Pokémon in the real world

Pokémon in the real world


271 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Ye: Bulbasaur, mega evolution!Use parasitic seeds, photosynthesis, rooting, three powders, mysterious protection, light wall, ultimate absorption, and finally the tree world descends and hardens the plant!Hit me and see if I'm


Chu Ye: Bulbasaur, mega evolution!Use parasitic seeds, photosynthesis, rooting, three powders, mysterious protection, light wall, ultimate absorption, and finally the tree world descends and hardens the plant!Hit me and see if I'm impressed!
Chu Ye stood on the tree and looked down at everyone and said.
Everyone: Get out of here!
ps: Also known as (Pokemon in the real world, Pokemon in the real world, Pokémon in the real world, Pokemon in the real world...)
ps2: The style of this book is slightly dark and full of conspiracy theories. Be mentally prepared before clicking on it. If you don’t feel comfortable, please be quiet and click on the upper right corner. Thank you.

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