Many people are talking about this!

Many people are still very concerned about the selection of guards of the Changsheng Jiang family.

Mainly, if there is a chance, they will also board the big ship of the Changsheng Jiang family.

At least you don’t have to worry about safety!

But seeing how difficult it was for even the founder of Wudang, let alone them.

Zhang Sanfeng is also very nervous at this moment!

However, if he was nervous for a moment, he would be sent into the formation by the powerful Jiang family.

In the phantom formation, Zhang Sanfeng faced many struggles.

But with a hundred years of experience, he finally came out.

But Zhang Sanfeng is not one of the first few to come out.

But ranked tenth among everyone.

Although this position is considered to be in the front, it is too stretched because of the strength.

So there are still a lot of uncertainties

It still depends on the Jiang family’s final choice.

“The rest is left to fate.”

Zhang Sanfeng seemed to have calmed down a lot because of experiencing the phantom formation.

Many people in the mixed martial arts world naturally felt this change.

It's a pity that the magic array comes from a mental test.

Many people don't know what this person has been through.

The powerful man in charge of recruiting guards for the Jiang family did not delay.

After all the candidates walked out of the illusion formation, the candidates were decided in a short period of time.

For the Jiang family today, a guard selection is nothing.

After all, many of those who can participate in the Jiang family's protection are basically casual cultivators with little background.

Qualifications can only be considered average!

Generally, those who are above the God-Building Realm will not participate in the selection of the Jiang family.

After all, the Cave Heaven Realm can serve as the city lord in some small towns.

He is considered a local overlord!

With such strength, there is no need to be a guard of the Jiang family.

Zhang Sanfeng is considered to be the person that many Jiang family leaders discuss.

"This person is a little less powerful, and he is also older."

"But my character is okay."

"Otherwise, if we recruit them, there might be hope of entering the Cave Heaven Realm."

In the end, the Jiang family, who was responsible for this matter, made the final decision.

This time, because the Jiang family is being purged, it will be necessary to recruit more guards.

With the powerful level of cultivation, he still has the right to recruit one more person.

0. Ask for flowers....

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng stepped on the passing line and became the Jiang family's guard.

When the shortlist was announced, Zhang Sanfeng's face inevitably showed a lot of joy.

Name is almost at the bottom, but just get in.

People in the mixed martial arts world who projected the live broadcast were naturally talking about it.

"This one has entered the Changsheng Jiang family!"

“This one almost lost the election!”

"It is better to obtain more resources in the future. At least the selected one will develop well."

As for the people of the Wudang Sect, they were already excited.

After being selected, Zhang Sanfeng followed many members of the Jiang family to receive new identity cards.

There are also special clothing, one-month resources, etc.

Among them, Zhang Sanfeng is undoubtedly most concerned about these resources.

After all, he became the Jiang family's guard for resources.

These resources are several times more than what he earns.

The most important thing is that there are some pills, which are specially used to build the divine realm.

This was something Zhang Sanfeng couldn't buy before.

"My cultivation level can continue to improve."

For Zhang Sanfeng, nothing is more important than improving his cultivation.

This time he entered the Jiang family, and he made the right bet.

Before the live broadcast, many people in the mixed martial arts world looked at these resources with great envy.

Today they still know that resources are hard to come by.

Know the value of Zhang Sanfeng’s resources!

In addition to Zhang Sanfeng, many people are also paying attention to other projection live broadcasts.

For example, let’s say the Lord of Qin wins the government!

After becoming the village chief, this man made many plans for the village.

On the contrary, the whole village has developed well.

At least it looks completely new compared to before!

Many people in the mixed martial arts world have witnessed this process of change with their own eyes.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the Lord of the Qin Dynasty. He has made such progress in the village in a short period of time.

As the village develops, Yingzheng has not forgotten his own cultivation.

There has been a lot of progress in cultivation!

The cultivation qualifications of this Lord of Great Qin are not bad.

In addition, he is very dedicated in cultivation.

Even many people in the mixed martial arts world lament this.

In order to live forever, the Lord of Qin won the government and spared no effort.

Especially when the land in the far west was shaking, Ying Zheng also felt it.

I also yearn for a strong person like that whose every move affects the world.

Afterwards, it became even crazier to practice!

At least many people in the mixed martial arts world have initially recognized this person.

In the past, many people in the mixed martial arts world did not have much of a good impression of Ying Zheng, the Lord of Qin.

All have some demonization!

But this Lord of Qin doesn't care about these recognitions.

Of course, in addition to winning the government, there are other chosen ones.

People like Yue Buqun, Lin Xian'er and others are still alive and well with these scourges.

It makes people in the world of mixed martial arts feel a little unfair!

In this way, time continued to pass, and soon half a year passed.

The previous batch of selected people can return again!

Many people inevitably became excited again, because it was almost time for the mysterious being to select someone.

I don’t know how many people in the mixed martial arts world are looking forward to working

Chapter 156: Born at the wrong time, the will of the world changes

Before returning this time, Huanwan and others asked Xue Nu and Nangong Pushe to bring back things as before.

But because neither of them has much power behind them.

Although Xue Nu relied on the anti-Qin forces, the Mohist family, the Mohist family was suppressed by the Qin Dynasty like a rat crossing the street.

In addition, the relationship between Xue Nu and the Mo family is not that close.

So just let people come directly to your door!

Anyway, the Yin Kui Sect and others still have this strength.

Zhu Yuyan, Baili Dongjun and others, the leaders of these forces, had already set off early.

Before returning from teleportation, he had arrived at the place where the two women were.

Pretty much just waiting for things to be handed over!

Although many forces in the mixed martial arts world are very enthusiastic about it, they dare not take actions such as cutting off the beard.

Many forces are still waiting to be auctioned by super forces like the Yin Kui Sect.

It seems that from the very beginning, an auction will be held once supplies are returned.

Of course, auctions and the like have nothing to do with ordinary people in the mixed martial arts world.

Many ordinary people are still looking forward to this time of selection.

"I've been waiting for many years, and I hope this time I can get what I want."

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