Jiang Qingzhe directly found a powerful person from the same lineage and asked him to explain in detail.

"3000 years ago, the ancestor showed 0 strength as the Saint King."

"A thousand years ago, the ancestor showed great sage cultivation."

"It wasn't until a few years ago that our ancestor showed the strength of a quasi-emperor."

“Just over a year ago, the Xuan Bing Ling Clan, the ancient royal family, attacked.

“The strength of our ancestor Quasi-Emperor Jiuzhongtian was truly exposed.

This powerful man talked endlessly and was very excited when talking about his ancestor.

Jiang Qingzhe's face also showed a lot of emotions.

Mainly hearing about the rise of the Jiang family, I naturally had a lot of feelings.

He did not expect that the Jiang family would be so wonderful after he entered the self-sealing of Divine Origin.

Of course he saw it too!

That is because his father is obviously hiding his clumsiness.

Many times, my father's cultivation level may have already broken through, but he just didn't show it.

Anyway, the land in the far west was considered by many people to be barren.

My father reached a breakthrough age limit, and many people thought it was normal to try both.

When Jiang Qingzhe heard that the golden age was coming, his eyes couldn't help but look envious.

But the envy soon disappeared!

Because he soon had such talent, he was able to participate in the golden age.

He is less than a thousand years old and can be regarded as one of the geniuses.

After understanding many things about the Jiang family, Jiang Qingzhe got to know the people of the Jiang family.

Because in these thousands of years, many people did not know him.

Especially since his father later took in so many concubines.

He definitely doesn't have a good opinion of this.

But seeing the development of the Jiang family, Jiang Qingzhe can understand it.

After all, if a family wants to develop, population is essential.

The more people there are, the more geniuses may be born!

"How many younger brothers and sisters do I have?!"

Jiang Qingzhe could not help but reveal a strange look on his face and murmured softly.

Originally, he thought that his peers would not have any.

After all, the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to have children.

Especially after hearing that my youngest sister, who is 2.8 years old, was born after her father set foot on the Quasi-Emperor.

He is only less than two years old, and he is on the verge of reaching the Cave Heaven Realm.

For a moment, Jiang Qingzhe didn't know how to speak.

This qualification is really terrifying!

Especially since it took him more than 100 years to set foot in the Cave Heaven Realm.

Almost stepping into the age limit.

After thinking about this, Jiang Qingzhe couldn't help but become curious about this sister.

In fact, it's not just Jiang Qingzhe, but also many people from the Jiang family who were released from the divine source.

Everyone feels sorry for the Jiang family today!

When they heard about this little princess of the Jiang family, they were all shocked.

Subsequently, many people who had unlocked the divine source visited the original members of the Jiang family.

Including Huanwan and others are no exception!

Although these people are currently just concubines of the ancestors.

But I can't say in the future, I will be promoted to a wife.

At least those who can be selected by the ancestors have completed promotion.

Of course, Huanwan and others are also very polite to these people.

These people were all lower in seniority than them.

But because of his strength, he still needs to be respected! .

Chapter 162: Death without Regrets, Disappointment and Jealousy

Although Shenyuan unsealed many Jiang family elders.

But it didn't have much impact on the Jiang family.

Because these clan elders basically began to enter seclusion as soon as they recovered their energy and blood.

Their lifespan is not very long, so the remaining time can be combined with the resources of the Jiang family and a lot of cultivation experience.

If you can't break through, then there is only one way to perish.

However, these people from the Jiang family who have been waiting for a long time are very excited!

Long before entering the divine source seal, they were already prepared to die after breaking the seal.

I just didn't expect such good things to happen.

Being able to resume his cultivation path, no one from the Jiang family would let this opportunity pass him by.

The Jiang family today is not the Jiang family it once was.

Even if the breakthrough failed, at least they witnessed the glory of the Changsheng Jiang family.

Many elders of the Jiang family have very deep feelings for the Jiang family.

So knowing the current situation of the Jiang family, it can be considered as a death without regrets.

Before the live broadcast, people in the mixed martial arts world had some comments about this.

"The Jiang family's power level has increased too quickly, and there are not enough strong people."

"But as long as the ancestor of the Jiang family exists, the Jiang family is not in a hurry."

"Shouyuan, the ancestor of the Jiang family, still has a lot."

Many people still saw the Jiang family's purpose of unblocking some people in the past from the divine source.

However, what they are concerned about is that these were chosen by the strong ancestors of the Jiang family!

In other words, this ancestor of the Jiang family has passed Level 03.

Many forces in the mixed martial arts world are waiting for the results of the Jiang family's draft.

There were a total of [-] candidates in the two batches, and everyone who could participate in the Jiang family's draft participated.

There are almost dozens of people!

For example, in the Song Dynasty, a princess was selected

The location where I first teleported was pretty good, it was in a small town.

And it comes with the "Basic Body Forging Technique" and a lot of money.

With the help of her identity as the beautiful daughter of the Jiang family, she easily established a foothold in the Tianyuan world.

In more than a year, his cultivation has reached the second level of body training.

There is also a lot of help from the Jiang family in distributing resources.

This was the first princess of many dynasties to be selected, which naturally attracted great attention from the people of the Song Dynasty.

If their princess is selected, the Song Dynasty will skyrocket.

So naturally I am looking forward to the results of this draft!

As for other dynasties, naturally they don’t want the Song Dynasty not to be selected.

Maybe the Great Qin Dynasty is better, at least the leader of Great Qin, Yingzheng, is already in Tianyuan Realm.

It seems to be developing pretty well so far.

Jiang Bai did deal with the draft matter.

You must know that this time the Jiang family’s draft is not only popular in the mixed martial arts world,

There are countless forces in Tianyuan Realm who have sent some of their descendants here through their connections.

After all, they didn't know the strength of this person before.

After knowing this, you must not miss this opportunity.

In particular, some small forces regard this opportunity as an opportunity to change their destiny.

They knew that the Qingqiu Fox Clan was like this back then.

After Jiang Bai's strength was exposed, almost everything about the Changsheng Jiang family was dug out.

Among them, Jiutian, the existing wife, is the focus of attention.

Naturally, the Qingqiu Fox Clan cannot hide it!

Nowadays, the Qingqiu Fox Clan is actually comparable to some ordinary longevity families.

On the one hand, it is because Jiutian has stepped into the saint level.

On the other hand, the Qingqiu Fox Clan backs the Changsheng Jiang Family.

There is no need to worry about the safety of your own family at all.

It can be said that this point makes countless forces in Tianyuan Realm jealous.

Before, I was jealous that the Qingqiu Fox Clan was more of a force in the Far West.

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