the contrary, some people who may not be majoring in swordsmanship have received the inheritance.

Despite some dramatization, this is reality.

Some people who are talented in kendo may not be interested in kendo at first.

Or there are no books on sword practice.

For example, for a family, the highest level of martial arts is the saint level.

The method of practicing swordsmanship is only at the level of the virtual king.

So many people will definitely not choose the sword training method.

On the contrary, some talents that look good may just be cultivated.

Therefore, Huanwan and others naturally wanted to give it a try.

They knew that this emperor's inheritance was a great opportunity.

An opportunity that not even the Jiang family had.

Anyway, it definitely won’t be a loss if you give it a try, even if you fail, it doesn’t matter.

Before the live broadcast, people in the mixed martial arts world were also very concerned about Huanhua and others.

However, most people in the mixed martial arts world are optimistic about Li Hanyi.

Many people still know the name of Xue Yue Sword Immortal.

However, after the trip to Sword Tomb came out, it was unexpected.

"The second group of Jiang family members all died."

"Including Huan Huan, Li Hanyi and others, no one has received the inheritance of the Great Emperor."

"I originally thought that one or two would get the inheritance."

Many people in the mixed martial arts world are still a little disappointed.

Mainly, Li Hanyi and others were selected by the ancestor of the Jiang family, and they had to choose from thousands of choices.

This trip to the Sword Tomb might even lead to a legacy.

It turned out that I was thinking too much!

Guanhan and others were not too disappointed, because this result was expected.

"I'm lucky to be able to successfully draft into the Jiang family."

"Don't expect too much!"

Li Hanyi was probably the more disappointed one, but he quickly adjusted his mentality to comfort himself.

Chapter 133 One year is approaching, Emperor Tianyang

The top of Jiangjia Mountain

Jiang Bai didn't care about the Jiang family's poor talent in swordsmanship.

Kendo is just one of many ways to practice.

Even if there is no swordsmanship, it does not hinder the strength of the Jiang family.

As for Li Hanyi not receiving the inheritance!

Jiang Bai thought it was normal, even though Li Hanyi had good qualifications.

There was also the title of Xueyue Sword Immortal before, but the gap between the swordsmanship in the comprehensive martial arts world and the swordsmanship in the Tianyuan world is not that big.

Therefore, it is not too surprising that Li Hanyi was not selected.

“Another year is almost over.

Jiang Bai murmured softly, with a lot of emotion in his words.

In the past, time passed very quickly for Jiang Bai.

But with the arrival of people from the mixed martial arts world and the emergence of the will of the world.

The improvement in cultivation brought about in almost a year is comparable to that of hundreds of years in the past.

Of course, there is also the explosive result of Jiang Bai's long accumulation.

Based on the plundering rules alone, it would not be so easy for other quasi-emperors to improve their cultivation.

Jiang Bai plans to plunder the mixed martial arts world for the last time!

And there may be more loot this time around.

Strive to reach the pinnacle of quasi-emperor in one go.

After reaching the pinnacle of Quasi-Emperor, Jiang Bai really doesn't have to worry about those Ji Dao Emperor soldiers.

Because even if the Ji Dao Emperor Soldier fully recovers, it will only be at this level.

Not to mention Jiang Bai also has the bonus of Flying Immortal Body.

If you reach the pinnacle of quasi-emperor, it will be extraordinary.

But in order to avoid too many surprises in this last plunder, Jiang Bai was just like the last time.

Some preparation is required!

As time goes by, as the year approaches.

The most excited people are undoubtedly those from the mixed martial arts world.

Because this means that the mysterious existence is likely to select people to go to Tianyuan Realm again.

“Finally this year has passed.

"This year has been really difficult to get through."

"I must be selected this time. I hope my luck will be better."

People in the world of comprehensive martial arts are eager to see through it at this moment.

The Tianyuan Realm made them very jealous, especially when they saw the chosen ones soaring into the sky one after another.

Not to mention those who were selected, this is just the fourth batch of selectees.

Many martial arts prodigies have established a foothold in Tianyuan Realm.

For example, Murong Fu, who got married, even successfully started practicing.

And he successfully gave birth to an heir, although his wife may be a little worse in appearance.

But as long as Murong Fu is satisfied!

Some people in the mixed martial arts world even became jealous of Murong Fu.

The main thing is that Murong Fu's current development is really good, even though he got it by eating soft rice.

In addition to Murong Fu, there is also Ye Gucheng.

After this person successfully became a disciple of the sect, his cultivation speed has been rapid.

Although it is not as good as Zhang Sanfeng, it is close.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng spent some of his time accumulating resources.

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