"The Jiang family today is different from before."

"As the ancestor set foot on the Supreme, everything has changed."

"And your current status is actually no worse than that of the Great Sage."

Jiang Lilan said comfortingly, her words made it clearer about the current Jiang family's situation and accurate positioning.

In fact, even she didn't think of it.

In just a few years, the Jiang family has reached this point.

Just like a dream!

You must know that in the past, the Jiang family could only dominate in the far west.

The forces that came to see him were all dynasties from the far west.

As for the many top forces in Tianyuan Realm, they even dare not even think about it.

However, Jiang Lilan knew that the people of the Jiang family had not changed much in recent years.

The biggest change comes from the ancestor!

From the Great Sage to the Quasi-Emperor, from the Quasi-Emperor to the Supreme.

Nowadays, many living beings think that this person hides his strength. Naturally, the people of the Jiang family have similar thoughts.

It can only be said that the ancestor is hiding too deeply!

No one had thought that Jiang Bai's cultivation had improved rapidly in the past few years.

Like Huanwen, others like Master Fei Xuan Xiaomeng and others were also very nervous.

In fact, they are still afraid that if they do not do well, the image of the Jiang family will be damaged.

Now they have already regarded themselves as part of the Jiang family.

Before the live broadcast, many people in the mixed martial arts world were also very emotional.

"Where in our world would Huanwan and others be like this?"

"The status is comparable to that of a great sage. Even a great sage might be polite."

"Previously, the quasi-emperor could easily crush the Great Sage, let alone the Supreme One now."

Many people were talking about it, and this was the first time they were jealous.

Because they knew that Huanwan and others were stable from now on.

Even if a great emperor is born, it will not affect the Changsheng Jiang family.

"Huanwan and the others are so lucky!"

I don’t know how many people in the world of mixed martial arts can only accept their fate in the end.

There are actually quite a few people from the mixed martial arts world teleported to the far west.

The number of women among them is no longer a minority, but the number of successful draft picks is not large.

Many people in the mixed martial arts world, after being jealous, still hope to be selected in the next selection.

Because if you are not selected, you will not be able to go to the Tianyuan Realm.

It's no use saying anything!

While many people in the mixed martial arts world were talking about it, Huan Huan and others were put on the shelf.

It has received many saint-level beings.

".々This one is the concubine of the ancestor of the Jiang family!"

"The future is promising!"

Many saints have very kind faces.

On the contrary, the mood of Huanhua and others began to gradually ease.

Of course, Huanwan and others would not be fooled by these saints.

After all, they still know!

The reason why these saints are like this is not because of their identities.

There is even a possibility that the descendants of these saints will be sent to the Jiang family for the draft.

It’s not necessarily necessary to ask them for some information in advance.

In fact, it is just as Huanwan and others thought.

It does have a lot of power, and it has a lot of ideas when it comes to the Jiang family's draft.

Although some forces have tried before, they have always thought that it would be better if they could succeed or not.

Not too concerned!

But it's different now, with someone stepping into the Supreme.

So many forces want their descendants to enter the draft.

This time, I am more serious than before, and I plan to let many talented beings join.

It can be said that after Jiang Bai set foot on the Supreme.

Many people have changed their minds, and now the Changsheng Jiang family is a thick thigh!

Especially in the eyes of many forces, the Changsheng Jiang family is a good retreat.

This is the golden age now, and many forces don't know which genius will have the last laugh.

But no matter who he is, he still has to give some face to the Supreme Being.

So maybe some disasters can be avoided at critical moments.

At present, many living beings are still not optimistic that Jiang Bai can attain enlightenment!

Because after becoming the Supreme Being, it becomes more difficult to achieve the goal of becoming a Great Emperor.

But for many living beings, if they can become the Supreme.

Whether he can become the Great Emperor or not actually doesn't matter that much.

Because the existence of the supreme level can compete with the emperor

Chapter 184 Ice and Snow Temple, Mu Yunxi!

The Ice and Snow Temple is a holy power in Zhongzhou!

Saint-level forces in Zhongzhou are nothing, not even ranked.

Any motivated force will definitely not be satisfied with this.

Unlike the Changsheng Jiang family, the Ice and Snow Temple has been passed down for more than [-] years!

However, although the inheritance lasted for a long time, no existence surpassed that of a saint was born.

Fortunately, the saint level has been uninterrupted.

Otherwise, it would not have been passed down for such a long time.

In this golden age, the Ice and Snow Temple also had a genius.

Mu Yunxi!

It is a genius sealed by the Ice and Snow Temple 1 years ago.

Possessing a divine body of ice and snow, this physique is considered one of the top physiques

For the Ice and Snow Temple, it is for this genius to break the regret that the Ice and Snow Temple did not surpass the saint.

But what he didn't expect was that this prodigy would be spotted by Shenwei Hou of the Li Cang Dynasty.

You must know that the Li Cang Dynasty is the top dynasty in Zhongzhou.

It also has the power of imperial lineage!

Shenweihou is a monster-level genius of this generation of Li Cang Dynasty.

Facing a force like 443, not even the Ice and Snow Temple can stop it.

Of course, the Ice and Snow Temple is undoubtedly unwilling to give in, because this is the talent they have been waiting for for a long time.

If she marries into the Li Cang Dynasty, she will undoubtedly have nothing to do with the Ice and Snow Temple.

It can be said that many people in the Ice and Snow Temple are still very desperate.

However, in the midst of despair, there is a glimmer of light.

"I'll let Yun Xi participate in the Jiang family draft.

"If Yun Xi wants to marry, then why not marry the most powerful person in the world."

"This may be of great benefit to us and the Ice and Snow Temple."

On the contrary, some of the strong men in the Ice and Snow Temple are a bit like breaking a pot.

But in the end, many powerful people in the Ice and Snow Temple still gave the right of choice to Mu Yunxi.

After all, the Ice and Snow Temple is not as inhumane as other forces.

For Mu Yunxi, both choices are undoubtedly sad.

But because they are weak, they must choose.

"Choose the Jiang family draft!"

Mu Yunxi said directly without much hesitation.

As an evildoer, she still has enough spirit!

If you don't have enough strength, how can you make her surrender?

Shenweihou of the Li Cang Dynasty might not be able to defeat her in a fight.

Naturally, Mu Yunxi was unwilling to choose this talented person.

Instead, she made up her mind about the situation of the Changsheng Jiang family.

I am still very satisfied with the situation of the Changsheng Jiang family.

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