This mechanism is very simple, but it is also based on the premise that Alice has found the notebook.Without this notebook, honestly not many people would go back and pay attention to the ceiling.

"Hmm... There are no other solutions to the traps mentioned in the notebook. Does this mean there are no traps ahead?" Alice asked stupidly, and then immediately received a look of disdain from Vician.

Wei Xi'an said: "Have you ever seen a treasure house with only one mechanism?"

Thinking about it, this seems to be the truth. Alice coughed twice in embarrassment, closed her notepad and followed the "veteran" Visian obediently.

Weisian's career as a thief over the years was indeed not blind. He quickly found several other institutions.These mechanisms also opened the eyes of Alice, who had never seen the market. They found venom traps that could operate underwater, and also found silk threads that could be used as trip mines.

And when they walked some distance deeper, a large group of monsters "fell from the sky" and stood in front of them.

This time Wei Xi'an swept away his shame and quickly distinguished their species.It was a product of dark magic called: Creeping Claws.

Speaking of which, the method of making a creeping claw is extremely simple. You only need to find the severed hand of a murderer and activate it with black magic. Then you will get a claw that is obedient and obedient to you. And a "servant" with extremely high mobility.

Because the raw materials are easy to find (you can almost get the severed hand back at the execution site), there are always a lot of these monsters.According to statistics from an unknown adventurer, he had killed nearly two dozen creeping claws in one day.

Vishian mentioned these things, and now he continued to explain them while grabbing his wrist with the creeping claw and pulling it down.

After his explanation, Alice learned something: the Creeping Claws will not be affected by [Dispel] and [Undead Drive], which means that Alice and Vician cannot directly forcibly rewrite their settings. The command.

On the other hand, the order received by this group of creeping claws is obviously to "kill" the intruders, so there is no way to break out except to completely defeat them.

Finally, and most importantly, there is a certain degree of connection between the creeping claw and its owner. Regardless of whether the severed hand is deprived alive, they will more or less inherit the behavior of the original owner.

The same methods the murderers used to kill people in the first place will now be used to drive out intruders.You know, there are many murderers whose methods are extremely unkind and sometimes extremely cruel.

And when this behavior pattern is "inherited" to the Creeping Claw, it is almost the same as facing the murderer himself for its enemies.

And it's the kind that's been activated by black magic...

"Let me go!" Alice hissed and gasped. The creeping claw that attacked her had obviously had the experience of strangling others.It was very powerful, but Alice managed to escape from its clutches after breaking two of its fingers.

To be honest, her current behavior is a bit cruel. Vician and Caschia glanced at Alice when they heard the sound of broken finger bones.At that time, Alice had a fierce look in her eyes, and she was grabbing the other finger of the creeping claw with an aura of "If you don't die, I will die!"

This made the two men shudder, and they both chose to turn their heads away, pretending that they didn't see anything.

The battle with the Creeping Claws was going well. Broken hands are still broken hands. They couldn't move very fast after all.As long as you figure out their movement tracks and attack them at a faster speed, you can easily catch them all.

This is the case at Alice's feet now. Even though she has an indelible flaw in attack speed, she has now killed nearly five creeping claws.

Those green-skinned severed hands lay crookedly at her feet, and the fingers of some of them were weirdly bent upwards. It looked like they had been violently "twisted"

It was so cruel that the two men present couldn't help but come up with an idea, and that idea was "Don't mess with him."

As for Alice, she actually also has some small thoughts...

Chapter 199 Living Objects


When Alice dealt with the Creeping Claws, she actually had a little bit of caution in mind: it was about Samuel and Bruno.

But don’t get me wrong, it’s not a good thing…

Samuel once appeared in Alice's dream. Not only did he appear, but he also appeared in a half-fruited state.This once cast a shadow on her weak mind, and Bruno's incident made her develop a mysterious hostility towards the "male" species.

No one wants to be chased around the banquet hall by a crazy guy, right?You don’t want to be kidnapped by a white-haired bastard and become your wife, right?

This was the case for Alice. She fiercely opened the fingers of the Creeping Claw, silently hypnotizing her mind that the object under her hands was either someone else's hand, or the hands of those two bastards, Samuel and Bruno.

The more she thought about it, the harder she used her hands. At that time, both Vician and Caschia heard a "click-click" sound coming from her side.

That voice was chilling to the bone. Unfortunately, none of the two men present dared to step forward to stop her, so it wasn't until Alice was done enjoying herself that they found someone to talk to her.

"Uh... shall we continue moving forward?" Vician shrank a little when he said this. He glanced at Alice's feet. Alice's feet were covered with lifeless crawling claws.

Moreover, without exception, the fingers of these creeping claws are all curled up strangely. Anyone who sees this scene will subconsciously feel pain in their fingers.

"Okay!" Alice replied.She was no longer interested in the incapacitated creeping claws, so under Vishian's reminder, she turned her attention again to "getting to the location where the treasure is hidden."

The group of them set off again. A full ten meters away from the wreckage of the Creeping Claws, a second mechanism appeared in front of everyone.

"Ha! The old-fashioned bow and arrow mechanism! It's such a classic..." Visian exaggeratedly reported his findings. He counted the total number of mechanisms he had solved so far, and was surprised to find that the bow and arrow mechanism accounted for a full three-quarters. .

Wei Xi'an curled his lips and bent down to disable the mechanism with a depressed look on his face.While he was working, he complained: "The owner of this maze must be particularly fond of bows and arrows... Could it be that he is an archer?"

"Maybe. But speaking of it, there are not as many agencies here as you think. Don't you think it's strange?" Caschia guessed.

After saying that, he scanned the entire corridor with sharp eyes. They started from the original door and walked all the way in, so far they had reached the third level.

This is a large downward maze. The corridors of the maze are very complicated and very long and narrow, making it impossible for people to immediately determine that the end of the road is a dead end.But there are very few traps on the road, and the most traps are just like what Weisian complained about: they are all bows and arrows.

A few small noises were made, and Wei Xi'an's nimble hands easily dismantled the mechanism.He dismantled the mechanism into several parts and placed them on the ground. He fiddled with the parts for a while, then picked up a few of them and put them in his pocket.

Alice stared at his pocket hesitantly, and asked, "What's the use of these things?"

"You will always have it, and it will always be useful." Weisian did not answer directly, but muttered a few words in a dignified way.He stood up and walked some distance further, followed by his two companions.

When they reached a corner, Wei Xi'an called out for everyone to stop.He noticed something, like something very heavy moving behind the corner.

After sticking his head out for a moment and taking a look inside, Wei Xi'an figured out the origin of the noise.

"It's an activated object. There are a total of...three armors and two long swords." Visian reported what he had discovered.

The five activated objects behind the corner had already begun to walk towards them, and Visian quickly pulled the two people and hid in another aisle.After hiding in the aisle, they saw the objects coming out.

When the activated armor was moving, the steel plates on its body were rubbing together, and the friction sound was mixed with the dull sound of hitting the ground, which made people think that the person in front of them was a fallen knight who was seeking revenge.Although they are a bit cumbersome to move, no one will question their attack power, because the activated armor is usually endowed with at least one magic.

The two long swords floating beside them are the so-called volley swords.The two swords floated freely up and down in the sea water, as if there were invisible hands holding them.

This is the army of animated objects consisting of three pieces of armor and two long swords.

If you want to break through them, apart from dispelling the [Active Spell] given to them, there are only two other ways: "destroy them" and "dodge".

The tracking range of an activated object is usually 60 feet, which is about 20 meters in front of it.No matter which of the above methods is used, one should avoid the front of the activated object, but at this time Alice and her party are in the maze.

Although there are many paths to hide in, when the activated objects walk into the path where they are hiding, and there is a dead end behind doesn't matter how far the enemy detection range is.

After all, it had been discovered.

The volleying sword was the first to break through the air, and it lightly drew a straight line in the sea water to attack Alice.Alice decisively squatted down with her head in her hands, dodging the attack quickly.

The volley sword that missed the attack did not directly hit the wall behind, but accurately stopped not far from Alice, and turned around again to prepare for a second attack.

If someone is really controlling these two swords, it must be someone with superb swordsmanship.

Visian held the dagger to resist the attack of another long sword. His tiger's mouth was numb and he was under great pressure.The long sword is very powerful, and it has the same force whether it is slashing horizontally or vertically.This is impossible for a human swordsman, at least someone like Wei Xi'an who has practiced one-handed sword for five or six years cannot do it.

Seeing this kind of swordsmanship, Wei Xi'an was somewhat envious. He had worked hard to practice swordsmanship well, but now he couldn't compare to two masterless activated weapons.

While Alice and her party were busy dealing with the flying swords flying around, three pieces of activated armor also arrived.

Everyone present heard their heavy footsteps and became alert.Activated armors are much more difficult to deal with than volley swords. Although they move slowly, their durability is eight miles ahead of all activated objects.

It can be said that the revitalized armor is an "immortal knight" that is truly difficult to defeat...


Chapter 200 Imprisoned Woman

The best way to deal with activated armor is to shoot [Magic Grant and Release] on their "face".Alice has to do this, but before she casts the spell, someone must deal with the Volley Sword first.

Those two flying swords are like mosquitoes in summer, constantly harassing you and making you upset.When you want to fight against the activated armor, the Volley Sword will keep attacking you from various angles. However, when you want to interrupt the Volley Sword's attack, it will play with you. The game of cat and mouse.

To escape with one blow, it will hit you first, and then run away far away. Even if you have a good temper and a determined mind, you will focus most of your attention on them.

This creates opportunities for their companions, and the big, lumbering ones have time to strike hard.

This was underwater, and Alice suddenly felt the seawater around her shaking violently. She looked back and saw a big iron fist swinging towards her head.Alice didn't escape completely. It was obvious that jumping in the water wouldn't take you far away from the original flavor. Her stomach took the punch from the living armor instead of her head.

Alice instantly felt as if a hole had been punched in her stomach. Blood mixed with stomach acid rushed out of her throat, and then melted into the sea water.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Alice spat out the filth in her mouth.She was pretty good. The blow did not completely deprive her of her ability to move, and with the help of the [Healing Technique] she subconsciously deployed, she was able to have the strength to stand up again.

Even though her legs were weak and her stomach was in severe pain... she managed to stand up.

Two of the living armors went in the direction of Vician and Caschia, so the only armor left to continue to entangle with Alice was the one from before.

Alice held her hand on the wall and nervously watched the action of the living armor.The armor's right hand was slowly raised, and its gauntlet made of steel plates was clenched into a fist, as if it was about to launch another heavy blow.

"What did Visian say before? [Magic granting and removal]?" Alice tried hard to recall the explanations Visian had given.She rarely uses [Magic Dispel], but its close relative, [Dispel], she often uses.

Fundamentally speaking, these two magics are similar.

The chanting time of [Dispersion Technique] is not long, so the chanting time of the other magic is about the same.Alice struggled to dodge multiple attacks from the living armor, the pain in her body dragging her down and slowing down her spellcasting speed.Only half a meter away from the living armor, Alice started chanting.

When the chanting was completed, a dazzling light was emitted along the staff.The armor trembled several times after being hit by magic, and then fell to the ground scattered.

Looking at the pile of armors that were no longer moving, Alice breathed a sigh of relief, and she understood that [Magic Grant and Release] was indeed useful.Therefore, she turned to casting spells on other living objects.

Alice's magic easily hits the living armor, but it is difficult to hit the volleying sword.

Alice fired several magic bullets, but none of them could hit the volleying sword well. The volleying sword seemed to have eyes and could be perfectly avoided every time.

During the agile confrontation, the magic cast on the living armor took effect again. It took about 1 minute for the magic to recover from its canceled state.

This is undoubtedly bad news for Alice. She now has to seize the time to cast the spell on the living armor again, and then she has to find time to deal with the volleying sword.

After busying for almost half an hour, Alice and her party were panting from exhaustion. Fortunately, they finally found a way to completely defeat the living object.

In the final analysis, it turns out that violence can solve the problem better...


Long after they managed to defeat the living object, Alice and the three of them continued to search for a way out of the maze.They first lay down among the metal fragments on the ground and rested for a while, then dragged their exhausted bodies to the last floor.

This underwater maze has four floors in total, and a large amount of treasure is buried in the deepest part of the fourth floor.

Now, they have reached the last level.

What appeared in front of them was a half-open stone door. The stone door was extremely simple, without any decorations or reliefs on it, only green moss clinging to it.

"Are you ready?" Caschia turned around and asked.Alice and Vician nodded, indicating that they were ready to move forward.

After working together to push the stone door a little wider, enough for three people to pass side by side, Alice and the others took the first step towards the space behind the stone door.

Behind the stone door is a large room with magic lamps that will not go out hanging on the walls.The light emitted by the magic lamp illuminates most of the room, including the person standing in the center of the room.

"This is the imprisoned woman written on the notepad!" Alice lowered her voice and said to her friends.

After hearing this, everyone stood there and carefully observed the rumored woman.

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