"And the most important thing is which ancestor of the Jiang family turned out to be a master of the Flying Immortal Body."

"how can that be?!"

Countless creatures still couldn't believe it at first.

But the movement before was indeed much louder than suddenly.

Even the entire Tianyuan world seemed to be trembling!

So these news are all true.

In fact, the ancestor of the Jiang family is undoubtedly the one who gets the most attention.

"That ancestor of the Jiang family turned out to be a flying immortal with a special physique."

"And it has reached the point of great success and entered the realm of the Supreme."

"Who would have thought of this before."

I don’t know how many creatures have expressions of emotion on their faces.

There are strong people and there are ordinary people!

Anyway, they are still immersed in this news.

Mainly because this Jiang family ancestor gave them too much shock.

You must know that many creatures in Tianyuan Realm only knew about this ancestor of the Jiang family a few years ago.

At that moment, the Jiang family used the quasi-emperor formation to fight against the Ancient Nether Scorpion clan.

That’s how you become famous in one battle!

It attracted the attention of many forces in the Tianyuan world.

After this ancestor of the Jiang family set foot as the Quasi-Emperor, many people in the Tianyuan Realm could learn about it in detail.

In the past, we could only have a temporary understanding at best.

Later, this one set foot in the quasi-emperor ninth level, and became the target of countless beings in the Abyss Realm.

It's the kind of thing that might be brought up by the time.

You must know that it is not easy to make many creatures in Tianyuan Realm do this.

At least very few in Tianyuan Realm can do this.

This time, this one defeated the ancient emperor who had killed himself.

And many creatures still know how difficult it is to set foot on the Supreme.

The key point is that this person is both a flying immortal body and a peak quasi-emperor.

The conditions for setting foot in the Supreme Realm are very demanding.

But the key was completed by this ancestor of the Jiang family.

In just over 6000 years, this person has reached the pinnacle of the Tianyuan Realm.

Although he is not the Great Emperor, there is not much difference between him and the Great Emperor now.

"Hurry to the far west to meet this newly born Supreme."

"If I had known about it earlier, I would have gone to the far west to set up a stronghold or something like that."

“It’s too late now, and it’s even too late to make good friends with the Jiang family.

I don’t know how many powerful people have expressions of regret on their faces.

You must know that at the beginning, many forces still thought about making friends with the Jiang family.

But because the Jiang family is too far away!

Basically it will not interfere with anything in their area.

So in the end, many forces gave up, and now I am afraid their intestines are full of regret.

southern fox tribe

As the first one to offend the Changsheng Jiang family, they are relatively powerful and famous.

At this moment, the face of the high priest of the Fox clan was very frightened.

Even he didn't think of it!

This ancestor of the Jiang family turned out to be a supreme-level existence.

"Where did they get the courage to provoke the Changsheng Jiang family a few years ago?"

Undoubtedly, at this moment, the high priest of the Fox clan no longer dares to think about revenge.

He didn't even dare to cause trouble for the Changsheng Jiang family.

After all, if he is found out, the Changsheng Jiang family may not be polite.


In addition to the southern fox clan, the same is true for the ancient underworld scorpion clan.

As an ancient race, there was also a quasi-emperor.

Even if he failed before!

However, there are still many dissatisfied members of the Ancient Nether Scorpion Clan.

However, as this supreme level strength was exposed.

Many powerful men from the Ancient Nether Scorpion Clan were shocked.

"This one must have forgiveness."

"Otherwise, our race will continue to languish in dust and wait for the next era."

Many strong men from the Nether Scorpion Clan made their decisions immediately.

After stepping onto the Supreme Level, the level is completely different!

Of course, except for those who have offended the Changsheng Jiang family.

There are also some people who are relatively familiar with the Jiang family, but their faces are very emotional.

For example, Lin Jian of Emperor Wanjian Daotong!

"I still underestimated the terror of this ancestor of the Jiang family."

"Before, I was afraid that it was just hidden and not shown."

When Lin Jian first came into contact with the ancestor of the Jiang family, he knew that it was not simple.

But I never thought that this one was more than simple!

It's so shocking that I don't know what to say.

Chapter 183: Influx and reception, tension and ideas!

The territory of the Changsheng Jiang family in the far west.

I don't know how many powerful people and creatures poured in.

For a while, it caused a lot of trouble for the Jiang family.

After all, what would happen if there were conflicts between so many creatures?

There are also issues such as accommodation and so on!

And many forces want to meet this supreme being at this moment.

The Jiang family has a lot of things to do, but arrangements still have to be made.

Moreover, the Jiang family found that they seemed to be a little short of manpower.

"Fortunately, many Jiang family elders were released in the past."

"Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome now."

Jiang Mingxuan couldn't help but said happily.

The main reason is that this time it was too sudden!

Whether it is the battlefield of the siege against the Holy Spirit being moved to the far west, or the ancestor exposing his supreme level strength.

Not to mention the creatures from the Tianyuan Realm, even the Jiang family themselves were a little unable to react.

I'm still dizzy to this day!

Because of the shortage of manpower, Huanwan and others also had to contribute.

Although Huanwan and others are indeed not strong enough, they are enough regardless of their identity.

Especially as the strength of the ancestor increases, the value of this identity increases by one level.

Although it cannot be compared with those empresses, it is actually very close.

Therefore, even if one's cultivation level is relatively low, even a saint will have to fawn over him.

It was left to Huanwan and others to receive some women to enter the saint level.

With a guardian guiding you, as long as you don't make too many mistakes, you'll be fine.

the reason is simple!

Nowadays, many forces come to see this Supreme Being, not to look for trouble.

"This is the first time I have been given an important task!"

"Sister Lan, can you do something bad?"

"Also, I forgot what the reception process is like."

Huanwan was very nervous, mainly because this was her first time.

They have received some people before!

But there are more people who help Mrs. Jiutian, rather than receiving it alone!

The gap in cultivation level still makes Hanhan a little unconfident.

"Huanwen, you have to be confident!"

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