After thinking about it carefully, this was indeed the truth. Alice nodded and agreed to the return plan.


Isabella·Second generation

Returning to the deck she had not seen for a long time, Alice instantly felt extremely tired. The weakness caused by the battle suddenly made her collapse on the deck.She was the one who consumed the most in the entire battle with the Kuo-Toa. First she cast a large-scale magic, and then she was thrown into the Sea Mother and came into direct contact with her.

The result of excessive consumption was that she couldn't move. Even if she wanted to read the notepad again, she didn't have any strength to turn over even one page.

This is basically what it means to have a lot of heart but not enough strength.

Alice lay on her back on the deck. She looked at the sky and counted the passing white clouds. When she reached the sixth count, Ivan Bell blocked her view.


Chapter 196 The ownerless notepad

"You guys have been gone for almost five hours! I almost turned into a roasted salted fish while waiting! And the group of cowards in the cabin are so noisy that my head hurts..." Ivan Bell complained while squatting next to Alice. Next to him, he stretched out his finger and poked the other person's face.

Alice narrowed her eyes and let Evan Bell ravage her face. She took a few breaths before replying: "We were caught by many fish-headed monsters, and then they summoned the gods, and we were connected to the gods. Beat them up with one piece.”

She omitted a lot of things in her words, but this still made Ivan Bell envious for a while.Ivan Bell waited for five hours doing nothing on the Isabella II, and after these five hours, the belligerence in her body was extinguished.

At this time, she learned that her companions had abandoned her and had a big fight with an unknown god at the bottom of the sea, which was undoubtedly a kind of torture for her.

This kind of torture is called "jealousy". Ivan Bell is jealous of why only Alice and the others can go to the sea to play.

"Where are those sea monsters? Where did they go?" Ivan Bell said as he began to pull Alice's cheeks with both hands.Alice answered vaguely: "The towers have gone to ashes first. (They have gone back first.)"

In fact, Alice didn't know where the sirens had returned. Valyali just said hello to them and swam away with her sister and companions.

"Humph...that's it..." Ivan Bell kept going, and she continued to say a few words. She didn't let Alice go until Vician and Caschia came out of the sea.

Alice raised her hands to rub her face with great effort. She swore that her cheeks were definitely swollen. "I will come back with revenge!" she thought, and after resting on the ground for a few more minutes, she got up and walked to her companions.

The three Vicians here have finished reading the part that Alice has read, and now they are turning to the place where Alice stopped.

"It's just in time, let's take a look at it together. This notebook has a lot of content, and there should be more things about the treasure in it."

Unconsciously, Wei Xi'an's attention turned to the treasure. This may be a common problem among thieves, no matter what the specific identity of the thief is.

When you open the page of the book, the first thing you see is a simple map. This map is so rough that it is hard to imagine that it was written by the same person as the compact manuscript.

Or is this map not owned or drawn by the notepad at all?

On the other side of the map, there were densely written small characters. Caschia took paper and pen from the cabin, copied down the small characters, and enlarged them to the point where they could be easily read.

And the content of the word is:

[I dreamed of that woman again. This woman was still bound by chains, and the place where she stayed was still so dark. The only thing that could be seen besides her was the pile of sparkling treasures.

I have to say that there are really many treasures. If I can get a handful of them, I can directly buy a small piece of land in Xiosi.And if I bring out all these treasures, I can even buy a country.

Ah, I shouldn't be thinking about that now, she told me more.I had to write down what this woman told me. She kept humming a ballad with a very resentful tone. I barely understood part of it, so I wrote down the main content to prevent myself from forgetting.

1. To open the door, you must press the reliefs above in order, from right to right, from top to bottom.

2. Go inside from the gate. There will be mechanisms all over the floor. Only one path is safe. (The tip should be on the ceiling, I have to remember that. I don’t want to be shot like a hedgehog!)

3. She was tied next to the treasure. She had an object in her hand that could leave the island. If I wanted to leave the island with the treasure, I had to take that thing out of her hand! 】

That's the main content of the text, and a large part of the rest is the owner of the notepad imagining how to change it, or how to use the ill-gotten wealth.

However, Alice was more concerned about the "woman bound by chains" than the huge treasure he mentioned.The note said that she found the owner of the notepad in her dream and told him various things in her singing voice.

This is very interesting. If you talk about using singing to convey meaning, you have to think of the Siren.However, only the siren can understand the song of the siren, but the woman mentioned in the notes should be singing in the common language.

Otherwise no one will understand.

"The singing woman, the huge treasure. Why does it sound a bit fake?" Ivan Bell looked at the notepad with confusion. She was not interested in the treasure. The only thing that could arouse her interest at the moment was the enemy's. exists.

Vician put one hand on Caschia's shoulder and held the key he had found earlier in the other.He handed the key to Ivan Bell and said: "I don't think it's fake. After all, there are so many weird things in the world. Besides, I have found the key. Let's go there according to the map." Come on?"

"I don't care, but the group of people in the cabin are different. Speaking of which, have you found the source of that hateful music?" Ivan Bell leaned back towards the mast, and then stamped the deck with his heel. , signaling to those still hiding in the cabin.

Vician looked at the deck along the heels of her shoes, and Caschia also looked over, with helpless expressions on their faces.

Caschia coughed twice and asked without any hope: "Are they like this now?"

"What else can we do? These cowards...someone actually fainted!" Ivan Bell curled his lips and replied helplessly.

Caschia was silent for a while, then turned to look at Vician.Vician shrugged, left his position and walked down the cabin.

He left for a full hour. I don't know what he said to the people in the cabin, but someone did follow him out of the cabin.

"Okay, I've given all my orders. After a while, we will go to the sea to find treasures and try to find a way to leave here before night." Wei Xi'an picked up the pen and paper on the table and turned the notepad to the map. that page.

While copying the map, he continued: "A quick victory. Once we get the treasure and the map, we will set sail and leave here."


Chapter 197 Treasure Hunt

"Is time so tight? We don't think we can come back before night." Alice was a little worried.She lowered her head and looked at the map. The location marked on the map was a certain distance away from the Isabella. From here, they had to walk at least two nautical miles to the north before they could reach the location of the treasure mentioned on the map. .

Faced with Alice's worries, Visian smiled sinisterly.He turned his head and glanced at the sailors who were repairing the big hole, and then whispered to Alice: "Ha, I just said those words casually to fool the group of people below. As long as we really come back with things, they Where will there be free time to worry about how much time we spent."

Alice was speechless for a while, and she also followed Vician's gaze.She saw the sailors who had followed Vician onto the deck from below the cabin. They were already busy repairing the hull.

"Aren't you lying to them? They will be very angry if they find out!" Alice warned Visian.

Vician didn't mind the reluctance in Alice's tone. He continued to copy the map while explaining to Alice: "'Give desperate people a little hope, and they can survive. No matter whether that hope comes from a lie or not .' Someone should have mentioned this sentence, right? That's the reason. I gave them a reason to wait, and when I really fulfill this promise, will they still blame me?"

"But... you're still lying, aren't you?" Alice's brows knitted into a knot. Her reason told her that Wei Xi'an was right, but her sensibility told her that this was a fallacy.

Caschia, who was standing aside, joined the conversation at the right time. He gave Alice an example, which allowed Alice to better understand Vician's theory. That example was the legendary "catastrophe."

Not only had Alice heard about the Cataclysm, but she was now on the path to another such being.She captured this word from Caschia's words very keenly. When she was in the academy, she could get information about this catastrophe from various channels.

Once, she accidentally learned that the mysterious power of "magic" was also obtained by people from the hands of God during the "Great Disaster" period.

By the way, the "catastrophe" has many other names, such as "big tsunami", "war of the gods" or "twilight of the gods". Some people even call the "catastrophe" the "annihilation". day".

But let’s not listen to these ancient things for the time being, after Alice reluctantly agreed to Vician’s behavior because of Caschia’s words.The group of them continued to discuss the only important thing at hand - leaving the island and returning to Ander.

"Okay, I understand." Alice wrinkled her nose and joined several others in discussing the action plan.Their action plan was quickly decided, but Ivan Bell didn't have the slightest interest in it.

Because no matter what conclusion everyone came to, she couldn't go into the sea and hunt for treasure with them.

"Forget about fighting! Why don't I even have anything to do with treasure hunting?" Ivan Bell stood with his arms crossed angrily.

Her dissatisfaction is actually not unreasonable. After all, she cannot participate in activities below sea level.But although she couldn't go into the sea, she didn't need to wait on the deck until her bones became moldy this time.

Vician asked the sailors to park the Isabel II back near the bay, which meant that Ivan Bell could spend his extra energy on land.

Of course, she is not just there for fun, she still has such an important responsibility on her shoulders.

Prey can also be said to be supplies.

Although there are no other humanoids or human groups on the isolated island they drifted to, there are many prey available for consumption.Not only prey, but also wild fruits and vegetables also exist in certain quantities.

There is no shortage of food on this island. As long as someone is willing to work hard to collect it, it is enough for more than 20 people to survive for a week.

Ivan Bell's mission today is to collect supplies. She has to admit that this is indeed a suitable mission for her with keen senses.

After everyone assigned their respective tasks, everyone packed up their new clothes and got ready to go.Before diving into the bottom of the sea again, Alice and her party were forced to accept a series of complicated equipment tasks.

At this time, Alice began to envy the sirens sisters Valyalee and Valkyrie. She was jealous of the sirens' ability to move freely on the seabed.

But thinking about it, if her legs suddenly turned into fish tails, she would have a nervous breakdown in less than a day.

The fish tail is extremely practical, and it only appears on the bottom of the sea...


The hand-drawn map was well protected by a magic shield, and a hazy magical light appeared on the surface of the map. This light allowed Alice and her party to see the icons drawn on it more clearly.

They had been following the map for some time. Along the way, they saw not only corals and stones, but stones and corals.

The sun could not be seen under the sea, and Vician's pocket watch was left on the boat because of the danger of water entering it.So now, they are in a situation where they don't know the time. In this case, it is meaningless to calculate how long they have traveled.

We can only keep walking until we reach the place marked on the map.

After an unknown amount of time, Alice finally saw the two conspicuous huge stone doors. When she saw them, she felt like she was going to cry.

The process of finding them was so painful that Alice didn't want to go through it a second time.

"Where's the key?" Caschia asked Vician. Thanks to the omnipotent magic, they could communicate by speaking.

Wei Xi'an took out the key from his pocket. Alice was slightly stunned when she saw the key, and quickly took out the notepad.Alice opened the notepad to the page about "The Gate". According to the text written on it, everyone began to search for the mentioned mechanism on the stone gate.

The mechanism was unexpectedly easy to find. Among a bunch of patterns, they found several disharmonious patterns. After a closer look, they found that those patterns had been carved into the shape of musical notes.

Taking out the key and determining the order of the notes on the lower half, Alice gritted her teeth and started to press the switch...


Chapter 198

From left to right, from top to bottom, when all the notes beating on the stone gates were pressed, the two stone gates made a "rumbling" sound while retreating to both sides.

As soon as the two doors opened, Alice let out a scream.Not for anything else, just for this skeleton that suddenly appeared in his sight.

The left hand of the skeleton was raised high, as if trying to reach the non-existent door handle.And behind it is a bottomless passage. It must have suffered something in front of it to end up in this situation, right?

It would be better to be more vigilant...

With this thought in mind, Alice became extremely cautious. She followed Vician and Caschia through the gate. Although she was moving forward, she always maintained a particularly slow speed.

Along the way, Caschia would look back from time to time to make sure Alice was not left behind.While swimming, the three of them encountered the first mechanism.

When they reached that area, the extremely strong gravity forced them from a floating state to a standing state.Once here, the gravity on the seabed suddenly became like that on land. Alice thought of something and quickly opened the notepad.

The second entry in the note should be about this mechanism. Everyone looked up directly at the ceiling, but sadly found that because of the distance, they could not see clearly what the relief carved on the ceiling looked like.

After looking up at the ceiling for almost a few minutes, Alice and her party reluctantly came to some conclusion before the feeling of dizziness hit them.

The reliefs on the ceiling are streamlined, and although the floor under their feet is not streamlined, there are strange lines connecting the two stone tiles.

Wei Xi'an deduced whether this was related to the agency. He compared the difference between the two and was pleasantly surprised to find that what was said in the notepad was not false.The hint for unlocking the first trap is on the ceiling, and the body of that trap is of course where they are stepping on now.

Moving along the lines little by little, the winding lines became road signs. Following this prompt, Alice and her friends walked out of this mechanism.

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