Not that easy to find either.


It's okay for a good old man like me to at least calm down for a while.

However, Jiang Bai did not expect that a piece of news would break out a month later.

But it pushed the Jiang family to the forefront.

"This wanted great master of the Hanhai comes from the Changsheng Jiang family."

Although the Jiang family has done a lot of concealment, they should never underestimate others.

Some families who are proficient in the secrets of heaven, after paying a lot of price.

Finally, we found out the details of this true disciple who was expelled from Mochizuki Holy Land.

But many people didn’t think of it!

This wanted powerful man is actually related to the Changsheng Jiang family.

If he had just been wanted before, many people in Tianyuan Realm might not know about the Changsheng Jiang family.

However, many living beings now know that the Jiang family lives in the far west.

“This one is really from the Jiang family.

"Then it can be explained that this person has so many trump cards."

"Not only that, I can understand that one who escaped several times.

I don't know how many people in Tianyuan world were talking about it, but they were very excited in their words.

After all, after this relationship was exposed,

Then there will be a good show to watch next!

How will the ancient royal family, the Xuanbing Spirit Clan, act.

And how the Changsheng Jiang family will respond.

And there are quite a lot of saints who died in the hands of that powerful one.

So what should these forces do? Will they come together to find the Jiang family?

It can be said that many people are very interested in these

After all, this matter will definitely not let go.

Whether it is the ancient royal family or many forces, they will inevitably confront the Changsheng Jiang family.

Even though there is a quasi-emperor in the Changsheng Jiang family, many people are still not optimistic about it.

After all, the ancient royal family must have some quasi-emperors sealed by the divine source.

Not to mention the existence of the Jidao Imperial Soldiers.

The ancient royal family alone is not easy to deal with.

However, many people do not think that the Jiang family will be destroyed.

The reason is very simple, that is, many imperial forces in the human race definitely do not want to see this scene.

Secondly, even if you have the ultimate emperor's weapons, it is not that easy to suppress the quasi-emperor.

If the ancestor of the Jiang family escapes, then the crazy revenge is likely to cause heavy losses to the ancient royal family.

As for those forces, there is no need to say more.

Despite the heavy losses, they did not dare to force the Jiang family too much.

far west

It was a little late for the Jiang family to receive the news.

In fact, only the powerful members of the Jiang family knew about Jiang Qingyan's previous affairs.

Most descendants of the Jiang family don't know this.

So now it’s a blast!

"What, the powerful person who kidnapped the ancient princess is a member of the Jiang family like us."

"This matter is a bit difficult to solve."

"This is the ancient princess, and the Xuanbing Spirit Clan will definitely not give up."

Many members of the Jiang family had shocked looks on their faces.

Originally, many members of the Jiang family were watching the show this time.

As for the many forces that suffered at the hands of that wanted man, they are very much looking forward to the follow-up development.

The only thing I didn't expect was to see my own head while watching the show.

Even many members of the Jiang family couldn't help but become nervous.

"If this matter is not handled well, it will be a big blow to the Jiang family."

Many members of the Jiang family were not fools and realized the seriousness of the problem immediately.

Especially Jiang Mingxuan and many other strong men of the Jiang family are anxious at this moment.

"How could this relationship be exposed!"

"Things are going to be difficult now."

"It's better to find the ancestor quickly and get an idea."

At the Jiang Family Sacred Mountain, many powerful Jiang Family members were in a panic.

This scene naturally aroused the emotions of many people in the Jiang family.

They also knew the news!

Especially Huanwan and others were all anxious to get some news.

Their fate is now closely related to the Jiang family's.

So this matter is related to their future

In fact, they did not expect that the person wanted by the ancient royal family was actually a member of the Jiang family.

Needless to say, many people in the mixed martial arts world went live before the projection.

This is a big deal, and naturally many people are talking about it.

"This time the Jiang family is in trouble."

"This is the ancient royal family, and the Jiang family doesn't know how to solve it."

"If it's not handled well, then a war might break out."

"The Jiang family's current strength is still far behind that of the ancient royal family."

Many people were talking, and their words were all negative about the Jiang family.

However, it is understandable that many in the mixed martial arts world have this view.

It has been several years since the mysterious existence arrived.

Many children have even become teenagers.

They still know enough about Tianyuan Realm.

These extreme forces are the real masters of Tianyuan Realm.

After all, the Changsheng Jiang family is still a little behind.

They did not expect before that the Changsheng Jiang family would actually provoke the Taikoo royal family.

It can only be said that this powerful person from the Jiang family is really powerful.

He actually kidnapped the ancient princess!

Many people want to see how the Jiang family will deal with it this time.

They called their friends one after another to pay attention to the live projection.

After all, not everyone in the mixed martial arts world pays attention to live projections all the time.

The most anxious person among the Jiang family is undoubtedly Jiutian.

In addition to worry, this matron of the Jiang family also felt a lot of guilt.

The main reason is that this time the son has brought down the entire Jiang family.

But Jiutian didn't know what to do for a while.

Giving up his son still drags the Jiang family into crisis.

This is a difficult choice!

Now Jiutian can only go find her husband as soon as possible.

After all, this is the person she can rely on.

Jiang Jiuge on the side couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw his panicked mother.

She is not a fool, and even those who were good in her last life can be considered to have lived for thousands of years.

Naturally, I can understand the dilemma in my mother's heart.

If this matter fell on her, she wouldn't know how to make a decision.

The Jiang family is very good, and she doesn’t want anyone to destroy it!

But this is her second brother, so she can't give up

Chapter 145 Anxious and calm, determined!

Although Jiang Jiuge has never seen this second brother from the same father and mother.

But considering the Jiang family's training system and atmosphere, the relationship will definitely not be bad if they have contact.

Not to mention how sad his mother would be if she gave up her second brother.

But now she is too weak!

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