And at the same time.

At eight o'clock, Oreki received a message with the logo XF from the school.

[Sorry, you were not selected as a favored person, but please keep working hard on the exam. ]

just fast.

In less than 1 minute, his mobile phone received 4 messages again.

It was a classmate from Class A who contacted him with information about being selected as a preferential recipient.

Reported his name.

After Katsuragi-san, on behalf of the Katsuragi faction, expressed his willingness to follow the solution of outcome 1, Oreki went to Hashimoto.


The Sakayanagi faction also agreed with his plan.

So after obtaining the information, the preferential treatment recipients of Class A contacted him proactively.


Not only can they maintain their status in Class A without losing points, but everyone can also earn 25 points for free after the exam.

Where can I find such a good thing?

Definitely accept it.

The students in Class A are quite transparent.

And Oreki-san is also surrounded by Kamuro-san.

After getting the information of the preferential treatment, he asked her to sort out the list of members of the 12 groups.

It seems so.

12 groups, 12 favorees, if the exam is regular.

Then the number of preferential treatment in each class is also regular.

All are 3.

But now the information of the 3 selected favored persons has been mastered.

But just 3 students in your own class is not enough.

After all, apart from Kosakayanagi, we had to find patterns in the names of the remaining 159 students.

The difficulty is too great.

What we need to wait for now is the information about the preferential recipients of Class D.

the other side.

Over there at the Drama Theatre.

The students left the theater after handing in their mobile phones and receiving their exclusive spares.

Kushida and Horikita Suzune stayed behind.

They still have follow-up work.

Students need to put their mobile phones into small bags with their names written on them.

This is for convenience when returning the phone.

After all, everyone has the same phone.

And because of Kojima's exam, everyone's mobile phone was confiscated by the teacher once.

So they thought Chabashira-sensei borrowed these bags.

But Mr. Chazhu still has these small bags, which means that they may still use them in the future, which means that this school really has various exams that make people feel complicated.

However, because it was just after 8 o'clock, all the students received a unified message from the school whether they were selected as preferential treatment recipients.

The mobile phones submitted by the students were not turned off.

So the information will be revealed.

And Horikita Suzune confirmed the information of each mobile phone and put them in the bag with a blank face.

"Kushida." Horikita Suzune said suddenly. "Are you a favored person?"

"..." Kushida.

Kushida-san's cell phone hasn't been put in the bag yet.

And she was just looking at her own information.

She did receive a special message from the school.

[Congratulations, you have been selected to be a favored person——]

Because it was unexpected, she confirmed it twice in a row.

However, Kushida, who was about to turn off his mobile phone, suddenly paused when he heard this.

Seems to be a little puzzled to look at Horikita.

"I'm a favored person or something—"

"Is this information important?"

"Wait a moment!"

"Didn't our class choose to put away their mobile phones this time for the exam, and then pass the exam like this?" Kushida asked quickly. "So why do you need to know information about the preferential recipient?"

She felt as if she... had overlooked something.

"Almost." Horikita-san said.



"..." Kushida.

I believe you.

Little Angel Kushida's cute brows were slightly bent.


She just discovered that when Horikita Suzune put away the phone, she asked her to open the bag, and then Horikita Suzune confirmed the phone information, pressed the phone off, and finally handed the phone to her.

Horikita's behavior just now was a bit blatant.

But Kushida didn't say anything.

After all, maybe it's just that Horikita-san is slow in doing things?

She just won the friendship of the other party, and she is still very tolerant.So I don't want to doubt her.


Is Horikita Suzune actually confirming the information of the classmate's favored person?

In other words.

Horikita Suzune's proposal that everyone hand in their mobile phones and pass the test a pretense.

I'm afraid it's not... The real purpose is to collect information from the preferential treatment.


She also found that Horikita Suzune didn't put her mobile phone in the bag.

In other words.

She was used as a gun.

If it was Horikita himself, then everyone would definitely not submit the phone obediently.

In other words, Horikita Suzune couldn't even call the whole class together.

And this kind of thing, this kind of thing—

"This exam—" Kushida said, "Could it be that you and Oreki—are making money again?"

"It's cooperation." Horikita Suzune said. "And after the exam is over, I will transfer 20 to you."

"..." Transfer 20.

Transfer 20 or something.

And you, Horikita Suzune, would you be so generous?

Don't think I don't know, you obviously have a lot of points, but you are saving money.

And lunch is just a rice ball.

The description is very picky.

And now it will be so generous... In other words, this time Oreki Houtarou's plan has made a lot of money.

So is it true?

Is that really the case?

She already knew that Horikita Suzune couldn't be so courteous to her for no reason.

He also directly agreed to be friends with her, which made her feel wrong.

In the end, Horikita Suzune made money with Oreki Houtaro again, so why didn't she call her?

And this kind of behavior of not taking her directly can't be called a friend at all.

Even Kushida-san, who said she wanted to be friends with everyone, wanted to exclude people from her circle of friends for the first time.

The pair then went to the ship's valuables locker together.

"Then the key is with me." Horikita Suzune said.

"..." Kushida. "Ok."

Kushida felt bored.

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