Jiang Bai also opened the space channel and took many people from the Jiang family away.

He just happened to have collected a lot of imperial aura, and he just went back to comprehend it.

He knew that this imperial aura was actually emitted by a divine thought from the past Emperor Wangyue.

However, this spiritual thought has lost a lot of power over the years.

Basically abandoning memory, only instinct is left to protect the Moon-watching Holy Land.

Lin Jian and the other two did not return, they planned to stay nearby.

Mainly, they are looking forward to the next development!

What's more, for people who travel, wherever they are is not cultivation.

The Jiangjia Sacred Mountain in the Far West

After many members of the Jiang family returned, they received many inquiries.

The previous shock to Tianyuan Realm lasted for a long time, so naturally many Jiang family members were inevitably interested.

Although the Jiang family sent some information back, it was not detailed enough.

"I didn't expect so many things to happen in the Holy Land of Moon Moon."

"If I had known about it earlier, I would have gone and laid down. At least I could have witnessed it."

Many people in the Jiang family couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

And while the people of the Jiang family were discussing, what happened in the Moon-Watching Holy Land was also spread throughout the Tianyuan Realm.

"What, Wangyue Holy Land lost all three battles against the Demon Palace.

| "The human race like me was crushed by the demon race like this!?"

"There is also a stone-embodied Holy Spirit in the Holy Land of the Moon, and it absorbs the blood of the Holy Spirit."

"The Silver Cloud Flying Eagle royal family came to ask for it, and created chaos to release this Holy Spirit in 2.8."

It can be said that one thing after another made many creatures in Tianyuan Realm very excited.

They didn't expect so many things to happen.

Of course, this time, the Holy Land of the Moon has lost face and suffered heavy losses.

I don't know how many creatures stepped on it.

"Wangyue Holy Land is really not worthy of being a human race's Holy Land!

It can be said that Wangyue Holy Land is destined to be unable to raise its head in a short time.

Fortunately, Wangyue Holy Land is not paying attention to the issue of reputation at this moment.

After all, there is a Holy Spirit watching covetously!

As time went by, more details about this Holy Spirit were exposed.

For example, the Holy Land of Moon Moon did not draw the blood of the Holy Spirit at first.

Including that Emperor Wangyue originally wanted to guide the Holy Spirit on the right track.

After knowing this, many creatures in Tianyuan Realm didn't know how to evaluate it.

Because if things were normal, maybe the Holy Land of Moon Moon would be able to harvest a statue with the perfect Holy Spirit.

As a result, they have turned against each other now!

A good hand turned into a bad one.

Many Yakuza forces have lowered their assessment of the Moon-watching Holy Land by an unknown amount.

Chapter 172: Family banquet and inheritance, Wangyue is in action

far west

It is rare for the second generation of the Jiang family and many concubines to gather together.

This party was initiated by Jiutian!

It was considered an invitation and it was considered a relatively close blood relationship, but it was still considered a small family dinner.

If the bloodline is far away, then the number of people will be large.

Of course it’s not easy to entertain!

Jiang Bai did not refuse Jiutian's banquet, because it seemed that there had not been such an atmosphere for a long time.

He vaguely remembers when he first came to the Far West and established himself.

The whole family ate at the same table.

After all, he still followed some of the habits he had before traveling through time!

But as time went by, the number of people in the Jiang family increased a lot.

There are relatively few family dinners!

Usually this happens when the wife is looking for someone to initiate.

And they will limit the number of Jiang family members.

Mrs. Jiutian is the only person in the Jiang family who can initiate a family banquet.

Of course Jiang Bai can actually do it, but Jiang Bai won't do this.

After all, as the ancestor of the Jiang family, it is still necessary to maintain dignity.

Since setting foot on the Saint, Jiang Yan has rarely visited many times.

It only happens once every few hundred years!

When Jiutian was there, he received a lot of teachings from the Seventh Lady.

Then you know about the family dinner!

Now that she has become the only wife of the Jiang family, she naturally has the responsibility to pass on some things.

Early in the morning, Jiutian summoned Huanhua and others to come.

At the beginning, Huanwen and others were still a little confused.

Mainly, they had some accidents!

But when Madam Jiutian deliberately taught them.

No matter how stupid Huanwan and the others are, they will know that Madam Jiutian is doing it for their own good.

Before the live projection, many people in the mixed martial arts world also watched this scene.

"You have to know that ordinary people's backyards are not so peaceful!"

"There is definitely competition, but in the end, this one's backyard is very stable."

“With the disparity in strength, it can be said that no one dares to make mistakes.

Many people were talking about it, with a lot of emotion in their words.

Among them, countless people in the comprehensive martial arts world are once again envious of Hanhan and others.

During the family banquet, some news about Tianyuan Realm also came.

But it has become a place where many people are talking about it.

"I didn't expect that the origin of this Holy Spirit would be like this."

Even Jiang Bai whispered softly, with a hint of weirdness in his words.

The Jiang family really doesn't know much about what happened in the past.

After all, if you look at the 5000 years of history before time travel, there are still many doubts and unknowns.

Not to mention the current history of hundreds of thousands of years!

"It's true, who would have thought!"

"Husband, what level of strength is that Holy Spirit at?"

Jiutian couldn't help but reveal a curious look on his face and said.

Although there were many people present, there were concubines and second-generation descendants.

All in all, they are all the closest people to Jiang Bai!

But there were only two people who dared to talk to Jiang Bai peacefully.

One of them is Jiutian, and the other is Jiang Jiuge.

Needless to say, the former only dared to do this after slowly getting to know her husband over the past thousand years.

The latter has enough confidence. After all, as the reincarnation of the emperor, how can he be afraid of anyone.

Even if his cultivation is insufficient, this man is his father.

Even Jiang Jiuge had to admit that this cheap father was really good to his family.

This can be seen from the Jiang family system.

After Jiutian finished speaking, so many people pricked up their ears.

The main reason is that they also clearly know the strength of this Holy Spirit.

Although they are very far away from this strength.

"This holy spirit is almost stronger than the normal peak quasi-emperor."

"It's just because of the injury. If he recovers, his strength should be even better."

"Almost comparable to the Supreme Being in the Dark Forbidden Zone!"

Jiang Bai naturally had nothing to hide and said directly.

After all, this Holy Spirit has been nurtured for tens of millions of years.

It is not surprising to have such strength, he is born with unique advantages.

As Jiang Bai finished speaking, Jiutian and others couldn't help but take a deep breath.

They know the supreme strength in the restricted area.

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