As a result, as soon as this matter came out, a spy appeared in the class.

Or maybe there are spies in my class.

At the same time, he also knew the reason for Long Yuan's anger.

Because Class C can’t afford to lose now.

Others don't know, but they know that as soon as they return to school, the students in Class B will go to the student union to report.

Although he, Ibuki and Ishizaki are doing bitter tricks.

But in the eyes of others, they were indeed beaten by Long Yuan.

Then Long Yuan still has a criminal record.

So the class must be -100 points class evaluation score.

Then this time in the exam, if there is another loss.

Class C may be in chaos by then.

You may also miss the opportunity, and it will be difficult to shoot in the future.

So Long Yuan had to seize this opportunity to take the exam.

A lot of pressure.

And if there is another spy in the class, one who leaks information about a bully is another -50 points.

At that time, no one can bear it.


Only the student from the beginning received money from Class A.

He was punished by squatting.

In the process, Ryuuen also obtained the information of the favored person in his class.

3 favorers.


"What do you think Shiina?"

After confirming the list of the four patrons, Ryuuen returned the phone.

But he looked at Shiina on the side.

After Shiina was called here, she was busy with paper and pen.

"..." Hiyori.

"I always feel a little concerned." Shiina said. "I sorted out the results of the exam."

Hiyori said.

And there was actually a piece of paper on her desk.

Above are the four test results.

It is also divided into the process of rushing to answer and not rushing to answer.

"The group members don't rush to answer, so if they answer from 09:30 p.m. to [-] p.m. at the end of the exam on the third day, there will be:

Result 1: The group members guessed the identity of the favored recipient. (50W for each member of the group, 100 million for those with preferential treatment)

Result 2: No points will be deducted if the identity of the privileged person is not guessed, or if the guess is wrong. (Preferential recipients get 50w alone)"

"And in the case of rushing to answer.

Guess the identity of the preferential treatment group (the correct guess class +50 points, individual +50w, preferential treatment class -50 points)

The status of the preferential treatment of the wrong answer group (the wrong answering class - 50 points, the preferential treatment 50w, the preferential treatment class + 50 points)"

"It ended up being these four."

Longyuan finished reading this note.

In fact, he didn't go to bed immediately when he returned to the cabin yesterday, but also rearranged the rules and results of the exam.

He is also quite a wise man.

Otherwise, during the small island exam, each class would get 300 basic points, but they would need to settle the balance at the end of the exam, and then go to reduce risks and find cooperation with Class B.

The results of the analysis are similar to those of Shiina.


"Although there are 12 preferential treatment, and then there are 3 in our class, then there are 9 in other classes."

"I think we can try to guess other classes. If we guess one, we will get 50 points. For example, Class D's class evaluation score is higher than ours, but we can guess the information of one of their preferential recipients."

"Then -50 points for them, +50 points for us."

"It can produce a gap of 100 points." Hiyori Shiina said.

The evaluation scores of the current four classes are as follows.

Class A 1801 points

Class B 970 points

Class C 490 points

D class 730 points.

Class rankings are fluid, whoever has a high score is in the upper class, and if the score of the upper class is too low, it will fall down.

Then back at school, their Class C really fell off.

It may become a shame for the few C classes in the school to become D classes.

However, as long as you guess the identities of the three preferential recipients of Class D, Class D will deduct 3X50, and their Class C +3X50, then the status of Class C can be kept.

In other words, Shiina is from the perspective of the class.

We must maintain our position in Class C.

"But it's very difficult." Dan Longyuan shook his head. "When I was taking the exam on the small island, I heard the reason why Ichinose was able to come back."

"There are traces of Oreki Houtarou from Class A among them."

"At the same time, I also understand the determination of that monster in Gaoyuan Temple."

"He changed the team leader by making himself sick, a cruel man."

"And this kind of ruthless person didn't take care of the class after enrolling in the school. The class evaluation score of Class D was directly reduced to 0. And now he is working so hard on the exam on the island. Obviously it's not for the class. It's for himself."

"That's why Class D got so many points on the Kojima exam this time. I speculate that Kogenji Temple must have taken part of it."

"And if you want Class D to reduce their scores, aren't you just trying to draw the blood of Gaoyuanji?"

"He will definitely fight back violently." Long Yuan said.

According to Hiyori's method, Class C can be brought up.

But it really is a high degree of difficulty.

That savage at Gaoyuan Temple is very deceptive and ruthless.

Long Yuan felt that there was no need to go head-to-head right now.

Moreover, Oreki Houtarou is also involved in this matter. He really likes to be with beautiful girls like Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo from Class D.

and so.

It is impossible to completely ignore the girlfriend's class.

This is also a troublesome place.


"I have a different view than you." Long Yuan said. "This school is both about strength and points."

"As for Class A, only the third-year Class A during the third-year graduation period is useful."

"In the middle process, accumulating points is the real thing."


"What I like is result 1." Long Yuan said.

The result is 1.

[Group members don’t rush to answer, so if they answer from 09:30 p.m.

Result 1: The group members guessed the identity of the favored recipient. (50W for each member of the group, 100 million for those with preferential treatment)]


This plan looks very good, everyone can make money.

And each group contains students from 4 classes, so each group has 3-4 students from their own class.

One person gets 50 points, so a group can get 150-200 million points in their own class.

The 12 groups together have close to 2000 million points.

It does look good.

Made a lot of money.

And with so many points as start-up funds, it will be more convenient to use them in subsequent exams.

Class C really has no money now.

So from this perspective, Long Yuan saw a good direction.

Looking at it this way, it seems that she just wanted to keep her position in Class C a little narrowly.

"So just wait and see." Long Yuan said. "This time the exam—"

"I am bound to win!"

After all, this is the battle plan that he thought about all night last night.


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