These people still dare not speak out directly, so the Jiang family has no scruples at all.

"Wangyue Holy Land is the fault of itself!!"

"If I had known this before, why did I do it in the first place?"

"Now that this Holy Spirit is born, he will definitely take revenge."

Chapter 171 The aura of the emperor, the abyss shakes

Of course, there are many extreme forces who speak like the Jiang family.

They don’t care about the feelings of the Moon-Watching Holy Land!

Not to mention that the Moon-watching Holy Land now feels a bit in danger.

After all, there was a quasi-emperor of the Silver Cloud Royal Family before him, and a Holy Spirit with terrifying power behind him.

Before the live projection, many people in the mixed martial arts world were also shocked.

"I'm afraid the Silver Cloud Royal Family has a lot of time to plan."

"Wonderful, I didn't expect the real killer feature to be here."

"Wangyue Holy Land won't be suppressed by the Holy Spirit this time, right!?"

If you look at it from a considerable perspective, even many people in the world of mixed martial arts have to lament that this skill can hide the truth.

However, because of the position of the human race, some people still have some concerns about the Moon-Watching Holy Land.

After all, it seems that the complete recovery of Ji Dao weapons is the greatest means for a holy land.

Just as many people were talking about it, the situation also changed.


After the Holy Spirit Rock was unsealed, the first thing he wanted to do was destroy the Holy Land of Moon Watching.

Without hesitation, he directly struck a blow that surpassed the pinnacle of the Quasi-Emperor, and the target was inside the Moon-Watching Holy Land.

"No!" "Four two seven"

I don't know how many people in the Moon-Watching Holy Land widened their eyes and showed red expressions.

Many creatures also couldn't bear to see this scene.

But in the face of this blow, many people are indeed a little weak.

At this moment, a vast aura appeared from inside the Moon-Watching Holy Land.

In an instant, this blow, which surpassed the pinnacle of the Quasi-Emperor, was disintegrated!

Even though many people had a lot of shock on their faces, this was another reversal.

If this attack lands inside the Holy Land of Moon Watching, then Holy Land of Moon Watching will definitely be severely damaged this time.

It is not impossible to even fall to the bottom of the Yakuza power all of a sudden.

In particular, many powerful people have very serious faces when facing this aura.

The reason is very simple, this is the aura belonging to the Imperial Dao.

Only with the existence of the Great Emperor can it be displayed.

Of course, many powerful people would not think that the former Emperor Mochizuki was still alive.

It should be one of the back-up men left behind by the great emperor.


Countless people in Wangyue Holy Land looked like they were surviving the disaster.

Mainly because they really felt the threat of death in the face of this attack that surpassed the peak of the quasi-emperor.

I am very grateful to this patriarch in my heart.

"Is this the imperial way?!"

Jiang Bai's eyes flickered and he thought silently, his cultivation should be the one closest to the Great Emperor among those present.

So he can still understand something from these breaths.

Of course, if we talk about the realm, the highest person present should be the reincarnated daughter of the great emperor.

Jiang Jiuge was also feeling this breath at this moment.

It's a pity that because her spiritual power is too weak, she can only capture a trace of breath.

But for the reincarnation of the former emperor, a hint of breath is enough.

I have been able to analyze a lot of things in Wangyue Holy Land.

What's more, Jiang Jiuge just wanted to watch the paths of other emperors to see if there was anything he could learn from them.

Jiang Jiuge, who has rebuilt his life, will not give up on his original path.

She just wants to optimize her own path.

At least when she ascends to the throne again, she will be even more powerful than in her previous life.

Lin Jian, the quasi-emperor, was naturally aware of these auras.

At the same time, he did not forget to observe Jiang Bai.

The main reason is because Jiang Bai is relatively powerful and I don't know if he has some understanding.

It seems that this ancestor of the Jiang family is somewhat profound.

Even Lin Jian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There is also a gap between quasi-emperors, and the gap is not as big as usual.

He couldn't help but have the idea in his heart that this person might be able to achieve enlightenment.

But he quickly expelled this idea from his heart.

the reason is simple!

This ancestor of the Jiang family feels that he is still a little inferior.

If this person had set foot on the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor 2000 years earlier.

Then he actually thinks that this person has a [-]% chance of becoming enlightened.

The probability of [-]% is actually very high. After all, there are countless quasi-emperors in the world who are stuck before the threshold of enlightenment.

Just when many people felt the aura of the Emperor's Dao, this aura seemed to be aggressive.

Face to face the Holy Spirit who just emerged from the womb of stone.


Under the horrified gazes of many creatures, this being who had surpassed the pinnacle of the Quasi-Emperor flew directly backwards.

Even many people have not thought that this imperial aura seems a bit scary.

And under the gaze of countless creatures, this holy spirit ran away! !

"Wangyue Holy Land!!"

However, the sound of gnashing teeth before leaving was still heard by many people.

"Isn't there something funny about this Holy Spirit!?"

Jiang Jiuge couldn't help but speak out.

How arrogant he was when he was born, now he is embarrassed.

This was probably the most graceless strong man she had ever seen.

Many Jiang family members also had strange expressions on their faces.

It seems that there is indeed something wrong with this Holy Spirit.

However, there was some understanding on Jiang Bai's face.

This Holy Spirit obviously had a mental problem.

Being continuously bled by Mochizuki Holy Land is a humiliation for a proud being.

Under long-term humiliation, it is very likely that some mental problems will occur.

In addition, this Holy Spirit is obviously in a weak state.

Similar to the previous attack that surpassed the quasi-emperor's peak, I'm afraid I won't be able to hit it a few times.

Because of his own strength, Jiang Bai still had enough judgment about this holy spirit.

And after this holy spirit left, the quasi-emperor of the Silver Cloud Royal Family would naturally not stay any longer.

After all, the goal has been achieved this time, and there is no need to fight with Wangyue Holy Land.

The most crucial one, the imperial aura, was a bit scary to them.

What was originally a very fierce battle ended in a short time!

Many creatures have not yet reacted.

However, some strong men gradually began to wake up and left directly.

After all, too many things did happen today and need to be digested.

And the most critical thing is the Moon-watching Holy Land, which suffered heavy losses this time.

And he also provoked a big enemy!

Many powerful people don't want to be angered by the Holy Land of Moon Watching. 0.

Similar to many extreme forces, they will not stay much longer.

After all, they still had to go back and discuss how to deal with today's matter.

There is also the Holy Spirit Rock that escaped and went to unknown destination.

Drawing the blood of the Holy Spirit before Wangyue Holy Land is something that many extreme forces can do.

Especially the ancient royal family, but there is not much bottom line.

"Let's go!"

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