Now this jealousy has spread to the entire Tianyuan world.

I don’t know how many people plan to imitate Madam Jiutian and become the next Qingqiu Fox Clan.

Unfortunately, the idea is easy but in reality it is not that simple.

The reason is simple. The women sent by many forces to participate in the draft do not have many special features.

It is not that easy for a person in Tianyuan World to hide his talent nowadays.

Many family forces would not send draft picks if they were talented.

Because many forces are still holding on to the idea of ​​​​trying it out, it is not like the Qingqiu Fox Clan was betting on the fate of the clan.

Mainly, many forces have heard that the ancestors of the Jiang family choose people based on fate.

Coupled with the recent selections, it is obvious that their qualifications are average.

This is the reason why many forces send people to participate in the draft to test the waters.

If you choose it, you will make money!

If you don't choose, it's not a loss.

Despite this, the number of people drafted this time is probably ten times or more than before.

Facing such a beautiful girl, Jiang Bai's face was very plain.

The reason is simple, no matter how many people there are, he only selects those who meet the system requirements.

Unfortunately, with so many people, Jiang Bai didn't receive many surprises.

"Master Chief!"

"Lian Xing!"

In the end, only two people met the requirements, and they were both from the mixed martial arts world.

It is estimated that it has to carry the power of the will of the mixed martial arts world to meet the requirements.

On the contrary, none of the beautiful girls from many forces in the Tianyuan world met the requirements.

Jiang Bai was a little surprised by this result.

But he reacted quickly!

Many of the forces participating in the Jiang family's draft are actually not very powerful and cannot represent the Tianyuan world.

Naturally, the show girls who come to participate in the draft do not have much gold content.

Jiang Bai was not entangled!

Now that his cultivation level is temporary, the system can't help much.

So naturally I don't care much about the results of the draft.

The draft now is more about the future.

Jiang Bai has not forgotten that the Great Emperor is not the end.

What he wants is to become an immortal, and even go further on the immortal path.

Soon Jiang Bai asked the person in charge of the Jiang family's draft to announce the results.

Because this time there are many beautiful girls from other places in Tianyuan Realm.

So this draft still attracted a lot of attention.

"What, the results of this draft are out."

"The ancestors chose two of them, but they didn't know where they came from."

"Everyone from other forces in Tianyuan Realm has failed."

After the results came out, many people looked very shocked, as if they didn't expect the results of the draft to be like this.

The ancestor of the Jiang family did choose someone, but he didn't expect someone who was not expected.

Among the thoughts of many Jiang family members, there might be someone from outside the Far West who could be selected.

But now it seems that I have thought too much!

Naturally, Huanwan and others also received the news.

After all, Jiang Lilan and other guardians immediately sent back the draft results.

Because the next few concubines are all competitors, although there are already enough competitors at the moment.

"It's two acquaintances again. I should have thought of it earlier."

Huanwan and others have heard about these two people.

Especially Shao Siming, there was a rare gentle look on his face.

Mainly because this time there is an acquaintance!

Before the live projection, many people in the mixed martial arts world were talking about it.

"This time someone from the Yin Yang family was selected."

"What a great luck!"

"It's a pity that the Princess of the Song Dynasty was not selected."

"But the princess who participated in the Jiang family's talent show also got a lot of good things."

“At least we can gain a foothold in the far west.

Some people treated the draft results indifferently, while others were disappointed.

However, many people know that another super power will appear in their world next.

Daming Jianghu Yihua Palace!

It's a pity that Yihua Palace has some rules, so it's not easy to get close!

In the world of mixed martial arts, Yaoyue's eyes looked at the projected live broadcast, and she couldn't help but reveal a hint of jealousy.

The relationship between the two sisters is not as harmonious as imagined!

Especially this time, the mysterious existence selected Lian Xing.

Yaoyue was not selected!

It makes the relationship between the two even more complicated.

But the complex feelings of the two are different!

Lian Xing still has some reluctance.

After all, after going to Tianyuan Realm, except for returning three days after one year.

I don’t know when I will be able to return again next time.

It’s natural to feel complicated!

In addition to being reluctant to let go, Yao Yue was also very jealous.

You must know that she also wants to go to Tianyuan Realm.

Witnessing the splendor of the Tianyuan world, the vision of many people in the mixed martial arts world has improved a lot.

Naturally inviting the moon is no exception!

Especially for a strong person like Yao Yue, they want to go to Tianyuan Realm.

Now he sees that his sister has become the concubine of the ancestor of the Jiang family.

Then I will undoubtedly be even more jealous!

Especially when Yao Yue thought about what would happen if she was not selected later.

Decades later, Lian Xing still looks the same as before, but she has gray hair.

After thinking about this, I feel even more jealous!

It's a pity that jealousy cannot span two worlds.

After Yao Yue finally calmed down, she could only pray that she would be selected next time.

Regarding the results of this draft, there has also been a lot of discussion in the far west.

"Not selected!

The faces of the people sent to the Far West by many forces looked a little helpless.

Although before, they just had the mentality of giving it a try.

But I was still a little disappointed because I wasn't selected.

But they didn't dare to do anything. After all, the Changsheng Jiang family was not someone they could provoke.

Chapter 163 Joining in the fun and coming, things are different and people are different

As time goes by, the showdown between the Holy Land of Moon and the Demon Palace is about to begin.

It was time for the Jiang family to select representatives to attend the game.

This time Jiang Bai just followed him with a spiritual thought.

Anyway, if something happens, he can come across space at any time

Even though Jiang Qingyan was asked to go on his behalf, it was impossible for the Jiang family not to send any powerful people.

At this point, Jiang Bai directly asked many strong men of the Jiang family to sign up on their own.

If you want to go, take the initiative.

Jiang Qingyuan was the first to sign up, and is currently one of the most powerful geniuses in the Jiang family.

He is still very interested in these geniuses of the imperial power.

Although the Changsheng Jiang family is indeed qualified to talk to the Yakuza forces.

But Jiang Qingyuan also had to admit that there were still many gaps between the two.

After having the first one, Jiang Yuze, the great elder, is naturally indispensable.

After all, if Jiang Bai, the ancestor of the Jiang family, does not go,

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