"The only option is to use Quasi-Emperor's attack.

After hesitating, Jiang Qingyan quickly made up his mind

Only by making these pursuers feel that they are not easy to mess with can they be able to escape again.

Three days later!


As the impact shook the entire Eastern Wasteland and fell, the six great saints and more than a dozen saints who were chasing them were killed directly.

Jiang Qingyan escaped again!

However, this blow shocked the entire Donghuang.

Originally, many people were paying attention to the heir of the ancient emperor.

However, Jiang Qingyan succeeded in attracting attention with this attack.

"Quasi-Emperor strikes!!"

"This person who is wanted by the ancient royal family actually has such a trump card."

".々I don't know how many powerful people were buried directly this time."

"Involving many top aristocratic families and ancient royal families, we will definitely not give up."

"But if this person is wanted, does he still have a trump card!?"

There was a lot of discussion about how many forces and creatures there were in the entire Eastern Wasteland.

None of them expected that this wanted person would be so exaggerated.

Wasn't he just a true disciple of Wangyue Holy Land before? !

Could it be that Wangyue Holy Land secretly helped this disciple?

A lot of pressure couldn't help but come to Wangyue Holy Land.

At this moment, the faces of many people in Wangyue Holy Land are also confused, and they have no idea how deep this former true disciple is hidden.

"This matter has nothing to do with us!"

The Lord of the Holy Land of Wangyue Holy Land immediately stood up to clarify the relationship.

They don't know why this disciple has such a trump card.

But one thing is certain, it is not participating.

Although many creatures in the Eastern Wasteland were dubious, no one dared to seek explanation from the Holy Land of Moon.

After all, this is a force with imperial heritage.

Even the Xuanbing Spirit Clan would not come to question him unless he wanted to show off his face directly.

And this time, the Xuanbing Spirit Clan really didn’t suffer much loss.

the reason is simple!

Many hired saints want to get the first prize.

After learning the news, they did not notify the Xuanbing Spirit Clan immediately.

Therefore, the Xuanbing Spirit Clan (hao Nuo Zhao) really didn’t suffer any loss this time.

At this moment, the people of the Xuanbing Spirit Clan were also very happy in their hearts.

Fortunately there was no rush!

Although there are many people from the Xuanbing Spirit Clan who have reached the saint level.

But he couldn't withstand the quasi-emperor's blow.

And if you go looking for a powerful being, you will definitely not bring the ancient emperor's soldiers with you.

However, as this powerful man showed his trump card, the Xuanbing Spirit Clan was in a dilemma.

This ancient royal family did not expect that they would be stumped by a powerful being.

"You definitely won't have too many trump cards like the Quasi-Emperor One Strike!"

"At the same time, find out the detailed background of this powerful person."

"Obviously it either has some heritage or there are some aspects that have been overlooked."

Soon the Xuanbing Spirit Clan made a decision!

At the same time, news about Donghuang quickly spread to other places in Tianyuan Realm.

Many forces and creatures had a lot of shock on their faces.

"So many people were lost this time!?"

"One great power caused so much damage Zhu."

"I'm afraid no one will believe me if I tell you!"

The forces and creatures outside the Eastern Wasteland all started to watch the show.

At this moment, Donghuang seems to be a joke, which makes many forces secretly happy

Chapter 144: Relationship exposed, causing a sensation in Tianyuan

The Far West Land received news about what happened in the Eastern Wasteland relatively late.

Many creatures in the far west do not know Jiang Qingyan's true identity.

Therefore, it is more similar to the views of many creatures in the Tianyuan world.

However, many strong men in the Jiang family who knew the inside story couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Nothing will happen to this little ancestor!"

These people are inevitably worried!

The Jiang family members still hope that this little ancestor can be safe.

If the person who is most concerned about this matter is undoubtedly Jiutian.

After hearing this news, I was very nervous.

"Qingyan has used up all his cards now, nothing will happen."

"And it has provoked so many top forces!"

"Will there be a lot of revenge in the future?"

Jiutian thought very worriedly and immediately wanted to find her husband.

Jiang Jiuge on the side rolled his eyes.

She also heard her mother say this about her second brother who has the same father and mother.

Even she couldn't help but marvel at his actions.

At least when I was in the realm of great power in my previous life, I didn’t dare to do this.

After all, the mighty Vast Sea is indeed like an ant in front of the ancient royal family.

And even the current Jiang family may not be able to stop the ancient royal family.

As the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, she still knows the power of the Supreme Emperor's weapons.

Those who have just entered the quasi-emperor level cannot compete at all.My cheap father is still a bit weak.

Like many living beings, Jiang Jiuge felt that his father's time as a quasi-emperor was not long.

So I don't think I can go very far at the quasi-emperor level.

All I can say is that there can be no mistakes!

397If this is indeed the case under normal circumstances.

But ginger white does not fall into the normal category

Now his strength has reached the pinnacle level of quasi-emperor, even because of the bonus of the Flying Immortal Body.

His strength has exceeded the limit of the quasi-emperor peak.

Although he may still be far behind the Great Emperor, he still has absolute confidence at the same level.

Jiang Bai is really not afraid of ancient imperial soldiers or anything like that.

Now in the entire Tianyuan world, Lin Jian, the quasi-emperor from the era of Emperor Wanjian, may be the only one who knows some of Jiang Bai's strength.

He was certain that the ancestor of the Jiang family was definitely not an ordinary quasi-emperor.

At least it's not as simple as becoming a quasi-emperor for the first time!

Even Lin Jian couldn't tell if there were more words.

The main reason is that Jiang Bai has never made a move, so it is naturally difficult to judge.

The top of Jiangjia Mountain

“Qingyan is indeed a bit unlucky.

After Jiang Bai understood the cause and effect, he couldn't help but murmured softly.

Even he didn't expect that the Emperor Wanjian's son would be born.

This caused the Xuanbing Spirit Clan to become anxious!

He still knows his son well and will definitely not use his trump card until the critical moment.

It seems that this time he is really in a hurry.

After this wave, my son should be able to be clean for a while.

And maybe even leave Donghuang!

Now there are many forces in the East Wasteland who are employed by the ancient royal family, the Xuanbing Spirit Clan.

There are spies in many places, and it is not easy for Jiang Qingyan to hide.

The best way is to leave Donghuang!

The Xuanbing Spirit Tribe wanted to do this without knowing where Jiang Qingyan was.

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