Even the top forces that had previously liquidated the Changsheng Jiang family did not dare to retaliate against the Jiang family.

No matter how angry you are inside!

Many strong men of the Jiang family finished dealing with the matter of some forces coming to give gifts.

They also began to enter seclusion one after another.

"Fortunately, we have our ancestors this time."

"My strength is still too weak."

"We can't even block the aftermath. Most of the aftermath was blocked by our ancestors."

Many members of the Jiang family experienced this tension, surprise and excitement, and even resented their lack of strength.

So when there is no shortage of resources!

Then try to improve your strength as much as possible.

Moreover, none of the top forces in Tianyuan Realm now even has a great saint.

Basically, it all depends on Jiang Bai.

After thinking of this, even many members of the Jiang family inevitably felt a little ashamed.

Even if the ancestor is not allowed to enjoy the blessings easily, he still has to work hard.

Including Huanwan and others, they all entered seclusion.

Although their cultivation level is not very high, they are still practicing hard.

I hope that one day I can do my part to help the Jiang family.

At least they are already a part of the Jiang family, and they cannot change it in this life.

Of course, they didn't think of changing anything.

While the Jiang family members were entering seclusion one after another, the discussion about the Jiang family in Tianyuan Realm was not over yet.

The creatures in Tianyuan Realm started discussing another topic!

Is it possible for the ancestor of the Jiang family to become enlightened? !

After all, the ancestor of the Jiang family is indeed one step away from enlightenment now.

"This ancestor of the Jiang family must have exhausted his potential here.

"How many quasi-emperors have been stuck at the peak of quasi-emperors throughout the ages."

"It's not that easy to attain enlightenment!"

"This ancestor of the Jiang family is relatively old."

Many living beings are not optimistic that this ancestor of the Jiang family can attain enlightenment.

Mainly there are some great emperors and ancient emperors throughout the past and present, which of them has not been promoted as the genius of the world?

And this ancestor of the Jiang family has always stayed in the far west.

More like an ascetic monk, being able to reach the quasi-emperor ninth level is a miracle in the eyes of many creatures.

No matter how you look at it, this ancestor of the Jiang family does not have the potential to become enlightened.

In fact, many imperial forces and the ancient royal family analyzed this Jiang family ancestor as early as possible.

If this ancestor of the Jiang family had attained enlightenment, then it would be meaningless for so many of their geniuses to be born in this era.

Fortunately, the conclusion was finally reached!

This ancestor of the Jiang family is just one step away from becoming the emperor.

But this step is like a natural chasm, impossible to cross

Chapter 155: Guarding Zhang Sanfeng for half a year

After many people in the Jiang family entered seclusion.

The people who are most uncomfortable with it are those who were in the mixed martial arts world before the live broadcast.

Cultivation is still very boring.

It would be fine if people from the comprehensive martial arts world could practice the Tianyuan Realm system.

The most important thing is that I still can’t practice!

So seeing Huanwan and others making breakthroughs in cultivation made me feel very uncomfortable.

Jealousy is the original sin!

Many people set their sights on other people's live projections.

Now in the mixed martial arts world, besides Huanwan and others, the one who is paying the most attention is still Zhang Sanfeng.

Especially now it's time for Zhang Sanfeng to assess whether he can join the Jiang family as a guard.

Daming Jianghu Wudang Clan

"Master, you must succeed!"

Song Yuanqiao and other senior brothers gathered together, but they were very nervous.

Since Zhang Sanfeng went to Tianyuan Realm, it has developed well.

The Wu-Tang Clan also developed accordingly.

However, there is still a big gap between the forces behind Huanwan and others.

After all, when Zhang Sanfeng returned at the end of the first year, he did not have the resources of the Changsheng Jiang family to bring back.

Naturally, the Yin Kui sect doesn’t have any means!

But even so, there are still many people who want to learn from Wudang.

Especially now that Zhang Sanfeng has already existed in the God-Building Realm and is considered a monk in the Tianyuan Realm.

Many people in the mixed martial arts world don't suffer any loss if they become apprentices.

If you are chosen to go to Tianyuan Realm, you can take care of yourself if you meet this Patriarch.

Now whether Zhang Sanfeng can enter the Jiang family and become a guard may change his own destiny.

This is naturally closely related to the fate of Wudang.

If this Patriarch had managed better, the people of Wudang would also be feared.

Because maybe this Patriarch will return to their world.

Many forces must consider this factor when dealing with Wudang.

Facing the world where they live, the Tianyuanjie system is facing a dimensionality reduction attack.

Even land gods cannot deal with the God-Building Realm.

Perhaps the combat power can be comparable for a short period of time, but over time there is basically no suspense.

Zhang Sanfeng has verified this before!

On the projected live screen, Zhang Sanfeng was also very nervous.

After all, although he decided to become the Jiang family's guard, the problem is that the Jiang family really doesn't necessarily accept him.

Because there are too many people who want to sign up for the Jiang family’s guards.

Especially with the news that the ancestor of the Jiang family has revealed his strength and is marrying into the ancient royal family.

Guard quotas are even more rare!

Even Zhang Sanfeng felt a little helpless.

There are two main levels in the Jiang family guard assessment. The first level is the strength arena.

A battle of equal strength!

The Jiang family will divide the opponents in the ring according to their cultivation level and age.

The other level is about the test of character.

The Jiang family will set up a phantom formation, and everyone involved in the selection of guards will enter it.

Among them, the person who comes out in the shortest time has a better character.

In terms of cultivation, xinxing is also very important.

If you have no potential but no character, you basically won’t be able to get far.

It's easy to get carried away or get carried away or something like that.

The scores of the two are higher than those of the former, and the best will be admitted based on the comprehensive ranking.

The Jiang family not only considers strength when selecting guards, but also considers future potential.

Zhang Sanfeng doesn't have much advantage in terms of strength.

He just defeated two opponents."

When it comes to the third opponent, the strength gap will still be a little big.

It is an existence at the fourth level of the God-Building Realm, and has entered the middle stage of the God-Building Realm.

Zhang Sanfeng's level of cultivation is enhanced by his martial arts strength.

It's okay to fight against the second and third heavens, but there's nothing you can do if the gap is too big.

Zhang Sanfeng looked a little helpless about this.

The people participating in the guard selection are too powerful.

He had tried his best, but in the end he was still one move behind.

Even people in the mixed martial arts world felt that this scene was a bit of a pity.

"If this Wudang Grandmaster wins this one, he may not have no chance in the next one."

“But now that we lose this one, the ring battle is over.

"Among all the people selected, this one's strength ranks in the middle."

"Currently, if you want to be selected, it depends on the level of the phantom formation."

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